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Rio+20 - United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development - Video by Government of Brazil
Rio+20 - United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development - Video by Government of Brazil
Rio+ 2 - United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development - Video by Government of Brazil Related article

Afghan officials allege civilian deaths in NATO strike
Afghan officials allege civilian deaths in NATO strike
Coalition troops arrived at a tribal elder's house in eastern Logar province on Tuesday night after villagers tipped them off that Taliban commanders had been invited to a dinner. When the fighters inside refused to surrender and opened fire on the NATO troops, soldiers called in an airstrike, levelling the house. Now, the provincial council leader says the tribal elder and 16 of his relatives and children were killed in the strike. Al Jazeera's Dominic Kane reports. Related article

Athens' Must-Win Voter District in Greek Elections
Athens' Must-Win Voter District in Greek Elections
WSJ's Charles Forelle reports on the shifting politics of Athens B, a giant district of nearly 1.5 million voters surrounding central Athens that has voted for the winner of nearly every Greek election since 1974. Related article

Syria: UN observers suspend mission over escalating violence
Syria: UN observers suspend mission over escalating violence
UN observers in Syria suspended their work on Saturday because of escalating violence in the country, the strongest sign yet that an international peace plan for the country is disintegrating. Related article

'EU caught up in vicious loan circle'
'EU caught up in vicious loan circle'
International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Christine Lagarde has called on European leaders to take immediate action to solve the eurozone crisis. This comes amid Spain's recent announcement that it would be asking the European Union for financial assistance to save its banks. The loan, to be delivered via an existing bailout fund called the FROB, is meant to end the economic crisis in Spain and prevent devaluation of the euro. There are worries that more delays in resolving the eurozone debt crisis, which began in Greece in late 2009 and infected Italy, Spain and France last year, could push not only Europe but also much of the rest of the developed world back into recession. Press TV has conducted an interview with Joachim Martillo, political analyst from Boston, to further discuss the issue. Related article

Myanmar needs democracy-friendly development growth, says Aung San Suu Kyi
Myanmar needs democracy-friendly development growth, says Aung San Suu Kyi
Aung San Suu Kyi called for international aid and investment to promote economic progress in Myanmar and in particular focussed attention on the problem of youth unemployment. Highlighting the potential of her country both in terms of its natural and human resources, she noted, "it is not so much joblessness as hopelessness that threatens our future. The Nobel laureate made her landmark address to a packed Assembly Hall at the 101st session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. Her full speech available at www.ilo.org Related article

Japan restarts two nuclear reactors
Japan restarts two nuclear reactors
Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda announced that he had approved the restarting of two nuclear reactors to avoid an imminent energy crisis. All fifty of the country's reactors were shut down following the meltdown at Fukushima. Before that, atomic energy produced nearly thirty percent of Japan's electricity. Despit recent surveys showing most people in Japan want to abandon atomic energy, the prime minister said he had no choice -- parts of the country are facing a severe power shortage. After the prime minister's announcement, thousands of angry protesters gathered outside Noda's official residence to show their discontent. Ministers say the alternative to nuclear energy, fossil fuels, would drive up electricity bills, harm small businesses and still leave a severe power deficit. Noda is hoping that the promise of tougher safety measures will help avoid another Fukushima -- but many do not agree with his decision. Al Jazeera's Dominic Kane reports. Related article

Ross Kemp and British Troops in Afghanistan
Ross Kemp and British Troops in Afghanistan
Ross Kemp returns to Afghanistan and is embedded with the Royal Marines, 45 Commando as they assualt a Taliban stronghold. RIP Marine Travis Mackin that died during the operation. Related article

President Obama Speaks on Department of Homeland Security Immigration Announcement
President Obama Speaks on Department of Homeland Security Immigration Announcement
President Obama announces a new Department of Homeland Security policy that will allow certain young people who were brought to the United States as young children, do not present a risk to national security or public safety, and meet several key criteria to be considered for relief from removal from the country or from entering into removal proceedings. June 15, 2012. Related article

Welcome to Warsaw EURO 2012
Welcome to Warsaw EURO 2012
The film promoting Warsaw for Euro 2012 realised by Hostel Helvetia Warsaw. * Watch with annotations to get some tourist info:) We don't claim any rights to song "Forca" by Nelly Furtado - an anthem of UEFA EURO championships in Portugal. Related article

GOT INK - Egyptian Presidential Elections 2012
GOT INK - Egyptian Presidential Elections 2012
On May 23rd and 24th, all of TBS (The Bakery Shop) branches in Cairo will be giving away their freshest bakes to Egyptian voters, as part of its GOT INK initiative. History has seen many Egyptian firsts. Many "First" Egyptian achievements. Now we are the first Egyptians to witness a presidential election. GOT INK is an initiative that shares this moment with Egyptians. We're doing our part by rewarding those who've voted, do your part and VOTE. www.facebook.com Related article

US Drones in Syria,Pakistan,Libya,Iraq,Afghanistan,Somalia,Yemen
US Drones in Syria,Pakistan,Libya,Iraq,Afghanistan,Somalia,Yemen
Discussion on continuing US drones used in various Middle East countries, often used in airstrikes and for spying or monitoring purposes Related article

Hillary Clinton on the Crisis in Egypt 1/30/2011
Hillary Clinton on the Crisis in Egypt 1/30/2011
Amanpour speaks with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about Egypt. Related article

Debate over effects of immigration policy change
Debate over effects of immigration policy change
Many in the Valley welcomed the change in policy that allows some undocumented youth to stay in the country, but the political impact is still unclear. Related article

Athens' Must-Win Voter District in Greek Elections
Athens' Must-Win Voter District in Greek Elections
WSJ's Charles Forelle reports on the shifting politics of Athens B, a giant district of nearly 1.5 million voters surrounding central Athens that has voted for the winner of nearly every Greek election since 1974. Related article