
Potential Wii U Release Date, Assassin's Creed Vita & FF XIV 2.0 - IGN Daily Fix 06.07.12
Potential Wii U Release Date, Assassin's Creed Vita & FF XIV 2.0 - IGN Daily Fix 06.07.12
Happy Thursday, YouTube! E3 is now officially over and we are all exhausted! But Naomi soldiers on to bring you the hottest news of the day! Today, she has news of a potential WIi U release date (November), details on Assassin's Creed for the Vita, news about Final Fantasy XIV 2.0, and a...

The Force Feed - Halo 4 Release Date (April 17th 2012)
The Force Feed - Halo 4 Release Date (April 17th 2012)
Force Strategy Gaming presents: The Force Feed Halo 4 Release Date: halo.xbox.com Dark Souls PC Screen: www.gameinformer.com Sorcery Story: youtu.be Dishonored Trailer: youtu.be Apple Console in 2012: www.gamespot.com Force Website: www.ForceStrategyGaming.com Force Strategy Gaming Your premier location for strategies and tutorials to the games you love! Intro by Zach Booth www.youtube.com Music by: The Scession Studios www.youtube.com

Halo 4 Release Date & PS3 TV Recorder! - IGN Daily Fix 04.17.12
Halo 4 Release Date & PS3 TV Recorder! - IGN Daily Fix 04.17.12
Happy Tuesday! Welcome to another episode of the Daily Fix! On today's episode, Naomi discusses Halo 4's release date; Crytek reveals the future of game graphics; and Sony announces a device for PS3 that lets you records TV and then watch it on Vita! Halo 4 Release Date xbox360.ign.com The Future of Graphics games.ign.com PS3 Tv Recorder ps3.ign.com

Black Ops 2 Official Release Date Leaked NEW LEAKED POSTER Confirmed 11-13-12 BLACK OPS 2
Black Ops 2 Official Release Date Leaked NEW LEAKED POSTER Confirmed 11-13-12 BLACK OPS 2
Well, here it is. This poster is 100% official to me, for the following reason: The poster shows the same solider, with more detail. this is an EXTREMELY DETAILED art, no one could Photoshop this since the leak only days ago. Also, the trademarks and logos appear as they should, and this looks legitimate in nature. This confirmed the date for November 13th, and that it will be titled Black Ops 2. As always, subscribe for the latest Black Ops 2 News! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Be sure to comment, Like, and Subscribe! Want some EPIc Zombie shirts, Decals and other stuff? Check out www.GRFXP.com Niik is the Admin of ThatGamingShow, a Site and community dedicated to Livestreams and youtube entertainment. ThatGamingShow is a member of the Machinima Network, and Twitch.tv Partner Niik's Channel: www.youtube.com Niik's Twitter: www.twitter.com TGS Livestreams!: www.twitch.tv Be Sure to LIKE us on Facebook, and Follow TGS on Twitter! www.Twitter.com

iPad 3: 4G LTE and Release Date Rumors
iPad 3: 4G LTE and Release Date Rumors
Carbonite: goo.gl *Coupon Code* SOLDIER New SKB T-Shirts!!! goo.gl Get the Official SoldierKnowsBest Apps: iPhone: goo.gl Android: goo.gl FaceBook Fan Page: goo.gl Google+: goo.gl Twitter: twitter.com New Gaming Channel: youtube.com Website: soldierknowsbest.com

Black Ops 2 - Trailer Release Date!
Black Ops 2 - Trailer Release Date!
News on the up and coming Black Ops 2 trailer release date! Only a short commentary but I didn't have much to say. Subscribe for the latest news on Black Ops 2 & Prank Calls! Twitter @ TehGamerzEffect Intro and Music by www.youtube.com/MELO6100 Source: mp1st.com

Borderlands 2 Launch Date Trailer
Borderlands 2 Launch Date Trailer
Borderlands 2 kicks off a new era of Shoot and Loot on September 18th in the US and September 21st Internationally! Pre-order the game and gain access to the Borderlands 2 Premiere Club which allows you to download awesome in-game items. To find out more on how to pre-order please visit www.borderlands2.com Come hang out on the Official Borderlands Forums - gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com Follow us out on Twitter - www.twitter.com Follow our publisher on Twitter - www.twitter.com Like us on Facebook - www.facebook.com Rating Pending

iOS 5 Today / Release Date - What's New?
iOS 5 Today / Release Date - What's New?
www.lockergnome.com - Today is the day when iOS 5 is set for general release. Why is this update such a big deal? What are some of the most notable differences between iOS 5 and previous versions? In this video, Nate (@NatesTechUpdate) takes us through all of the latest updates, step-by-step. Apple iOS 5 Overview: Personal Setup - iTunes is no longer required to activate and set up your device for the first time. Your device can also be restored from an iCloud backup or iTunes backup during the set up process. Over The Air Updates - Download new software updates right on your device over wi-fi or 3g. These are delta updates meaning only download the changes. iCloud Backups - Backup your device without the use of iTunes with iCloud. iCloud backups will automatically be made when ever your device is plugged in, the screen is locked, and connected to a wi-fi network. Manual backups can also be made under iCloud in settings. Wi-Fi Sync - For those still interested in using iTunes, cut the cord and sync over wi-fi. Notification Center - Apple has completely redesigned notifications in iOS 5 with the new banner alert style. Notification center can be accessed by swiping down from top of device. Notifications that have not been responded to will be made available here. Camera/Photo Updates - Turn on/off grid, take photo with volume up button, lock auto focus and auto exposure, and camera button on lock screen. Edit photos by: rotating, auto-enhance, red eye reduction, and crop <b>...</b>

Battlefield 3 Close Quarters release date BF3 Premium &June; patch
Battlefield 3 Close Quarters release date BF3 Premium &June; patch
Twitter:twitter.com blogs.battlefield.com Remember on june 5th 4 videos 1 day all maps with analisys from both sides i will cover more detalies this tue 5th june Spoke to 2 ea reps today who confirmed the dates i Saved the convesation on live chat just in case

Tomb Raider E3 2012 Official Release Date Trailer.
Tomb Raider E3 2012 Official Release Date Trailer.
Check out the latest Tomb Raider trailer to find out the new release date and see just how amazing the game is looking. Lara is looking pretty bad ass. What are your thoughts on this latest game in the Tomb Raider franchise? Are you excited? Let me know in the comments below. And if you enjoyed this trailer don't forget to hit that "Like" button please. Cheers.

GTA 5 - GTA 5 Release Date - Sooner Than You Think!
GTA 5 - GTA 5 Release Date - Sooner Than You Think!
GTA 5 RELEASE DATE Please Support By Clicking Here! www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Channel:youtube.com Ok so every gamer under the sun wants to know when GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto 5) will be released for everyone to enjoy. I went to my local blockbuster and asked them to take a look for me. Here is what they have seen for the "GTA 5 Release Date"! It should be noted that is not confirmed by rockstar but blockbuster do have a track record for releasing info early!

Battlefield 3 - HUGE PATCH! Release Date and Fix List! | Live Commentary
Battlefield 3 - HUGE PATCH! Release Date and Fix List! | Live Commentary
\\ Battlefield 3: HUGE PATCH! Release Date and Fix List! | Live Commentary - I discuss a few of the thousands of fixes that are well over due in this upcoming Battlefield 3 patch. FULL PATCH FIX LIST ► www.enterbf3.com ◄ See the full Battlefield 3 Show here! ► www.youtube.com ◄ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ►My Facebook: www.facebook.com ►My Twitter: twitter.com ►My Platoon on Battlelog!!: bit.ly =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

EA SPORTS Hockey IQ Quick Clip - NHL 13
EA SPORTS Hockey IQ Quick Clip - NHL 13
NHL 13 Producer Sean Ramjagsingh explains how EA SPORTS Hockey IQ will change the way you play the game. A completely overhauled AI system, players and goalies are now fully aware of every other player on the ice, resulting in quicker, smarter and more true-to-life decision-making. EA SPORTS Hockey IQ also delivers the deepest and most customizable set of real-world hockey systems and strategies ever for the franchise. Pre-order NHL 13 - bit.ly Follow us - www.twitter.com Like us on Facebook - www.facebook.com More info - www.easports.com

Elissa 1st Album Hit - As3ad Wahda / إليسا - أغنية أسعد واحدة
Elissa 1st Album Hit - As3ad Wahda / إليسا - أغنية أسعد واحدة
ROTANA- Elissa's 1st Hit from her upcoming Album"As3ad Wahda" Exclusively on all Rotana Radios Album Release Date: 25 June 2012

Battlefield 3 - BETA Release Date?
Battlefield 3 - BETA Release Date?
Please LIKE this video if you found it informative! It helps, thank you! There was a new teaser trailer released today regarding Operation Guillotine and there was a date put at the end of the trailer, but it wasn't October 25th. The date put at the end of the trailer was September 16th. Is this the possible release date for the BF3 BETA? Checkout the Battlefield 3 Guillotine Gameplay Teaser here! www.youtube.com -------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com Like my Facebook fanpage! www.facebook.com Get your awesome T-Shirts! endwear.spreadshirt.com Checkout my live streams! www.ustream.tv I also live stream on Twitch: www.twitch.tv Want to know more information about MW3? Here you go! www.mw3info.com Source: www.youtube.com --------------------------------------------- Extra Tags: BATTLEFIELD 3 BETA RELEASE DATE OFFICIAL BATTLEFIELD 3 BETA GAMEPLAY PS3 BATTLEFIELD 3 BETA TESTING BATTLEFIELD 3 OFFICIAL BETA RELEASE DATE BATTLEFIELD 3 BETA GAMEPLAY XBOX 360 battlefield 3 bf3 beta release date official playstation 3 xbox 360 console gaming trailer gameplay multiplayer operation guillotine testing internal dice ea electronic arts

WWE 13 The Game - Offical Game Cover + Release Date! (October 30th)
WWE 13 The Game - Offical Game Cover + Release Date! (October 30th)
On Monday Night RAW they had a segment which officially announced the Release date of WWE 13 to be on October 30th in the United States. Also CM Punk is the cover superstar of the game this year and will feature segments from the Attitude Era! Listen to the YES! Wrestling Podcast: itunes.apple.com Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com Follow me on Facebook: www.Facebook.com Get Playclaw - "ThreatShow" - Code Save 10% - www.threatshow.com WWE 13 Gameplay WWE 13 Footage WWE 13 Official Trailer WWE 13 The Game Official Trailer with Gameplay WWe 13 The Game Gameplay Trailer WWE 13 Release Date WWE 13 October 30th Release Date

★ Blue Stahli - Tera Release Date Announced!
★ Blue Stahli - Tera Release Date Announced!
Tera has an official release date: May 1, 2012! Mark your your calendar, because Tera might just be the MMO you've been waiting for. Blue Stahli Music - www.fixtstore.com Music in the video : Shotgun Señorita Music licensed to TGN by FiXT - Get the music at www.fixtstore.com Director Links rurikhan.com http facebook.rurikhan.com http gplus.rurikhan.com If you like this video, click "Like" and Subscribe to our channel to get more! Tell us what you think in the comments below. =-=-=-= ▶ TGN -- Get more views! See http ▶ TGN Times -- Get more news! See news.tgn.tv ▶ TGN Stratics -- Discover Stratics! See http ▶ Follow us on Twitter! See twitter.tgn.tv ▶ Join us on Facebook! See http

Battlefield 3 - (BF3) - E3 Gameplay & Armored Kill Release Date
Battlefield 3 - (BF3) - E3 Gameplay & Armored Kill Release Date
EA's E3 announcement will occur at 8PM GMT, 1PM PDT, 4PM EDT. It will feature never-before-seen footage of Battlefield 3 including a playable version of Armoured Kill and Close Quarters. Armoured Kill will be released in September 2012. --- Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com Add me to your circle on Google+ gplus.to Like me on Facebook: on.fb.me Watch my Live stream here: www.twitch.tv --- Battlefield 3 bf3 multiplayer gameplay xbox ps3 pc Battlefield 3 bf3 multiplayer gameplay xbox ps3 pc Battlefield 3 bf3 multiplayer gameplay xbox ps3 pc

RAGE (2011) - Official Release Date Trailer | HD
RAGE (2011) - Official Release Date Trailer | HD
id Software relaunches the Rage website and the QuakeCon 2009 trailer with the official release date tacked on at the end. RAGE, a new video game under development at id Software and set to hit store shelves on September 13, 2011 in the US and September 16 in Europe. RAGE promises to offer intense first-person shooter action, breakneck vehicle combat, an expansive world to explore and jaw-dropping graphics powered by id Tech 5 technology. PRE-ORDER "RAGE" NOW - www.amazon.de RAGE - Dead City Gameplay Trailer (2011) OFFICIAL | HD Developer: id Software Release Date: October 4th (US) and October 7th (Europe) Genre: Action, First-Person, Shooter Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Mac Publisher: Bethesda Softworks Website: www.Rage.com ESRB RP FOLLOW US @ Twitter.com

Black Ops 2 - Lethal RC Drone Killstreak, Eclipse Release Date, Leaked Pictures (MW3 Commentary)
Black Ops 2 - Lethal RC Drone Killstreak, Eclipse Release Date, Leaked Pictures (MW3 Commentary)
Follow me on TWITTER: twitter.com Like me on FACEBOOK: facebook.com Yesterdays Video: www.youtube.com Call of Duty Website: www.callofduty.com FPS Russia video w/ Drone: www.youtube.com Source 1: www.charlieintel.com Source 2: www.charlieintel.com Source 3: thegamerplex.com Black Ops 2 : Lethal RC Drone Killstreak, Eclipse Release Date, Leaked Pictures (MW3 Commentary) After the video I released yesterday about the Call of Duty Black Ops 2 perks, weapons, release date, etc., even more information was released today, mainly regarding a new controllable killstreak called the Lethal RC Drone. Today, I wanted to try and shed some light on all of this new news. - - - - - - - - - - RE: Black Ops 2 : Lethal RC Drone Killstreak, Eclipse Release Date, and Leaked Pictures (MW3 Commentary) by TmarTn RE: Prototype Quadrotor with Machine Gun! by FPSRussia RE: Black Ops 2 : NEW COD BO2 MULTI-PLAYER KILL STREAK RC DRONE by WhiteBoy7thSt RE: BLACK OPS 2 KILL STREAK MULTI-PLAYER REVEAL! by WoodysGamertag Tags son: ILL810 ILLusive810 elusive illusive ILL call of duty black ops 2 bo2 prototype quadrotor lethal recon rc drone killstreak killstreaks rcxd release date novembet 13 13th thirteenth 2012 eclipse reveal trailer may 1 1st nba playoffs "lethal rc drone" "rc drone" "black ops 2" "release date" "black ops 2 release date" "november 13 2012" "november 13 2012" cod9 "lethal drone" "black ops 2 killstreak" "black ops 2 killstreaks" "black ops 2 drone" "black ops 2 prototype" fpsrussia fps <b>...</b>

Wreck-It Ralph Trailer
Wreck-It Ralph Trailer
Release Date: November 2, 2012 (3D/2D theaters) Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Director: Rich Moore Screenwriter: Jennifer Lee, Phil Johnston Starring: John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch Genre: Animation, Comedy MPAA Rating: Not Available Official Websites: disney.com twitter.com www.facebook.com Plot Summary: Walt Disney Animation Studios and Emmy®-winning director Rich Moore (TV's "The Simpsons," "Futurama") take moviegoers on a hilarious, arcade-game-hopping journey in "Wreck-It Ralph." Ralph (voice of John C. Reilly, "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby," "Step Brothers") is tired of being overshadowed by Fix-It Felix (voice of Jack McBrayer, "30 Rock"), the "good guy" star of their game who always gets to save the day. But after decades doing the same thing and seeing all the glory go to Felix, Ralph decides he's tired of playing the role of a bad guy. He takes matters into his own massive hands and sets off on a game-hopping journey across the arcade through every generation of video games to prove he's got what it takes to be a hero. On his quest, he meets the tough-as-nails Sergeant Calhoun (voice of Jane Lynch, TV's "Glee") from the first-person action game Hero's Duty. But it's the feisty misfit Vanellope von Schweetz (voice of Sarah Silverman, "The Sarah Silverman Program") from the candy-coated cart racing game, Sugar Rush, whose world is threatened when Ralph accidentally unleashes a deadly enemy that threatens the entire arcade <b>...</b>