NHK Hybridcast making broadcast TV interactive #DigInfo
NHK Hybridcast making broadcast TV interactive #DigInfo
NHK Hybridcast making broadcast TV interactive www.diginfo.tv DigInfo TV - diginfo.tv 22 NHK OPEN HOUSE 2012 NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories, NHK Hybridcast
[2012.04.15] NHK World's Sports Japan: Sumo
[2012.04.15] NHK World's Sports Japan: Sumo
[2012.04.15] NHK World's Sports Japan: Sumo
Japan earthquake and tsunami anniversary: NHK reporter who filmed as she ran from disaster
Japan earthquake and tsunami anniversary: NHK reporter who filmed as she ran from disaster
Video by Glen Milner Ayumi Yanagisawa, a correspondent for the Japanese broadcaster NHK, was working in a tiny seaside town when the earthquake hit. Her first instinct was to pick up her camera.
Welcome to the NHK Trailer
Welcome to the NHK Trailer
Sato's life is going down the drain. A college dropout, he rarely goes outside and sleeps sixteen hours a day. Amidst his internet porn sites, he finds himself falling further into a pit of despair. Sato has now decided that a sinister broadcast company known as "The NHK" is trying to transform its viewers into jobless, societal recluses by showing cutesy anime girls. Unable to resist these charms, innocent victims like Sato are soon too busy watching TV and playing pornographic computer games to pursue a normal life. In his darkest hour, Sato has a chance encounter with a beautiful girl named Misaki, who claims that she can cure him of his perverse ways. Is she really an angel of mercy? Or is she a devilish agent of the NHK? Swimming in a sea of corruption, Sato prepares for the battle of his life. Welcome to the NHK! Contains episodes 1-12.
Liu Wen NHK Interview
Liu Wen NHK Interview
Interview from NHK World's "Leslie Kee's Super Asians". Credit: JoeHsian
NHK joint custody challenge
NHK joint custody challenge
Oct 31st NHK program on international child abduction, joint custody, and the Hague Convention.
goreshit - nhk!?
goreshit - nhk!?
Go here to see goreshit's first ever live gig! www.youtube.com www.youtube.com One of my favorite tracks ever. Enjoy. Taken from "my love feels all wrong" album (2009) goreshit.webs.com
NHK 33 Megapixel 120fps Ultra High Definition imaging system #DigInfo
NHK 33 Megapixel 120fps Ultra High Definition imaging system #DigInfo
NHK 33 Megapixel 120fps Ultra High Definition imaging system www.diginfo.tv DigInfo TV - diginfo.tv 22 NHK OPEN HOUSE 2012 NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories, NHK 120-Hz Super Hi-Vision Image Sensor
Takarazuka NHK Tokyo Eye 2011 part 1
Takarazuka NHK Tokyo Eye 2011 part 1
Item on Takarazuka in Tokyo Eye on NHK World (november 2011). Jason and Danika visit the Takarazuka Theatre in Tokyo and go to see the show 'The man from Algiers/Dance Romanesque' (Moon troupe). They meet with former musumeyaku topstar (Cosmos) Hizuki Hana. They also meet with Ryu Masaki who teaches Jason how to look girls in the eye. Danika goes for a photoshoot as otokoyaku.
Tsunami Hits Japan! Live Footage NHK-World Coverage! 3-11-2011 ~ 2:05EST
Tsunami Hits Japan! Live Footage NHK-World Coverage! 3-11-2011 ~ 2:05EST
EMSC earthquake notification (REVISION) Magnitude 8.8 11/03/2011 05:46 NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN These parameters are preliminary and subject to revisions. For updates, please consult: www.emsc-csem.org A magnitude 8.8 earthquake has occurred NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN at 38.33N 142.40E Depth 30km 11/03/2011 at 05:46:24 (Universal Time) Earthquake location with respect to nearby cities: 97 km E Ishinomaki (pop 117233, local time 14:46:24.4 2011-03-11) 90 km SE Kesennuma (pop 59116, local time 14:46:24.4 2011-03-11) Comments : Manual location disseminated on 11/03/2011 06:35 (UTC) EMSC cannot guarantee the receipt or timeliness of an e-mail after sending. For maps and additional data, please consult: www.emsc-csem.org Links to regional seismological observatories earthquake.usgs.gov This location has been computed thanks to the data provided by the following seismological institutes: BGSG GFZ NEIR SC3 See the full list of data providers at: www.emsc-csem.org This EMSC service is jointly operated by the LDG (Laboratoire de Detection et de Geophysique, Bruyeres-le-Chatel, France) and the IGN (Instituto Geografico Nacional, Madrid, Spain).
Welcome To The NHK - First Impressions Anime Review
Welcome To The NHK - First Impressions Anime Review
Welcome to the NHK anime review / first impressions . sato is a 22 year old hikikomori who is under the delusion that he is subject to a conspiracy by the nhk ---------Disclaimer ---------- "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
Welcome to the NHK opening
Welcome to the NHK opening
Anime: Welcome to the NHK! Song: Puzzle by Round Table Feat
2012年 第17回 NHKマイルカップ GⅠ カレンブラックヒル
2012年 第17回 NHKマイルカップ GⅠ カレンブラックヒル
【勝ち馬プロフィール】 ◆カレンブラックヒル(牡3) 父:ダイワメジャー 母:チャールストンハーバー(Grindstone) 厩舎:平田修(栗東) 馬主:鈴木隆司騎手:秋山真一郎生産牧場:ノーザンファーム通算戦績:4戦4勝(重賞2勝) 12.ニュージーランドT(GⅡ) 12.NHKマイルカップ(GⅠ) 2012年 5月6日 2回東京6日 11R 第17回 NHKマイルカップ GⅠ 芝1600 01着 ⑤ カレンブラックヒル 牡3 57.0 秋山真一郎 1:34.5 02着 ⑰ アルフレード 牡3 57.0 C.ウィリアムズ 3 1/2 03着 ⑫ クラレント 牡3 57.0 小牧太 クビ04着 ⑬ オリービン 牡3 57.0 川田将雅 ハナ05着 ⑨ セイクレットレーヴ 牡3 57.0 横山典弘 クビ06着 ⑭ ジャスタウェイ 牡3 57.0 福永祐一 3/4+ハナ07着 ⑦ ハナズゴール 牝3 55.0 田辺裕信 ハナ08着 ③ レオアクティブ 牡3 57.0 蛯名正義 クビ09着 ⑯ ガンジス 牡3 57.0 藤岡佑介 1 3/4 10着 ⑩ ブライトライン 牡3 57.0 安藤勝己 ハナ11着 ⑱ レオンビスティー 牡3 57.0 内田博幸 2 1/2 12着 ② ネオヴァンクル 牡3 57.0 北村友一 クビ13着 ⑮ サドンストーム 牡3 57.0 勝浦正樹 クビ14着 ⑪ マイネルロブスト 牡3 57.0 松岡正海 2 15着 ① メジャーアスリート 牡3 57.0 池添謙一 1 1/4 16着 ④ モンストール 牡3 57.0 柴田善臣 3/4 中止 ⑥ シゲルスダチ 牡3 57.0 後藤浩輝失格 ⑧ マウントシャスタ 牡3 57.0 岩田康誠単勝 5 370円複勝 5 170円 17 300円 12 1630円枠連 3-8 1210円馬連 5-17 1480円馬単 5-17 2630円ワイド 5-17 760円 5-12 8070円 12-17 12680円3連複 5-12-17 72990円3連単 5-17-12 262580円WIN5 9-13-1-8-5 5568290円(556万8290円 118票的中)
Japan's NHK shows an interactive TV of the future
Japan's NHK shows an interactive TV of the future
TOKYO -- Japan's NHK has developed a TV that watches you watching it. The set uses cameras and microphones to monitor the viewer and take programming cues from them.
フリージャーナリスト神保哲生が指名された直後、NHKは中継を打ち切りスタジオでの解説を始めた。その放送されなかった部分を字幕付きで編集しました。 その後「神保哲生 Dig記者会見の裏側 2011.12.20」にて解説がありました。NHKが故意に打ち切ったというのは、タイミングか重なりそのように視聴者に見えてしまったのではないかということでした。しかし、記者クラブ主催の記者会見の執り行われ方、中継の扱い方に問題はまだ多く残されています。ぜひこちらも合わせてご覧頂ければと思います。 神保哲生 Dig記者会見の裏側 2011.12.20 www.youtube.com またOpenMindVision様にご厚意で英語字幕を制作して頂きました。 English subtitles by OpenMindVison www.youtube.com