Web sites are like cars - the right mechanic makes all the difference

Here’s why we should work together

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What would you think of a car company that tried to sell a new
model without road testing and tuning it first?

Developing a web site is kind of the same. Just having it working on time and under budget can seem like a major accomplishment. But as with a car, building it is only half the job. If you don’t spend time tuning it afterward, you can end up spending a lot more later.

Plus, there’s the inevitable “road wear” to take care of.

Having a mechanic — or a web developer — you can trust will save you a lot of time and money. Someone who…

Not only that, but you have to be able to communicate comfortably. A developer shouldn’t expect you to understand about widgets and gizmos — he should be able to translate the technical aspects of your project into plain language.

Sadly, most developers can only hit one or two of those points.

Finding the right one is hard

You probably already knew that. My name’s Kenn, and let me tell you why I’m the guy you’re looking for…

I’m really good at web development — so you get a well-built site
with no hassles

Bob Silvestri, President, doGoodr, Inc says: Kenn did an amazing job for us. He completely rebuilt the HTML/CSS front-end for our complex Ruby on Rails web app without downtime — while we continued to use it for public demos and fundraising. Thorough, easy to work with, and a creative problem solver, the guy is a total pro in every sense of the word.

I have a background in system administration — so you
get a well-tuned server

William Lai, Co-founder Lolligift, 8ninths says: In my previous career with MSN, I’ve had the opportunity to work with some very talented ops/admin folks; I will easily put Kenn up against the very best of them.

I’m really good at managing my time — so you get your
project on deadline

Dale Cook, Ruby on Rails developer and founder of 11SquareFeet says: What would take us days to get done, Kenn can complete in mere hours. We had a situation that we thought would provide nothing but frustration and stress, but his expert knowledge and professionalism saved us from all of that and got us where we needed to be in record time. I highly recommend his services.

I have first-rate communication skills — so you always
know what’s going on

Jake Martin, iSkoot says: Presented with an unfinished spec and an aggressive launch schedule, Kenn worked directly with technical and creative stakeholders on two continents to help us to go live on time with no budget overruns, no scope reductions, no technical difficulties, and no drama. I’ve done enough launches over the past ten years to know that’s not nearly as easy as he made it look.

The right developer for your project

If you’re a smaller business using open source tools, looking for someone with these sorts of skills to help you with your next project… we’d be a perfect match. Check out my services (there are some examples of my previous work there too), or drop me a line right now so we can talk about your needs.

Find Out More About My Services or Get In Touch Now