
Arz - My Friend
Arz - My Friend
- Steve Adams / guitars, bass, keyboards, vocals - Merrill Hale / drums, percussion 1. Arz Nova 2. Birth of a Hero 3. Shadow on the Wall 4. Hope and Glory 5. My Friend 6. To the Better Man 7. Turn of the Tide 8. Lost Lake 9. Twilight

Masuri_Sun Arz Ve Saian_Version 1.0
Masuri_Sun Arz Ve Saian_Version 1.0
A Sufi Song by Amir Jamal

Dhee Di Arz (Shan E Sikhi)
Dhee Di Arz (Shan E Sikhi)
The Album Shan E Sikhi is an effort to awaken the Sikhs all around the world about the historical events and the problems it is facing in modern times. This one is on female foeticide. This is by Khalsa Sisters . Lyrics By: Jagtar Singh Cheema (Kokri Vehniwal (Moga)) Contact: 9855356225

Karin Arz - Video Polaroid
Karin Arz - Video Polaroid
Karin Arz - Video Polaroid Shooting by Oltin Dogaru More on Karin: mramodels.ro (former Romania's Next Top Model Cycle 2 contestant)

Muslim Ko Taslim Arz Hai - Mehmood, Manna Dey, Do Kaliyan Song
Muslim Ko Taslim Arz Hai - Mehmood, Manna Dey, Do Kaliyan Song
Song from movie Do Kaliyan (1968) starring, Bishwajeet, Mala Sinha, Lalita Pawar, Mehmood, Om Prakash, Baby Neetu Singh, Sonia Director: Krishnan & Panju Music Director: Ravi. Singer: Manna Dey.

Pro Freestyler Tony.D meets ARz in Sin city "Kota"!!!
Pro Freestyler Tony.D meets ARz in Sin city "Kota"!!!
It was an awesome day when Arz met Pro freestyle stunt rider & Mtv stuntmania reloaded fame "Tony .D" and Bhwani Performed In Our sin city kota !!! Herz a cool compilation, watch dem Burn d Rubber!!! Check out more on my Profile www.facebook.com/acceleracer007


Khwaja Khurshid Anwar Suno Arz Meri Kamli Wale Zubeda Khanum Zehr e Ishq Naat
Khwaja Khurshid Anwar Suno Arz Meri Kamli Wale Zubeda Khanum Zehr e Ishq Naat
Stars: Musarrat Nazeer Habib Neelo Yasmeen Babboo Ismail Music Story & Screen Play: Khurshid Anwar Dialogues: Syed Imtiaz Ali Taj Lyrics: Qateel Shifai Director: masood Pervez Khwaja (Khawaja) Khurshid Anwar (21 March 1912 - 30 October 1984) was a renowned film-maker, writer, director and music composer who gained extreme popularity both in India and Pakistan. He is widely credited as being one of the most original and inventive music directors of his generation. Khwaja Khurshid Anwar (Urdu: خواجہ خورشید انور) was born on 21 March, 1912 in Mianwali (now in Pakistan) where his maternal grandfather Khan Bahadur Dr.Sheikh Atta Mohammad held the post of civil surgeon. His father Khawaja Ferozuddin Ahmad was a well-known Barrister in Lahore. The ace jurist had a love for music so much so that he had a huge collection of gramophone records of Indian classical and neo-classical music and his precocious son had an unhindered access to them all. Moreover, in the weekly soirees of music which were held in the lawyer's house, renowned masters used to perform, and it was here that the young Khurshid Anwar developed a taste for classical music. Viewing Khrshid Anwar's keen interest Khansahib Tawakkal Hussain took him under his tutleage in 1934. Khurshid Anwar was also a brilliant student at Government College, Lahore, the renowned seat of learning. Having topped in the Masters in Philosophy(1935),he appeared in the examination for Indian Civil service (ICS ) but due to his political <b>...</b>

Persian Poetry from Ramooz-e-Bekhudi - Arz-e-haal-e-musanaf Bahazoor REHMATAL LILAALEMEEN
Persian Poetry from Ramooz-e-Bekhudi - Arz-e-haal-e-musanaf Bahazoor REHMATAL LILAALEMEEN
رموزِ بیخودی (اقبال) عرض حال مصنف بحضور رحمة للعالمین The authors memorial to Him who is a mercy to all living beings O THOU, whose manifesting was the youth Of strenuous life, whose bright epiphany Told the interpretation of liefs dreams, Earth attained honour, having held thy court, And heaven glory, having kissed thy roof. Thy face illumes the six-directioned world; Turk, Tajik, Arab all thy servants are. Whatever things have being, find in thee True exaltation, and thy poverty Is their abundant riches. In this world Thou litst the lamp of life, as thou didst teach Gods servitors a godly mastery. Without thee, whatsoever form indwelt This habitat of water and of clay Was put to shame in utter bankruptcy; Till, when thy breath drew fire from the cold dust And Adam made of earths dead particles, Each atom caught the skirts of sun and moon, Suddenly conscious of its inward strength. Since first my gaze alighted on thy face Dearer than father and dear mother thou Art grown to me. Thy love hath lit a flame Within my heart; ah, let it work at ease. For all my spirit is consumed in me, And my sole chattel is a reed like sigh, The lantern flickering in my ruined house. It is not possible not to declare This hidden grief; it is not possible To veil the wine in the translucent cup. But now the Muslim is estranged a new Unto the Prophets secret; now once more Gods sanctuary is an idols shrine; Manat and Lat, Hubal and Uzzae/ach118 Carries an idol to his bosom clasped; Our sheikh <b>...</b>

Dua - E - Arz , Supplication asking Allah for Guidance
Dua - E - Arz , Supplication asking Allah for Guidance
A beautiful supplication to Allah, the Creator of the heavans and the earth, we should never allow ourselves to forget his remembrance, and we should always pray to Allah to help us the way he helped the Holy Prophets and Imams (more)

Baba Ik Arz Karaan Likh Lo Ghulaman Wich Mera Naa.wmv
Baba Ik Arz Karaan Likh Lo Ghulaman Wich Mera Naa.wmv
A beautiful qawalli by Sher Miandad Khan.

Asad Amant Ali sings Ghalib -Arz-e-nayaz-e-ishaq ke qabil nahi raha
Asad Amant Ali sings Ghalib -Arz-e-nayaz-e-ishaq ke qabil nahi raha
Asad Amanat Ali Khan was born in Lahore, Pakistan. His great-grandfather, Ali Baksh Khan, was the founder of the Patiala Gharana. His grandfather, Akhtar Hussain, was a prominent musician of his time who added to his repute by coaching two of his sons into becoming a formidable singing duo(Amanat Ali Khan and Fateh Ali Khan). Amanat Ali Khan, Asad's father, died in 1974. Asad's younger brother Shafqat Amanat Ali Khan is a popular pop singer When he was 10 years old Asad recorded his first song, which featured on his grandfathers debut album. He had also been interested in academics and often said if not a singer, he would love to be a pilot. He joined a private institution however and began singing professionally after completing his FA He started his musical career performing "Thumri" and then went on to record some of his most popular Punjabi numbers and Ghazals, such as "Umra Lagian", "Zara Zara", "Kal Chaudwin Ki Raat", and "Ghar Wapas Jab". One of the songs that featured in almost every concert he performed, arguably his biggest hit, was "Insha Ji Utho" (Originally sung by his father). Asad worked for Pakistan Television for several years. Nisar Bazmi, composer and PTV producer, who died one week before him, gave him his first break, introducing the artist to the world on live television. He retained his affiliation with television through the years, recording over 1000 songs. Asad also contributed to the Pakistani film industry, featuring on a number of soundtracks <b>...</b>

Arz Kiya Hai-Dar el Salaam to Toronto (Funny Song)
Arz Kiya Hai-Dar el Salaam to Toronto (Funny Song)
This is dedicated to all those are from Tanzania to Toronto & Dar Es Salaam to Canada. Heart is crying with joy, when your Buddy is coming back to your town from CanadaUSAPardes. Song is based on 'Ghar Aya Mera Pardesi' tune.

Arz Kiya Hai (ગુજરાતી ગઝલ ) Presented by Manoj 'Bekhabar'
Arz Kiya Hai (ગુજરાતી ગઝલ ) Presented by Manoj 'Bekhabar'
Contact: manojbekhabar@yahoo.com After presenting famous Guajarati shayari from Veterans of Gujarati Ghazal Writing, this is a drop in Ocean from Rookie, Bekhabar.

Lebanese Forces video: L Arz byosroukh Ouwat
Lebanese Forces video: L Arz byosroukh Ouwat
www.facebook.com Sami Hadchiti Lebanonsamir geagea bachir gemayel ouwet lebanese forces harissa kataeb jesus christ mary christian amin gemayel pierre gemayel strida geagea sami gemayel lebanon ahrar chamaoun 14 march ouwet hariri rafik saad joumblatt walid psp