Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Obamacare Will Not Be Overturned

I have heard that from many courtroom observers that the Supreme Court will overturn Obamacare, given the rhetoric and questioning that they gave the government’s lawyers sent there to defend that monstrous bill.  I have my doubts though and this is largely due to the inherent nature of the Supreme Court as a whole and its tendency to uphold or increase government power grabs such those.

First of all, have you ever heard of a significant bill that was ever overturned by the Supreme Court, even when it was blatantly unconstitutional?  I have heard mutterings of some bills here or there, but nothing significant like Obamacare.  In most cases, the Supreme Court upholds the Federal government’s power grabs and writes their own wordy, sophomoric justifications for their decisions.  Most of the time, these justifications are written in legalese which only a few law professors can understand.  That in and of itself is a problem as the Constitution is a very simple, easy to understand document.  There is no complexity about it and the words used more or less have the same meaning that they do today.  So why do they dig into it and assume there is some hidden meaning?

It happens all the time regardless of whether there is a “conservative” justice or a “liberal” one.  Usually, there is some justification for land grabs, torture, search and seizure without a warrant, Federal anti-drug laws, and various other injustices.  I think the worst decision ever handed down was the Wickard v. Filborn in which they all decided that the Federal government has the right to regulate all economic activity, essentially rubber stamping Socialist legislation.

But then we hear about all the good cases that the court has decided on.  The most prominent being Brown v. Board of Education.  This case, however, never would have happened had it not been for the decision made in Plessy v. Ferguson, which was a decision handed down by a previous court.  And few know that following the Brown decision, the Warren court imposed integration on various school districts which ran counter to what was previously decided upon with Brown.

Another argument might be that there are conservatives in the court would overturn the bad law.  Unfortunately, this did not happen with the McCain-Feingold bill, where Congress essentially ensured that incumbents would have an even greater chance of getting re-elected by limiting the finances of their opponents and limiting the speech of private organizations who might oppose them.  I kept hearing from many conservatives about how it would be overturned in the Supreme Court and when the decision was handed down, no one said a word.  On a side note, these are the same jokers who keep telling me that Romney will be different than Obama, but was Obama really that different from Bush?

The reason that the Supreme Court will not overturn this bad law is because the Supreme Court is full of sociopathic morons who display a hubris that makes Congress and Bilderberg insiders blush.  They presume to know everything about everything and operate like gods within their temple (seriously their courthouse resembles a modern day Greek temple).  Meanwhile, they do not realize how foolish they really are.  For example, former Justice Thurgood Marshall spent much of his time watching soap operas and said that you can learn a lot about human nature from them.  He also soiled himself while giving his farewell speech when he finally resigned as a Justice.

Not pick on Justice Marshall, as there are many others who were probably stuck with severe mental handicaps brought on by old age as well, but still managed to function in a manner that resembled coherence.  Former Chief Justice Rehnquist, for example, was probably crapping himself on a regular basis as he died of old age while still serving on the court.  I question his mental capacity as well.

No, I do not put my trust in the court system of the United States to do what is right because they are, by and large, Statists who believe in their moral superiority whole-heartedly.  They think themselves to be gods among men and they are dangerous individuals to boot.  They hold fast to their traditions and precedents like they are golden laws handed down by their immortal ancestors.

On the bright side, I believe that regardless what the court says, the states still have the right to nullify Obamacare.  If President Obama himself can ignore Congress and the court system, then why can’t the states as well?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stimulus High Fading, Dollar, Gold, History According to Obama

We are in a very grave situation. The fake "recovery" (brought on by the creation of fiat dollars) is being exposed as the fraud it is, and now we face the major economic crisis that realists have warned about...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Walking on Pins and Needles

Author’s Note: this post was inspired by Doug Casey’s article on how Sociopaths are running the United States.  I encourage you to go and read it as it is probably one the best things I’ve read in the past few months, including books.

Everyday I wake up and feel like our country is walking on pins and needles, placed there by your friendly bureaucrat (I say friendly in the sense that they are like the Public Relations folks who lie with a smile on their faces and a troll with a hand up their ass controlling their very words).  I go to the Internet and read about countless infractions on liberty, freedom, and downright decency perpetrated all in the name of safety, security, and, in rare instances, morality.  Most of the time, the rubes who live around me, who tend to out-vote and thus nullify my voice in these matters, will justify the needles and pins and tell me that everything is all right or that this is all for our own good.

Meanwhile, our country’s governments, at most levels, are being run by sociopaths.  Sure, not all the politicians who get voted in are sociopaths.  But the ones who control most of the policies and procedures that implement the ridiculous laws passed are.  Let’s first look at the people, though, who pass the laws in the first place.

First of all, why do have a permanent group of individuals, at all levels of government, passing new laws?  Even God when He passed on the 613 laws to the Israelites through Moses didn’t come back the following year and add 613 more.  He simply gave them the laws they were to follow, along with the punishments to be doled out in the event of breaches of said laws, and left the people to follow them.  Hell, none of the prophets of the nation of Israel ever added new things to them.  They simply demanded that the people return to the laws of their nation’s founding, much like the modern liberty movement has been pushing for (think the kind of person who supports idea of Ron Paul for President and not the man himself).  The point of this is that we simply do not need new laws, we just need a select few laws with a small budget for enforcing them.

I could probably count on my two hands (no, not the Ten Commandments) the number of laws we really need and the punishments that should be doled out for violating them.  Yet there are over 10,000 Federal laws (I heard that 40,000 bills were passed so far this year alone in Congress) on the books and probably more in each state you live in as they deal with most of the crime that takes place in the country.  To top that off, you have local ordinances and homeowner’s association policies that most people have to deal with, usually enforced by bored people who get their rocks off by intimidating and harassing others.  Fortunately for us, those kind of people do not have the intelligence, charisma, or appearance to reach the upper echelons of power.

Secondly, the people who write the laws are either failures at life, as they are mostly likely lawyers by profession but too incompetent to go into private practice, or businessmen whose business ventures tanked and they lacked the imagination or drive to try again.  What this means is that you have bunch of people with a collective inferiority complex getting together in order to gain power, or what they consider to be power.  It is not hard to see why it is so easy to pay them off.  All you have to do is stroke their egos, appeal to their pride, and they will bend over to receive the gifts from the devils.  But sooner or later, the devils come back with their due.  Usually in the form of new laws that have thousands of pages with millions of words that effectively amount to legal vomit.  They then eagerly pass said laws without reading them or even bothering to really question their conscious on these matters.  They react with malice when the people call them on it because they are too afraid to confront their own moral decay and spiritual ugliness.

There are exceptions to these kind of people, of course, but they are rare.  Ron Paul, as a popular example, was a successful doctor.  He could have made millions delivering babies and probably would have better served society in that capacity as a whole.  But when Nixon, a clear sociopath, “temporarily” took us off what was left of the gold standard, he was one of the few people to see the serious and dire consequences that would result from this action and thus became a member of Congress.  Meanwhile, Congress by and large has rejected him consistently for decades.  Now, I’m not saying Ron Paul is perfect.  I have my disagreements with him (mainly in the area of his justifications for pork-barrel spending), but compared to the vast majority of others who have held office or are in office right now, he may as well be the Second Coming (he is not of course).

While we have sociopaths who effectively write our laws and pretend to be smarter than the average bear, we have an instituted group of psychopaths who are hired, permanently of course, to enforce said laws as they see fit.  Usually when a law is passed, it requires some form of enforcement.  That is basic political science.  The whole reason for a law is usually to change the actions and behaviors of society as a whole.  Doing so requires some form of coercive force, otherwise, the laws passed are nothing more than a wasted piece of paper.  Now I have to ask: what kind of people would want to exert force on other people?

It’s a relevant question when it comes to government.  For example, where did all these TSA workers come from?  My guess is that they were welfare cases but then found a job where they could get back at the white man for all the perceived injustices perpetrated against them (Note to moochers: you suck and it’s your fault you suck and no one else’s).  Of course, this may be an exception, but honestly, what kind of person would willingly grope a small child, an elderly woman, make someone take off their adult diaper, make a woman drink her own breast milk, detain a Senator for several hours (which is unconstitutional, by the way), and so many other egregious things?  Not someone you would want to give the time of day.  Or much else for that matter.

Now, some of these people, especially those at the lower levels, may just be a little on the below average side of things, to put it politely.  They may not have the capacity to truly think for themselves and thus are unable to properly question authority figures on the moral nature of what they are doing.  This is why humanity as a whole has always called for leaders rather than manage their own lives.  Milgram’s obedience experiment also proved that most people look to others for moral guidance rather than question the nature of the authority figures.  Such loyalty only serves to stroke the ego of the authorities and increase their pride, thus they begin to think of themselves as gods rather than men.  After all, gods need not be bound to the conventional definitions of right and wrong, right?

Perhaps I have such people all wrong, in that the underlings may not be sociopaths per se, but merely damaged individuals looking for meaning in life in some form or another.  Unfortunately, there are plenty of sociopaths out there who have no other desire than to use other people for their own gain and they are all too willing to make the damaged into their minions.  However, in the upper echelons of government power, we see people who are downright insane creating and pushing policies and procedure that are designed to enforce the laws that were passed by their fellow sociopaths in the legislative branch.  Most of the time, the problem is not the laws itself, but the implementation of said laws.  For example, most people seem to continue to think that certain substances should be illegal, like marijuana.  However, when the law was first passed to ban it, do you think the legislators or the people who supported ever thought that the police should be allowed to do no-knock SWAT raids, execute search warrants based on anonymous tips, and be allowed to harass citizens in the manner that they do today?  The fact that Indiana had to pass a law to affirm a citizen’s right to fight back against a police officer who is perpetrating a crime against said citizen is quite a testament of how bad things really are when it comes to law enforcement officers.

Of course, nothing got like this overnight.  Those pins and needles I wrote about earlier are really just annoyances on their own after all.  If there were one or two lying around, we could easily spot them, step over them, and ignore them.  But now there are so many that it is hard to keep track.  Because of government, the individual is a person who is walking on pins and needles hoping not to get stuck by some law, regulation, policy, or procedure that the sociopaths have imposed on us.  And now, more and more people are realizing that there is no point to any of these needles anymore and the sociopaths and psychopaths who placed them there are getting more and more desperate.  Their reign is coming to an end soon and they know it.  I wish I could say that things will get better when they are gone, but they won’t.  Our society so spiritually broken and disjointed now because of decades of utopianism and the abandonment of true values which has been foisted upon us in order to control us, I doubt we will see a better person take over and fix things.  More than likely, it will simply be another sociopath who has a new set of pin and needles to lay out before us.

Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio Interviewed on Liberty Cap Talk Live!

Stefan Molyneux discusses libertarianism, anarchism, Ron Paul and the future of freedom on Liberty Cap Talk Live.

But The Lying Fake Liberals Told Us There Was No "Life or Death Struggle"!

Possible New Evidence Shows George Zimmerman's Bloodied Head

As eminent an authority as Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said "Everything in the affidavit is completely consistent with a defense of self-defense. Everything." but a lying little poser fake leftist told us in a comment at his own lying post (George Zimmerman video shows no signs of a "life or death" struggle) that "Paranoia is not justification for murder". Maybe not, but self-defense when someone is bashing your head into the ground IS justification for use of deadly force.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ron Paul: End the IRS and Abolish the Income Tax

The taxes that we pay are a symptom of runaway government - Ron Paul

From a 2010 Slavery Tax Day speech...

These are the ideas that will win young hearts and minds in the coming years, not the retread ideas of fake liberals whose only refrain is "the rich aren't paying their fair share" and "taxes are the price you pay for civilization" (actually, an out of control government that has spent us into ruin).

Think about the GOP candidates, as well. Would Newt, Rick or Mitt even propose getting rid of the income tax completely as a long term goal? NO! They couldn't, because their support of "compassionate" big government "conservatism" and the US world military empire and endless wars won't allow them to. They are as much in love with the power that big government gives them (and that makes them rich through crony capitalism) as any "liberal" big spending Democrat.

Ron Paul is the only candidate for President who represents real change. And, polls still show he can beat Obama.

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