I Dreamed a Dream -- Les Miserables -- Juan Loren Zerimar
I have always liked musical theater, but for some strange reason I was not familiar with the music from Les Miserables. The first time I ever heard this song was when I heard Susan Boyles rendition on YouTube. I have to say it brought a tear to my eye, not just because of the magical A Star is Born moment that Ms. Boyle shared with the world...but because I was listening to my life being sung... I grew up in a very loving family in which I was encouraged to always do my best and to be a good person. To the best of my ability I have tried to live life like that. I did well in school, went to college and forged a fairly successful career in the field of public education. On a personal level I focused on just a couple of, back-to-back, long term relationships which, although sometimes struggled with the regular ups and downs of any relationship, were always filled with love and loyalty. I also tried to bring a spiritual consciousness to my life by following a disciplined but loving spiritual path. In many ways, I had the ideal life. Music has always been my love, and while I made an effort to build a sensible life, I always tried to find ways to keep music alive in my life. However, as close as I had gotten a couple of times to some musical success, the door never quite seemed to open. Then, a few years ago I met some people who I thought had the power and the desire to help me to make my musical dreams come true. Everything just seemed to align and I was certain that this <b>...</b>