About the Banat Area

The old ("undivided") Banat comprises areas of present-day western Romania, north-eastern Serbia, and southern Hungary, with a total area of 11,013 square miles. It was an Ottoman province from 1552 to 1718, when it became part of Habsburg Austria. Planned colonization by the Habsburg emperors brought large numbers of German settlers from the western regions of the Empire to the Banat. By 1910 there were 388,000 ethnic Germans (locally called Swabians, later Danube Swabians) in the undivided Banat. By the Treaty of Trianon (1920) about two-thirds of the Banat became Romanian; almost a third became Serbian/Yugoslavian; only a small area around Szeget remained within Hungary

The Romanian part is centered around the regional capital of Temeschburg / Temeswar (German) Temesvár (Hungarian), Timisoara, Romania (Official). Other important cities are Arad, Lugosch/Lugos/Lugoj and Reschitz/Resicza/Resita. The area north of the city of Arad, although located north of the river Marosch/Maros/Mures also contained a number Danube-Swabian communities and is, therefore, usually included in studies or articles dealing with the Banat.  Banat is a region in south-eastern Europe, located between the rivers Danube in the south, Theiss / Tisza / Tisa in the west, Marosch /Maros / Mures in the north, & foothills of the Carpathian mountains in the east. [Nick Tullius]

Timis county is a county (judeţ) of western Romania, in the historical region Banat, with the county seat at Timisoara. It is the largest county in Romania. The name of the county comes from the river Timiş, known in Roman antiquity as river Tibisis or Tibiscus. Name variants are Timiş (Romanian), Temes (Hungarian), Tamiš (Serbian), Banat Bulgarian: Timiš)

Torontál county was located in the Banat region. It shared borders with the Kingdom of Serbia and the Hungarian counties Szerém, Bács-Bodrog, Csongrád, Csanád, Arad and Temes (the first county was part of Croatia-Slavonia). The river Danube formed its southern border, the river Tisza its western border, and the river Maros its northern border.

News & Latest Site Additions . . .
Last updated: 10 May 2012

Banater Kalender 2012

Edited by Aneta and Walter Konschitzky. 
Publisher: Banat Verlag Erding, 2010. 

Language: German. The book contains everything from poems to history. Nice quality and wonderful photos.

Order the book by sending 40 Dollars to:
Banat Verlag
Zugspitzstraße 64
85435 Erding

NOTE: Including the address to which the book should be shipped.
You can order the book by e-mail to and pay later.

NEW: An illustrated narrative about the Kirchweih Fest is now available!

Kirchweih Fest: A Donauschwaben Celebration from Europe to America by Elizabeth (Elsa) Walter

Ordering info . . .

[published at 15 Mar 2012]

My journey from the Banat to Canada

by Nick Tullius

In the first part of this volume, the author describes life in a Banat-Swabian village during and after the Second World War.  The second part of the book deals with the migration of the author to join his father in Canada, and his integration into the new environment.
[published at 23 Jul 2011, updated 9 Sep 2011]

Review by Hans Gehl | Review by Jody McKim Pharr 



From Franzfeld to Mansfield
A Journey Through Tito’s Death Camps
by Edna Schuster Becker

Edna Schuster Becker at the 2011 Mansfield Treffen (Jody McKim Pharr)


"Banatska Topola 1945:
Vertreibungsvorgang, nebst Quellentips  für Ahnenforschung"

[BT 1945: Expulsion process, with source tips for ancestral research]

by Jacob Steigerwald, Ph. D., 2011

[published at 01 Apr 2011]



New Banat Map
Günther Philipp and Hoefer Verlag had developed this Banat Map and kindly contributed it to the DVHH.  Click the image to the right to open into a PDF file.  You may save this map to your computer. 
(Günther Philipp b. Neu-Arad)
[published at 10 Feb 2011]

How that hat got on top of the church
by Nick Tullius [b. Alexanderhausen]
The original version of this article was written in the “schwowische” dialect of Alexanderhausen and published in the biweekly newspaper “Banater Post”, Nr. 23-24, of December 10, 2010. The English translation was done by the author. 
[published at 02 Feb 2011] 


Threshing machines, steam engines and tractors
by Nick Tullius [b. Alexanderhausen]
The original version of this article was written in the “schwowische” dialect of Alexanderhausen and published in the biweekly newspaper “Banater Post”, Nr. 23-24, of December 10, 2010. The English translation was done by the author. [published at 10 Feb 2011] 


Banater Kalender 2011 Sneak Peak:




Banater Kalender 2011

Edited by Aneta and Walter Konschitzky. 
Publisher: Banat Verlag Erding, 2010. 

Language: German. The book contains everything from poems to history. Nice quality and wonderful photos.

This years Kalender gives the names of the following Banat personalities that died in 2010:
Anton Krämer, family researcher & book author;
Hans Jung, opera singer
Heinrich Lauer, journalist & author;
Otto Aczel, university professor & dialect author;
Josef Kubi, author of reference books & the monograph of Ulmbach-Neupetsch.

Order the book by sending 40 Dollars to:
Banat Verlag
Zugspitzstraße 64
85435 Erding

and including the address to which the book should be shipped.
You can order the book by e-mail to and pay later.

< Notice that the three little verses are exactly the ones tossed around on the dvhh list lately! Here you have at least three authenticated versions from Giseladorf, Neukaransebesch, and Kleinomor. Notice also a very neat wood cutting by Andreas Kirchner that illustrate those verses. three is one of those for every month of 2011.
At the Oberon
San Francisco Call, Volume 82, Number 83, 22 August 1897 — THE THEATRE
[Part of the Nicholas Schilzonyi Genealogical Dig]
[published at 06 Jan 2011] 

snip: The boys are under the direction of Schilzonyi Niklas, and have been granted a two years' furlough by the Austrian Government. 


San Francisco Call, Volume 82, Number 139, 17 October 1897
[Part of the Nicholas Schilzonyi Genealogical Dig] [published at 06 Jan 2011] 

Detailed article about the daily routine and lives of the Schilzonyi young band members.  One of the most entertaining articles I have read in a long time.  A must read.

snip: It may be a shock to some folks to know the little Knabens are all wine-drinkers, but in Hungary people would le equally shocked to hear that they had developed into tea-drinkers, should such a thing come about.

snip: When only 10 years of age he directed a band in the Billed school and three years later, when Kaiser Franz Josef visited the school the genius of Niklas Schilzonyi attracted the attention, and a few weeks later Mr. Schilzonyi was ordered to Siedenburg to take the directorship of the Staats Kapelle.


San Francisco Call, Volume 82, Number 161, 8 November 1897
[Part of the Nicholas Schilzonyi Genealogical Dig]
[published at 06 Jan 2011] 

snip: It was in honor of this record that he presented each of the lads with a silver medal, and to Nicklas Schilzony, director, and to M. Nussbaumer, schoolteacher, each a gold watch.


Villages Lorrains En Yougoslavie
by André Rosambert, 1933

L'Illustration (French Magazine)
01 Apr 1933 N. 4700

Article of interest to Banaters, and all those who have roots from the Lorrain area. A focus on Saint-Hubert, Charleville and Seultour.

[published at 15 Oct 2010]



Villages Lorrains En Roumanie
by André Rosambert, 1934

L'Illustration (French Magazine)
24 Nov 1934 - Issue N. 4786

Article of interest to Banaters, and all those who have roots from the Lorrain area. A focus on Triebswetter, Charleville and Seultour and Mercydorf. 

[published at 13 Sep 2010]


Churches of the Banat Provided by Alex Leeb (Source: FHC=FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY CATALOG / DVL=Donauschwaben Village List)

Aus unseren Banater Dörfern (E: From our Banat Villages) 1978 Kerwei, Musik, Feuerwehr (Fire Department) Aus unseren Banater Dörfern, Pipatsch-Kulener for Jahr 1978, Neue Banater Zeitung, Timisoara [published at 12 Aug 2010]

Magdalena (Leni) Gärtner Martin *Setschanfeld. Author of "Sheltered in the Shadow of Your Wings" -review by Arlene Prunkl [published at 13 Jul 2010]

Prayer for today - A beautiful prayer in gothic script from the 1880's. (by the parish priest of Saint-Lambert church in Münster, 1883) Translated  by N.Tullius  [published at 01 Mar 2010]

Ethnic Germans in the Banat: Forgotten -Yet Timely -History By Stefan Bastius [published at 01 Mar 2010]

Short History of the Nitschkydorf Church, translated by Duncan Gardiner [published at 01 Mar 2010]

A Visit to Nitzkydorf by Duncan Gardiner, 1989 [published at 01 Mar 2010]

Heimattag 1 & 2, Temeswar 2009 - Banat

Fellow Donauschwaben Anton Bedö-Zollner, born in Lippa, died 01 Jan 2009 at age 74.  Historian and writer, Anton shared his findings freely.

Stefan Heinz Kehrer died on December 18, 2009 in Berlin, at the age of 96 years.

Finding Vital 1796-1945 Data Regarding German and Hungarian Ancestors of Banat(ska) Topola and Novo Selo, Plus an Exposé About the Local 1945-1946 Internment Camp for Germans of Yugoslavia; By Jacob Steigerwald - The publication should also be of particular interest to descendants of Danube Swabians who have been wondering about actual procedures that Tito’s partisans employed in wiping out the ethnic group. In a variety of ways, my account also has relevance regarding criminal actions against indigenous Germans elsewhere in the country, from 1944 until 1948. [16 Nov 2009] ~ Banat Topola Village information

You asked for it, special attention to the Banat Authors, see:  Banat Biographies

The Shadow of Herta Müller at the Nitzkydorf Cemetery By Viorel Ilişoi, Translated by Nick Tullius 28 Oct 2009 [Published at 30 Oct 2009]

Congratulations fellow Donauschwaben! "Herta Müller" 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature Recipient!  Born in Nitzkydorf, Banat.  Info and publication list.

Reminder: Niklas Shilzony, Inventor: Musical Reed Pipe Instrument 1918/ Application (full PDF doc)

Settlements in the Banat (1763‑1773) [Chapter 10 from volume 3, of the book "Ethnographie der Oesterreichischen Monarchie" by Karl Czoernig, 1857] Translated by Nick Tullius 27 Oct 2008, [Published at 18 Jan 2009] 

Reminder: Donauschwaben Associations in Romania Banat.

Additions to the Alexanderhausen Village Photos taken the summer of 2008 by Nick Tullius

Florimund Claudius Graf Mercy (1666-1734) ~ "Count Mercy – Colonizer and Governor", written by Wilhelm Reiter. Contributed by Jody McKim, translated by Nick Tullius 20 Sep 2008, [Published at 08 Oct 2008]

The Banat – a “Penal Colony“ of Maria Theresia? by Dr. Hans Dama.  The article was written by Hans Dama in reply to a claim by Wassertheurer that the Banat was transformed into a "Penal Colony" by Maria Theresia. A version of it was published in the Banater Post. [Contributed by Hans Dama, translated by Nick Tullius [Published at 23 Sep 2008]

Banat Volunteers . . .

New Lookups Guide: William Knuttel - for villages St. Hubert, Charleville, Seultour. See lookup details on the Banat Village Index.
[06 Apr 2009]

Click Image to Enlarge

Peter Knapp of PA, Village Coordinator for Kleinbetschkerek
[12 Nov 2008]

Linda Klewinowski of FL, Village Coordinator for villages: Königshof, Ruskodorf and Klek, including Lookups Guide. [20 Aug 2008]

Ray Borschowa, Village Coordinator: Georgshausen. [19 Aug 2008]

Hans Gehl Named Honorary Professor & Acceptance Speech by Hans Gehl

Maria Radna Basilica Restoration & Collection of Votive Pictures of Maria Radna

Robert Rohr, born in Werschetz, Banat; renown Danube Swabian Music Historian, Composer and Author.  Died on January 10, 2008, at 85 years old.  See Tribute to Robert Rohr

Franz Bittenbinder, one of the best-known and most versatile painters, commercial artists and caricaturists of the Banat.

Shift of Languages in the Works of Robert Reiter by Imre J. Balázs (Cluj/Romania). Robert Reiter, later known as Franz Liebhard) was born in 1899 in Temesvar.




News & Latest Site Additions

Banat Coordinators:

Nick Tullius
Ottawa - CA

Alex Leeb
Calgary, CA

Jody McKim Pharr
Woodstock, GA



Hear "Banat" pronounced
(click on the
little red speaker icon) © 2003-2012 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation
Last Updated: 28 Apr 2012
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive