
Masterchef Synesthesia - Swede Mason
Masterchef Synesthesia - Swede Mason
editing doesn't get tougher than this biscuit bass t-shirt www.zergtees.com Massive thanks to everyone that bought it. It got to 37. www.amazon.co.uk itunes.apple.com www.facebook.com

All Your Base Are Belong To Us
All Your Base Are Belong To Us
All Your Base Are Belong To Us. The game is Zero Wing Read all about it here en.wikipedia.org

Wingsuit Base Jumping
Wingsuit Base Jumping
---- 1st song: Contact - Violence | 2nd: JDiz Organ & Sackcloth Fashion - Under Man (Instrumental) (watch?v=gOitVxRMGuc) ---- If you find the first song on Youtube, iTunes or somewhere else, could you please send me a personal message so I can add it to the description? Many people ask for this song. Thx ;)

Ultimate Base Jump
Ultimate Base Jump
National Geographic Adventure Magazine presents the 2009 Adventurers of the Year, including Dean Potter. Watch as he leaps off the Eiger for the world's longest BASE jump. Vote for your favorite adventurer here: adventure.nationalgeographic.com

Wingsuit Base Jumps in HD
Wingsuit Base Jumps in HD
goo.gl Click here for some crazy new wingsuit & base jumps! A mind blowing wingsuit jump from the new posing productions film! The X-Treme Channel features awesome extreme sports action from all over the world! Subscribe To X-Treme Here: goo.gl Website: www.x-tremevideo.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com

Battlefield 3 EPIC 32 Man Base Jump
Battlefield 3 EPIC 32 Man Base Jump
Like/Favourite this epic Battlefield 3 video if you enjoyed it :) Hard work to organise! Join/Fan our BF3 platoon! battlelog.battlefield.com Share it please! clicktotweet.com Created by us (TheHazardCinema) and www.youtube.com Music: Shockwave Sound (composer: Pierre Gerwig Langer) - Call For Heroes www.shockwave-sound.com For all those wondering, this is the map, "Damavand Peak" on the gametype, "Rush". This was done on PC. Thank you so much to everyone who helped! I can't list everyone here but thanks very much, especially to those who recorded themselves and submitted some of these fantastic camera angles! This was not easy to organise, especially when you get those idiots who think it would be funny to grenade the huge gathering of 16 on the other team -_- Thank you so much though! We finished what I wanted to do! - For more videos subscribe here www.youtube.com - fragtastics www.youtube.com - Check out our sponsor Steelseries on: www.youtube.com www.SteelSeries.com http -Tom

Acid Base Introduction
Acid Base Introduction
Arrhenius, Bronsted Lowry, and Lewis Acids and Bases.

Rob Base DJ EZ Rock It Takes Two Official Music Video 1988 iViewTube com3
Rob Base DJ EZ Rock It Takes Two Official Music Video 1988 iViewTube com3

D3: Base Stat Mechanics
D3: Base Stat Mechanics
www.twitch.tv If you still doubt that Diablo 3 has an insane balancing engine behind it, this video should convince you otherwise. In the video I go over all the mechanics of the base stats (or attributes), and how they affect each other. I hope that with this information you guys can make informed decisions when evaluating gear. To clarify the vitality comment: it seems to me that vitality is a very lackluster stat that will sometimes replace more useful affixes on items. While vitality is a good stat for a barb, it is quite poor for the other classes. Rate, comment, and subscribe!

Douggs and his friends BASE jumping from the elevator of Hotel Bali from Benidorm in Spain
Douggs and his friends BASE jumping from the elevator of Hotel Bali from Benidorm in Spain
For media and press inquires or footage request please contact Carlos at carlospedro40@hotmail.com and Douggs at douggs@basedreams.com Credits goes to Douggs, Carlos and Dario !!!

Halo: Reach - Oni Sword Base Easter Egg "Reach Racer"
Halo: Reach - Oni Sword Base Easter Egg "Reach Racer"
Geoff, Jack, and Kerry show you how to activate a very cool new Easter Egg in Oni: Sword Base in the Halo Reach campaign. Hitting two invisible switches at the same time will activate a very cool racing game called "Reach Racer."

Soul Flyers - FreeFly BASE 2011
Soul Flyers - FreeFly BASE 2011
The Soul Flyers Fred Fugen, Vince Reffet and Jean-Phi Teffaud are back with more FreeFly BASE from 2011. Some tracking action in Switzerland, and more FreeFly moves in Norway: 3 way head down star flipping to head up, 4 way head down carving, and the famous "head to head"!! Featuring Havard Flaat and Kristian Moxnes from Team Skywalkers Editing: Philippe Ducros Check this out and show it around! Follow the Soul Flyers on Facebook: www.facebook.com

Blooming 18 - Ace of Base
Blooming 18 - Ace of Base
Blooming 18 - Ace of Base Finally got it up ^__^ I also managed to change the font, so you can actually read it now ^__^ Lyrics: Reality reality reality is always Reality reality reality is always Reality reality reality is always Reality reality reality You tattoed yourself...

Guillaume Nery base jumping at Dean's Blue Hole, filmed on breath hold by Julie Gautier
Guillaume Nery base jumping at Dean's Blue Hole, filmed on breath hold by Julie Gautier
FREE FALL: World champion freediver Guillaume Nery special dive at Dean's Blue Hole, the deepest blue hole in the world filmed entirely on breath hold by the french champion Julie Gautier. This video is a FICTION and an ARTISTIC PROJECT. Edited by BLUENERY (c). Music: ARCHIVE - you make me feel.

Wingsuit BASE Jumping - Shane Murphy - Adrenaline Geeks
Wingsuit BASE Jumping - Shane Murphy - Adrenaline Geeks
Shane Murphy Wingsuit BASE Jumping 2010 - Adrenaline Geeks. It was a bad weather year so we didn't have as much fun as usual but here are a few lines I flew over in europe durring the season. Thanks to all of my friends who have made these jumps possible, the best part about BASE jumping is the people you share the adventure with and I am grateful to hangout with the best of the best people, keep rocking guys and see you soon! More action at www.adrenalinegeeks.com Special thanks to www.icaro2000.com - Helmets http - Wingsuits www.gopro.com - Cameras http - Base Rigs www.apexbase.com - Canopies

GoPro HD HERO camera: Base Jump Movie
GoPro HD HERO camera: Base Jump Movie
Learn about the new GoPro HD HERO® camera at gopro.com. GoPro's HD Helmet HERO® camera shoots with such clarity you may develop a visceral need to strap on a parachute and follow Neil Amonson off a cliff. Shot in 960p (1280x960) HD resolution. 960p is a 4 aspect ratio, which means you're going to see 25% more top/bottom viewing area than you do with 16:9 widescreen aspect ratios. Both are killer, but in the case of this base jumping movie, 960p shows more of the cliff as its passing underneath, and more of the scenery above and below. 16:9 would look good, too...just not as immersive.

ACE OF BASE - "Change With The Light" - AOB Fan Vid
ACE OF BASE - "Change With The Light" - AOB Fan Vid
A TRIBUTE TO THE *Original* ACE OF BASE - LINN, JENNY, JONAS, & ULF! This is a compliation of all their music videos. The song is off of their 2002 4th album - "Da Capo" Lyrics: Change with the light Turn, turn, turn around Change with the light Change with the light Smile on...