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Monday Moodboard

Hello + Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  I did a little work, shopped with my sister and had a wonderful dinner with the fam at Dallas Fish Market on Saturday night. 

This week I'm finding myself drawn to touches of brass, in both fashion and decor.  It seems to add a glamourous sophistication to anything.  It's amazing how back in the day I was all about silver; now I pick gold 99.9% of the time.  

(sources: Everything Fabulous, Small Shop, Urban Outfitters, Shop Bop, CS Post & Co)

Happy Weekend

It's Friday, already!  Normally, I'd be loving that, but I feel like I hardly got anything accomplished this week (and I hate that feeling!)  I blame it on the long weekend.  Needless to say, I'll be doing some work this weekend to get caught up.  

Speaking of time flying, it's June already.  (How did that happen?!)  I have a busy month showers, a wedding shower that I'm co-hosting, my sister's birthday, and June market at the trade center.  My friends and I are in the midst of planning a little weekend getaway for the end of the month; I can't even tell you how badly a need to get away, even if it's only for a few days.

You might have noticed I gave my blog quite the facelift.  I like to mix things up monthly, but my hope is this format will stick around.  I still have a few kinks to work out but I hope you're enjoying the new layout.

Last but not least, here are a few of my favorites this week...
I'm loving Mrs. Lilien's Cocktail Swatchbook; it arrived on my doorstep just in time for the weekend.
These barstools have me dreaming of a kitchen I could actually put them in.  Anyone know where they're from?
I want to wallpaper my entire house in Anna Spiro for Porter's Paints Wallpaper.

Enjoy your weekend! xx

Color Crush / White Hot

Whether you follow the 'when to wear it' fashion rules or not, white is definitely a hot color right now.  Wearing it can be a bit tricky, but incorporating white accessories is an easy way to add the hue into your wardrobe.  I have to admit, wearing white makes me feel like a spill magnet, but I still love it.

fabulous find / bloom theory

I never considered myself the decorative camera strap kind of gal, until I came across Bloom Theory, that is.  How could you not love something covered in ruffles, sequins and lace?  

It's hard to pick just one, but I think the Stardust Silver is my fave. (The Bohemian Belle is a close second!)  Check out all the lovely options here.

Currently Coveting // Elva Fields

I've written about my admiration for Elva Fields before; I really love her stuff and hopefully one day I'll have my own Elva Fields bauble. Until then, I will continue to covet her pretty pieces, including her new summer collection, inspired by carefree and fun summer days. See the whole collection for yourself here.

Which one is your favorite?

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