
Amro - Harakat (OFFICIEL MUSIKVIDEO 2012)
Ha·ra·kat [ḥarə'kæt] Navneord 1. Bevægelser (arab...
published: 17 May 2012
author: Amro Musik
Amro - Harakat (OFFICIEL MUSIKVIDEO 2012)
Ha·ra·kat [ḥarə'kæt] Navneord 1. Bevægelser (arab.) 2. At lave harakat; at lave 'tricks', at komme uden om noget, at tage et træk, at røre på sig: Eks.: "Vi laver harakat på dem!" www.facebook.com twitter.com Produktion: Abu Malek Instruktør: Özcan Ajrulovski Kamera: Ahmet Simsek + Özcan Ajrulovski Klip/red.: Ahmet Simsek for SimsekVideos Videoen giver den op for A$AP Rocky's "Purple Swag" og Texas stilen! [Omkvæd] Vi laver - laver harakat - på din slidte røv - Vi laver - laver harakat - på din - harakat - [Vers 1] Vi laver harakat på din slidte røv/ Skinner mens din overflade er beskidt og støvet/ Du helt bedøvet - ondt i hjertet for et spildt talent/ - Spildt - gennem et filter - tobak og noget ild - hvad får dig frem i dit felt?/ Fyrer den fuldt op med en god - gang - røøg/ Bedøver dit fuckin' hoved med en 2 - grams - jooiint/ Høøj - som et fly mothafucka/ Kommer helt op og røre en sky mothafucka/ Til det hele går i slowmo' - Der højt at flyve - men der dybt at falde/ 'Falme' - eller blive priset som den gyldne palme/ Klar til at gå på - eller falde fra/ Skriver kunst - som en kaligraf/ Laver kvali varer/ hva'??/ [Omkvæd] [Vers 2] Vi laver harakat på din slidte røv/ Du siger du dur til noget - lad vær og sige det vrøvl/ Brænder fuckin' hjerneceller af - får hoved stegt/ Kan ikk' bevæge dig væk - som om du går med fodlænke/ Lak vi opnår resultater dig - vi lægger ordenlige planer/ Systematisk - laver penge på dine dårlige vaner/ Ha' - ha' - ha' - Vi laver harakat på din <b>...</b>

بدون هجاءLesson #4 short vowels Al Harakat Fatha Damma Kasra
Lesson #4 short vowels...
published: 14 Dec 2010
author: darulquranicpc
بدون هجاءLesson #4 short vowels Al Harakat Fatha Damma Kasra
Lesson #4 short vowels

Bayati Harakat 6 @ Bayati Husaini
Mari Bertarannum tv9. tarannum-video.blogspot.com...
published: 13 Jun 2009
author: nhs08www
Bayati Harakat 6 @ Bayati Husaini
Mari Bertarannum tv9. tarannum-video.blogspot.com

Bayati Harakat 1-4
Mari bertarannum tarannum-video.blogspot.com...
published: 17 Jun 2009
author: nhs08www
Bayati Harakat 1-4
Mari bertarannum tarannum-video.blogspot.com

Dayimi Harakat Suleyman Alasgarov, Azeri Tar:Amir Sarabi Piano:Sahand Shaterian
Dayimi Harakat Suleyman Alasgarov, Azeri Tar amir sarabi / sahand shaterian Dayimi Harakat...
published: 12 Apr 2012
author: hadianamir
Dayimi Harakat Suleyman Alasgarov, Azeri Tar:Amir Sarabi Piano:Sahand Shaterian
Dayimi Harakat Suleyman Alasgarov, Azeri Tar amir sarabi / sahand shaterian Dayimi Harakat Suleyman Alasgarov, The tār (Persian: تار) is a long-necked, waisted Iranian and Classic music حرکت دایمی رسیتال تار و پیانو تار امیر سرابی پیانو سهند...

Harakat-al-Shabab Martyr 1
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! To...
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: MujahideenMovement
Harakat-al-Shabab Martyr 1
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! Today's honourable sons and daughters of Islam are writing a new page in the great history of this Ummah, stories of success from Sabr (patience) to Nasr (victory) insha'Allah, which should be written in gold. But as you can see the helpers of Shaytan are also writing with their own blood, at their own expense and losses, on this page stories of Irtidad (apostacy) Hasad (envy, jealousy) Nifaq (hypocracy) Kufr (disblief, rejection of Truth) and Sharr (evil). Where ever the flag of Tawheed is raised, they respond with military, cultural and ideological invasions, as occured on Wednesday 29, Dhu al Qa'dah 1427 (December 20, 2006) against the southern end of our Ummah. On that day, the tyranical regime of post-communist Ethiopia has not only joined the Zionist-Crusader alliance, but also uses it's own children like shoes, marching them into the teeth of battle-hardened Somali veterans of decades-long fighting, only at the behest of a distant and foreign "ally" which they know cannot be trusted. This is the ultimate act of corruption, betrayal and treason against the people of Ethiopia. Even from a materialistic prospective, to squander the precious blood of a people who for half a century struggled in impoverishment, against people of Somalia who also struggle in impoverishment, for the national interest of a self-serving parasitic, greedy, capitalist nation of 300 million, currently <b>...</b>

Harakat al Shabab Breeze from Winds of Victory.rmvb
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! To...
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: HarkatalJihad
Harakat al Shabab Breeze from Winds of Victory.rmvb
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! Today's honourable sons and daughters of Islam are writing a new page in the great history of this Ummah, stories of success from Sabr (patience) to Nasr (victory) insha'Allah, which should be written in gold. But as you can see the helpers of Shaytan are also writing with their own blood, at their own expense and losses, on this page stories of Irtidad (apostacy) Hasad (envy, jealousy) Nifaq (hypocracy) Kufr (disblief, rejection of Truth) and Sharr (evil). Where ever the flag of Tawheed is raised, they respond with military, cultural and ideological invasions, as occured on Wednesday 29, Dhu al Qa'dah 1427 (December 20, 2006) against the southern end of our Ummah. On that day, the tyranical regime of post-communist Ethiopia has not only joined the Zionist-Crusader alliance, but also uses it's own children like shoes, marching them into the teeth of battle-hardened Somali veterans of decades-long fighting, only at the behest of a distant and foreign "ally" which they know cannot be trusted. This is the ultimate act of corruption, betrayal and treason against the people of Ethiopia. Even from a materialistic prospective, to squander the precious blood of a people who for half a century struggled in impoverishment, against people of Somalia who also struggle in impoverishment, for the national interest of a self-serving parasitic, greedy, capitalist nation of 300 million, currently <b>...</b>

Bayati Harakat 5
Mari bertarannum Tarannum tv9. tarannum-video.blogspot.com...
published: 13 Jun 2009
author: nhs08www
Bayati Harakat 5
Mari bertarannum Tarannum tv9. tarannum-video.blogspot.com

harakat amal
published: 13 Jan 2008
author: Gentil0Tiger
harakat amal

Harakat : Vowels (Dhamma, Fat.ha, Kasra)...
published: 09 May 2008
author: arb00100
Harakat : Vowels (Dhamma, Fat.ha, Kasra)

Harakat-al-Shabab Martyr 3
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! To...
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: MujahideenMovement
Harakat-al-Shabab Martyr 3
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! Today's honourable sons and daughters of Islam are writing a new page in the great history of this Ummah, stories of success from Sabr (patience) to Nasr (victory) insha'Allah, which should be written in gold. But as you can see the helpers of Shaytan are also writing with their own blood, at their own expense and losses, on this page stories of Irtidad (apostacy) Hasad (envy, jealousy) Nifaq (hypocracy) Kufr (disblief, rejection of Truth) and Sharr (evil). Where ever the flag of Tawheed is raised, they respond with military, cultural and ideological invasions, as occured on Wednesday 29, Dhu al Qa'dah 1427 (December 20, 2006) against the southern end of our Ummah. On that day, the tyranical regime of post-communist Ethiopia has not only joined the Zionist-Crusader alliance, but also uses it's own children like shoes, marching them into the teeth of battle-hardened Somali veterans of decades-long fighting, only at the behest of a distant and foreign "ally" which they know cannot be trusted. This is the ultimate act of corruption, betrayal and treason against the people of Ethiopia. Even from a materialistic prospective, to squander the precious blood of a people who for half a century struggled in impoverishment, against people of Somalia who also struggle in impoverishment, for the national interest of a self-serving parasitic, greedy, capitalist nation of 300 million, currently <b>...</b>

Behind the scenes and the cast of Harakat
Extra footage from a drama "Harakat" and some other freestyle acting with a nice...
published: 06 Mar 2010
author: FILMONZZ
Behind the scenes and the cast of Harakat
Extra footage from a drama "Harakat" and some other freestyle acting with a nice soundtrack.

Harakat al Shabab.rmvb
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! To...
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: HarkatalJihad
Harakat al Shabab.rmvb
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! Today's honourable sons and daughters of Islam are writing a new page in the great history of this Ummah, stories of success from Sabr (patience) to Nasr (victory) insha'Allah, which should be written in gold. But as you can see the helpers of Shaytan are also writing with their own blood, at their own expense and losses, on this page stories of Irtidad (apostacy) Hasad (envy, jealousy) Nifaq (hypocracy) Kufr (disblief, rejection of Truth) and Sharr (evil). Where ever the flag of Tawheed is raised, they respond with military, cultural and ideological invasions, as occured on Wednesday 29, Dhu al Qa'dah 1427 (December 20, 2006) against the southern end of our Ummah. On that day, the tyranical regime of post-communist Ethiopia has not only joined the Zionist-Crusader alliance, but also uses it's own children like shoes, marching them into the teeth of battle-hardened Somali veterans of decades-long fighting, only at the behest of a distant and foreign "ally" which they know cannot be trusted. This is the ultimate act of corruption, betrayal and treason against the people of Ethiopia. Even from a materialistic prospective, to squander the precious blood of a people who for half a century struggled in impoverishment, against people of Somalia who also struggle in impoverishment, for the national interest of a self-serving parasitic, greedy, capitalist nation of 300 million, currently <b>...</b>

Harakat-al-Shabab-Sheikh-Abu-Mansoor-al-Amriki 1
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! To...
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: MujahideenMovement
Harakat-al-Shabab-Sheikh-Abu-Mansoor-al-Amriki 1
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! Today's honourable sons and daughters of Islam are writing a new page in the great history of this Ummah, stories of success from Sabr (patience) to Nasr (victory) insha'Allah, which should be written in gold. But as you can see the helpers of Shaytan are also writing with their own blood, at their own expense and losses, on this page stories of Irtidad (apostacy) Hasad (envy, jealousy) Nifaq (hypocracy) Kufr (disblief, rejection of Truth) and Sharr (evil). Where ever the flag of Tawheed is raised, they respond with military, cultural and ideological invasions, as occured on Wednesday 29, Dhu al Qa'dah 1427 (December 20, 2006) against the southern end of our Ummah. On that day, the tyranical regime of post-communist Ethiopia has not only joined the Zionist-Crusader alliance, but also uses it's own children like shoes, marching them into the teeth of battle-hardened Somali veterans of decades-long fighting, only at the behest of a distant and foreign "ally" which they know cannot be trusted. This is the ultimate act of corruption, betrayal and treason against the people of Ethiopia. Even from a materialistic prospective, to squander the precious blood of a people who for half a century struggled in impoverishment, against people of Somalia who also struggle in impoverishment, for the national interest of a self-serving parasitic, greedy, capitalist nation of 300 million, currently <b>...</b>

some teamwork || harakat style
harakat style :D for hud and sniper, like my last video! when i reach 100 likes, i will re...
published: 02 May 2012
author: xCpZTv
some teamwork || harakat style
harakat style :D for hud and sniper, like my last video! when i reach 100 likes, i will release it. so far, 83 likes! www.youtube.com go go 17 more likes for hud and sniper crosshair

Harakat al Shabab 2.rmvb
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! To...
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: HarkatalJihad
Harakat al Shabab 2.rmvb
Brothers and sisters in al Islam, Asalamu3aleykum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatu Wa Islamah! Today's honourable sons and daughters of Islam are writing a new page in the great history of this Ummah, stories of success from Sabr (patience) to Nasr (victory) insha'Allah, which should be written in gold. But as you can see the helpers of Shaytan are also writing with their own blood, at their own expense and losses, on this page stories of Irtidad (apostacy) Hasad (envy, jealousy) Nifaq (hypocracy) Kufr (disblief, rejection of Truth) and Sharr (evil). Where ever the flag of Tawheed is raised, they respond with military, cultural and ideological invasions, as occured on Wednesday 29, Dhu al Qa'dah 1427 (December 20, 2006) against the southern end of our Ummah. On that day, the tyranical regime of post-communist Ethiopia has not only joined the Zionist-Crusader alliance, but also uses it's own children like shoes, marching them into the teeth of battle-hardened Somali veterans of decades-long fighting, only at the behest of a distant and foreign "ally" which they know cannot be trusted. This is the ultimate act of corruption, betrayal and treason against the people of Ethiopia. Even from a materialistic prospective, to squander the precious blood of a people who for half a century struggled in impoverishment, against people of Somalia who also struggle in impoverishment, for the national interest of a self-serving parasitic, greedy, capitalist nation of 300 million, currently <b>...</b>

El Fil Fel Mandil Said Harakat 2011
published: 26 May 2011
author: SamoSamy100
El Fil Fel Mandil Said Harakat 2011

CIA - Harakat
Lebanon - Mtv - CIA - Li Marc Kodeih - 17/12/2009...
published: 21 Dec 2009
author: georgekifai
CIA - Harakat
Lebanon - Mtv - CIA - Li Marc Kodeih - 17/12/2009

Alphabet + Harakat
Arabic Alphabet with Harakat: a, o, e....
published: 17 May 2008
author: arb00100
Alphabet + Harakat
Arabic Alphabet with Harakat: a, o, e.

Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (NASHEED)
1433, l'année de l'unité ! (VIDEO) alwissal.blogspot.fr L'extrad...
published: 30 Oct 2011
author: AlwissalKH
Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (NASHEED)
1433, l'année de l'unité ! (VIDEO) alwissal.blogspot.fr L'extradition d'Abu Qatada est une parodie de justice alwissal.blogspot.fr Les envahisseurs de l'AMISOM perdent l'initiative dans leur guerre contre les moudjahidines alwissal.blogspot.fr Kenya, ta sécurité dépend de notre sécurité alwissal.blogspot.fr Discours de Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr sur radio Al-Andalus (extrait) alwissal.blogspot.fr L'accord avec "Save the Children" rompu de façon permanente alwissal.blogspot.fr Le Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahideen non responsable des incidents au Kenya alwissal.blogspot.fr Les moudjahidines des "montagnes de Golis" en Somalie s'allient au Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahideen alwissal.blogspot.fr Cérémonie de bienvenue à l'alliance du Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahideen et d'Al-Qaïda, dans plusieurs localités de la région du Bas-Shabelle alwissal.blogspot.fr Célébration de l'allégeance du Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahideen à Al-Qaïda - En images alwissal.blogspot.fr Première interview de Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Al-Zubair émir du Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahideen par radio Al-Andalus alwissal.blogspot.fr Mise en garde au peuple somalien contre les organisations illégitimes telles que l'UNPOS alwissal.blogspot.fr Rapport sur le serment d'allégeance de la tribu Gaaljecel au Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahideen alwissal.blogspot.fr Mogadiscio, la nouvelle Kaboul alwissal.wordpress.com Distribution de la Zakat dans la ville de Kismayo alwissal.blogspot.fr Avec l'instauration de la Shari'a, il n <b>...</b>