What Are Universities For?
What Are Universities For?
Distinguished academic, author and critic Professor Stefan Collini dissects the real purpose of higher education with Professor Paul O'Prey, vice-chancellor, Roehampton University. Listen to the podcast of the full event including audience Q&A: www.thersa.org Our events are made possible with the support of our Fellowship. Support us by donating or applying to become a Fellow. Donate: www.thersa.org Become a Fellow: www.thersa.org
German Vs American Universities
German Vs American Universities
Kate from Central Michigan University went to Germany (University of Flensburg ) to pursue her Master's Degree in European Studies (which is about politics in the EU) because the cost of education and healthcare are significantly lower than in America. Ana Kasparian and Jayar Jackson break it down. Watch more Kate: www.youtube.com
Drones hit American universities
Drones hit American universities
We are drawing close to the end of the school year and millions of high school seniors will be moving on to college. Across America, several universities are adding drones degrees to their curriculum. The Federal Aviation Administration has already approved 25 universities to fly drones in its airspace, and Amie Stepanovich, a member of the National Security Council for the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), joins us for more. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com
What Are Universities For?
What Are Universities For?
Universities have been valued as important places of higher learning for centuries. But as the economy continues to struggle, should these institutions focus more on the needs of the workplace rather than building minds?
UK Universities Easier than US Colleges? Drama!
UK Universities Easier than US Colleges? Drama!
Will, an American student studying abroad in the United Kingdom, says that universities there are much easier than the college experience he's had in the USA. His argument - tests are easier (or nonexistent), students don't go to class, and they take fewer classes. Drama! Ana and John debate if there's something to Will's argument. [Spoiler: We think its totally dependent on which University you're looking at.] What do you think? Are schools in the UK academically easier than in the USA? Or is Will just seeing things from one perspective? Does the different academic philosophies in different countries matter here? Let us know! And if you liked this video, "like" it as well! :) Subscribe to TYT U for more videos:www.youtube.com Submit a video to TYT U! We love hearing from students and faculty www.youtube.com Follow us on twitter! twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com
Differences Between Public and Private Universities
Differences Between Public and Private Universities
When choosing a college, its important that you know the differences between public and private universities. Chris sent us a video asking for us to summarize the difference so he can better understand how to choose a college. Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola go over the major points on TYT University. Are there any other major differences Chris should consider when deciding between public and private universities? Let us know! And if you liked this video, "like" it as well! :) Subscribe to TYT U for more videos:www.youtube.com Submit a video to TYT U! We love hearing from students and faculty www.youtube.com Follow us on twitter! twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com
Does Size Matter? Pros and Cons of Different Size Universities
Does Size Matter? Pros and Cons of Different Size Universities
We already have enough things to worry about when it comes to deciding where we should go to college. One of the biggest worries, perhaps, is whether we should go to a large or small college. Jeff has advice concerning small colleges - take a look! Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks and John Iadarola discuss on TYT University. What do you think about the differences between small and large colleges? Are there advantages to either that we missed in this video? Do you have advice for students thinking about where to go to college? Let us know! And if you liked this video, hit that Share button and "like" it as well! :) Subscribe to TYT U for more videos:www.youtube.com Submit a video to TYT U! We love hearing from students and faculty www.youtube.com Follow us on twitter! twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com
Universities' Role in Entrepreneurship
Universities' Role in Entrepreneurship
A live "Office Hours" conversation with Kimberly Jenkins, the university's senior adviser to the president and provost for innovation and entrepreneurship. She is joined by Duke senior Sidney Primas. David Jarmul, Duke's associate vice president of news and communications, conducts the interview. Learn more at entrepreneurship.duke.edu.
Going Global 2012 - Global problems: what universities should do
Going Global 2012 - Global problems: what universities should do
This session takes on big questions from UK and US perspectives. A case study from De Montfort University looks at initiatives devoted to community engagement locally and in Japan. These include the Square Mile and Go Green projects. They are exportable and premised on the belief that universities are public goods that should go beyond delivering an education product and contribute to creating global citizenry. The University of Edinburgh Global Academies network is used to explore how universities can contribute to global challenges as the 2015 deadline for the UN Millennium Development Goals approaches. These goals include poverty and child mortality eradication, universal primary education, gender equality, disease control and sustainable development. It is argued that these challenges are not organised around the academic disciplines that define universities. Developing coherent responses is not, therefore, straightforward. The third presentation proposes a new 'transnational and transformational curriculum' as a means addressing these problems. Climate change, inequality of food distribution, and the shrinkage of habitable zones on the planet will have a negative impact unless we reshape curricula, and thereby our thinking, to respond appropriately. The new approach draws on the tenets of deep ecology, historical analysis, the reframing of competition and the reimagining of technology.
ICJ - Discovering French Universities Investing in Reform
ICJ - Discovering French Universities Investing in Reform
I believe that giving autonomy to universities means saying to universities: "You are no longer dependent on the government every day in all your decisions, but instead you can take on real responsibilities. We trust you. Universities must take advantage of their newfound autonomy. This implies a lot of change. Something else which boosts their confidence is, objectively, the exceptional financial effort which has been made for them. The fact that university subsidies have increased considerably, that there were no job cuts when there have been job cuts in all other State sectors, the fact that a large loan allows 22 billion euros to be devoted to future projects suggested by universities, staff and researchers. For France it would be a splendid achievement to succeed in devoting all our efforts, all our investment to research, to young people. It would be wonderful to draw on all of this research potential and tie it in with the potential of our companies in order to create wealth and employment. All of this requires an enormous communication and cooperation effort. The key is team work, both within and between universities and the socioeconomic world in general. Our strengths will become evident when everyone works together. I have the feeling that a vast majority of our universities in the academic community support this project because all our colleagues have understood that the world changed over the last few decades, that universities and the world of higher <b>...</b>
Brighton and Sussex Universities WAVES CHEERLEADING SOCIETY
Brighton and Sussex Universities WAVES CHEERLEADING SOCIETY
This promotional video has been entered into the RBS ESSA society competition. Brighton and Sussex Waves are a competitive cheer squad who currently hold both National and International Champions titles, whilst also being a loyal Game Day Squad who cheer for the Brighton Tsunami American Football team. The squad is a friendly, diverse and active society that is open to people of all abilities. (As featured on Coach Trip!) For more information and a full list of our results from the past three years: www.sussexstudent.com Our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com Video created by Jessica Kellgren-Hayes, MissJessicaKH
Fair Trade Universities
Fair Trade Universities
Could your school be the next Fair Trade University in America?
Censorship in the Ivory Tower: Colleges and Universities are Killing Free Speech
Censorship in the Ivory Tower: Colleges and Universities are Killing Free Speech
You will be shocked to know what colleges are censoring on campus. First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff from thefire.org talks to Glenn Reynolds about efforts by colleges and universities to kill free speech. Hear what happened when a University of Wisconsin Stout professor put a poster on his door with a quote from the TV show Firefly.
Video message to South African Universities by the Dalai Lama
Video message to South African Universities by the Dalai Lama
Video message to South African Universities by the Dalai Lama
Liberal Universities explained
Liberal Universities explained
A liberal explains how professors should encourage students to become liberals. Watch more conversations with a liberal at: battlefield315.com
Universities Vs Poor Students
Universities Vs Poor Students
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Trends of Globalization: Some Perspectives from Asian Universities
Trends of Globalization: Some Perspectives from Asian Universities
"Trends of Globalization: Some Perspectives from Asian Universities" Moderated by President Ruth Simmons Participants: Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, Tsinghua University Matthew Gutmann, Vice President for International Affairs; Professor of Anthropology Franco Preparata, An Wang Professor of Computer Science Lingzhen Wang, Associate Professor of East Asian Studies Globalization or internationalization has been a growing trend among institutions of higher learning around the whole world. Today's panel anticipates the future growth in globalization among all leading universities of the world. This panel discussion will explore higher education systems in both the United States and Asia. How can we work together? What kinds of partnerships are possible? In this increasingly globalized world, we will examine the characteristics that constitute a leading university, and contemplate how such institutions should be evaluated in the future.
CUTTC at The European Universities Table Tennis Championships 2011
CUTTC at The European Universities Table Tennis Championships 2011
Cambridge University Table Tennis Club (CUTTC) take on the rest of Europe in the EUSA Table Tennis Championships in Madeira, 2011. The team consists of Wing Yung Chan (Captain, Trinity College), Shaun Hall (Churchill College) and Hamish Yeung (St. Catherine's College).
Riz Khan - UK universities and radical Islam
Riz Khan - UK universities and radical Islam
In this edition of the Riz Khan show we speak with Professor Anthony Glees who claims that dozens of Britain's universities have become bases for known terrorists.
Hiddenbed Splendid and Universities
Hiddenbed Splendid and Universities
Short 3D demonstration of the Hiddenbed Splendid model and the potential the University combination furniture model has in housings.
euronews learning world - Prestigious universities
euronews learning world - Prestigious universities
In this edition of Learning World we take a look at higher education - and in particular some of the names that are synonymous with prestige and academic excellence. First we visit Yale, one of the oldest universities in the United States, and one of the most famous in the world. Twenty US presidents studied there, and graduates are on average among the highest earners. "www.yale.edu":www.yale.edu ... http