العلامات الحمراء - هل أمريكا تسير نحو السقوط؟ /د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
العلامات الحمراء - هل أمريكا تسير نحو السقوط؟ /د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات إينغما:
5 ثوانٍ فقط لإنقاذ كوكبنا - هل اقتربت الأرض من نقطة اللاعودة
الحرب بين الشيوخ والموروث وبين الحداثة والتنوير
سر الغرفة المحرمة والملعونة وكنزها الغامض !!
أسلمة أوروبا حقيقة أم وهم ؟ #الإسلاموفوبيا
ترامب يعود.. وأوكرانيا تترنح ماذا سيحدث الآن
الانتخابات الأميركية وحرب العجوزين والمنتصر ترامب !!
بوتين وعلاقته بالعالم الإسلامي / ماذا يخبئ زعيم روسيا ؟
امبراطورية الدولار - معركة روسيا والصين ضد اميركا
published: 01 Oct 2024
مصر ليست عربية ولا فرعونية - أسطورة مصر التي لا تنتهي / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج المفتاح
مصر ليست عربية ولا فرعونية - أسطورة مصر التي لا تنتهي / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات إينغما:
5 ثوانٍ فقط لإنقاذ كوكبنا - هل اقتربت الأرض من نقطة اللاعودة
الحرب بين الشيوخ والموروث وبين الحداثة والتنوير
سر الغرفة المحرمة والملعونة وكنزها الغامض !!
أسلمة أوروبا حقيقة أم وهم ؟ #الإسلاموفوبيا
ترامب يعود.. وأوكرانيا تترنح ماذا سيحدث الآن
الانتخابات الأميركية وحرب العجوزين والمنتصر ترامب !!
بوتين وعلاقته بالعالم الإسلامي / ماذا يخبئ زعيم روسيا ؟
امبراطورية الدولار - معركة روسيا والص...
published: 08 Oct 2024
Ranking Women By Attractiveness | 5 Guys vs 5 Girls
How do you define attractiveness? We asked 5 women to rank themselves from most to least attractive, and then we asked 5 men to rank them too.
Follow us on INSTAGRAM: 👉https://www.instagram.com/jubileemedia/ 👈
SUBSCRIBE for more! http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBEjubilee
Be in a Jubilee video: http://bit.ly/JubileeCasting
Support Jubilee: http://www.jubileemedia.com/support
👉 We started a second channel! Behind the scenes, director commentaries, reaction videos, and more! Check it out & subscribe to Twobilee: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChaokX58PemxqTI3KjscjPw
Are you a loyal Jubilee fan? Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/407942859721012/
Have an idea or a personal story you'd like to share? Submit here: https://airtable.com/shrFDrsc4DzgBV3lV
We believe i...
published: 11 Nov 2020
RANKING EYELASHES FILTER ! #eyelashes #ranking #tiktokfilter
Eyelashes ranking TikTok filter
published: 15 Apr 2024
سقوط أوروبا على يد الصين - أين اختفت المليارات ؟ / د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
سقوط أوروبا على يد الصين - أين اختفت المليارات ؟ /د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات إينغما:
5 ثوانٍ فقط لإنقاذ كوكبنا - هل اقتربت الأرض من نقطة اللاعودة
الحرب بين الشيوخ والموروث وبين الحداثة والتنوير
سر الغرفة المحرمة والملعونة وكنزها الغامض !!
أسلمة أوروبا حقيقة أم وهم ؟ #الإسلاموفوبيا
ترامب يعود.. وأوكرانيا تترنح ماذا سيحدث الآن
الانتخابات الأميركية وحرب العجوزين والمنتصر ترامب !!
بوتين وعلاقته بالعالم الإسلامي / ماذا يخبئ زعيم روسيا ؟
امبراطورية الدولار - معركة روسيا والصين ضد اميركا
published: 24 Sep 2024
I Rated Places With 0 Reviews
nothing could have prepared me for this.
subscribe so you don't miss the next one!!!
keep up with me on my other socials--
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coypiso/
twitch: https://twitch.tv/piso4
twitter: https://twitter.com/pisolive
my other channel: @couchsurfingwithcoy
get extra content and support the channel here:
edited by me and @milomumbles on twitter
thx for watching, see u next week!!
published: 14 Nov 2023
Ranking Couples by Compatibility
Download the nectar app: https://lovecommanectar.co/497Ru93
Hey you 🫵 Wanna be in a Jubilee video? https://bit.ly/be-in-a-video
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jubileemedia/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jubilee?lang=en
Website: https://www.jubileemedia.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lovecommanectar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovecommanectar
Nectar app: https://lovecommanectar.co/497Ru93
Email partnerships@jubileemedia.com
Alex: https://www.tiktok.com/@thethiccpapi
Simran: https://www.instagram.com/theslimsim/
Aliyah: https://www.instagram.com/_aliyahrene_/
Taliya: https://www.instagram.com/taliiyuhh
Daisy: https://www.instagram.com/jjuto
Max: https://www.instagram.c...
published: 31 May 2024
الجمهورية الفاضلة: حلم الفلاسفة أم كابوس الإنسانية؟ / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج إينغما
الجمهورية الفاضلة: حلم الفلاسفة أم كابوس الإنسانية؟ / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج إينغما
إعداد: د. فاطمة أحمد - يحيى لبابيدي
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات برنامج إينغما:
أفلام الكرتون والسخرية من المقدسات
تجار الحقيقة - هل انتهى عصر احتكارها ؟
الأمازيغ البربر - هل يكرهون العرب ؟
الحكم العثماني فتح أم احتلال
ما بين سطور النكبة - الإستيلاء على فلسطين
نظام السفالة بين الشطارة والقذارة
00:00 البداية
02:13 دكتاتورية أفلاطون
05:39 وهم الخلاص
08:08 الحلم الاميركي والجوكر
10:30 شبح المثالية في برلين
12:32 لماذا المدينة الذكية الآن
15:44 هل السوشال ميديا مدينة فاضلة ؟
17:18 ...
published: 07 Sep 2024
العلامات الحمراء - هل أمريكا تسير نحو السقوط؟ /د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
العلامات الحمراء - هل أمريكا تسير نحو السقوط؟ /د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريو...
العلامات الحمراء - هل أمريكا تسير نحو السقوط؟ /د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات إينغما:
5 ثوانٍ فقط لإنقاذ كوكبنا - هل اقتربت الأرض من نقطة اللاعودة
الحرب بين الشيوخ والموروث وبين الحداثة والتنوير
سر الغرفة المحرمة والملعونة وكنزها الغامض !!
أسلمة أوروبا حقيقة أم وهم ؟ #الإسلاموفوبيا
ترامب يعود.. وأوكرانيا تترنح ماذا سيحدث الآن
الانتخابات الأميركية وحرب العجوزين والمنتصر ترامب !!
بوتين وعلاقته بالعالم الإسلامي / ماذا يخبئ زعيم روسيا ؟
امبراطورية الدولار - معركة روسيا والصين ضد اميركا
حرب التيك توك - بطل على حافة القبر !!
تعرف على أخبث صندوق لبيع وشراء الدول
يمكنك الإنضمام الى عائلة ريتينغ من خلال الإنتساب الى القناة .. أهلاً بكم
ما عليك سوى الضغط على هذا الرابط : https://www.youtube.com/c/rating/join
الموقع الرسمي للمنصة :
تابعنا على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي :
فيس بوك :
انستاغرام :
للتواصل والإعلان :
للإبلاغ عن المشاكل :
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة ريتينغ - يمنع نسخ او إعادة تنزيل او اخذ جزء من المحتوى دون الموافقة من الإدارة تحت طائلة المسائلة القانونية
Copyright © 2024 - Rating Production
العلامات الحمراء - هل أمريكا تسير نحو السقوط؟ /د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات إينغما:
5 ثوانٍ فقط لإنقاذ كوكبنا - هل اقتربت الأرض من نقطة اللاعودة
الحرب بين الشيوخ والموروث وبين الحداثة والتنوير
سر الغرفة المحرمة والملعونة وكنزها الغامض !!
أسلمة أوروبا حقيقة أم وهم ؟ #الإسلاموفوبيا
ترامب يعود.. وأوكرانيا تترنح ماذا سيحدث الآن
الانتخابات الأميركية وحرب العجوزين والمنتصر ترامب !!
بوتين وعلاقته بالعالم الإسلامي / ماذا يخبئ زعيم روسيا ؟
امبراطورية الدولار - معركة روسيا والصين ضد اميركا
حرب التيك توك - بطل على حافة القبر !!
تعرف على أخبث صندوق لبيع وشراء الدول
يمكنك الإنضمام الى عائلة ريتينغ من خلال الإنتساب الى القناة .. أهلاً بكم
ما عليك سوى الضغط على هذا الرابط : https://www.youtube.com/c/rating/join
الموقع الرسمي للمنصة :
تابعنا على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي :
فيس بوك :
انستاغرام :
للتواصل والإعلان :
للإبلاغ عن المشاكل :
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة ريتينغ - يمنع نسخ او إعادة تنزيل او اخذ جزء من المحتوى دون الموافقة من الإدارة تحت طائلة المسائلة القانونية
Copyright © 2024 - Rating Production
- published: 01 Oct 2024
- views: 138890
مصر ليست عربية ولا فرعونية - أسطورة مصر التي لا تنتهي / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج المفتاح
مصر ليست عربية ولا فرعونية - أسطورة مصر التي لا تنتهي / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
مصر ليست عربية ولا فرعونية - أسطورة مصر التي لا تنتهي / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات إينغما:
5 ثوانٍ فقط لإنقاذ كوكبنا - هل اقتربت الأرض من نقطة اللاعودة
الحرب بين الشيوخ والموروث وبين الحداثة والتنوير
سر الغرفة المحرمة والملعونة وكنزها الغامض !!
أسلمة أوروبا حقيقة أم وهم ؟ #الإسلاموفوبيا
ترامب يعود.. وأوكرانيا تترنح ماذا سيحدث الآن
الانتخابات الأميركية وحرب العجوزين والمنتصر ترامب !!
بوتين وعلاقته بالعالم الإسلامي / ماذا يخبئ زعيم روسيا ؟
امبراطورية الدولار - معركة روسيا والصين ضد اميركا
حرب التيك توك - بطل على حافة القبر !!
تعرف على أخبث صندوق لبيع وشراء الدول
يمكنك الإنضمام الى عائلة ريتينغ من خلال الإنتساب الى القناة .. أهلاً بكم
ما عليك سوى الضغط على هذا الرابط : https://www.youtube.com/c/rating/join
الموقع الرسمي للمنصة :
تابعنا على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي :
فيس بوك :
انستاغرام :
للتواصل والإعلان :
للإبلاغ عن المشاكل :
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة ريتينغ - يمنع نسخ او إعادة تنزيل او اخذ جزء من المحتوى دون الموافقة من الإدارة تحت طائلة المسائلة القانونية
Copyright © 2024 - Rating Production
مصر ليست عربية ولا فرعونية - أسطورة مصر التي لا تنتهي / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات إينغما:
5 ثوانٍ فقط لإنقاذ كوكبنا - هل اقتربت الأرض من نقطة اللاعودة
الحرب بين الشيوخ والموروث وبين الحداثة والتنوير
سر الغرفة المحرمة والملعونة وكنزها الغامض !!
أسلمة أوروبا حقيقة أم وهم ؟ #الإسلاموفوبيا
ترامب يعود.. وأوكرانيا تترنح ماذا سيحدث الآن
الانتخابات الأميركية وحرب العجوزين والمنتصر ترامب !!
بوتين وعلاقته بالعالم الإسلامي / ماذا يخبئ زعيم روسيا ؟
امبراطورية الدولار - معركة روسيا والصين ضد اميركا
حرب التيك توك - بطل على حافة القبر !!
تعرف على أخبث صندوق لبيع وشراء الدول
يمكنك الإنضمام الى عائلة ريتينغ من خلال الإنتساب الى القناة .. أهلاً بكم
ما عليك سوى الضغط على هذا الرابط : https://www.youtube.com/c/rating/join
الموقع الرسمي للمنصة :
تابعنا على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي :
فيس بوك :
انستاغرام :
للتواصل والإعلان :
للإبلاغ عن المشاكل :
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة ريتينغ - يمنع نسخ او إعادة تنزيل او اخذ جزء من المحتوى دون الموافقة من الإدارة تحت طائلة المسائلة القانونية
Copyright © 2024 - Rating Production
- published: 08 Oct 2024
- views: 122351
Ranking Women By Attractiveness | 5 Guys vs 5 Girls
How do you define attractiveness? We asked 5 women to rank themselves from most to least attractive, and then we asked 5 men to rank them too.
Follow us on INS...
How do you define attractiveness? We asked 5 women to rank themselves from most to least attractive, and then we asked 5 men to rank them too.
Follow us on INSTAGRAM: 👉https://www.instagram.com/jubileemedia/ 👈
SUBSCRIBE for more! http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBEjubilee
Be in a Jubilee video: http://bit.ly/JubileeCasting
Support Jubilee: http://www.jubileemedia.com/support
👉 We started a second channel! Behind the scenes, director commentaries, reaction videos, and more! Check it out & subscribe to Twobilee: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChaokX58PemxqTI3KjscjPw
Are you a loyal Jubilee fan? Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/407942859721012/
Have an idea or a personal story you'd like to share? Submit here: https://airtable.com/shrFDrsc4DzgBV3lV
We believe in the power of empathy for human good. Ultimately, we aim to inspire people to EMBRACE EMPATHY.
Jubilee Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jubileemedia
Jubilee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jubileemedia/
Jubilee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jubileemedia
Jubilee Website: https://www.jubileemedia.com
Jordan- https://instagram.com/Jordanam96
Michelle- https://instagram.com/michelleepark
Maria- https://instagram.com/mariaponc3
Jorge- https://instagram.com/jorgezal
Sam- https://instagram.com/samcain_
Jeremy- https://instagram.com/wegonbegood
Roy- https://instagram.com/hoyitsyaboyroy
For brands interested in partnering with Jubilee, email us:
How do you define attractiveness? We asked 5 women to rank themselves from most to least attractive, and then we asked 5 men to rank them too.
Follow us on INSTAGRAM: 👉https://www.instagram.com/jubileemedia/ 👈
SUBSCRIBE for more! http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBEjubilee
Be in a Jubilee video: http://bit.ly/JubileeCasting
Support Jubilee: http://www.jubileemedia.com/support
👉 We started a second channel! Behind the scenes, director commentaries, reaction videos, and more! Check it out & subscribe to Twobilee: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChaokX58PemxqTI3KjscjPw
Are you a loyal Jubilee fan? Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/407942859721012/
Have an idea or a personal story you'd like to share? Submit here: https://airtable.com/shrFDrsc4DzgBV3lV
We believe in the power of empathy for human good. Ultimately, we aim to inspire people to EMBRACE EMPATHY.
Jubilee Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jubileemedia
Jubilee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jubileemedia/
Jubilee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jubileemedia
Jubilee Website: https://www.jubileemedia.com
Jordan- https://instagram.com/Jordanam96
Michelle- https://instagram.com/michelleepark
Maria- https://instagram.com/mariaponc3
Jorge- https://instagram.com/jorgezal
Sam- https://instagram.com/samcain_
Jeremy- https://instagram.com/wegonbegood
Roy- https://instagram.com/hoyitsyaboyroy
For brands interested in partnering with Jubilee, email us:
- published: 11 Nov 2020
- views: 8883014
سقوط أوروبا على يد الصين - أين اختفت المليارات ؟ / د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
سقوط أوروبا على يد الصين - أين اختفت المليارات ؟ /د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جو...
سقوط أوروبا على يد الصين - أين اختفت المليارات ؟ /د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات إينغما:
5 ثوانٍ فقط لإنقاذ كوكبنا - هل اقتربت الأرض من نقطة اللاعودة
الحرب بين الشيوخ والموروث وبين الحداثة والتنوير
سر الغرفة المحرمة والملعونة وكنزها الغامض !!
أسلمة أوروبا حقيقة أم وهم ؟ #الإسلاموفوبيا
ترامب يعود.. وأوكرانيا تترنح ماذا سيحدث الآن
الانتخابات الأميركية وحرب العجوزين والمنتصر ترامب !!
بوتين وعلاقته بالعالم الإسلامي / ماذا يخبئ زعيم روسيا ؟
امبراطورية الدولار - معركة روسيا والصين ضد اميركا
حرب التيك توك - بطل على حافة القبر !!
تعرف على أخبث صندوق لبيع وشراء الدول
موائد الشيطان سيفار - الجزائر
يمكنك الإنضمام الى عائلة ريتينغ من خلال الإنتساب الى القناة .. أهلاً بكم
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة ريتينغ - يمنع نسخ او إعادة تنزيل او اخذ جزء من المحتوى دون الموافقة من الإدارة تحت طائلة المسائلة القانونية
Copyright © 2024 - Rating Production
سقوط أوروبا على يد الصين - أين اختفت المليارات ؟ /د. مأمون علواني - المفتاح
إعداد: تفيد أبو الخير
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات إينغما:
5 ثوانٍ فقط لإنقاذ كوكبنا - هل اقتربت الأرض من نقطة اللاعودة
الحرب بين الشيوخ والموروث وبين الحداثة والتنوير
سر الغرفة المحرمة والملعونة وكنزها الغامض !!
أسلمة أوروبا حقيقة أم وهم ؟ #الإسلاموفوبيا
ترامب يعود.. وأوكرانيا تترنح ماذا سيحدث الآن
الانتخابات الأميركية وحرب العجوزين والمنتصر ترامب !!
بوتين وعلاقته بالعالم الإسلامي / ماذا يخبئ زعيم روسيا ؟
امبراطورية الدولار - معركة روسيا والصين ضد اميركا
حرب التيك توك - بطل على حافة القبر !!
تعرف على أخبث صندوق لبيع وشراء الدول
موائد الشيطان سيفار - الجزائر
يمكنك الإنضمام الى عائلة ريتينغ من خلال الإنتساب الى القناة .. أهلاً بكم
ما عليك سوى الضغط على هذا الرابط : https://www.youtube.com/c/rating/join
الموقع الرسمي للمنصة :
تابعنا على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي :
فيس بوك :
انستاغرام :
للتواصل والإعلان :
للإبلاغ عن المشاكل :
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة ريتينغ - يمنع نسخ او إعادة تنزيل او اخذ جزء من المحتوى دون الموافقة من الإدارة تحت طائلة المسائلة القانونية
Copyright © 2024 - Rating Production
- published: 24 Sep 2024
- views: 183340
I Rated Places With 0 Reviews
nothing could have prepared me for this.
subscribe so you don't miss the next one!!!
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nothing could have prepared me for this.
subscribe so you don't miss the next one!!!
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edited by me and @milomumbles on twitter
thx for watching, see u next week!!
nothing could have prepared me for this.
subscribe so you don't miss the next one!!!
keep up with me on my other socials--
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twitter: https://twitter.com/pisolive
my other channel: @couchsurfingwithcoy
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edited by me and @milomumbles on twitter
thx for watching, see u next week!!
- published: 14 Nov 2023
- views: 5133326
Ranking Couples by Compatibility
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Download the nectar app: https://lovecommanectar.co/497Ru93
Hey you 🫵 Wanna be in a Jubilee video? https://bit.ly/be-in-a-video
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Website: https://www.jubileemedia.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lovecommanectar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovecommanectar
Nectar app: https://lovecommanectar.co/497Ru93
Email partnerships@jubileemedia.com
Alex: https://www.tiktok.com/@thethiccpapi
Simran: https://www.instagram.com/theslimsim/
Aliyah: https://www.instagram.com/_aliyahrene_/
Taliya: https://www.instagram.com/taliiyuhh
Daisy: https://www.instagram.com/jjuto
Max: https://www.instagram.com/zheng_max_
Drew: https://www.instagram.com/drew.campbell69
Vanessa: https://www.instagram.com/Vanessa_dengler
Henry: https://www.instagram.com/henrybonexo
Kyiema: https://www.instagram.com/kyiemaa
Director: Nicole McCullough
Casting Coordinator: Bridget McGuinness
Casting Associate Producer: Karsyn Hughes
Production Manager: Emma Pek
Equipment Coordinator: Pat Saulo
Assistant Editor: Kirsten Hoang
Editor: Leo Akagi
0:00 Appearance compatibility
3:06 Sex compatibility
10:28 Boundaries compatibility
15:07 Relationship readiness compatibility
20:17 Overall compatibility
Download the nectar app: https://lovecommanectar.co/497Ru93
Hey you 🫵 Wanna be in a Jubilee video? https://bit.ly/be-in-a-video
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jubileemedia/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jubilee?lang=en
Website: https://www.jubileemedia.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lovecommanectar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovecommanectar
Nectar app: https://lovecommanectar.co/497Ru93
Email partnerships@jubileemedia.com
Alex: https://www.tiktok.com/@thethiccpapi
Simran: https://www.instagram.com/theslimsim/
Aliyah: https://www.instagram.com/_aliyahrene_/
Taliya: https://www.instagram.com/taliiyuhh
Daisy: https://www.instagram.com/jjuto
Max: https://www.instagram.com/zheng_max_
Drew: https://www.instagram.com/drew.campbell69
Vanessa: https://www.instagram.com/Vanessa_dengler
Henry: https://www.instagram.com/henrybonexo
Kyiema: https://www.instagram.com/kyiemaa
Director: Nicole McCullough
Casting Coordinator: Bridget McGuinness
Casting Associate Producer: Karsyn Hughes
Production Manager: Emma Pek
Equipment Coordinator: Pat Saulo
Assistant Editor: Kirsten Hoang
Editor: Leo Akagi
0:00 Appearance compatibility
3:06 Sex compatibility
10:28 Boundaries compatibility
15:07 Relationship readiness compatibility
20:17 Overall compatibility
- published: 31 May 2024
- views: 682787
الجمهورية الفاضلة: حلم الفلاسفة أم كابوس الإنسانية؟ / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج إينغما
الجمهورية الفاضلة: حلم الفلاسفة أم كابوس الإنسانية؟ / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج إينغما
إعداد: د. فاطمة أحمد - يحيى لبابيدي
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج:...
الجمهورية الفاضلة: حلم الفلاسفة أم كابوس الإنسانية؟ / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج إينغما
إعداد: د. فاطمة أحمد - يحيى لبابيدي
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات برنامج إينغما:
أفلام الكرتون والسخرية من المقدسات
تجار الحقيقة - هل انتهى عصر احتكارها ؟
الأمازيغ البربر - هل يكرهون العرب ؟
الحكم العثماني فتح أم احتلال
ما بين سطور النكبة - الإستيلاء على فلسطين
نظام السفالة بين الشطارة والقذارة
00:00 البداية
02:13 دكتاتورية أفلاطون
05:39 وهم الخلاص
08:08 الحلم الاميركي والجوكر
10:30 شبح المثالية في برلين
12:32 لماذا المدينة الذكية الآن
15:44 هل السوشال ميديا مدينة فاضلة ؟
17:18 ختام
يمكنك الإنضمام الى عائلة ريتينغ من خلال الإنتساب الى القناة .. أهلاً بكم
ما عليك سوى الضغط على هذا الرابط : https://www.youtube.com/c/rating/join
الموقع الرسمي للمنصة :
تابعنا على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي :
فيس بوك :
انستاغرام :
للتواصل والإعلان :
للإبلاغ عن المشاكل :
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة ريتينغ - يمنع نسخ او إعادة تنزيل او اخذ جزء من المحتوى دون الموافقة من الإدارة تحت طائلة المسائلة القانونية
Copyright © 2024 - Rating Production
الجمهورية الفاضلة: حلم الفلاسفة أم كابوس الإنسانية؟ / د. مأمون علواني - برنامج إينغما
إعداد: د. فاطمة أحمد - يحيى لبابيدي
تقديم: د. مأمون علواني
تصوير ومونتاج: علي منصور
إخراج: باش جوريوس
شاهدوا حلقات برنامج إينغما:
أفلام الكرتون والسخرية من المقدسات
تجار الحقيقة - هل انتهى عصر احتكارها ؟
الأمازيغ البربر - هل يكرهون العرب ؟
الحكم العثماني فتح أم احتلال
ما بين سطور النكبة - الإستيلاء على فلسطين
نظام السفالة بين الشطارة والقذارة
00:00 البداية
02:13 دكتاتورية أفلاطون
05:39 وهم الخلاص
08:08 الحلم الاميركي والجوكر
10:30 شبح المثالية في برلين
12:32 لماذا المدينة الذكية الآن
15:44 هل السوشال ميديا مدينة فاضلة ؟
17:18 ختام
يمكنك الإنضمام الى عائلة ريتينغ من خلال الإنتساب الى القناة .. أهلاً بكم
ما عليك سوى الضغط على هذا الرابط : https://www.youtube.com/c/rating/join
الموقع الرسمي للمنصة :
تابعنا على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي :
فيس بوك :
انستاغرام :
للتواصل والإعلان :
للإبلاغ عن المشاكل :
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنصة ريتينغ - يمنع نسخ او إعادة تنزيل او اخذ جزء من المحتوى دون الموافقة من الإدارة تحت طائلة المسائلة القانونية
Copyright © 2024 - Rating Production
- published: 07 Sep 2024
- views: 34054
Annual Product Quality review in pharmaceutical industry I APQR in pharmaceutical industry
Annual Product Quality review in pharmaceutical industry I APQR in pharmaceutical industry
Go to below playlists and search for a topic you want:
1. QMS - Quality Management System in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNqnXftgTHiLdxM154CmoRsR
2. QA- Quality assurance in Pharmaceutical industry. : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoFfgX3bYjXwSPtO8KyK1gP
3. QC - Quality Control in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNpvL3dRLtGjc_BRuRkx0CVT
4. OSD - Tablet Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoSYaSlSrkdbk6j-bHTy72T
5. Injectable processing - Injecta...
published: 06 Oct 2023
The Pharmaceutical Sector’s Rating System 
published: 12 Jun 2022
Product Quality Review in Pharmaceutical industry
Product Quality Review is a QMS tool through which one can review the quality trend of the pharmaceutical product manufactured in the company.
In today's video we will discuss about Product Quality Review in Pharmaceutical industry and its importance.
#Pharmaceutical #Industry
published: 11 Dec 2020
What is a batch record?
What is a batch record?
Are you interested in batch records and electronic batch records? Then take a look at our website!
published: 16 Mar 2020
Ranking pharmaceutical companies and new drugs on ethics, transparency and population health criteri
About the lecture:
This talk will landscape the state of ethics and transparency in the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on how medicines and vaccines are researched, developed, marketed and made globally accessible. It will also propose a remedy (the OpenPharma Index) to help address genuine and widespread ethics and governance problems and build a more trustworthy healthcare innovation sector.
About the Speaker:
Jennifer E. Miller, PhD, is a fellow in Harvard University’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics and Duke University’s Kenan Institute for Ethics. Previously, she taught in Columbia University's Bioethics and Cross Cultural Education Program and in Fordham University's Schools of Business while completing her doctorate in bioethics at Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University.
published: 10 Apr 2015
Top 10 pharma companies in india || Top 10 Pharmaceutical company in India || Pharma lecture ||
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Call for Pharma
Clinic Registration
. In this video,
Top 10 pharm biggest and valuable pharma companies in india
1. Sun pharma
2. Dr. Reddy's laboratories ltd
3. Divis laboratories ltd
4. Cipla ltd
5. Aurbindo Pharmaceuticals ltd
6. Torrent Pharmaceutics ltd
7. Lupin ltd
8. Biocon ltd
9. Intas Pharmaceuticals ltd
10. Alkem laboratories ltd
These are the dream companies for every pharma students.
Pharma lectures,
Pharma lecture,
top 10 pharma companies in india 2023
top 10 indian pharma company,
top 10 indian pharma company 2023,
top 10 pharma company in india,
top 10 pharma company in india 2023,
top indian pharma companies,
top 10 india pharma company,
top 10 india pharma company,
top 10 pharma companies,
top 10 pharma companies in india,
top 10 Pharmaceutical compa...
published: 09 Sep 2021
ICH Q10 Guidance for Pharmaceutical Quality System | Guideline for Pharmaceutical Industry
Popularly known as ICH Q10 PQS Model. It is 'Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System' ICH Guidance for Pharmaceutical Industry published in April 2009.
This Guidance is published by ICH (including USFDA, EU & Japan Authorities) for establishing an effective Pharmaceutical Quality System.
The Guidance states3 objectives:
1. Product Realization
2. Establishing & Maintaining State of Control
3. Continued Improvement
It states two enablers:
1. Knowledge management
2. Quality Risk Management
The Guidance define 4 elements:
1. Process Performance & Product Quality
2. Change Management
3. Corrective & Preventive Actions
4. Management Review
This guidance is based on ISO 9000:2015 concepts and complements the CGMP.
It is also similar to USFDA Guidance on 'Quality System Approach to Pharmaceutic...
published: 08 Sep 2021
Risk assessment in Pharmaceutical industry l Interview questions
Risk assessment in Pharmaceutical industry l Interview questions
Go to below playlists and search for a topic you want:
1. QMS - Quality Management System in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNqnXftgTHiLdxM154CmoRsR
2. QA- Quality assurance in Pharmaceutical industry. : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoFfgX3bYjXwSPtO8KyK1gP
3. QC - Quality Control in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNpvL3dRLtGjc_BRuRkx0CVT
4. OSD - Tablet Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoSYaSlSrkdbk6j-bHTy72T
5. Injectable processing - Injectable processin...
published: 12 Apr 2023
Pharma101: Your Guide to Pharmacy School and Beyond Webinar
Exclusive webinar tailored to first-year pharmacy students!
Transitioning to University and Pharmacy School can be both exciting and challenging, and we’re here to help you make the most of it.
This Interactive Webinar consist of essential guidance, tips, and tricks to successfully navigate your first year.
From mastering the academic workload and understanding the pharmacy curriculum to balancing studies with social life and making the most of university resources, this webinar has got you covered.
Watch members from the BPSA Executive team share their insights and personal experiences to help you thrive in your pharmacy journey.
- Meet the speakers 00:00
- Journey to becoming a pharmacist 04:10
- Effective study strategies and time management tips. 05:37
- Things to know as ...
published: 16 Oct 2024
Product Quality Review (PQR)
This training will help you to understand about regulatory requirements for annual product quality review(PQR). Further emphasis will be given to make you understand on different requirements by different regulatory agencies (FDA,EU,WHO,TGA etc.). The discussion will be focussed on expectations by agencies along with practical implementation approach. The attendee will learn from this training on making use of statistical tools while preparing the PQR. Further, the common non conformance related to PQR shall be discussed. At the end of this session, the questions raised by the participants shall be answered.
AA. Vedic Gyan. KD,PHARMA PORTAL,Prof.Karan Ajay Gupta,Pharma Pill,Vivekanand Education Society's College of Pharmacy,
published: 13 Aug 2020
Annual Product Quality review in pharmaceutical industry I APQR in pharmaceutical industry
Annual Product Quality review in pharmaceutical industry I APQR in pharmaceutical industry
Annual Product Quality review in pharmaceutical industry I APQR in pharmaceutical industry
Go to below playlists and search for a topic you want:
1. QMS - Quality Management System in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNqnXftgTHiLdxM154CmoRsR
2. QA- Quality assurance in Pharmaceutical industry. : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoFfgX3bYjXwSPtO8KyK1gP
3. QC - Quality Control in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNpvL3dRLtGjc_BRuRkx0CVT
4. OSD - Tablet Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoSYaSlSrkdbk6j-bHTy72T
5. Injectable processing - Injectable processing or Sterile dosage formulation : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoqGqSfdeJlBgpKfuUlQF_f
Questions covered:
Q. Q. What is APQR, and why is it important in the pharmaceutical industry?
Q. Which points are commonly included in the APQR summary report ?
Q. Who shall prepare APQR ?
Q. How do you handle deviations and out-of-specification results in APQR?
Q. Why stability studies are important for APQR ?
Q.: What is importance of trending analysis in APQR ?
Q. How do you ensure that APQR recommendations are effectively implemented?
Q. What software tools or systems we can use for APQR data management and analysis ?
Q. What should be the frequency for preparation of APQR ?
Q. What if no batches are manufactured in the review period of APQR ?
Q. For how long APQR shall be retained ?
Q. What is CpK value and what is acceptance criteria for CpK value?
Q. What are EMA’s requirements for batch consideration for APQR ?
Q. Explain the key components of an APQR report ?
Q. Whether we can group APQR for different product type e.g. solid dosage forms, liquid dosage forms, sterile products etc ?
Q. Which findings from APQR shall be reported to FDA ?
Q. Which guidelines are referred for APQR in pharmaceutical industry ?
Keywords to find this video:
annual product quality review,product quality review,annual product review,annual product quality review in pharma,pharmaceutical industry,product quality review ich q7,annual product review slideshare,annual product quality review sop,annual product review sop,annual product quality review fda guidance,product quality review eudralex,product quality review sop,annual product review fda guidance,quality risk management in pharmaceutical industry
Copyright disclaimer:
“Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.”
Annual Product Quality review in pharmaceutical industry I APQR in pharmaceutical industry
Go to below playlists and search for a topic you want:
1. QMS - Quality Management System in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNqnXftgTHiLdxM154CmoRsR
2. QA- Quality assurance in Pharmaceutical industry. : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoFfgX3bYjXwSPtO8KyK1gP
3. QC - Quality Control in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNpvL3dRLtGjc_BRuRkx0CVT
4. OSD - Tablet Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoSYaSlSrkdbk6j-bHTy72T
5. Injectable processing - Injectable processing or Sterile dosage formulation : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoqGqSfdeJlBgpKfuUlQF_f
Questions covered:
Q. Q. What is APQR, and why is it important in the pharmaceutical industry?
Q. Which points are commonly included in the APQR summary report ?
Q. Who shall prepare APQR ?
Q. How do you handle deviations and out-of-specification results in APQR?
Q. Why stability studies are important for APQR ?
Q.: What is importance of trending analysis in APQR ?
Q. How do you ensure that APQR recommendations are effectively implemented?
Q. What software tools or systems we can use for APQR data management and analysis ?
Q. What should be the frequency for preparation of APQR ?
Q. What if no batches are manufactured in the review period of APQR ?
Q. For how long APQR shall be retained ?
Q. What is CpK value and what is acceptance criteria for CpK value?
Q. What are EMA’s requirements for batch consideration for APQR ?
Q. Explain the key components of an APQR report ?
Q. Whether we can group APQR for different product type e.g. solid dosage forms, liquid dosage forms, sterile products etc ?
Q. Which findings from APQR shall be reported to FDA ?
Q. Which guidelines are referred for APQR in pharmaceutical industry ?
Keywords to find this video:
annual product quality review,product quality review,annual product review,annual product quality review in pharma,pharmaceutical industry,product quality review ich q7,annual product review slideshare,annual product quality review sop,annual product review sop,annual product quality review fda guidance,product quality review eudralex,product quality review sop,annual product review fda guidance,quality risk management in pharmaceutical industry
Copyright disclaimer:
“Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.”
- published: 06 Oct 2023
- views: 8731
Product Quality Review in Pharmaceutical industry
Product Quality Review is a QMS tool through which one can review the quality trend of the pharmaceutical product manufactured in the company.
In today's video...
Product Quality Review is a QMS tool through which one can review the quality trend of the pharmaceutical product manufactured in the company.
In today's video we will discuss about Product Quality Review in Pharmaceutical industry and its importance.
#Pharmaceutical #Industry
Product Quality Review is a QMS tool through which one can review the quality trend of the pharmaceutical product manufactured in the company.
In today's video we will discuss about Product Quality Review in Pharmaceutical industry and its importance.
#Pharmaceutical #Industry
- published: 11 Dec 2020
- views: 1279
What is a batch record?
What is a batch record?
Are you interested in batch records and electronic batch records? Then take a look at our website!
What is a batch record?
Are you interested in batch records and electronic batch records? Then take a look at our website!
What is a batch record?
Are you interested in batch records and electronic batch records? Then take a look at our website!
- published: 16 Mar 2020
- views: 5375
Ranking pharmaceutical companies and new drugs on ethics, transparency and population health criteri
About the lecture:
This talk will landscape the state of ethics and transparency in the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on how medicines and vaccines are rese...
About the lecture:
This talk will landscape the state of ethics and transparency in the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on how medicines and vaccines are researched, developed, marketed and made globally accessible. It will also propose a remedy (the OpenPharma Index) to help address genuine and widespread ethics and governance problems and build a more trustworthy healthcare innovation sector.
About the Speaker:
Jennifer E. Miller, PhD, is a fellow in Harvard University’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics and Duke University’s Kenan Institute for Ethics. Previously, she taught in Columbia University's Bioethics and Cross Cultural Education Program and in Fordham University's Schools of Business while completing her doctorate in bioethics at Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University.
Miller also holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in physics and has served on the CDC’s Taskforces for Pediatric Emergency Mass Critical Care, the AMA’s Advanced Disaster Life Support Education Consortium, as a consultant to the United Nations ECOSOC, as the Founding President of the nonprofit Bioethics International, and as a biweekly pundit for Fox News.
Currently, Miller explores the ethics, trustworthiness and governance of healthcare innovation from normative, empirical and qualitative perspectives. She created and is piloting a rating system that ranks pharmaceutical companies on specific criteria (at the intersection of ethics and population health) to help recognize good ethics practices in companies and incentivize reform where needed.
About the lecture:
This talk will landscape the state of ethics and transparency in the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on how medicines and vaccines are researched, developed, marketed and made globally accessible. It will also propose a remedy (the OpenPharma Index) to help address genuine and widespread ethics and governance problems and build a more trustworthy healthcare innovation sector.
About the Speaker:
Jennifer E. Miller, PhD, is a fellow in Harvard University’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics and Duke University’s Kenan Institute for Ethics. Previously, she taught in Columbia University's Bioethics and Cross Cultural Education Program and in Fordham University's Schools of Business while completing her doctorate in bioethics at Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University.
Miller also holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in physics and has served on the CDC’s Taskforces for Pediatric Emergency Mass Critical Care, the AMA’s Advanced Disaster Life Support Education Consortium, as a consultant to the United Nations ECOSOC, as the Founding President of the nonprofit Bioethics International, and as a biweekly pundit for Fox News.
Currently, Miller explores the ethics, trustworthiness and governance of healthcare innovation from normative, empirical and qualitative perspectives. She created and is piloting a rating system that ranks pharmaceutical companies on specific criteria (at the intersection of ethics and population health) to help recognize good ethics practices in companies and incentivize reform where needed.
- published: 10 Apr 2015
- views: 499
Top 10 pharma companies in india || Top 10 Pharmaceutical company in India || Pharma lecture ||
+91 84290 37925
Call for Pharma
Clinic Registration
. In this video,
Top 10 pharm biggest and valuable pharma companies in india
1. Sun pharma
2. Dr. Reddy...
+91 84290 37925
Call for Pharma
Clinic Registration
. In this video,
Top 10 pharm biggest and valuable pharma companies in india
1. Sun pharma
2. Dr. Reddy's laboratories ltd
3. Divis laboratories ltd
4. Cipla ltd
5. Aurbindo Pharmaceuticals ltd
6. Torrent Pharmaceutics ltd
7. Lupin ltd
8. Biocon ltd
9. Intas Pharmaceuticals ltd
10. Alkem laboratories ltd
These are the dream companies for every pharma students.
Pharma lectures,
Pharma lecture,
top 10 pharma companies in india 2023
top 10 indian pharma company,
top 10 indian pharma company 2023,
top 10 pharma company in india,
top 10 pharma company in india 2023,
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top 10 india pharma company,
top 10 india pharma company,
top 10 pharma companies,
top 10 pharma companies in india,
top 10 Pharmaceutical company in India,
top 10 Pharmaceutical company,
top 10 Pharmaceutical companies,
top 10 Pharmaceutical companies in india,
top indian Pharmaceutical companies,
top indian Pharmaceutical company,
top indian pharma companies,
top pharma companies in india,
+91 84290 37925
Call for Pharma
Clinic Registration
. In this video,
Top 10 pharm biggest and valuable pharma companies in india
1. Sun pharma
2. Dr. Reddy's laboratories ltd
3. Divis laboratories ltd
4. Cipla ltd
5. Aurbindo Pharmaceuticals ltd
6. Torrent Pharmaceutics ltd
7. Lupin ltd
8. Biocon ltd
9. Intas Pharmaceuticals ltd
10. Alkem laboratories ltd
These are the dream companies for every pharma students.
Pharma lectures,
Pharma lecture,
top 10 pharma companies in india 2023
top 10 indian pharma company,
top 10 indian pharma company 2023,
top 10 pharma company in india,
top 10 pharma company in india 2023,
top indian pharma companies,
top 10 india pharma company,
top 10 india pharma company,
top 10 pharma companies,
top 10 pharma companies in india,
top 10 Pharmaceutical company in India,
top 10 Pharmaceutical company,
top 10 Pharmaceutical companies,
top 10 Pharmaceutical companies in india,
top indian Pharmaceutical companies,
top indian Pharmaceutical company,
top indian pharma companies,
top pharma companies in india,
- published: 09 Sep 2021
- views: 1349743
ICH Q10 Guidance for Pharmaceutical Quality System | Guideline for Pharmaceutical Industry
Popularly known as ICH Q10 PQS Model. It is 'Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System' ICH Guidance for Pharmaceutical Industry published in April 2009.
This Guidanc...
Popularly known as ICH Q10 PQS Model. It is 'Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System' ICH Guidance for Pharmaceutical Industry published in April 2009.
This Guidance is published by ICH (including USFDA, EU & Japan Authorities) for establishing an effective Pharmaceutical Quality System.
The Guidance states3 objectives:
1. Product Realization
2. Establishing & Maintaining State of Control
3. Continued Improvement
It states two enablers:
1. Knowledge management
2. Quality Risk Management
The Guidance define 4 elements:
1. Process Performance & Product Quality
2. Change Management
3. Corrective & Preventive Actions
4. Management Review
This guidance is based on ISO 9000:2015 concepts and complements the CGMP.
It is also similar to USFDA Guidance on 'Quality System Approach to Pharmaceutical CGMP Regulations' USFDA Guidance issued on September 2006. https://youtu.be/KrE0eHD7GQg
About the channel:
The channel has been developed with view of sharing information on Pharmaceutical Guidelines & Guidance..
Kindly subscribe to channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCis3Rsw8ev1d68OC1prwiNQ/
Other Useful Videos:
1. Interview Question: 'Describe Yourself' OR 'Tell me something about yourself': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZrsu4vrUgo&t;=60s
2. 5 Step formula for interview preparation: https://youtu.be/6-Vsb-J1jWA
3. Interview Dont's, things you should not talk in interview: https://youtu.be/aSc9OBkpyzY
Popularly known as ICH Q10 PQS Model. It is 'Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System' ICH Guidance for Pharmaceutical Industry published in April 2009.
This Guidance is published by ICH (including USFDA, EU & Japan Authorities) for establishing an effective Pharmaceutical Quality System.
The Guidance states3 objectives:
1. Product Realization
2. Establishing & Maintaining State of Control
3. Continued Improvement
It states two enablers:
1. Knowledge management
2. Quality Risk Management
The Guidance define 4 elements:
1. Process Performance & Product Quality
2. Change Management
3. Corrective & Preventive Actions
4. Management Review
This guidance is based on ISO 9000:2015 concepts and complements the CGMP.
It is also similar to USFDA Guidance on 'Quality System Approach to Pharmaceutical CGMP Regulations' USFDA Guidance issued on September 2006. https://youtu.be/KrE0eHD7GQg
About the channel:
The channel has been developed with view of sharing information on Pharmaceutical Guidelines & Guidance..
Kindly subscribe to channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCis3Rsw8ev1d68OC1prwiNQ/
Other Useful Videos:
1. Interview Question: 'Describe Yourself' OR 'Tell me something about yourself': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZrsu4vrUgo&t;=60s
2. 5 Step formula for interview preparation: https://youtu.be/6-Vsb-J1jWA
3. Interview Dont's, things you should not talk in interview: https://youtu.be/aSc9OBkpyzY
- published: 08 Sep 2021
- views: 13988
Risk assessment in Pharmaceutical industry l Interview questions
Risk assessment in Pharmaceutical industry l Interview questions
Risk assessment in Pharmaceutical industry l Interview questions
Go to below playlists and search for a topic you want:
1. QMS - Quality Management System in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNqnXftgTHiLdxM154CmoRsR
2. QA- Quality assurance in Pharmaceutical industry. : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoFfgX3bYjXwSPtO8KyK1gP
3. QC - Quality Control in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNpvL3dRLtGjc_BRuRkx0CVT
4. OSD - Tablet Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoSYaSlSrkdbk6j-bHTy72T
5. Injectable processing - Injectable processing or Sterile dosage formulation : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoqGqSfdeJlBgpKfuUlQF_f
Questions covered :
Q : Which guidelines are used for performing risk assessment in Pharmaceutical industry?
Q. Which are the three fundamental Questions asked during risk assessment ?
Q.: What is definition of ‘Risk’ as per ICH Q9 ?
Q. What is purpose of doing risk assessment ?
Q. Which are the systematic ways to identify what might go wrong ?
Q.: What is typical Quality Risk management process ?
Q.: What is procedure for initiating risk assessment ?
Q. What is severity, probability and detection ?
Q.: Which questions needs to be focused during risk control ?
Q.: How Quality Risk Management can be used for change control process?
Q. What is principle of quality Risk management ?
Q. What is Risk review ?
Q. What are the steps for Risk assessment ?
Q. How the severity raking is given ?
Q. How the Probability ranking is given ?
Q. How the Detection ranking is given ?
Q. What is RPN rating ?
Q.: Can severity will get reduced after mitigation plan implementation ?
Q.: When we should do risk assessment ?
Q. What is Risk communication ?
Keywords to find this video :
risk assessment in pharmaceutical industry,risk assessment,pharmaceutical industry,risk management in pharmaceutical industry,quality risk management in pharmaceutical industry,quality risk assessment in pharmaceutical industry,risk assessment in pharmaceutical industries,risk assessment document pharmaceutical industry,data integrity in pharmaceutical industry,change control in pharmaceutical industry,pharmaceuticals,quality risk assessment in pharma company
Copyright disclaimer: “Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.”
Risk assessment in Pharmaceutical industry l Interview questions
Go to below playlists and search for a topic you want:
1. QMS - Quality Management System in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNqnXftgTHiLdxM154CmoRsR
2. QA- Quality assurance in Pharmaceutical industry. : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoFfgX3bYjXwSPtO8KyK1gP
3. QC - Quality Control in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNpvL3dRLtGjc_BRuRkx0CVT
4. OSD - Tablet Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical industry : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoSYaSlSrkdbk6j-bHTy72T
5. Injectable processing - Injectable processing or Sterile dosage formulation : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWElJz3ahCNoqGqSfdeJlBgpKfuUlQF_f
Questions covered :
Q : Which guidelines are used for performing risk assessment in Pharmaceutical industry?
Q. Which are the three fundamental Questions asked during risk assessment ?
Q.: What is definition of ‘Risk’ as per ICH Q9 ?
Q. What is purpose of doing risk assessment ?
Q. Which are the systematic ways to identify what might go wrong ?
Q.: What is typical Quality Risk management process ?
Q.: What is procedure for initiating risk assessment ?
Q. What is severity, probability and detection ?
Q.: Which questions needs to be focused during risk control ?
Q.: How Quality Risk Management can be used for change control process?
Q. What is principle of quality Risk management ?
Q. What is Risk review ?
Q. What are the steps for Risk assessment ?
Q. How the severity raking is given ?
Q. How the Probability ranking is given ?
Q. How the Detection ranking is given ?
Q. What is RPN rating ?
Q.: Can severity will get reduced after mitigation plan implementation ?
Q.: When we should do risk assessment ?
Q. What is Risk communication ?
Keywords to find this video :
risk assessment in pharmaceutical industry,risk assessment,pharmaceutical industry,risk management in pharmaceutical industry,quality risk management in pharmaceutical industry,quality risk assessment in pharmaceutical industry,risk assessment in pharmaceutical industries,risk assessment document pharmaceutical industry,data integrity in pharmaceutical industry,change control in pharmaceutical industry,pharmaceuticals,quality risk assessment in pharma company
Copyright disclaimer: “Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.”
- published: 12 Apr 2023
- views: 14904
Pharma101: Your Guide to Pharmacy School and Beyond Webinar
Exclusive webinar tailored to first-year pharmacy students!
Transitioning to University and Pharmacy School can be both exciting and challenging, and we’re her...
Exclusive webinar tailored to first-year pharmacy students!
Transitioning to University and Pharmacy School can be both exciting and challenging, and we’re here to help you make the most of it.
This Interactive Webinar consist of essential guidance, tips, and tricks to successfully navigate your first year.
From mastering the academic workload and understanding the pharmacy curriculum to balancing studies with social life and making the most of university resources, this webinar has got you covered.
Watch members from the BPSA Executive team share their insights and personal experiences to help you thrive in your pharmacy journey.
- Meet the speakers 00:00
- Journey to becoming a pharmacist 04:10
- Effective study strategies and time management tips. 05:37
- Things to know as a Pharmacy Student 17:08
- Extracurricular Activities 27:32
- University tips for international students and General Tips 40:41
- Q&A; session 52:31
If you have any further questions or would like to see what the BPSA is up to and how you can get involved, please check out our website and our Socials below.
Exclusive webinar tailored to first-year pharmacy students!
Transitioning to University and Pharmacy School can be both exciting and challenging, and we’re here to help you make the most of it.
This Interactive Webinar consist of essential guidance, tips, and tricks to successfully navigate your first year.
From mastering the academic workload and understanding the pharmacy curriculum to balancing studies with social life and making the most of university resources, this webinar has got you covered.
Watch members from the BPSA Executive team share their insights and personal experiences to help you thrive in your pharmacy journey.
- Meet the speakers 00:00
- Journey to becoming a pharmacist 04:10
- Effective study strategies and time management tips. 05:37
- Things to know as a Pharmacy Student 17:08
- Extracurricular Activities 27:32
- University tips for international students and General Tips 40:41
- Q&A; session 52:31
If you have any further questions or would like to see what the BPSA is up to and how you can get involved, please check out our website and our Socials below.
- published: 16 Oct 2024
- views: 31
Product Quality Review (PQR)
This training will help you to understand about regulatory requirements for annual product quality review(PQR). Further emphasis will be given to make you und...
This training will help you to understand about regulatory requirements for annual product quality review(PQR). Further emphasis will be given to make you understand on different requirements by different regulatory agencies (FDA,EU,WHO,TGA etc.). The discussion will be focussed on expectations by agencies along with practical implementation approach. The attendee will learn from this training on making use of statistical tools while preparing the PQR. Further, the common non conformance related to PQR shall be discussed. At the end of this session, the questions raised by the participants shall be answered.
AA. Vedic Gyan. KD,PHARMA PORTAL,Prof.Karan Ajay Gupta,Pharma Pill,Vivekanand Education Society's College of Pharmacy,
This training will help you to understand about regulatory requirements for annual product quality review(PQR). Further emphasis will be given to make you understand on different requirements by different regulatory agencies (FDA,EU,WHO,TGA etc.). The discussion will be focussed on expectations by agencies along with practical implementation approach. The attendee will learn from this training on making use of statistical tools while preparing the PQR. Further, the common non conformance related to PQR shall be discussed. At the end of this session, the questions raised by the participants shall be answered.
AA. Vedic Gyan. KD,PHARMA PORTAL,Prof.Karan Ajay Gupta,Pharma Pill,Vivekanand Education Society's College of Pharmacy,
- published: 13 Aug 2020
- views: 15318