Interview with Montana Senator Max Baucus
Mark Holyoak sat down with Montana Senator Max Baucus to talk to him about jobs, the econo...
published: 10 Sep 2011
author: markvholyoak
Interview with Montana Senator Max Baucus
Mark Holyoak sat down with Montana Senator Max Baucus to talk to him about jobs, the economy, his role on the super committee and his take on President Obama's 2011 jobs bill.
NPC Luncheon with Senator Max Baucus and Representative Nancy Pelosi
At a National Press Club Luncheon Sen. Baucus and Rep. Pelosi debate the possibility of re...
published: 15 May 2012
author: PressClub1908
NPC Luncheon with Senator Max Baucus and Representative Nancy Pelosi
At a National Press Club Luncheon Sen. Baucus and Rep. Pelosi debate the possibility of revoking the MFN status of China, as well as the China Most Favored Nation question. Baucus supports the extension of MFN, while Pelosi advocates for revoking MFN.
Max Baucus
Sen. Max Baucus stands against 76% of Americans on Health Care while taking millions in do...
published: 28 Jul 2009
author: MagnoliaTxCowboy
Max Baucus
Sen. Max Baucus stands against 76% of Americans on Health Care while taking millions in donations from the Health Industry and Lobbyists. www.americaforpurchase.com
Hold Max Baucus Accountable
HealthCareCantWait.com Bing Perrine...
published: 26 Sep 2009
author: BoldProgressives
Hold Max Baucus Accountable
HealthCareCantWait.com Bing Perrine
Max Baucus on Obamacare's hidden agenda - redistribution of wealth
Senator Max Baucs addresses what Obamacare really is about after the Democrats passed the ...
published: 25 Mar 2010
author: generalissimodp
Max Baucus on Obamacare's hidden agenda - redistribution of wealth
Senator Max Baucs addresses what Obamacare really is about after the Democrats passed the "fix" bill and sent it back to the House.
Max Baucus Screws Over The American Public
headzup.tv Montana Senator Max Baucus votes against the public option in the Senate Financ...
published: 30 Sep 2009
author: headzup
Max Baucus Screws Over The American Public
headzup.tv Montana Senator Max Baucus votes against the public option in the Senate Finance committee, and screw over the American public. Read more about it here-- http Download daily Catch and Release Comedy™ political cartoons to your mobile phone or iPod at www.headzup.tv
Bill Moyers on Max Baucus and Senate health insurance reform bill
BILL MOYERS: You know from the news that early next week the Senate Finance Committee is e...
published: 10 Oct 2009
author: ladybird1953
Bill Moyers on Max Baucus and Senate health insurance reform bill
BILL MOYERS: You know from the news that early next week the Senate Finance Committee is expected to vote on its version of health care reform. And therein lies another story of money and politics. Polls show the overwhelming majority of Americans favor a non-profit alternative -- like Medicare -- that would give the private health insurance industry some competition. But if so many Americans and the President himself want that public option, how come we're not getting one? Because, the medicine has been poisoned from day one, in part because of that same revolving door that Congresswoman Kaptur and Simon Johnson were just talking about. Movers and shakers rotate between government and the lucrative private sector at a speed so dizzying they forget who they're working for.
Senator Max Baucus questions AMA's role in setting reimbursement rates for doctors
published: 15 Jun 2012
author: greatdoctorstv
Senator Max Baucus questions AMA's role in setting reimbursement rates for doctors
Health Care Reform Newsmaker Series: Sen. Max Baucus
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, appeared as the first...
published: 03 Mar 2009
author: kaiserfoundation
Health Care Reform Newsmaker Series: Sen. Max Baucus
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, appeared as the first guest in a new series of Health Care Reform newsmaker briefings sponsored by the Kaiser Family Foundation, Families USA and the National Federation of Independent Business. The reporters-only briefings, designed to inform the public about prospects and options for health reform, feature a short presentation by an influential leader followed by an extended question-and-answer session.
Senator Max Baucus Sweet Talks TSA Security
In a time when elderly women's diapers are checked for bombs, and under age children a...
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: AlaskaFreeman
Senator Max Baucus Sweet Talks TSA Security
In a time when elderly women's diapers are checked for bombs, and under age children are patted down for airport contraband. It's hard to believe that anyone could get through Transportation Security Administration security check points with some of notorious items that have been banned from all US flights. However, in a Montana airport, Senator Max Baucus of the State Montana, a democrat, did just that.
Max Baucus Quotes
What was your favorite Max Baucus quote? 'Like' and leave a comment below, then ju...
published: 26 Mar 2012
author: quotetank
Max Baucus Quotes
What was your favorite Max Baucus quote? 'Like' and leave a comment below, then jump over to quotetank.com and make a list of your favorites, so you'll never forget! We update our Twitter and Facebook with new quotes every few minutes, don't miss out! twitter.com | www.facebook.com If you enjoyed these quotes, please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! Who is Max Baucus? The senior United States Senator from Montana and a member of the Democratic Party.
Baucus Rails against Wasteful GSA Spending
Hearing Statement of Montana Senator Max Baucus Environment and Public Works Committee: &q...;
published: 18 Apr 2012
author: SenatorBaucus
Baucus Rails against Wasteful GSA Spending
Hearing Statement of Montana Senator Max Baucus Environment and Public Works Committee: "Oversight Hearing on the General Services Administration (GSA)." (as prepared for delivery) Thank you, Chairman Boxer, for holding this important oversight hearing. Thomas Jefferson summarized the basic principle of public service, saying: "When a man assumes a public trust he should consider himself a public property." I am offended by the abuse of taxpayer dollars that we have seen here. I am offended for myself, but more importantly I am offended for my constituents whose tax dollars were misused here. That includes the many hard-working public employees in Montana who commit day-in and day-out to a culture of service. • Just yesterday, 145 members of the Montana National Guard deployed to Afghanistan. It is remarkable to think that $800000 blown on GSA's Western Regions Conference could provide these troops, all 145 of them and their families, with enrollment in the TRICARE Prime program for 12 years. • Two weeks ago, I was in Great Falls, Montana meeting with the ranchers and farmers who get dirt under their nails every day to put food on our tables. They were working hard to find ways to Sacrifice In The Next Farm Bill To help solve our Nation's debt, while news was spreading about mind readers and lavish entertainment in Vegas for GSA. • Then I traveled out to Eastern Montana, to places like Sidney where they desperately need more resources to deal with the population boom from <b>...</b>
Senator Max Baucus discusses Healthcare Reform
Clark Newhall asks Senator Max Baucus about single-payer healthcare. Footage taken at the ...
published: 06 Feb 2009
author: 1PayerHealth
Senator Max Baucus discusses Healthcare Reform
Clark Newhall asks Senator Max Baucus about single-payer healthcare. Footage taken at the 2009 National Health Policy Conference.
Baucus Urges Quick Action to Support Highway Jobs
Opening Statement of Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus On the Senate's Surface Tra...
published: 08 May 2012
author: SenatorBaucus
Baucus Urges Quick Action to Support Highway Jobs
Opening Statement of Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus On the Senate's Surface Transportation Bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century, May 8, 2012 Chairman Boxer, thank you for your leadership. I spent last week at home with the people I work for. And my Montana bosses sent me back with one clear priority: jobs. The Flathead Valley in Northwestern Montana is a tourism hub and an interstate and international trade corridor. It's also home to Montana's highest unemployment rate. On Thursday, I sat down with business leaders, local officials, and contractors to discuss the Kalispell Bypass. This truck thoroughfare skirts west around town, allowing traffic to move more efficiently from surrounding communities. That means easier access for trucks moving goods that support American jobs. Less time for tourists sitting in their cars and more time spending money at local businesses. And, dozens of construction jobs in a community that needs them. Construction season has started. Fourteen thousand Montana jobs and 1.6 million jobs across America depend on this Highway Bill. The bipartisan Senate bill received a unanimous vote from the Environment and Public Works Committee's 18 urban, rural, western, eastern, northern, southern, progressive and conservative Senators. And, 75 percent of the Senate supported it. It provides certainty communities need to plan and begin construction. And it invests in highway jobs, without adding a dime to the deficit. In fact, our <b>...</b>
Senator Max Baucus Drunk Intoxicated on Senate Floor Shouts Down Wicker
published: 10 Jan 2010
author: PatriotHub
Senator Max Baucus Drunk Intoxicated on Senate Floor Shouts Down Wicker
Debt Reduction Committee: Update from Max
October 27, 2011 Fellow Montanans, We are at a pivotal moment in history. Here at home and...
published: 27 Oct 2011
author: SenatorBaucus
Debt Reduction Committee: Update from Max
October 27, 2011 Fellow Montanans, We are at a pivotal moment in history. Here at home and all across Europe, economies are struggling under mounting debt. The world is watching to see what America will do. It's up to us to show the world that America can rise to this challenge and lead by example. That's what we're trying to do on the debt committee. We are meeting day in and day out, burning the midnight oil to find solutions to get our debt under control. As I'm working, I am fueled by the words of Montanans, who've told me over and over again: Max, get it done. There is no doubt that getting it done will include serious spending cuts. And a balanced solution should also include revenue measures to make sure everyone is chipping in their fair share. As we examine spending on the committee, we think about it in two categories. The first is mandatory spending. As the name suggests, mandatory spending accounts for programs that are required by law like Medicare. The second category, which I want to talk more about today, is called discretionary spending. Discretionary spending is the money we choose to spend on additional priorities from year to year. Discretionary spending includes important programs for Montana like highway construction. But, more than half of discretionary spending is for defense. And a big chunk of that half goes towards the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Last week marked the 10th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. As we take stock of the <b>...</b>
Max Baucus Facts
A brief biography of US Senator Max Baucus, Montana Democrat....
published: 04 Dec 2011
author: brieflings
Max Baucus Facts
A brief biography of US Senator Max Baucus, Montana Democrat.
Max Baucus, Author of the HEALTH BILL concedes, not all Senators can understand it!
published: 17 Dec 2009
author: DoNotTread0nMe
Max Baucus, Author of the HEALTH BILL concedes, not all Senators can understand it!
Grassley Urges IRS Action on Whistleblower Cases, Secures Baucus Support for Complete IRS Responses
At a Finance Committee hearing this morning, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa expressed concern...
published: 08 May 2012
author: SenChuckGrassley
Grassley Urges IRS Action on Whistleblower Cases, Secures Baucus Support for Complete IRS Responses
At a Finance Committee hearing this morning, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa expressed concern over the Internal Revenue Service's delays in processing the whistleblower claims used to identify big-dollar tax fraud. Grassley is concerned that the IRS' slow progress already is discouraging whistleblowers with valuable information from coming forward, to the detriment of US taxpayers. He wrote his latest in a series of letters to the agency on this topic last week after learning that the IRS whistleblower office director attended a conference in Miami, when the director's time might have been better spent reviewing whistleblower cases. Grassley is the author of expanded tax whistleblower incentives enacted in 2006 that echo incentives he co-authored in 1986 as amendments to the federal False Claims Act. The 1986 whistleblower provisions have recovered more than $30 billion to the US Treasury that otherwise would have been lost to fraud. Grassley said the IRS needs to better settle its whistleblower issues in order to achieve the same kind of success on behalf of honest taxpayers. In addition, the committee chairman, Sen. Max Baucus, reminded Treasury officials of his support for Grassley's receiving complete, timely responses to his inquiries.
The Face Of Max Baucus
Seeing the humanity in Montana Senator Max Baucus on health care refom...
published: 07 Jul 2009
author: Stranahan
The Face Of Max Baucus
Seeing the humanity in Montana Senator Max Baucus on health care refom
Senator Max Baucus Talks Farm Bill, Monuments with Northern Ag Network
Senator Max Baucus held the "first of many" 2012 Farm Bill listening sessions in...
published: 22 Mar 2011
author: NorthernAgNetwork
Senator Max Baucus Talks Farm Bill, Monuments with Northern Ag Network
Senator Max Baucus held the "first of many" 2012 Farm Bill listening sessions in Forsyth on Monday.