Recent Articles
Reports on 2010 Census Data
Hollowing out the Great Plains Census data show our rural areas continue to lose population, while smaller cities and metropolitan areas expand.
Age Valley Confronts the Great Plains Rural areas continue to lose population and are caught between “bookend generations” - the youngest and the oldest - with a demographic valley in between.
Food Insecurity high where food is grown Report shows signs of rural poverty and hunger, especially among children, during one of the biggest surges in agricultural prosperity in history.
Farm Bill
The Center applauds the Senate Ag Committee for passing a Farm Bill that closes loopholes in the farm payment limitation. The next step is to apply the limits to federal crop insurance. Read more here.
Renewable Energy
Landowner Ideas Needed Involved in a wind development project on your land? Your insight can help improve the process for other landowners. Click here to find out how.
Map of Clean Energy Transmission Projects Provides an up-to-date overview of transmission projects in the Great Plains and Upper Midwest. The map will help journalists, communities, landowners, and others track projects in their region.
Connect the Dots: Transmission and Rural Communities Expansion of the electric transmission grid is key to a clean energy future. An improved grid will bring more wind energy online, creating rural jobs in both transmission and wind industries.
Clean Energy Transmission Principles We are developing a set of principles to address increased transmission of wind energy in a way that considers the voices of those who will be affected by new lines.
See more clean energy content here.
Health Care Reform
The Affordable Care Act: Real Help for Real Rural People Documents how many Americans have used or benefited from the Affordable Care Act. Also looks at the number of rural residents.
Medicaid and Rural America Medicaid is critical for rural people, places, and the rural health care infrastructure. It protects long-term care for millions of seniors, assists people with disabilities to live independently, and provides health coverage that ensures children can see a doctor when they get sick.
What's in the Affordable Care Act for Prevention and Public Health? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and so the new law puts a much greater emphasis on health, including strategies to promote healthier people and communities.
What's in the Affordable Care Act for Rural Young Adults? The new law includes significant benefits for young adults in rural communities. This report examines provisions that benefit them and the rural places they call home.
Learn more about our health care work here.
Grocery Stores - Two briefs explore the Importance and Challenges of rural grocery stores and Ownership Models that Work for Rural Communities. Check out our main grocery store page here.
Farmers and Ranchers
Improving the Use of USDA Programs among Hispanic and Latino Farmers and Ranchers Latino farmers and ranchers are very entrepreneurial, and they want to expand their farming and ranching operations. Yet significant barriers exist for them.
Credit, Crop Insurance and Sustainable Agriculture in Iowa Shares results of a survey of producers, ag lenders and crop insurance agents to understand their attitudes and knowledge of sustainable agriculture and gauge if discrimination in lending and crop insurance practices.
Barriers to Latino and Hispanic Farmers-Ranchers in Nebraska Despite an increase in Hispanics and Latinos over the last decade, a significant number of farmers and ranchers with Hispanic and Latino origins have fled the agricultural sector of Nebraska.
Snapshot of Missouri and Nebraska Latino Farmers and Ranchers - Latino farms and ranches have declined, despite overall increases in the Latino population in both states.
Find more here.
Rural Communities
Federal Rural Development in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula Farm programs are getting the most attention in the 2012 farm bill debate, but rural development programs are bringing in more dollars to fund important projects for communities and residents.
Mini Homestead Act - the New American Dream Kim Preston, a researcher at the Center, was quoted in a news story about free land for housing in a small North Dakota town. Find other locations with similar programs here.
Community Development Resource Guide A new easy reference guide to assist rural communities.
Leadership for Rural Communities A four-part series on developing leadership skills from the Center for Rural Affairs Newsletter.
See more rural community development topics here.
Legacy Reports and other Content
Comments to USDA on Closing Farm Payment Loopholes
The Future Is Now A Delaware corporation pays $52 million for Nebraska land after I-300 is no longer in force.
Wheels of Fortune The Center's 1976 report that spurred debate about irrigation and corporate farming in Nebraska is now online as a PDF.
Who Will Sit Up With The Corporate Sow? The prophetic 1975 report from the Center is now online as a PDF.
Promising Opportunities: A Fresh Look at Opportunities for Rural Communities offered some great economic development ideas.
Small Farm Energy Primer The Center's work with a group of farmers changed the way on-farm research is done and resulted in energy savings.
Read the Blog for Rural America | Read our weekly columns
Hollowing out the Great Plains Census data show our rural areas continue to lose population, while smaller cities and metropolitan areas expand.
Age Valley Confronts the Great Plains Rural areas continue to lose population and are caught between “bookend generations” - the youngest and the oldest - with a demographic valley in between.
Food Insecurity high where food is grown Report shows signs of rural poverty and hunger, especially among children, during one of the biggest surges in agricultural prosperity in history.
Farm Bill
The Center applauds the Senate Ag Committee for passing a Farm Bill that closes loopholes in the farm payment limitation. The next step is to apply the limits to federal crop insurance. Read more here.
Renewable Energy
Landowner Ideas Needed Involved in a wind development project on your land? Your insight can help improve the process for other landowners. Click here to find out how.
Map of Clean Energy Transmission Projects Provides an up-to-date overview of transmission projects in the Great Plains and Upper Midwest. The map will help journalists, communities, landowners, and others track projects in their region.
Connect the Dots: Transmission and Rural Communities Expansion of the electric transmission grid is key to a clean energy future. An improved grid will bring more wind energy online, creating rural jobs in both transmission and wind industries.
Clean Energy Transmission Principles We are developing a set of principles to address increased transmission of wind energy in a way that considers the voices of those who will be affected by new lines.
See more clean energy content here.
Health Care Reform
The Affordable Care Act: Real Help for Real Rural People Documents how many Americans have used or benefited from the Affordable Care Act. Also looks at the number of rural residents.
Medicaid and Rural America Medicaid is critical for rural people, places, and the rural health care infrastructure. It protects long-term care for millions of seniors, assists people with disabilities to live independently, and provides health coverage that ensures children can see a doctor when they get sick.
What's in the Affordable Care Act for Prevention and Public Health? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and so the new law puts a much greater emphasis on health, including strategies to promote healthier people and communities.
What's in the Affordable Care Act for Rural Young Adults? The new law includes significant benefits for young adults in rural communities. This report examines provisions that benefit them and the rural places they call home.
Learn more about our health care work here.
Grocery Stores - Two briefs explore the Importance and Challenges of rural grocery stores and Ownership Models that Work for Rural Communities. Check out our main grocery store page here.
Farmers and Ranchers
Improving the Use of USDA Programs among Hispanic and Latino Farmers and Ranchers Latino farmers and ranchers are very entrepreneurial, and they want to expand their farming and ranching operations. Yet significant barriers exist for them.
Credit, Crop Insurance and Sustainable Agriculture in Iowa Shares results of a survey of producers, ag lenders and crop insurance agents to understand their attitudes and knowledge of sustainable agriculture and gauge if discrimination in lending and crop insurance practices.
Barriers to Latino and Hispanic Farmers-Ranchers in Nebraska Despite an increase in Hispanics and Latinos over the last decade, a significant number of farmers and ranchers with Hispanic and Latino origins have fled the agricultural sector of Nebraska.
Snapshot of Missouri and Nebraska Latino Farmers and Ranchers - Latino farms and ranches have declined, despite overall increases in the Latino population in both states.
Find more here.
Rural Communities
Federal Rural Development in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula Farm programs are getting the most attention in the 2012 farm bill debate, but rural development programs are bringing in more dollars to fund important projects for communities and residents.
Mini Homestead Act - the New American Dream Kim Preston, a researcher at the Center, was quoted in a news story about free land for housing in a small North Dakota town. Find other locations with similar programs here.
Community Development Resource Guide A new easy reference guide to assist rural communities.
Leadership for Rural Communities A four-part series on developing leadership skills from the Center for Rural Affairs Newsletter.
See more rural community development topics here.
Legacy Reports and other Content
Comments to USDA on Closing Farm Payment Loopholes
The Future Is Now A Delaware corporation pays $52 million for Nebraska land after I-300 is no longer in force.
Wheels of Fortune The Center's 1976 report that spurred debate about irrigation and corporate farming in Nebraska is now online as a PDF.
Who Will Sit Up With The Corporate Sow? The prophetic 1975 report from the Center is now online as a PDF.
Promising Opportunities: A Fresh Look at Opportunities for Rural Communities offered some great economic development ideas.
Small Farm Energy Primer The Center's work with a group of farmers changed the way on-farm research is done and resulted in energy savings.
Read the Blog for Rural America | Read our weekly columns
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Center Weekly Column
06/04/2012Federal farm spending is undergoing a major shift from traditional farm programs to subsidized crop insurance premiums, with implications for family size farms and conservation.
05/21/2012The cost of land continues to rise. With record-setting land sales of $20,000 per acre in some parts of the country, land ownership is out of reach for most beginning farmers and ranchers.
05/16/2012On June 3rd, if you’re around Pocahontas County, you’ll have a tremendous opportunity to learn about the Rock Island Clean Line Energy transmission project. The Clean Line Energy Partners will host an open house that day at the Pocahontas County Expo Center in Pocahontas from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
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