
ICI - "We are..."
A commercial from 1988 to tell you all of the Things that Imperial Chemical Industries (IC...
published: 02 Sep 2008
author: AllisonTheSNLGuru
ICI - "We are..."
A commercial from 1988 to tell you all of the Things that Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) is all about.
published: 02 Sep 2008
views: 1286

PICKFORDS HEAVY HAULAGE( stockton on tees to ici wilton)
published: 07 Mar 2010
author: Mally Hayne
PICKFORDS HEAVY HAULAGE( stockton on tees to ici wilton)

Abandoned Explosives Works Ardeer ICI Nobel - Abandoned Scotland Urbex
www.abandonedscotland.com Join us on Facebook www.facebook.com Subscribe here: www.youtube...
published: 27 Jul 2012
author: AbandonedScotland
Abandoned Explosives Works Ardeer ICI Nobel - Abandoned Scotland Urbex
www.abandonedscotland.com Join us on Facebook www.facebook.com Subscribe here: www.youtube.com www.bobguido.com www.facebook.com Nobel Industries Limited was founded in 1870 by Swedish chemist and industrialist Alfred Nobel for the production of the new explosive dynamite. Ardeer, on the coast at Ayrshire, was chosen for the company's first factory. The business later diversified into the production of blasting gelatine, gelignite, ballistite, guncotton, and cordite. At its peak, the factory was employing nearly 13000 men and women. In 1926, the firm merged with Brunner, Mond & Company, the United Alkali Company, and the British Dyestuffs Corporation, creating a new group, Imperial Chemical Industries, then one of Britain's largest firms. Nobel Industries continued as the ICI Nobel division of the company. ICI Ardeer was commonly known locally as the 'factory' or the 'Dinnamite'. At the time the company generally provided higher quality employment regarding terms and conditions and pension rights than other local firms. The Ardeer site was almost like a community, and there were so many people employed there that a bank, travel agent and dentist were at one time based on the site. The former Western Scottish Bus Company provided tens of buses per day to transport the workers to and from the site, and until the mid 1960s there were even two trains per day to transport workers to a station within the factory. Music is Bob Guido - Leaving The World Behind en.wikipedia.org ...
published: 27 Jul 2012
author: AbandonedScotland
views: 2243

'MV Cuddington' Weaver Packet Cargo Vessel at Ellesmere Port Boat Museum 31st January 2009
A short video of MV Cuddington at Ellesmere Port Boat Museum. MV Cuddington is a Weaver Pa...
published: 05 Feb 2009
author: Mike Fairman
'MV Cuddington' Weaver Packet Cargo Vessel at Ellesmere Port Boat Museum 31st January 2009
A short video of MV Cuddington at Ellesmere Port Boat Museum. MV Cuddington is a Weaver Packet and was built by WJ Yarwoods & Sons of Northwich in 1948 for Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI). The vessel could carry up to 300 tons of chemical products from the ICI works at Winnington, near Northwich, down the rivers Weaver and Mersey to Liverpool. She was in use until the 1970s and came to the Boat Museum in 1979. Videoed Saturday, 31st January 2009
published: 05 Feb 2009
author: Mike Fairman
views: 1606

ICI Dulux - "Snip" & "Baby" - UK tv ads
very funny :-)...
published: 11 Aug 2009
author: njm1971nyc
ICI Dulux - "Snip" & "Baby" - UK tv ads

Alfred Mond, Lord Melchett
www.facebook.com www.ceepackaging.com twitter @ceepackaging www.facebook.com Here is a qui...
published: 08 Jan 2008
author: Alan Heath
Alfred Mond, Lord Melchett
www.facebook.com www.ceepackaging.com twitter @ceepackaging www.facebook.com Here is a quick film and talk movie I made in the town of Tel Mond in central Israel. The town was founded by Alfred Mond who had been a British cabinet minister as well as a prominent industrialist who founded Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) amongst others. He switched sides away from the Liberal party to the Conservative party in the mid 1920s owing to a disagreement with Lloyd George on the nationalisation of agriculture. He was not a committed Zionist nor did he think anything special about being Jewish. His wife was not Jewish nor did his children receive any Jewish education whatsoever and were brought up in the Church of England. However something snapped possibly as a result of racism in Russia and he became a committed Zionist after the first world war. He provided the funding that set up the Tel Mond settlement which today bears his name. My channel on you tube : www.youtube.com is one of themost prolific from Poland, although unfortunately not the most visited. With almost one film per day, one may be forgiven for thinking I do nothing else but I do have a day job as well. I have produced more than 400 original films, most in English but also in Polish, French, Italian, Spanish and the occasional hint of German and Hebrew. My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on ...
published: 08 Jan 2008
author: Alan Heath
views: 950

Jackie Lee - Space Age Lullaby (1972)
Here is Jackie Lee well known for her brilliant children's tv songs Rupert the Bear and Wh...
published: 29 Dec 2011
author: Thecharityshop
Jackie Lee - Space Age Lullaby (1972)
Here is Jackie Lee well known for her brilliant children's tv songs Rupert the Bear and White Horses amongst many other great records. This is a promotional record for ICI pharmaceuticals Savlon baby care product . This is the B-side to 'Sleep'.
published: 29 Dec 2011
author: Thecharityshop
views: 268

North East England, the location for Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Bioresource and Polymer investment
The following video about why the North East of England is the location of choice for the ...
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: NEPICProcess
North East England, the location for Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Bioresource and Polymer investment
The following video about why the North East of England is the location of choice for the Process industries (Biotechnology, Chemical, Renewables, Pharmaceuticals, Fine & Speciality, Polymer & Rubber). * Home to 58% of the UKs Petrochemical Industry * Home to 35% of the UKs Pharmaceuticals industry * Home to over 100 Fine & Speciality chemical companies * Home to a rapidly growing biotechnology sector generating £2bn of sales * Home to over 250 Polymer companies * Over 35000 people employed * 200000+ are indirectly employed * Generates over £10 billion (over 25%) of the regions GDP
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: NEPICProcess
views: 1270

LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene)
LDPE (low density polyethylene). LDPE is one of the most versatile polyolefins ever produc...
published: 25 Apr 2008
author: Mike Kmetz
LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene)
LDPE (low density polyethylene). LDPE is one of the most versatile polyolefins ever produced and currently there are more than 1600 LDPE grades available (942 in North America followed by 795 in Europe and 648 in the Pacific Rim). LDPE was the first grade of polyethylene, produced in 1933 by Imperial Chemical Industries. It is widely used for manufacturing various containers, dispensing bottles, wash bottles, tubing, plastic bags for computer components, and various molded laboratory equipment. Its most common use is in plastic bags.
published: 25 Apr 2008
author: Mike Kmetz
views: 3755

ICI: Perpetuum Aqua Vitae
Another ICI advert, from the back end of the "World Class" campaign. Clever, well made, we...
published: 31 Aug 2009
author: Applemask
ICI: Perpetuum Aqua Vitae
Another ICI advert, from the back end of the "World Class" campaign. Clever, well made, well soundtracked, but where's the connection (other than the concept of water) with what the VO's saying? Also, I can't shake the feeling I'm being subliminally told: "Wow, look at them Africans, don't they have a simple life, isn't it cute?"
published: 31 Aug 2009
author: Applemask
views: 406

salt mine khewra .wmv
PRODUCTION OF ROCK SALT Khewra Salt Mines produce about 4,66000 tonnes salt per annum. Maj...
published: 29 Dec 2009
author: MrSalehkakar
salt mine khewra .wmv
PRODUCTION OF ROCK SALT Khewra Salt Mines produce about 4,66000 tonnes salt per annum. Major portion of production in the range of 2,80000 to 3,20000 tonnes annually is supplied to Imperial Chemical Industries ICI Soda Ash Khewra. Based on Khewra salt ICI Soda Ash Plant was established in 1938. Rock Salt produced from Khewra Mines besides ICI Khewra is supplied to other Industrial consumers like Ittehad Chemical Limited, Sitara Chemicals, and tanneries etc. Selected quality Rock Salt is supplied to dealers for animal and human consumption. A reasonable quantity is also exported to foreign countries including India. Decoration pieces like; lamps, vases, ash rays etc are also made from Khewra Rock Salt and exported to foreign countries in large quantity by some exporters.
published: 29 Dec 2009
author: MrSalehkakar
views: 8305

ICI Fibres - 1970s Clothes Commercial
Amazingly 70s clothes advert for ICI Fibres new range of outfits. A truly stunning and sur...
published: 04 Jul 2008
author: OurManInHavana
ICI Fibres - 1970s Clothes Commercial
Amazingly 70s clothes advert for ICI Fibres new range of outfits. A truly stunning and surreal advert.
published: 04 Jul 2008
author: OurManInHavana
views: 55990

Latest Dulux commercial (Walls Are Dancing)
Via The Inspiration Room...
published: 18 Sep 2010
author: InspirationRoom
Latest Dulux commercial (Walls Are Dancing)

Dulux Full Cover Texture Part 1.wmv
A step by step guide to the application of Dulux Full Cover Texture....
published: 13 Dec 2008
author: paintspot1
Dulux Full Cover Texture Part 1.wmv
A step by step guide to the application of Dulux Full Cover Texture.
published: 13 Dec 2008
author: paintspot1
views: 12156
Vimeo results:

Crush the fear- Stop Endosulfan ban
Students a chemical engineering college strongly believe that endosulfan is helpful for ag...
published: 03 Mar 2011
author: roshis
Crush the fear- Stop Endosulfan ban
Students a chemical engineering college strongly believe that endosulfan is helpful for agriculture and a ban on it has much more to do with the super powers involved in the manufacturing industry. Hence, they have tried to spread knowledge about the pesticide and crush the false fear within the masses.

FABRICAN studio test
Video: Alvaro Diaz
From its base at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial Col...
published: 30 Nov 2011
author: Alvaro Díaz
FABRICAN studio test
Video: Alvaro Diaz
From its base at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, Fabrican technology has captured the imagination of designers, industry and the public around the world. The technology has been developed for use in household, industrial, personal and healthcare, decorative and fashion applications using aerosol cans or spray-guns, and will soon be found in products available everywhere.

Fabrican Ltd studio test
In 2000 Fabrican patented an instant, sprayable, non-woven fabric.
From its base at the D...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: Wabisabi videogallery
Fabrican Ltd studio test
In 2000 Fabrican patented an instant, sprayable, non-woven fabric.
From its base at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, Fabrican technology has captured the imagination of designers, industry and the public around the world. The technology has been developed for use in household, industrial, personal and healthcare, decorative and fashion applications using aerosol cans or spray-guns, and will soon be found in products available everywhere.
-VIDEO EDIT Alvaro wabisabi
-MUSIC Digitalverein

Den ultimate guide om 2012 & bevisssthetsskiftet -Del 4-Formidable endringer på vei/ Fortløpende oppdateringer om endringene
Den ultimate guide om 2012
& bevisssthetsskiftet -
( http://vimeo.com/37100608 )
Del 4 -...
published: 20 Feb 2012
author: Roger Larsen
Den ultimate guide om 2012 & bevisssthetsskiftet -Del 4-Formidable endringer på vei/ Fortløpende oppdateringer om endringene
Den ultimate guide om 2012
& bevisssthetsskiftet -
( http://vimeo.com/37100608 )
Del 4 -
Formidable endringer på vei -
Fortløpende oppdateringer om endringene
I denne bloggen gir jeg noen oppdateringer
om hva som skjer, summerer sammen
litt hva det hele handler om,
samt at du vil i dette tekstfelt
få oppdateringer om de
endringer som spiller
seg ut fremover.
Verdenshistoriens største bedrageri og
svindel avdekkes mer og mer, og nå
plukker så smått stadig flere mediaer
opp dette. De har snart ikke noe valg.
Verdens finanssytem er det største
bedrageri noen sinne.
Nå både flykter, slutter og arresteres
ledere verden over.
David Wilcock har satt sammen den
enorme artikkelen, som avslører
hele kabalen og deres syke plan.
Her kan du laste ned hele artikkelen
i PDF, tekst osv osv.
Artikkelen til David hvor du finner
det materiale som nå utløser et
skred av arrestasjoner osv
er å finne her:
Om du i det hele tatt skal skaffe
deg noe innsikt om verdensøkonomien
sanne plattform og ansikte, så er du
nødt for å sette deg inn i dette.
Alt annet kan du nå glemme:
Som terapeut og også via egen erfaring
har jeg sett og følt hvordan det er å føle
dagens skolemodell / utdanningsmodell
som en tvangstrøye.
Politikkere er så bekymret for
en stadig økende drop-out av
unge fra skolen.
Det er ikke så rart det skjer, fordi
dagens modell har for øye å gjøre
deg til en arbeidsrobott i samfunnet,
som pliktig vil svare:
"Jeg gjør bare jobben min jeg"
Denne samfunnsmodellen ble i sin tid
etablert av kabalen ( du kan lese om
den i David Wilcock sin artikkel, om
kabalen )
Man ønsker seg pliktoppfyllende arbeidere,
som genererer penger i forbrukersamfunns-
modellen...men som dermed via bl.a det enorme
trykket på akademiske fag kobler folk vekk fra
medmenneskelighet og hjertebevissthet.
Her er en artikkel fra NRK,.. som omtaler
det de kaller for å "VEKKE ungdommen..."
Vekker ungdommen og får dem på skolen
Linken til artikkelen finner du her samt
en kommentar som setter fingeren
på det egentlige problemet
Deler denne fra Mike Cechanowicz med Mike's kommentar:
"Hadde skolen tilbudt en utdanning og ikke sosial programmering for arbeidslivet, hadde du ikke måtte vekke ungdommen. De hadde stilt opp mer enn frivillig. Dette er bare et symptom på ungdommens forståelse av at det de tvinges til ikke er i deres beste interesser. På norsk skole lærer man ingenting om det som virkelig betyr noe. "
Update from ben Fulford 3 of April 2012:
“Another sign that something big is about to happen is that a European CIA source asked the White Dragon Society for the names and addresses of members of the following organizations:
The committee of 300, the Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission and the European Commission. These have been forwarded.
To the Norwegian Citizens:
Our primeminister Stoltenberg family is connected to the some of these commities
Benjamin Fulford 4-3-12…”Japan’s government formally agrees to set up 1000 trillion yen fund but worries about geopolitical ramifications”
Ben’s report this week mirrors what is being reported by others, including Drake. Very likely we are at a “tipping point” where once the tip-over has begun, nothing will stop what is coming. In any event, read on and enjoy this week’s Ben.
“In the US, the Pentagon has begun asking citizens to stock up with 72 hours’ worth of food because of possible disruptions associated with the imminent replacement of the US dollar with a new Treasury dollar, according to CIA sources in California.
This move is also expected to be accompanied by a massive clean up operation aimed at draining the corruption out of Wall Street and Washington D.C. in order to restore the US to its former moral and economic greatness.
UFO Hunters, Resonance Frequency and Acoustic Levitation
This one you will like, if you are into sounds and vibrations.
Here you will get clearity of all questions
Drake answering many questions of highly importants.
I will be total debtforgivness
and total restart of the
Here is info about 9/11 and things is finally coming out.
Imminent Mas
Youtube results:

Dr Jekkyl and Mr Really Bad Joke
PIF from ICI to promote their World Class campaign. ICI is kind of dying a slow and painfu...
published: 05 Nov 2009
author: easportsbig899
Dr Jekkyl and Mr Really Bad Joke
PIF from ICI to promote their World Class campaign. ICI is kind of dying a slow and painful death. It's currently owned by Dutch chemical group Akzo Nobel, who paid £7.2 billion for it. They must be loaded. ICI employs around 29000 people and it's going to be a lot more when Akzo Nobel fully integrate the two companies. Good for all, I suppose. So here's a PIF that contains water, disease and a really bad joke.
published: 05 Nov 2009
author: easportsbig899
views: 185

Alan Parsons - Ammonia Avenue
Ammonia Avenue (1983) é o álbum de maior sucesso comercial da banda inglesa The Alan Parso...
published: 07 Sep 2009
author: mapkos2009
Alan Parsons - Ammonia Avenue
Ammonia Avenue (1983) é o álbum de maior sucesso comercial da banda inglesa The Alan Parsons Project. Ammonia Avenue is one of the most commercially successful albums of The Alan Parsons Project. It was the second of the group's three most accessible albums, beginning with Eye in the Sky and ending with Vulture Culture. Ammonia Avenue was originally intended to be released as a double album with Vulture Culture's material forming the second record. The Phil Spector influenced million selling smash- "Don't Answer Me" is generally regarded as Ammonia Avenue's best song, with the title track a close second. "Prime Time" was a follow up release that fared well in the top 40."Since The Last Goodbye" and "You Don't Believe" were also minor hits. Music videos for "Don't Answer Me" and "Prime Time" were produced in 1984, the former with art and animation by MW Kaluta. The title of the album was inspired by Eric Woolfson's visit to Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in Billingham, England, where the first thing he saw was a street with miles of pipes, no people, no trees and a sign that said 'Ammonia Avenue'. The album focused on the possible misunderstanding of industrial scientific developments from a public perspective and a lack of understanding of the public from a scientific perspective.
published: 07 Sep 2009
author: mapkos2009
views: 20034

Urban Exploring Commentary - ICI Nobel Explosives Works Ardeer - Abandoned Scotland
www.abandonedscotland.com Join us on Facebook www.facebook.com Subscribe here: www.youtube...
published: 01 Sep 2012
author: AbandonedScotland
Urban Exploring Commentary - ICI Nobel Explosives Works Ardeer - Abandoned Scotland
www.abandonedscotland.com Join us on Facebook www.facebook.com Subscribe here: www.youtube.com www.bobguido.com www.facebook.com Nobel Industries Limited was founded in 1870 by Swedish chemist and industrialist Alfred Nobel for the production of the new explosive dynamite. Ardeer, on the coast at Ayrshire, was chosen for the company's first factory. The business later diversified into the production of blasting gelatine, gelignite, ballistite, guncotton, and cordite. At its peak, the factory was employing nearly 13000 men and women. In 1926, the firm merged with Brunner, Mond & Company, the United Alkali Company, and the British Dyestuffs Corporation, creating a new group, Imperial Chemical Industries, then one of Britain's largest firms. Nobel Industries continued as the ICI Nobel division of the company. ICI Ardeer was commonly known locally as the 'factory' or the 'Dinnamite'. At the time the company generally provided higher quality employment regarding terms and conditions and pension rights than other local firms. The Ardeer site was almost like a community, and there were so many people employed there that a bank, travel agent and dentist were at one time based on the site. The former Western Scottish Bus Company provided tens of buses per day to transport the workers to and from the site, and until the mid 1960s there were even two trains per day to transport workers to a station within the factory. Music is Bob Guido - Leaving The World Behind en.wikipedia.org ...
published: 01 Sep 2012
author: AbandonedScotland
views: 1248

Class 37 37426 & 37520 ICI Hoppers 96 (full version)
37426 & 37520 lifting it's vacuum brake'd hoppers out of Great Rocks heading for Northwich...
published: 10 Dec 2008
author: desdemona77
Class 37 37426 & 37520 ICI Hoppers 96 (full version)
37426 & 37520 lifting it's vacuum brake'd hoppers out of Great Rocks heading for Northwich 96. The hoppers to/from Northwich must of been one of my top 5 to video just due to it's beastly'ness to see and hear the 37's hauling these heavy trains...
published: 10 Dec 2008
author: desdemona77
views: 3419