
Autopsy - Disembowel
Autopsy - Disembowel
an other vid for the great band autopsy! enjoy! Lyrics : Here I sit surrounded by white My arms wrapped around my back real tight What did I do that was so worng that I had to pay I don't think anyones gonna miss her anyway I just couldn't take anymore shit So with a swing of my knife her stomach was split Putrid bile and guts al over the floor Couldn't help but laugh at this vision of gore Severed flesh began to expel blood The stench of defecation as I cut Shoved my hand into the gaping slice As you tried to emit gurgling cries Intestines on the ground Guts removed Disebowel Twitching....Violently Dying....In agony Blood....Comes flowing forth Eyes....No longer see Severed flesh began to expel blood The stench of defecation as I cut Shoved my hand into the gaping slice As you tried to emit gurgling cries Intestines on the ground Guts removed Disembowel !

Most Shocking Autopsies- Almond Smell
Most Shocking Autopsies- Almond Smell
For more, visit health.discovery.com What is that strange smell that tips off the medical examiner telling him that this might not be a simple case?

Missing JFK Autopsy Photo Found - JFK Autopsy Part I
Missing JFK Autopsy Photo Found - JFK Autopsy Part I
Crucial Missing JFK Autopsy Photo Has Been Found, But Part Of It Is Missing

CREEPER AUTOPSY [minecraft claymation]
CREEPER AUTOPSY [minecraft claymation]
Dr. Ross performs a top secret government autopsy on a CREEPER from the popular game Minecraft. website: leehardcastle.com twitter twitter.com facebook: facebook.com

The Faceless - An Autopsy
The Faceless - An Autopsy
An Autopsy performed by "The Faceless" Not sure if there is already an official video for this but here is the official song.

Virtual autopsies
Virtual autopsies
The virtual autopsy is one of the greatest advances in forensic medicine in the past hundred years. With the aid of three-dimensional X-ray techniques, virtual and bloodless autopsies are now being performed on suspected victims of crime. CMIV (the Centre for Medical Image Science and Visualisation) at Linköping University Hospital, NVIS (Norrköpings Visualisation and Interaction Studio) and the National Board of Forensic Medicine in Linköping are world leaders in the field of virtual autopsies. This project is part of the Swedish Visualisation research programme. Behind the programme are the Knowledge Foundation, the Foundation for Strategic Research, Vinnova, Vårdalstiftelsen (the Foundation for Health Care Sciences and Allergy Research) and the Invest in Sweden Agency. A total of SEK 85 million is being invested over five years. www.kks.se

Autopsy - Dark Crusade
Autopsy - Dark Crusade
"Dark Crusade" by the early death metal band Autopsy. From the album "Mental Funeral" (1991)

Autopsy - All Tomorrow's Funerals (Official Video)
Autopsy - All Tomorrow's Funerals (Official Video)
PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION FIRST: I do not own this video. I don't take any credit for this video. I've just uploaded it because it is a kickass music video by the band Autopsy that everyone should see. If they ask me to remove it, I will do it in a heartbeat. Support Autopsy and buy their latest album when it comes out at the end of the month. I definitely will. Band: Autopsy Song: All Tomorrow's Funerals Album: All Tomorrow's Funerals (2012 compilation that will be released on the 28th) Original article: www.bloody-disgusting.com Preorder 'All Tomorrow's Funerals': www.burningshed.com Download the song: rcrdlbl.com Facebook: www.facebook.com

Autopsy - Pagan Saviour
Autopsy - Pagan Saviour
Death old shool, enjoy! Lyrics : Visions from the altar Ripping through your soul Seeing through the master's eyes Young flesh the goal Brutal rampage Destroy the house of Christ Obey your master Another victim violently dies Head torn off A trophy raised to the sky Bloody priest Dies in pain Stomach chewed open Lying on the grave As you bathe in the piss Your master rains upon your face Hear the calling from the abyss Pagan destroyer crushes your face Final reward Bestowed upon you Look into his eyes As your head is removed !

Autopsy - Torn From The Womb
Autopsy - Torn From The Womb
love this song and the album, Mental Funeral pwn all autopsy's discography! Lyrics : Torn from the womb Dying in this tomb Torn... Bred just to die We are torn from the womb Slowly to decay Till we meet our doom Everything is bleak Shroud of black hangs over Preparing to enter our graves !

Autopsy - Charred Remains
Autopsy - Charred Remains
Autopsy was a death metal band, founded in 1987 in the United States by Chris Reifert after leaving Death. Beginning their career with the Severed Survival LP, Autopsy took on a sound similar to that of Scream Bloody Gore era Death, but soon moved on to a doom metal influenced sound for the Retribution for the Dead EP. The next full-length, Mental Funeral, would expand on Autopsy's "Death/doom" style of metal, and was met with great critical acclaim. Having completed a successful European tour soon after Mental Funeral, the band reentered the studio to record the Fiend for Blood EP, which was followed by their third full-length, Acts of the Unspeakable. Autopsy's last album, 1994's Shitfun, was heavily influenced by hardcore punk and would prepare fans for Abscess, Danny Coralles and Chris Reifert's project after Autopsy's demise in 1995. Autopsy was featured in the 2005 music documentary Metal: A Headbanger's Journey when the films narrator and star read aloud a verse from the band's song "Charred Remains". _______________________ Lyrics: Burning from the inside out Bloody foam spews from your mouth Smell the putrid stench of flesh As it burns you to your death Feel the flesh drip from your face Turning black, vision fades Eyeballs melt into their sockets Involuntarily set ablaze Gutwrenching screams fill the air The rancid smell of burning hair Screaming in excruciating pain Blood boils over, warping veins Burnt skull collapses onto melting brains Spontaneous death, up <b>...</b>

Snakes - watch this python autopsy - Ultimate Killers - BBC wildlife
Snakes - watch this python autopsy - Ultimate Killers - BBC wildlife
Has this python eaten a human? These snakes can, have a look and discover for yourself. From the BBC show 'Ultimate Killers'. See more shocking clips in our 'Ultimate Killers' playlist: www.youtube.com BBC Worldwide Channel: www.youtube.com BBC Earth Channel: www.youtube.com For more Natural History: www.bbcearth.com

JFK Autopsy Photo Forgery
JFK Autopsy Photo Forgery
Dr. David Mantik discusses forgery of Autopsy Photos using 3D Techniques. A Photographer Joe O'Donnell discusses seeing Autopsy Photos CHANGED to hide the shot to JFK's head from the front. There was a hole in the front of his head, about 3/8 inch and a hole in the back about the size of a grapefruit. A few days later they were changed, hole in the front was gone, as was the hole in the back of the head. The Government has been in possession of the photos he reviewed, NO ONE else had access. Only the government could have changed these photos to hide the shot from the front. Only LBJ and HOOVER had the power to turn this lie into truth, it's pretty obvious now, isn't it? LBJ became President and escaped jail for his corruption, Hoover became FBI director for life which was all he wanted. Look at the videos THE GUILTY MEN www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com

Duke Nukem victim - autopsy
Duke Nukem victim - autopsy
See the autopsy of Duke Nukem's latest victim... and see how you can play the game in a city near you!

Alien Autopsy Prank
Alien Autopsy Prank
www.hahaha.com Scientist is doing an autopsy of an extraterrestrial. Apresentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l'émission de caméra caché la plus comique de la télé!

Autopsy MDF 2010 In the Grip of Winter
Autopsy MDF 2010 In the Grip of Winter
Autopsy - Maryland Deathfest 2010

Annotations Of An Autopsy - "Bone Crown" Live Video
Annotations Of An Autopsy - "Bone Crown" Live Video
For more details, news, and music from AOAA go to: myspace.com Filmed over the european Legacy Of Blood tour w/ Suffocation in 2010. Filmed/Edited/Directed by Big Chocolate.

Alien Autopsy
Alien Autopsy
Alien Autopsy Video , Unknown filming location. Looks like recent footage of an Unidentified Huminoid body, looks to be around 13- 20 inches long. This is NOT my video! I have nothing to do with the filming of this video.

Autopsy - A Love Story
Autopsy - A Love Story
viewster.com - watch MORE free movies on http The world of the dead is the world of Charlie Bickle, a lonely man that searches for love wherever he can. Harvesting corpses of nameless people that everyone has forgotten for their organs, and selling them to make a profit is his business. One night Charlie meets Jane, a suicide victim of great beauty and keeps her hidden as they soon become inseparable. Despite his efforts, Charlie can't stop the ravages of decomposition the Jane's body is going through. When the county health department shuts his business down he is faced with breaking into his own morgue to dispose of over 60 bodies as well as his beloved Jane, who has now threatened to expose his dark little romance.