Coordinates | 45°30′″N73°40′″N |
type | city |
name | Ballarat |
state | vic |
pop | 96,097 |
pop footnotes | (June 2010 SD) |
poprank | 19th |
density | 1220 |
elevation | 435 |
elevation footnotes | AHD |
coordinates | |
est | 1838 |
area | 740 |
timezone | AEST |
utc | +10 |
timezone-dst | AEDT |
utc-dst | +11 |
postcode | 3350 |
stategov | Ballarat East, Ballarat West |
fedgov | Ballarat |
lga | City of Ballarat |
maxtemp | 17.3 |
mintemp | 7.0 |
rainfall | 695.3 |
dist1 | 110 |
dir1 | NW |
location1 | Melbourne |
dist2 | 82 |
dir2 | NW |
location2 | Geelong |
dist3 | 95 |
dir3 | SE |
location3 | Bendigo }} |
Ballarat () is a city in the state of Victoria, Australia, approximately north-west of the state capital Melbourne situated on the lower plains of the Great Dividing Range and the Yarrowee River catchment. It is the largest inland centre and third most populous city in the state and the fifth most populated inland city in Australia. The estimated urban area population is 96,000. It is the administrative centre for the City of Ballarat, which encompasses both the urban area and outlying towns spanning an area of . Inhabitants of Ballarat are known as Ballaratians.
It was named by Scottish settler Archibald Yuille who established the sheep run called Ballaarat in 1837 with the name derived from local Wathaurong Aboriginal words for the area, ''balla arat'', thought to mean "resting place". The present spelling was officially adopted in 1996.
Ballarat is one of the most significant Victorian era boomtowns in Australia. Gold was discovered at Poverty Point on 18 August 1851, and the district was found to be a rich alluvial field where gold could easily be extracted. News of the finds intensified the Victorian gold rush bringing over 10,000 migrants to the city from around the world within a year and transforming it from a station to a major settlement in the newly proclaimed Colony of Victoria. Australia's first gold stamp mill was established at Ballarat in 1854.
It was the site of the Eureka Rebellion, the only armed civil uprising in Australian history, which took place on 3 December 1854 at the Eureka Mining Lead, and the event is controversially identified with the birth of democracy in Australia. Many significant Australian cultural icons are also a legacy of Ballarat's gold rush boom. The rebellion's symbol, the Eureka Flag has become a national symbol and is held at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Australia's oldest and largest regional gallery. Other nationally significant heritage structures include the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, established 1857, the best example of a regional botanic gardens in Australia with the greatest concentration of public statuary including the official Prime Ministers Avenue; the longest running lyric theatre building, Her Majesty's, established 1875; the first municipal observatory, established 1886; and the earliest and longest memorial avenue, the Avenue of Honour, established between 1917 and 1919.
Proclaimed a city in 1871, its prosperity continued until late in the 19th century, after which its importance relative to both Melbourne and Geelong rapidly faded with the slowing of gold extraction. It has endured as a major regional centre hosting the rowing and kayaking events from the 1956 Summer Olympics. It is the commercial capital of the Central Highlands and the largest city in the Goldfields region of Victoria – a significant tourist destination. Ballarat is known for its history, culture and its well preserved Victorian era heritage.
Scottish settlers the Yuille family, Archibald Buchanan Yuille and his brother William Cross Yuille arrived in 1837 and squatted a sheep run with William Cross building a hut at Black Swamp in 1838. Outsiders originally knew of the settlement as Yuille's Station and Yuille's Swamp. Archibald Yuille named the area "Ballaarat" which is thought he derived from local Wathaurong Aboriginal words for the area, ''balla arat''. The meaning of this word is not certain, however several translations have been made and it is generally thought to mean 'resting place'. In some dialects, ''balla'' means "bent elbow" which is translated to mean reclining or resting and ''arat'' meaning "place".
The first Post Office opened on 1 November 1851. Parts of the district were first surveyed by William Urquhart as early as October 1851. By 1852 his grid plan and wide streets for land sales in the new township of West Ballarat contrasted markedly with the existing narrow unplanned streets, tents and gullies of the original East Ballarat settlement.
Civil disobedience in Ballarat led to Australia's first and only armed civil uprising, the Eureka Rebellion (colloquially referred to as the ''Eureka Stockade'') which took place in Ballarat on 3 December 1854. The event, in which 22 miners died, is considered to be a defining moment in Australian history.
The city earned the nickname "The Golden City" in the 1850s and during the 1860s prospered greatly on gold mining. Confidence of the city's early citizens in the enduring future of their city is evident in the sheer scale of many of the early public buildings, generous public recreational spaces, and opulence of many of its commercial establishments and private housing. The railway came to the town with the opening of the Geelong-Ballarat line in 1862, As Ballarat grew, the region's original indigenous inhabitants were quickly expelled to the fringe and by 1867 few at all remained.
Ballarat was proclaimed a city in 1871. Gong Gong reservoir was built in 1877 to alleviate flooding and to provide a permanent water supply. A direct railway to Melbourne was completed in December 1889. Many industries and workshops that had been established as a result of manufacturing and servicing for the deep lead mining industry.
Local boosterists at the turn of the century adopted the nickname "Athens of Australia", first used to describe the city by the prestigious Irish-Australian jurist and politician of the early 20th century Sir John Madden.
On 13 May 1901, the Duke of York (later King George V) and his wife, the Duchess of York, travelled by train from Melbourne to Ballarat.
Following the turn of the century Ballarat's growth had all but stopped. World War I dented the city's population further and the general decline led to the gradual loss of first provincial status to Geelong. In response, local lobbyists continually pushed the Victorian government for decentralisation, the greatest success being the Victorian Railways opening the Ballarat North Workshops in April 1917. The Great Depression proved a further setback for Ballarat, with the closure of many institutions.
In the Post-war era, Ballarat's growth continued, expanding significantly to the northwest and an acute housing shortage was eased with the establishment of an extensive Housing Commission of Victoria estate on the former Ballarat Common (today known as Wendouree West). The estate was originally planned to contain over 750 prefabricated houses. Whilst planning for the estate began in 1949, main construction occurred between 1951 to 1962. During the 1970s a further 300 houses were constructed. Private housing in the adjacent suburb of Wendouree closely matched and eventually eclipsed this by the mid 1960s. The suburb of greater Wendouree and Wendouree West had evolved as the suburban middle-class heart of the city.
By the 1970s, Ballarat began to officially recognise its substantial heritage and the first heritage controls were recommended to ensure its preservation. With the opening of Sovereign Hill, the city made a rapid shift to become a major cultural tourist destination.
The city continued to grow at the national average throughout the late 20th Century and early 21st Century. In 2008 the City of Ballarat released a plan directing that growth of the city over the next 30 years is to be concentrated to the west of the city centre and through the redevelopment of inner city housing blocks, and other under-developed inner-city land in the East that is being redeveloped to create a higher-density housing structure.
There are numerous densely forested areas around Ballarat and large bodies of water including the White Swan Reservoir and other lakes, rivers and creeks which are used for urban water use and agriculture.
The Central Business District (located in Ballarat Central) is a large mixed use office and retail district. Ballarat's CBD (along Lydiard, Sturt Streets, Armstrong, Doveton and Dana Streets) along with the historic centre of East Ballarat – Main Street and Bakery Hill has retained stands of commercial and civic buildings of state and national heritage significance. The CBD area is bounded to the north by railway lines, extends to the west to Drummond Street, to the south to Grant street and to the east as far as Princes Street spanning the floodplain of the Yarrowee River. It includes a major retail area.
The inner established suburbs were initially laid out around the key mining areas and include Ballarat East, Bakery Hill, Golden Point, Soldiers Hill, Black Hill, Brown Hill, Eureka, Canadian, Mount Pleasant, Redan, Sebastopol and Newington.
The post gold rush era has seen a boom in expansion, extending the conurbation north, south and west. To the west, Ballarat has expanded to Alfredton, Delacombe and Wendouree to the north it has expanded to Ballarat North, Nerrina, Invermay and Invermay Park; to the east to Warrenheip and south to Sebastopol, Mount Clear and Mount Helen with the urban area encroaching the large town of Bunninyong.
Wendouree is currently the only major suburban activity centre with a large indoor shopping mall – Stockland Shopping Centre (expanded in 2007) and also has a number of surrounding retail parks including a strip shopping centre along Howitt Street including the large retail chain Harvey Norman. Elsewhere are small suburban hubs with supermarkets such as IGA (supermarkets) and small stretches of shopfronts.
Unlike Melbourne, Ballarat does not have a defined urban growth boundary. This has put continuing pressure on the city council to approve development applications for subdivisions outside of the city fringe. In response to lobbying by landholders the Ballarat West Growth Area Plan, a major Greenfield land development plan was prepared and has approved by the city and state government to allow for planned fringe communities consisting of 14,000 new homes and up to 40,000 new residents effectively doubling the city's urban area by extending the urban sprawl from Sebastopol, Delacombe and Alfredton west toward Bonshaw, Smythes Creek and Cardigan with a new suburb to be known as Lucas to be created. New activity centres are to be developed at Delacombe and Alfredton.
The mean annual rainfall is 695 millimetres (27.75 in), with August being the wettest month (77 mm/3.0 in). There are an average of 198 rain-free days per year. Like much of Australia, Ballarat experiences cyclical drought and heavy rainfall. Flooding of the Yarrowee catchment occurs occasionally. In 1869 a serious flood of the Yarrowee River put most of the lower section of business district including Bridge and Grenville streets underwater and causing the loss of two lives. Prolonged drought (an average annual rainfall with falls averaging as low as per year since 2001) caused Lake Wendouree to dry up completely for the first time in its history between 2006 and 2007. More recently higher rainfall levels have been recorded including in the 24 hours to 9 am on 14 January 2011, ending a four-day period of flooding rains across much of Victoria and Tasmania, and contributing to the wettest January on record, with a total of of rain for the month.
Light snowfall typically falls on nearby Mount Buninyong and Mount Warrenheip at least once a year but only in the urban area during heavy winters. Widespread frosts and fog are more common during the cooler months. Snow has been known to fall heavily. Heavy snow seasons occurred in 1900–1902, 1905–1907 (with record falls in 1906) and moderate snow seasons during the 1940s and 1980s. The most recent snowfalls to have occurred within the urban area were between 2006–2008 with falls in November 2006 (light); July 2007 (moderate); June 2008 (light) and August 2008 (light).
Ballarat's highest maximum recorded temperature was on 7 February 2009 during the 2009 southeastern Australia heat wave. This is above the previous record of , set on 25 January 2003. The lowest ever recorded minimum was at sunrise on 21 July 1982.
The Ballarat Environment Network formed in 1993 to provide a voice for environmental and nature conservation issues in Ballarat and surrounds. Another large lobby group for sustainability in the city is the Ballarat Renewable Energy And Zero Emissions – BREAZE formed in 2006. The City of Ballarat released an Environment Sustainability Strategy for the city in 2007.
While there are no national parks in Ballarat's proximity, Ballarat is bordered by extensive bushland to the north, south and south west and sensitive wetlands to the east. There are a number of nearby state parks and large reserves including the Enfield State Park, Creswick Regional Park, Mount Warrenheip Flora Reserve Mount Buninyong Reserve and Lake Burrumbeet park. The region is home to a large koala population with protected areas established in the city's outer southern and eastern settlements.
Many parts of urban Ballarat have been affected by the introduction of exotic species, particularly introduced flora. Common Gorse is one such problem which has prompted the formation of an official Ballarat Region Gorse Task Force in 1999 to control.
As a major service centre for the populous goldfields region, Ballarat has large sectors of employment in retailing, service industries, state and federal government branch offices and agencies and health care.
Ballarat has become a major education centre with the formation of the University of Ballarat which exports education through a large international students program and throughout Australia through distance education programs.
In recent years, a large technology park, the University of Ballarat Technology Park with communications centre has been established, with tenants including IBM and employing over 1,400 people.
A significant heritage tourism industry has grown substantially in Ballarat since the 1960s. Ballarat is most notable for the award-winning open-air museum known as Sovereign Hill, a recreated 1850s gold mining settlement opened in 1970. Sovereign Hill is Ballarat's biggest tourism drawcard and is consistently rated amongst one of the best outdoor museums in the world and continues to expand. Sovereign Hill accounts for over half a million of Ballarat's visitors and $40 million in tourism revenue.
Several tourist traps and spin-offs have capitalised on Sovereign Hill's tourism popularity, most of these have sprung up near the eastern entrance of the Western Freeway between Melbourne and Ballarat. They include Kryal Castle (1972), "Gold Rush Mini Golf" (2002) featuring the "Big Miner" (2006) one of Australia's big things (although the original proposal appeared larger and for the miner to hold the Eureka Flag) at Ballarat's eastern entrance.
Other tourist attractions include the Eureka Centre; The Gold Museum; Ballarat Botanic gardens and Lake Wendouree; the Tramway museum and Ballarat Ghost Tours. A large number of Ballarat hotels, motels and restaurants service the tourism industry. The Ballarat Tourist Association is an industry based non-profit, membership organisation representing the city's tourism industry.
Lignite (coal), kaolin (clay) and iron ore have also been mined in the Ballarat region and nearby Lal Lal however many of the resource deposits have since been exhausted.
Ballarat attracts investment from several international manufacturers. The Australian headquarters of Mars, Incorporated was established in Ballarat in 1979 with the main Ballarat factory producing Mars bars for the Australian market. McCain Foods Limited Australian headquarters was established in Ballarat in 1970 and the company continues to expand its operations. The Ballarat North Workshops is a major manufacturer of public transportation products with current investment from Alstom.
Ballarat also has a large number of home grown companies producing textiles, general industrial engineering, food products, brick and tiles, building components, prefabricated housing components and automotive components.
There are also a number of small forestry operations in Ballarat's Canadian Valley around the suburbs of Mt Clear and Mt Helen areas with pine plantations and mills.
Through the Waubra Wind Farm the Ballarat region produces more than enough wind energy to power every home in the city, however the electricity produced goes to the national grid. Additional nearby facilities include the first community-owned wind farm in Australia at Hepburn Wind Project at Leonards Hill which produces enough electricity to power the town of Daylesford as well as approved proposals for Chepstowe, Lal Lal, Mount Mercer and proposed facilities at Mount Egerton and Ballan.
Ballarat Solar Park opened in 2009 at the Airport site in Mitchell Park is Victoria’s first ground mounted, flat plate and grid-connected photovoltaic farm. Built by Sharp Corporation for Origin Energy is a 14,993 sqm produces the equivalent energy needs of around 150 homes.
Whilst most of the city's population can trace their ethnic roots to Anglo-Celtic decendency, 13.6% of the population are born overseas, with New Zealand, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy the most common places of birth outside Australia. More recently the city has welcomed new arrivals from the Asian sub-continent and Africa.
Almost 15% of the population is over the age of 65, with over a quarter of the population expected to be over the age of 65 by 2021. The median age in Ballarat is 36 years. 46.8% of the population are married, with almost 35% of the population having never been married.
The average income of Ballarat, while lower than Melbourne, is higher than average for regional Victoria. Ballaratians in the 2007/08 financial year earned on average A$38,850 a year with the highest earners living in the city's inner and northern suburbs and the lowers earners living in the city's southern suburbs.
There were 31,959 households in the 2006 census, with 56.5% of the population having access to the internet at home.
42.5% of the population have completed further education after high school, with only 11.1% of the population holding a bachelor degree or greater, well below the national average.
Over 21.6% of Ballarat residents claim no religious affiliation. Minority religious groups include Buddhism, Judaism and Islam and total less than 5% of the population.
In state politics, Ballarat is located in the Legislative Assembly districts of Ballarat East and Ballarat West, with both of these seats currently held by the Australian Labor Party.
In federal politics, Ballarat is located in a single House of Representatives division – the Division of Ballarat. The Division of Ballarat has been a safe Australian Labor Party seat since 2001, and was the seat of the second Prime Minister of Australia, Alfred Deakin.
In his 1999 book ''And Now Here's...'' (Four Decades of Behind the Scenes Fun in Australian Television), Mike McColl Jones fondly remembers local live television variety. "...and in Ballarat, Victoria, a Tonight show ("Six Tonight") was carving its name into Australian television history. The show, hosted by Fred Fargher, ran for 13 years, and managed to attract many of the top name entertainers in the world, simply by offering them a limo ride to this beautiful country centre, a no-pressure spot on the show, and then a great dinner afterwards at one of the city's excellent restaurants. The sheer bravado of the offer enticed some of show business' biggest names."
Today Ballarat is serviced by numerous 'free to air' High Definition and Standard Definition Digital television services. Two television broadcasting stations are located in the city including WIN, GEM HD and GO! (sub-licensees of Nine Network) and Prime7, 7Two, 7mate (a sub-licensee of Seven Network). These two stations broadcast relayed services throughout regional Victoria. The city also receives Southern Cross Ten, One HD and Eleven (sub-licensee's of Network Ten) that is based in Bendigo but operates a local office.
Ballarat television maintains a similar schedule to the national television network but maintains local demographic commercials and local/regional news and some other local/regional programming. In addition to commercial television services, Ballarat receives Government ABC (ABC1, ABC2, ABC3, ABC News 24) and SBS (SBS One and Two) television services.
On Friday 5 May 2011, Analog television transmissions ceased in most areas of regional Victoria and some border regions including Ballarat and surrounding areas. All local free-to-air television services are now broadcasting in digital transmission only. This was done as part of the Federal Government`s plan for Digital terrestrial television in Australia, where all analogue transmission systems are gradually turned off and replaced with modern DVB-T transmission systems.
Subscription television services are provided by Neighbourhood Cable, Austar, and SelecTV.
The University of Ballarat originated as the Ballarat School of Mines, founded in 1870 and once affiliated with the University of Melbourne. The university consists of six campuses, three of which are in Ballarat—two in the city (Camp Street and SMB campuses) and the main campus in Mount Helen, approximately 6 kilometres (3.75 mi) southeast of the city at the foot of Mount Buninyong.
The Australian Catholic University's Ballarat campus began life as the Aquinas Training College run by the Ballarat East Sisters of Mercy in 1909. It is ACU's only rural campus that is located outside of a capital ciy in Australia.
Ballarat has four State Government-operated secondary schools, of which Ballarat High School (established in 1907) is the oldest. The other schools are Sebastopol College, Mount Clear College and Ballarat Secondary College. Ballarat Secondary College was formed in 1994 by the amalgamation of Ballarat East Secondary College, Wendouree Secondary College and Midlands Secondary College.
Ballarat has two private day and boarding schools which provide education from Years 1 to 12; Ballarat and Clarendon College and Ballarat and Queens Anglican Grammar School.
The city is well serviced by Catholic schools, with eight primary schools and three secondary colleges, the all-boys St Patrick's College, the all-girls Loreto College and the co-educational Damascus College, which was formed by the amalgamation of St Paul's Technical School and Sacred Heart College in the 1990s.
Ballarat has several public libraries, the largest and most extensive of which is the City of Ballarat Library, run by the Central Highlands Regional Library Corporation and located on Creswick Road. Another library service is provided by the Mechanics' Institute in Sturt Street, which contains a collection of historic, archival and rare reference material.
Restoration of historic buildings is encouraged including a low interest council Heritage Loans Scheme. and the prevention of demolition by neglect discouraged by council policies. Since the 1970s, the local council has become increasingly aware of the economic and social value of heritage preservation. This is in stark contrast to the 1950s and 60s when Ballarat followed Melbourne in encouraging the removal of Victorian buildings, verandahs in particular. Recent restoration projects funded by the Ballarat include the reconstruction of significant cast iron lace verandahs including the Mining Exchange, Art Gallery (2007), Mechanics institute (2005–) on Lydiard Street and in 2010 the restoration of the Town Hall and the long neglected Unicorn Hotel façade on Sturt Street.
Ballarat Citizens for Thoughtful Development formed in 1998 and was incorporated as Ballarat Heritage Watch in 2005 to ensure that the city's architectural heritage is given due consideration in the planning process.
The Ballarat Botanical Gardens (established in 1858) are recognised as the finest example of a regional botanical gardens in Australia and are home to many heritage listed exotic tree species and feature a modern glasshouse and horticultural centre and the Prime Ministers Avenue which features bronze busts of every past Australian Prime Minister. The gardens are home to the annual ''Ballarat Begonia Festival''.
Ballarat is notable for its very wide boulevards. The main street is Sturt Street and is considered among one of the finest main avenues in Australia with over 2 kilometres of central gardens known as the Sturt Street Gardens featuring bandstands, fountains, statues, monuments, memorials and lampposts. Ballarat is home to the largest of a collection of several Avenues of Honour in Victoria. The fifteen kilometre (9.3 mi) long Ballarat Avenue of Honour consists of a total of approximately 4,000 trees, mostly deciduous which in many parts arch completely over the road. Each tree has a bronze plaque dedicated to a soldier from the Ballarat region who enlisted during World War I. The Avenue of Honour and the Arch of Victory are on the Victorian Heritage Register and are seen by approximately 20,000 visitors each year.
The city also has the greatest concentration of public statuary in any Australian city with many parks and streets featuring sculptures and statues dating from the 1860s to the present. Some of the other notable memorials located in the Sturt Street Gardens in the middle of Ballarat's main boulevard include a bandstand situated in the heart of the city that was funded and built by the City of Ballarat Band in 1913 as a tribute to the bandsmen of the , a fountain dedicated to the early explorers Burke and Wills, and those dedicated to monarchs and those who have played pivotal roles in the development of the city and its rich social fabric. The most recent memorial is dedicated to war hero Sir Albert Coates.
Ballarat has an extensive array of significant war memorials, the most recent of which is the Australian Ex Prisoner of War Memorial. The most prominent memorial in the city is the Ballarat Victory Arch that spans the old Western Highway on the Western approaches of the city. The archway serves as the focal point for the Avenue of Honour. Other significant individual monuments located along Sturt Street include those dedicated to the Boer War (1899–1901), the World War II (1939–1945) cenotaph, and Vietnam (1962–1972) (located adjacent to the Arch of Victory).
Notable civic buildings include the Town Hall (1870–72), the former Post Office (1864), the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery (1887), the Mechanics' Institute (1860, 1869), the Queen Victoria Wards of the Ballarat Base Hospital (1890s) and the Ballarat railway station (1862, 1877, 1888).
Other historic buildings include the Provincial Hotel (1909), Reid's Coffee Palace (1886), Craig's Royal Hotel (1862–1890) and Her Majesty's Theatre (1875), the oldest intact and operating lyric theatre in Australia.
The Ballarat Fire Station, located near Bakery Hill, is one of Victoria's oldest fire fighting structures; operated by the Ballarat East brigade – it currently only houses fire trucks. The building was designed in 1864 by architect Henry Caselli as brick masonry; with the construction completed in 1911. Heritage Victoria described the buildings as ''unusual'' and ''sophisticated''. Ballarat is also home to the oldest Jewish synagogue on mainland Australia which is located in Bakery Hill in the Ballarat CBD. The first stone was laid on 25 January 1861, during the Victorian Gold Rush period.
Lake Wendouree is featured in many including the most prominent, the Begonia Festival (since 1953) and it now attracts over 100,000 visitors from around Australia. SpringFest (since 2001) now attracts more than 15,000 people from around Victoria and features market stalls and activities around the lake.
Ballarat Heritage Weekend (since 2006) celebrates the city's heritage with activities such as historic vehicles and displays in and around the CBD and also attracts visitors from around Victoria. Other minor cultural festivals include the Ballarat Writers Festival, Ballarat International Foto Biennialle and the Goldfields Music Festival.
The Ballarat Civic Hall is a large public building constructed in 1958 as a general purpose venue. Its stripped classical design was heavily criticised during its planning, however it has gained some cultural significance to the city with its cavernous spaces holding many significant events over the years. Civic Hall was closed in 2002 and there have been moves to redevelop it for many years with some calls to retain the building as a venue.
Ballarat has its own symphony orchestra, the Ballarat Symphony Orchestra which was formed in 1987.
Some notable theatre organisations in Ballarat include BLOC (Ballarat Light Opera Company) founded in 1959.
Ballarat is also the home to Australia's oldest and largest annual performing arts eisteddfod. The Royal South Street Eisteddfod is an all-encompassing performing arts festival and competition event that is conducted over twelve weeks annually.
In the 1970s the Ballarat urban area contained no less than 60 hotels. The introduction of gaming machines in the early 1990s has brought about significant change in the city entertainment precincts. By 2006 at least 20 hotels had closed and some of those that remain have been redeveloped as dining and/or gaming venues. Gaming machines have brought significant revenue to the remaining hotels, sports and social clubs which has enabled many to expand and modernise.
The city has several dance clubs as well as a highly active live music and jazz scene. Hotels are popular meeting places for young people. The city has many fine restaurants, wine bars and eateries as well as themed restaurants.
A large cinema complex consisting of several theatres is located behind the façade of the old Regent cinemas in the heart of the city.
Dance parties are popular within the Ballarat area; however, the director of Ballarat Health Services (BHS), Andrew Rowe, has stated that Ballarat is "an inappropriate place to hold a rave" and has called for the Moorabool Shire Council to forbid raves (such as the one held at Kryal Castle) around the immediate Ballarat area. BTR is an organisation founded in 2006 that has begun hosting dance events in Ballarat.
The University of Ballarat operates the Post Office Gallery in the Wardell designed former Post Office on the corner of Sturt and Lydiard Streets.
Australian rules football is played at semi-professional and amateur levels with a large number of players at numerous venues, both dedicated such as Eureka Stadium and shared with cricket. The North Ballarat Roosters based out of Eureka Stadium compete in the Victorian Football League and currently have an affiliation with national Australian Football League (AFL) club the North Melbourne Kangaroos. Plans are currently in progression to upgrade Northern Oval (currently known as Eureka Stadium) for hosting regular AFL pre season matches, with an aim to accommodate seating for 20,000 people. The Ballarat Football League (founded 1893) is a strong regional league of which there are 3 teams (Ballarat, Lake Wendouree and North Ballarat City) from Ballarat. The Ballarat Football Club (founded 1860) remains one of the oldest football clubs in the world. A team from Buninyong competes in the regional Central Highlands Football League.
Cricket is also played extensively with three international standard cricket ovals. Ballarat's Eastern Oval hosted a game in the 1992 Cricket World Cup.
Horse racing and greyhound racing are popular, with dedicated facilities. The Harness Racing centre is considered to be among the best in Australia. The Ballarat Turf Club schedules around 28 race meetings a year including the Ballarat Cup meeting in mid-November. Ballarat Harness Racing Club conducts regular meetings at its racetrack in the city. The Ballarat Greyhound Racing Club holds regular meetings at Sebastopol.
Basketball is played at various levels with the Ballarat Miners and Ballarat Lady Miners who competing in the South East Australian Basketball League and playing out of the WIN Minerdome. The venue hosted basketball games for the 2006 Commonwealth Games. Netball is similarly popular, with many netball clubs affiliated with local Australian rules clubs including Wendouree, East Point, Eureka, North Ballarat, Redan, Brown Hill and a the Ballarat Netball Association.
Rowing and kayaking is centred around Lake Wendouree and the sport is particularly popular with the schools. The lake hosts the Victorian Schools Rowing Championships as well as the annual 'Head of the Lake' rowing regatta – contested by Ballarat High School, Ballarat and Clarendon College, Ballarat Grammar School, St Patrick's College and Loreto College. The city hosted rowing events for the 1956 Olympic Games.
Association Football (known locally as soccer) is played mostly at an amateur level, with a competition known as the Ballarat District Soccer Association (BDSA). The Ballarat Red Devils play in the FFV State League division Two North-West.
Athletics facilities include an international standard athletics track at Llanberris Reserve on York Street Golden Point which is an Athletics Victoria venue and home to local athletics and little athletics clubs.
Swimming and water sport is facilitated at two Olympic sized pools as well as an indoor 25 metre (82 ft) competition short course pool. The main facility is the Ballarat Aquatic Centre located at Gillies Street Lake Gardens in the city's west.
Baseball was first organised in Australia at Ballarat in 1857. The Ballarat Brewers field three teams in the Geelong Baseball Association Winter Division, A Grade, A Reserve and C Grade.
Golf is played at four main venues which include the Ballarat Golf Course on Sturt Street in the Easter suburb of Alfredton, home to the Ballarat Golf Club; the Midlands Golf Course on Heinz Lane in the northern suburb of Invermay Park which is home to the Midlands Golf Club; the Eureka Golf Course at Elford Street in the eastern suburb of Ballarat East and in the southern suburb of Buninyong at the Buninyong Golf Course.
Lake Wendouree is a large recreational lake that was created out of former wetlands and hosted the rowing events for the 1956 Summer Olympics. Victoria Park is an expansive reserve with tree lined avenues and sporting fields in suburban Newington. The suburbs feature some privately run wildlife parks including Ballarat Wildlife Park in Ballarat East and Ballarat Bird World in Buninyong.
Historic Lydiard Street features prominently in national television advertisement advertisements including the Gold Lion award (Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival) and Australasian Writers and Art Directors Association award winning "The Regulars" (2009) for Victoria Bitter and "What About Me" (2010) Safe Driver Rewards campaign for AAMI.
Ballarat is also a popular filming location with the city making cameos in film including My Brother Jack (2001), Ned Kelly (2003) and The Writer (2005).
Ballarat also features prominently in literature and fiction, including The Boscombe Valley Mystery (1891) from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, the King Billy of Ballarat and Other Stories (1892) by Morley Roberts, The Fortunes of Richard Mahony (1917) by Henry Handel Richardson, Murder on the Ballarat Train (1993) by Kerry Greenwood and The Supply Party by Martin Edward (2009).
The town of Ballarat, California is named after Ballarat.
Two ships of the Royal Australian Navy have been named HMAS Ballarat after the city, HMAS Ballarat (J184) and HMAS Ballarat (FFH 155).
Popular nicknames used by locals for the city include "The 'Rat", a shortened version of the name derived from the brown rat, the name and symbol was further popularised by Rebellion Brewery's The Rat beer. Another enduring nickname is Golden City which dates back to the gold rush and appears in several names including Golden City Hotel (1856) and the Golden City paddlesteamer (1885) and in numerous non-fiction works.
Ballarat's data communications services now come from several providers, however for a long time the city went without broadband services. An extensive private broadband network was built by Neighbourhood Cable, now Telstra and Optus also provide broadband services. No announcement of Ballarat's rollout of the National Broadband Network has yet been made however it is seen as vital for the city's growing IT industry.
Ballarat's electricity supply is provided and maintained by Victorian electricity distributor Powercor.
Ballarat is also served by an extensive public bus service branded as Ballarat Transit which is currently operated mainly by Ballarat Coachlines and Davis Bus Service. The taxi system operates in all suburbs and is currently operated by Ballarat Taxis Co-op Ltd.
Regional coaches operated by V/Line connect Ballarat with other regional centres such as Warrnambool, Bendigo, Mildura and Maryborough. There is also a direct bus service to Melbourne's Tullamarine Airport.
Ballarat has two passenger railway stations, the hub of Ballarat railway station and suburban Wendouree railway station out of which V/Line operates VLocity trains running at up to east to Melbourne, west and Ararat and north to Maryborough. The busiest service is the peak hour express (64 minutes) to Melbourne which has become highly popular with commuters. The Regional Rail Link project is underway to separate Ballarat's trains from Melbourne's suburban rail network for more regular services. Interurban services (Ballarat-Melbourne) now run half hourly during weekday peak and hourly on weekends from Ballarat station. A twice daily (53 minute) service connects Ballarat to Ararat while there is a (57 minute) service to and from Maryborough (stopping at Creswick) once a day each way.
The Ballarat to Geelong (the Geelong-Ballarat railway line) currently operates as a freight line only (passenger services were withdrawn in 1978) and the city has several disused railway corridors and stations along the Skipton railway, Buninyong railway and the Ballarat Cattle Yards railway.
Ballarat once operated an extensive tramway network which began in 1887, however it was closed in 1971 and replaced by buses. A small section of track remains used as a tourist and museum tramway. There have been proposals to extend the network, particularly to connect it to the railways and return it as a viable component of the Ballarat public transport system.
Several former Prime Minister of Australia were from Ballarat (recognised by the city's Prime Minister's Avenue) – Alfred Deakin, Sir Robert Menzies, James Scullin and John Curtin. Several Premiers of the Australian states are also from Ballarat, including Victorian premiers Sir Henry Bolte, Steve Bracks, Duncan Gillies, Thomas Hollway and Western Australia premier Henry Daglish.
Outside of politics, other prominent public figures include Peter Lalor, an important historical figure in Australia as the leader of the Eureka Rebellion (1854); the inventor George Alfred Julius, who spent part of his childhood in the town when his father was a local Anglican cleric; and Cardinal George Pell, the current Catholic Archbishop of Sydney.
Ballarat has also produced many notable athletes including the Olympic long distance runner Steve Moneghetti. A large number of notable Australian rules football identities have come from Ballarat, including Tony Lockett, an AFL Legend player and record holder of the most goals scored in a career; premiership coaches Mick Malthouse and Geelong Football Club legend Bob Davis. North Melbourne forward Drew Petrie is also from the town.
Category:Ballarat Category:Mining towns in Victoria (Australia) Category:Australian Aboriginal placenames
bg:Баларат cy:Ballarat da:Ballarat de:Ballarat el:Μπαλαράτ es:Ballarat fr:Ballarat ga:Ballarat gl:Ballarat ko:밸러랫 id:Ballarat, Victoria it:Ballarat jv:Ballarat, Victoria ka:ბალარატი lt:Balaratas nl:Ballarat ja:バララット no:Ballarat pnb:بالارت pl:Ballarat pt:Ballarat ro:Ballarat ru:Балларат simple:Ballarat, Victoria sr:Баларат fi:Ballarat sv:Ballarat uk:Балларат zh:柏拉瑞特 (维多利亚州)This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
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