
How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator
How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator
How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator with 92pixels.com Need Logo like this? Contact http only $50 to start your custom logo. Please follow us at facebook and twitter Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com And guys Track name is "I'm feeling lucky"

Photoshop CS5: Glossy Blue Logo Tutorial
Photoshop CS5: Glossy Blue Logo Tutorial
aquul.com - facebook.com - twitter.com - www.aquul.com for PSD templates! Incl. Logos, Icons, YouTube Channel Backgrounds + more! New UPDATED logo tutorial: youtu.be Photoshop CS6 show: www.youtube.com Create and make a cool glossy logo in Photoshop CS5, CS4, CS3, or even the new Photoshop CS6! This tutorial, we will be making a glossy blue logo, I will be showing you how to make this logo in Adobe Photoshop CS5. Check out my UPDATED logo tutorial: www.youtube.com Download the PSD and other Photoshop Templates: www.aquul.com BIRTH OF A HERO font download: www.dafont.com -- Subscribe! -- www.youtube.com -- Video Editing and Design Forums -- aquul.com -- Visit my website - free intro templates! -- www.aquul.com -- Like me on Facebook! -- www.facebook.com -- Follow me on Twitter! -- www.twitter.com

How to Design a Logo
How to Design a Logo
Want more? Check out my graphic design playlist: www.youtube.com Logo Design Love: www.logodesignlove.com www.logodesignlove.com www.davidairey.com Check out my website: karenkavett.com Follow me on Twitter twitter.com Subscribe to my second channel: youtube.com Add me on Tumblr: karenkavett.tumblr.com Thanks for watching!

Adobe Illustrator Logo Design
Adobe Illustrator Logo Design
www.pixelforlife.com In this tutorial we go through the steps to create a basic logo using Adobe Illustrator. Be sure to check out the newest logo design tutorial here: www.youtube.com

Chermayeff & Geismar logos animation
Chermayeff & Geismar logos animation
logo transform animation

New Universal Logo - Logos Through Time - 100th Anniversary (2012) HD
New Universal Logo - Logos Through Time - 100th Anniversary (2012) HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: bit.ly New Universal Logo - Through Time - 100th Anniversary (2012) HD Celebrating 100 years of cinematic excellence. Universal will unleash their brand new logo with The Lorax. Trivia: The previous Universal Logo premiered with The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) and has been their staple for 15 years. "universal logo" "universal intro" "universal globe" "universal world" "universal studios" "universal pictures" "movie intro" movie clips movieclips movieclipstrailers popuptrailer

Make the logo BIGGER!
Make the logo BIGGER!
Music Clip for anyone involved i graphics. Orignal song is from "Burn Back"

Yet another edit of the retro-futuristic motion logos
Yet another edit of the retro-futuristic motion logos
This video was compiled as research for the intro sequence for an upcoming project, FeedBlast: rndparty.com

How to design a logo fast
How to design a logo fast
Need a logo to brand a project or event? Try this.

Fresh Impressions on Brandmarks (from my 5-year-old)
Fresh Impressions on Brandmarks (from my 5-year-old)
A fun Sunday project with my daughter on brand logos. Follow - twitter.com Visit - www.ladd-design.com Read - http Song: Eden by Phil Wickham

Complete Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator
Complete Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator
www.pixelforlife.com In this lesson we learn how to create a pretty complex logo design in Adobe Illustrator. We start off with a quick sketch, and then use that as a blueprint in Illustrator. All of these techniques can be copied and used in Adobe Photoshop as well. Be sure to check out www.pixelforlife.com for the lesson files.

The Animator's Survival Kit Logo!!
The Animator's Survival Kit Logo!!
The full colour version with audio! Get it while it's fresh!! :-) Just announced on www.theanimatorssurvivalkit.com, the Animator's Survival Kit Animated is a 16 DVD box set from animation master Richard Williams! The website is online now: www.theanimatorssurvivalkit.com

About Logo
About Logo
It's 1983 and children used Atari Logo in a California school. See logothings.wikispaces.com

How to Design a Logo using Adobe Illustrator -Tutorial
How to Design a Logo using Adobe Illustrator -Tutorial
www.mlwebco.com - In this video tutorial, I walk you through the steps for designing a logo using Adobe Illustrator. In the video, I demonstrate how to go about choosing the right font type, tips for combining letters and manipulating colors for proper contrast as well as demonstrate how to design an icon using the vector pen tool. Enjoy! Download work file here www.mlwebco.com If you have any questions, send me an email at mlocke@mlwebco.com. Visit www.mlwebco.com for more video tutorials and web related content.

Do you really need a logo?
Do you really need a logo?
Kathy Thomas is a babysitter --- for pets. Her friend designed a logo for her, but does she really need one?

The origin of the BMW logo
The origin of the BMW logo
Inside white and blue. Bordered in black. On it the letters BMW. For more than 90 years this is the symbol for sheer driving pleasure. But how was this logo developed? We set out on a search for clues.

No Logo (Full HQ)
No Logo (Full HQ)
In the age of the brand, logos are everywhere. But why do some of the world's best-known brands find themselves on the wrong end of the spray paint can -- the targets of anti-corporate campaigns by activists and protesters? No Logo, based on the best-selling book by Canadian journalist and activist Naomi Klein, reveals the reasons behind the backlash against the increasing economic and cultural reach of multinational companies. Analyzing how brands like Nike, The Gap, and Tommy Hilfiger became revered symbols worldwide, Klein argues that globalization is a process whereby corporations discovered that profits lay not in making products (outsourced to low-wage workers in developing countries), but in creating branded identities people adopt in their lifestyles.