
Itou Kanako - AR
Itou Kanako - AR
from Steins;Gate *EDIT 6/2/2011* DL Link/ダウンロードリンク: www.mediafire.com Link is not uploaded by me i just wan to share this song its freaking awesome *EDIT May 19* Check out the other song in this album and others i uploaded www.youtube.com *Lyrics*[Japanese] boku no shikai ga keiken o shita zenbu no ano sora ga honto da to shitara tadashii kotae o motomeru koto wa baka geta furu mai to kikoeru shishou kurikaesu hyouryuu to kimi no shoumei deguchi no mienai kodoku e no KYAPPUCHA habataita shunkan ni shuusoku o suru BATAFURAI anata wa kami no kotoku sugata sae misenai PARARERU na hito, hitobito wa senaka awasete jouzetsu na chuushaku de mayakasu shihaisha shikumareta kyoukaisen wo uragitte mo jikan wa bukiyou ni waikyoku o hajimeru sekai wa hokorobi o momikesu you ni kakikaeru netsuzou sareta sono konseki wa jikan ni tozasarete shirarezaru basho e tatta ichimai kabe no mukou wa shiranai sekaisen hitei wa dekinai keiyaku no kawasareta gisei no mirai kaihi o yurusanu rasen SUTORAKUCHA atomodori no dekinai akuma no you na BATAFURAI anata wa kami no kodoku sugata sae misenai PARARERU na kako to mirai wa tonariawasete nejimageta kousoku de damasu souzousha sobietatsu jouheki o norikoete misete mo uchuu wa itoteki na fusei o hajimeru sekai wa hokorobi o momikesu you ni kakikaeru PARARERU na hito, hitobito wa senaka awasete jouzetsu na chuushaku de mayakasu shihaisha shikumareta kyoukaisen wo uragitte mo jikan wa bukiyou ni waikyoku o hajimeru sekai wa hokorobi o momikesu <b>...</b>

AK-47 vs AR-15 Part 1, by Nutnfancy
AK-47 vs AR-15 Part 1, by Nutnfancy
PART 1 of 5: Nutnfancy tackling the often controversial issue of the AK-47 versus AR-15 rifle systems. The bottom line is, a quality example of either gun can serve your law enforcement, military, and "civilian sheepdog" requirements admirably. However many factors and considerations should come into play when selecting your choice. When properly maintained and lubricated, the AR-15 is very reliable contrary to many internet, forum, and magazine myths. However it does not rise to the absolute, carefree ruggedness and reliability of the AK design. Whether packed in mud, neglected for cleaning, or just plain thrashed upon, the AK shrugs it all off and continues to shuck rounds with pleasing and life-saving regularity. It is better than the AR-15 system in that regard. It also features a lightning quick and easy fieldstrip. However the AK design has many flaws which include: poorer ergonomics (like its munchkin length of pull), shorter sight radius and inferior sights, heavier magazines and ammunition, difficulty in mounting optics (less variety in application too), slower operational controls, and more recoil. But many accept these shortcomings to gain the increase in stopping power of the larger .30 caliber round. As shown in the video, this 7.62x39mm round pretty much dies after 300 yards but within its range, it hits hard and defeats obstacles much better than the smaller 5.56x45mm offering. However the AR-15 can easily be had in either a 6.5 SPC or Grendel chambering <b>...</b>

My AR-15 - Overview & Upgrades
My AR-15 - Overview & Upgrades
This is my upgraded AR-15 rifle. Click arrow to view company websites below. I'm using components from BCM (Bravo Company Manufacturing), Magpul, Gear Sector, Troy Industries, Midwest Industries, Battle Arms Development, American Defense Manufacturing, Surefire, Aimpoint, etc.... www.americandefensemanufacturing.com battlearmsdevelopment.com www.bravocompanyusa.com www.gearsector.com www.magpul.com www.midwestindustriesinc.com www.surefire.com

Explosive Targets: redtargets.com FPSRussia Shirts: fpsrussia.spreadshirt.com Twitter: twitter.com FaceBook: www.facebook.com Weapon Here: primaryweapons.com SLIDE FIRE STOCKS: www.slidefire.com Also if you dont know the difference between a rifle and pistol, run a quick google search.

CES: Battling AR helicopter controlled by iPhone
CES: Battling AR helicopter controlled by iPhone
Combine augmented reality, a helicopter and an iPhone and you get the AR Drone from France based Parrot.

Occupy Phoenix with AR-15's
Occupy Phoenix with AR-15's
Morpheus heads to down town Phoenix at the Cesar Chavez plaza to join with other individuals to DEMONSTRATE for the right to exist! The demonstrators get some protection from JT Ready and usbordergurad.com

Bushmaster AR-15 M4 take down
Bushmaster AR-15 M4 take down
A friend was having trouble removing his Cam Pin from his Bolt Carrier Group, so I decided I'd make a video to help.

Paintball: cpxsports.com FPSRussia Shirts: fpsrussia.spreadshirt.com Twitter: twitter.com FaceBook: www.facebook.com Explosive Targets: redtargets.com

Jai Ho (You Are My Destiny)
Jai Ho (You Are My Destiny)
Music video by AR Rahman, The Pussycat Dolls performing Jai Ho (You Are My Destiny). (C) 2009 Pussycat Dolls, LLC

tiamat - the ar
tiamat - the ar
www.metalsupport.net Within the heart of every man this symbol is its deep, a truly all descending power but unfortunately still asleep. You may put your hands before your eyes but its gleam is neverending. How much you turn it inside out it conceals just understanding. "The five pointed grey star carven, the sign of the Aryan race, the five pointed grey star carven on the forehead of an evil face

AR Rahman - Maa Tujhe Salaam
AR Rahman - Maa Tujhe Salaam
Music video by AR Rahman performing Maa Tujhe Salaam. (C) SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT (India) Pvt. Ltd

Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces (PTAM) - extra
Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces (PTAM) - extra
Video results for an Augmented Reality tracking system. A computer tracks a camera and works out a map of the environment in realtime, and this can be used to overlay virtual graphics. Presented at the ISMAR 2007 conference. This video shows extra video results made at ISMAR. All sequences were processed and recorded live on a dual-core laptop. www.robots.ox.ac.uk

Parrot AR Drone 2.0
Parrot AR Drone 2.0
Buy the new AR.Drone here - amzn.to This is a preview video of the new Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 - The new AR Drone Quadricopter features an HD (1280x720) camera. I was lucky enough to see a real-world preview of the device at CES 2012. I'll be getting my hands on one soon for a proper unboxing and trial. Can't wait to give the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 a test flight!

Parrot AR.Drone iPad Controlled Remote Control Aircraft Test Flight Demo Linus Tech Tips
Parrot AR.Drone iPad Controlled Remote Control Aircraft Test Flight Demo Linus Tech Tips
ncix.com OMG. So cool.

TIME Magazine Interviews: AR Rahman
TIME Magazine Interviews: AR Rahman
His Oscar-winning score for Slumdog Millionaire now has a global audience. AR Rahman will now take your questions

NUTNFANCY SHOT 2012: JP Enterprises' AR-15 Par Excellence
NUTNFANCY SHOT 2012: JP Enterprises' AR-15 Par Excellence
Another Gold Star SHOT 2012 vid from another passionate, expert. Meet John Paul from JP Enterprises, the engaging and well-spoken Founder and President of the company. If you want to see how perfected the AR-15 desgin can get, no holds barred, look to JP. He became a reluctant believer of the 15's accuracy and then went on to improve the design according he and his shooters' needs. With this extensive competition background and data emerges the very impressive JP Enterprises models of the gun, covered here (also produced not shown, the very smooth MR-10 bolt gun). JP guns come in our favorite calibers and everything is negotiable when you order (but might up the cost). Forget mil-spec. This is above and beyond and light years better: billet receivers, thermal dissipators, perfectly milled and tuned muzzle brakes, cryo'd 416R air-gauged SS barrels, smoothness enhancing captured action springs, offside folding charging handles, and highly tuned triggers that are reliable, precise, and quick-resetting. Yeah they're special and built like and old school Swiss watch. Rack the bolt of a JP gun like the PSC-11 and you will feel the quality and extreme attention detail. John does an outstanding job of explaining his design approach; his passion and commitment to the details comes through loud and clear. He relishes in the fact his small company doesn't answer to bean counters that would force shortcuts on basis of cost. No corners are cut here and no apologies are made for it. Of <b>...</b>

AR.Drone Tutorials #01 : Indoor Flight Instructions
AR.Drone Tutorials #01 : Indoor Flight Instructions
DON'T BREAK YOUR AR.DRONE, FOLLOW FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONS. Download the User Guide here : bit.ly Please update AR.Freeflight itunes.apple.com Watch all Parrot AR.Drone movies: www.youtube.com Follow AR.Drone on: www.twitter.com Buy an AR.Drone on: ardrone.parrot.com A big thank you to Ixair helicopter team! www.ixair.com