
Capital Metro Bus Hit By A Nick
Capital Metro Bus Hit By A Nick
An energetic freshman student will always be remembered, as the boy who lived. I did not film this, but was present at the epic foam sword fight. Update: No buses present in this video were fatally injured. www.statesman.com The student, Nick, is fine and was released from the hospital around 3:45PM the same day, May 4th, 2012. I also feel the need to clarify the situation to those unfamiliar with the roads around UT campus. This sword fight took place on Guadalupe St just in front of the Co-op. The "crosswalk", is understood to be the entire section in between the two striped areas. Nick was wearing an Obama mask. Remember kids, always look both ways

Studio Smack is a collective of young artists searching for new esthetics and concepts. Commissioned by the De Beyerd Museum three young graphic designers, former students of AKV/St. Joost, Ton Meijdam, Thom Snels & Béla Zsigmond, made a film about legible signs in town. The typo-animation Kapitaal (Capital) is an impression of the enormous amount of visual stimuli that plague us every day. The amount is so big that its commercial effectiveness has become utterly dubious.

Capital-T - Supersweet ( Official Video )
Capital-T - Supersweet ( Official Video )
From stone age to the future Entermedia & Capital-T produce the video for the hit song "Supersweet" video by: Entermedia // Creative Agency styling by: 4-ID www.entermedia.org

Nicki Minaj Interview With James Barr - Capital FM
Nicki Minaj Interview With James Barr - Capital FM
The 'Starships' rapper spoke to Capital FM's James Barr about the reasons why she left Twitter, her Roman Reloaded album as well as the inspiration behind 'Young Forever'. Find out more at www.capitalfm.com

Sesame Street - Capital I (Widescreen)
Sesame Street - Capital I (Widescreen)
An epic song by the great Steve Zuckerman from the show's third season (1971-1972) =D

Nicki Minaj On Twitter - Capital FM
Nicki Minaj On Twitter - Capital FM
Nicki Minaj chatted to Capital FM's James Barr about the reasons behind her sudden Twitter departure. Find out more at www.capitalfm.com

What is capital?
What is capital?
Full text of the video can be read at: kapitalism101.wordpress.com

Capital I and Lower Case N (No Logo's)
Capital I and Lower Case N (No Logo's)
Two haunting and Magical little songs from Sesame Street. Steve Zuckerman is so cool! 'Capital I' was the second thing I looked up on YouTube ever! So glad it was available to watch because it was so influential to my life and my interest in music ('The Butterfly-ball' film-clip to the song 'Love is All' was the first thing I looked up). Steve Zuckerman is a composer for television and movies, a songwriter, and a singer who wrote songs for at least three animated Sesame Street inserts: "I in the Sky," "Lowercase N," and "Imagination Rain." In an "Ask the AV Club" column on the AV Club Web site of The Onion, Zuckerman recalled the experience of creating the songs: " It was just me doing the harmony and the melody—I think it was using a 4-track and bouncing tracks back and forth. That's pretty much how I did all of them. I remember recording them around 1970 at Valentine Recording Studios (in the San Fernando Valley) for Fred Calvert Productions. I was just starting out (I had just turned 20) in my musical career as the studio's music director, and along with various other submitters, we proposed segments to CTW based on their rather detailed and voluminous source and research materials. In each of these segments, the songs were created first. The first segment (which I also performed and wrote) is still my personal favorite—"Imagination Rain," which ran for about 15 or 20 years. " BTW there is a great Guitar and vocal Tab/Music chart for Capital I at www.ultimate-guitar <b>...</b>

Justin Bieber on Capital Breakfast with Dave Berry and Lisa Snowdon
Justin Bieber on Capital Breakfast with Dave Berry and Lisa Snowdon
Justin Bieber, confirmed artist for Capital's Summertime Ball with Vodafone was live on the Capital Breakfast Show with Dave Berry and Lisa Snowdon. We asked what all this talk about 'Jerry' is (!), attacking members of The Wanted plus his new single 'Boyfriend'.

Justin Bieber Chats To James Barr On Capital FM
Justin Bieber Chats To James Barr On Capital FM
Justin Bieber called in to Capital FM for a chat with James Barr about his upcoming appearance at the Summertime Ball.

Joey BADA$$ x Capital STEEZ - "Survival Tactics"
Joey BADA$$ x Capital STEEZ - "Survival Tactics"
17 year old Brooklyn native Joey BadA$$ debuts his video for "Survival Tactics" the first release off his solo Project "1999" slated to drop late march 2012. The song features fellow Brooklyn based artist Capital STEEZ . Joey along with Steez are original memebers of the BK based movement Pro.Era (Progressive Era: proera.tumblr.com The project is being released by SOW the brainchild of Cinematic Music Group and Creative Control.tv Follow Joey @joeybadass_ and Steez @mf_steez Facebook: www.facebook.com Pro.Era Facebook: www.facebook.com indy.livemixtapes.com CapitalSTEEZ's tape is finally here!!!!!!! CapitalSTEEZ- AMERIKKKAN KORRUPTION AK4/7 The mixtape is streaming live. FREE DWNLOAD!!!

Welcome To Belgistan -- The New Muslim Capital Of Europe
Welcome To Belgistan -- The New Muslim Capital Of Europe
Learn more at www.prophecynewswatch.com

Ляпис Трубецкой - Капитал / Lyapis Trubetskoy - Capital
Ляпис Трубецкой - Капитал / Lyapis Trubetskoy - Capital
video directed by Alexey Terekhov

CAPITAL A - "Doja Room" feat. Slip Capone, Bad Azz, Roscoe, Frank Nitty, Criminale and Knuckles
CAPITAL A - "Doja Room" feat. Slip Capone, Bad Azz, Roscoe, Frank Nitty, Criminale and Knuckles
CAPITAL 'A', (Pat Haze, Spaceman, Barney Blunt & Rob Law) Presents "DOJA ROOM" featuring Slip Capone, Bad Azz, Roscoe (DPG), Frank Nitty, Criminale & Knuckles. Directed by Jason Espat Director of Photography: Andrew Elsayid Edited by Nick Farmani Captital A "Doja Room" Music Video, Doja Room, Capital A, Pat Haze, Spaceman, Barney Blunt, Rob Law, Anaheim ,California, Rap Music Video, Hip Hop Music Video, Slip Capone, Frank Nitty, Roscoe, DPG, Criminale, Knuckles, Bad Azz, Lady Gaga Get's High, Megan Foxx gets high, lady gaga smoking weed, megan foxx smoking weed, Dosia Room, Dozia Room, Dosia, Doja, Marijuana, Marijuana Room, Marijuana Smoke, Bud Room, Bud Smoking, Kush, OG Kush, Purple Haze,

Capital Cities - Safe and Sound - Original
Capital Cities - Safe and Sound - Original
Download debut EP at itunes.apple.com Video edited by Agent Ara aka Ara Keshishian arakeshishian.com

- Venture Capital - This Week in Venture Capital - Mark Suster, Investment Partner at GRP Partners
- Venture Capital - This Week in Venture Capital - Mark Suster, Investment Partner at GRP Partners
This week's guest is Mark Suster, Investment Partner at GRP Partners

La Vida Boheme "Radio Capital"
La Vida Boheme "Radio Capital"
"Nuestra" available on iTunes !!! itun.es Amazon CD: amzn.to

Capital T - Karma ( Official Video HD )
Capital T - Karma ( Official Video HD )
AuthenticENT Presents : Official Video Capital T '' Karma '' Singell i pare i Albumit '' KAPO '' Ne shitje 25.05.2012 :::Video directed by : Kristian Kruz::: www.facebook.com/KAPOofficial www.youtube.com/KAPOofficial www.twitter.com/TrueKapo www.kapomusic.com

Capital T - Ditlindja
Capital T - Ditlindja
Website: www.kapomusic.com Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com Booking & Press: info@kapomusic.com Authentic Entertainment 2012 ©All rights reserved

- Venture Capital - This Week in Venture Capital - Mark Suster and Jason Calacanis
- Venture Capital - This Week in Venture Capital - Mark Suster and Jason Calacanis
This week's guest is Mark Suster, Investment Partner at GRP Partners

- Startups - Chamath Palihapitiya of The Social+Capital Partnership - TWiST #238
- Startups - Chamath Palihapitiya of The Social+Capital Partnership - TWiST #238
0:00-2:00 Welcome everyone, we're here with angel investor and entrepreneur Chamath Palihapitiya. 2:00-4:00 Thank you to GoToMeeting for sponsoring the program. Everyone use the promo code "START" for a free 30-day trial. 4:00-4:45 How did you end up meeting Mark Zuckerberg and getting involved with Facebook? 4:45-6:30 How did you wind up at AOL? 6:30-10:00 Ram Shiram was the mentor to Larry and Sergei, correct? 10:00-10:45 What appealed to you about being a VC? 10:45-13:30 Is it a similar rush that you feel when you're playing a hand of poker? 13:30-14:45 Is it hard for you to say no as an angel investor? How do you do it? 14:45-17:45 What percentage of the time does someone fight you on your feedback? 17:45-19:30 What about when someone has been told they're good their whole life, and then you come in and tell them that they're not? 19:30-21:30 Did you know when you met Mark that he was destined for greatness? 21:30-22:45 Thank you to LiquidWeb for sponsoring the show! Everyone thank them @LiquidWeb! 22:45-24:45 How crucial was Sean Parker in the development of Facebook? 24:45-30:00 When you look back on the privacy errors that Facebook made, what do you think was the cause of them? 30:00-32:15 Bill Gates' legacy of philanthropy will exceed his legacy of Microsoft, won't it? 32:15-33:45 But your venture fund is not non-profit? 33:45-37:00 How big is your fund and what stage is it at? 37:00-41:30 So who did you go to to get involved in the fund? 41:30-44:30 What do you <b>...</b>

Guild Wars 2 - Capital Cities & Home Instance [Ep. 17]
Guild Wars 2 - Capital Cities & Home Instance [Ep. 17]
Visit us! facebook.com/getbonkd twitter.com/getbonkd twitch.tv/getbonkd Bonk! Studios presents Guild Wars 2 -- Capital Cities & Home Instance Commentary by: Donald "Scylol" Dobbin Edited by: JJ "theselol" PS In this episode, we explore the magnificent Guild Wars 2 Capital Cities as well as the exciting Home Instance! Topics of discussion: General Introduction Capital Cities The Home Instance As always, please subscribe, favorite and like this video if you enjoyed it. Leave any constructive criticism we may use to improve our future videos in the comment section below. Next episode: Guild Wars 2 -- TBA