- published: 22 Aug 2007
- views: 9808
- author: kenmcmullenweb

1871 (1990) Clip 2
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's...
published: 22 Aug 2007
author: kenmcmullenweb
1871 (1990) Clip 2
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted period of French history.
- published: 22 Aug 2007
- views: 9808
- author: kenmcmullenweb

1871 (1990) Clip 1
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's...
published: 22 Aug 2007
author: kenmcmullenweb
1871 (1990) Clip 1
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted period of French history.1990 Colour, 100 mins
- published: 22 Aug 2007
- views: 3467
- author: kenmcmullenweb

Germany 1871-1990 - www.pastfinder.de
From the German Reich to the fall of the Wall and the German reunification. Inside Deutsch...
published: 01 Jul 2008
author: PastFinderLtd
Germany 1871-1990 - www.pastfinder.de
From the German Reich to the fall of the Wall and the German reunification. Inside Deutsches Historisches Museum (DHM) in Berlin. Read more about it in the "PastFinder Berlin" and the "PastFinder ZIKZAK Berlin". FOLLOW ME! www.pastfinder.de
- published: 01 Jul 2008
- views: 55855
- author: PastFinderLtd

Geschichte Deutschlands 1871-1990 Teil1
Geschichte des Deutschen Staates von 1871-1990 Illustriert dargestellt. Nachkriegsgeschich...
published: 14 Aug 2011
author: Maddock1067
Geschichte Deutschlands 1871-1990 Teil1
Geschichte des Deutschen Staates von 1871-1990 Illustriert dargestellt. Nachkriegsgeschichte im Lichte des Staats- und Völkerrechtes - Erzeugt mit AquaSoft DiaShow für YouTube: www.aquasoft.de
- published: 14 Aug 2011
- views: 12584
- author: Maddock1067

1. Introduction
France Since 1871 (HIST 276) Professor Merriman lists the books on the syllabus, and offer...
published: 21 Nov 2008
author: YaleCourses
1. Introduction
France Since 1871 (HIST 276) Professor Merriman lists the books on the syllabus, and offers a brief précis of each of them. Three of the principal themes of the course will be national identity, linguistic identity, and the consequences of the two world wars. Although the course will consider some well-known historical figures, such as Hitler and de Gaulle, it will also examine the individual histories of ordinary people. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Course Introduction 05:48 - Chapter 2. Overview of the Reading List 19:07 - Chapter 3. Major Themes: National Identity and Language 26:19 - Chapter 4. Major Themes: The World Wars Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: open.yale.edu This course was recorded in Fall 2007.
- published: 21 Nov 2008
- views: 24295
- author: YaleCourses

4. A Nation? Peasants, Language, and French Identity
France Since 1871 (HIST 276) The problematic question of when people in France began to co...
published: 21 Nov 2008
author: YaleCourses
4. A Nation? Peasants, Language, and French Identity
France Since 1871 (HIST 276) The problematic question of when people in France began to consider themselves part of a French nation, with a specifically French national identity, has often been explained in terms of the modernizing progress of the French language at the expense of regional dialects. In fact, the development of French identity in rural France can be seen to have taken place alongside a continued tradition of local cultural practices, particularly in the form of patois. French identity must be understood in terms of the relationship between the official discourse of the metropolitan center and the unique practices of the country's regions, rather than in terms of the unambiguous triumph of the former over the latter. 00:00 - Chapter 1. The Birth of National Identity and Agents of Modernization 06:44 - Chapter 2. Regional Languages of France 15:20 - Chapter 3. Modernization of Transportation: Roads, Railways and Identity-Formation 25:42 - Chapter 4. Schoolteachers and Schoolhouses: Education, the State, and Identity 38:59 - Chapter 5. French Schools and Regional Identity Today Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: open.yale.edu This course was recorded in Fall 2007.
- published: 21 Nov 2008
- views: 14329
- author: YaleCourses

Culver 1990
Culver Military Academy 1990...
published: 16 Mar 2009
author: erivero1871
Culver 1990
Culver Military Academy 1990
- published: 16 Mar 2009
- views: 1299
- author: erivero1871

The German Empire / Deutsches Reich (1871 - 1918)
The German Empire / Deutsches Reich was the official term used to refer to Germany from th...
published: 22 Mar 2010
author: matheona
The German Empire / Deutsches Reich (1871 - 1918)
The German Empire / Deutsches Reich was the official term used to refer to Germany from the unification of Germany and proclamation of Wilhelm I as German Emperor on 18 January 1871 to 1918, when it became a federal republic after defeat in World War I and the abdication of Wilhelm II (28 November 1918). During its 47 years of existence, the German Empire emerged as one of the most powerful industrial economies on Earth and a great power, until it collapsed following its military defeat in World War I and the concurrent November Revolution. The most important bordering states were Imperial Russia in the east, France in the west, and Austria-Hungary in the south. Bismarck himself prepared a broad outline—the 1866 North German Constitution, which became the 1871 German Constitution with some adjustments. Germany acquired some democratic features. The new empire had a parliament with two houses. The lower house, or Reichstag, was elected by universal male suffrage. However, the original constituencies drawn in 1871 were never redrawn to reflect the growth of urban areas. As a result, by the time of the great expansion of German cities in the 1890s and 1900s, rural areas were grossly overrepresented. Legislation also required the consent of the Bundesrat, the federal council of deputies from the states. Executive power was vested in the emperor, or Kaiser (Caesar), who was assisted by a chancellor responsible only to him. Officially, the chancellor was a one-man cabinet and ...
- published: 22 Mar 2010
- views: 6012
- author: matheona

Hotel de los Inválidos, edificio que albergó a los soldados inválidos veteranos de guerra ...
published: 26 Mar 2011
author: Eusebio Larrinaga
Hotel de los Inválidos, edificio que albergó a los soldados inválidos veteranos de guerra en 1.860. Hoy convertido en el MUSEO del EJERCITO de las Armaduras. y Armas antiguas,de los cañones clásicos franceses Los armamentos y medios de las dos Guerras Mundiales 1871 - 1990. LA IGLESIA DE DOMO con la tumba de NAPOLEÓN. LA IGLESIA de SAINT - LOUIS con un precioso Örgano. El Historial de CHARLES DE GAULLE. ¡¡¡ UN LUGAR INTERESANTE E HISTÓRICAMENTE IMPORTANTE !!!
- published: 26 Mar 2011
- views: 565
- author: Eusebio Larrinaga

Original Radio durchsage von 1990
Deutschland_besteht_weiterhin_in_den_Grenzen_von_1937 mit Verfassung von 1871 es ist das D...
published: 18 Jun 2010
author: Tikslbg
Original Radio durchsage von 1990
Deutschland_besteht_weiterhin_in_den_Grenzen_von_1937 mit Verfassung von 1871 es ist das DR Deutsche-Reich 1871-1919 gemeint ,nicht das zweite DR Waimar1919-1933. auchnicht das Dritte-Reich 1933-1945(Hitler)
- published: 18 Jun 2010
- views: 63134
- author: Tikslbg

Johann Strauss Jr.'s Overtures - Indigo und die vierzig Räuber
Johann Strauss II - Indigo and the Forty Thieves (1871). "The day before yesterday there o...
published: 18 Sep 2011
author: Fledermaus1990
Johann Strauss Jr.'s Overtures - Indigo und die vierzig Räuber
Johann Strauss II - Indigo and the Forty Thieves (1871). "The day before yesterday there occurred a major event. France was defeated ... not the noble, great France, so passionate about liberty ¡K no! the wretched France, the cancan-dancing, frivolous France, the France of Herr Jacques Offenbach has been struck through the heart ...". With these words, the critic for the Viennese journal Der Floh (1871, No. 7) registered the successful and long-awaited première of Johann Strauss's début stage work - Indigo und die vierzig Räuber - at the Theater an der Wien on 10 February 1871. During the late 1850s and throughout the 18605, Viennese musical theatre - as distinct from opera - was dominated by the lively and often satirical creations of the Cologne-born Parisian, Jacques Offenbach (1819-80). Despite the early attempts of would-be challengers like Franz von Suppé (1819-95) and Carl Millöcker (1842-99), it was not until Johann Strauss entered the arena of stage composition that Vienna's theatre managers found a composer capable of standing his ground against the seemingly invincible Offenbach. For his part, Strauss had been an unwilling convert to the world of operetta, and it was due principally to the persuasiveness of his theatrically-cognisant wife, the singer Jetty Treffz (1818-78), that he finally made the transition from the bright lights of the ballroom to the dim glow of the theatre pit. The press reported three early attempts at operetta composition by Vienna's ...
- published: 18 Sep 2011
- views: 1457
- author: Fledermaus1990

E' una delle giostre più antiche e funzionanti di Francia. Fabbricata nel 1871 dalla ditta...
published: 30 Jun 2011
E' una delle giostre più antiche e funzionanti di Francia. Fabbricata nel 1871 dalla ditta Limonaire. Restaurata nel 1990. Interamente decorata con i dipinti di Pierre-Marius Coppier, artista che sposò una giovane giostraia e divenne anch'esso giostraio e pittore degli itineranti. Oggi è azionata con un motore elettrico, ma inizialmente era un cavallo a farla girare. La musica è prodotta da un organo che si trova al centro, marca "Limonaire", restaurato nel 1990 dalla ditta Fournier di Vienne (Isère -- Francia). Fabriquè par la firme Limonaire vers 1871,il s'agit de l'un des plus anciens manèges encore en fonctionnement en France. Restauré en 1990. Les peintures son par Pierre-Marius Coppier, peintre forain. Il est entraîné par un moteur électrique, ma auparavant, c'était un cheval qui le faisait tourner. Au centre, se trouve un orgue de la marque Limonaire restauré en 1990 par la manufacture Fournier à Vienne. Visitate il sito www.musicameccanica.it
- published: 30 Jun 2011
- views: 2688
Vimeo results:

The Inaugural Henry Cole Lecture: Sir Christopher Frayling, 30 October 2008
The inaugural Henry Cole Lecture, held at the V&A; Museum in London on 30 October 2008. Th...
published: 22 Sep 2009
author: Victoria and Albert Museum
The Inaugural Henry Cole Lecture: Sir Christopher Frayling, 30 October 2008
The inaugural Henry Cole Lecture, held at the V&A; Museum in London on 30 October 2008. The purpose of the lecture is to celebrate the legacy of the Museum’s founding director, and explore its implications for museums, culture and society today.
The lecture, entitled 'We Must Have Steam: Get Cole! Henry Cole, the Chamber of Horrors, and the Educational Role of the Museum' was delivered by Professor Sir Christopher Frayling. He presented new research on the “chamber of horrors” (a contemporary nickname for one of the V&A;'s earliest galleries, 'Decorations on False Principles', that opened in 1852) and the myths and realities of its reception, then opened up a wider debate on design education and museums from the nineteenth century to the present day.
Mark Jones: The annual Henry Cole lecture has been initiated to celebrate Henry Cole's legacy and to explore the contribution that culture can make to education and society today. It has also been launched to celebrate the opening of the Sackler Centre for arts education, including the Hochhauser Auditorium in which we sit tonight. There could be no one better than Professor Sir Christopher Frayling to give the inaugural Henry Cole Lecture. Christopher is a rare being: an intellectual who is a great communicator; a theorist who has a firm grip on the practical realities of life: a writer who truly and instinctively understands the words of making design and visual communication. As an enormously successful and respected Rector of the Royal College of Art, as Chairman of the Arts Council, and as a member and chair of boards too numerous to mention - but not forgetting the Royal Mint Advisory Committee which has recently been responsible for redesigning the coinage (personal interest) and as by far the longest-serving Trustee of the V&A;, he brings together culture, education and public service in a way which Henry Cole would have approved and admired. So it's more than fitting that he should be giving this first Henry Cole Lecture, 'We Must Have Steam: Get Cole! Henry Cole, the Chamber of Horrors, and the Educational Role of the Museum'.
Thank you very much indeed Mark and thank you very much for inviting me to give this first Henry Cole Lecture. Just how much of an honour it is for me will I hope become clear as the lecture progresses.
Mark, Chairpeople, ladies and gentlemen:
Hidden away in the garden of the South Kensington Museum - now the Madejski Garden of the V&A; - there is a small and easily overlooked commemorative plaque that doesn't have a museum number. It reads: 'In Memory of Jim Died 1879 Aged 15 Years, Faithful Dog of Sir Henry Cole of this Museum'. Jim had in fact died on 30 January 1879. He was with Henry Cole in his heyday, as the king of South Kensington - its museums and colleges - and saw him through to retirement from the public service and beyond. And next to this inscription there's another one dedicated to Jim's successor, Tycho, and dated 1885. The dogs are actually buried in the garden. Now we know from Henry Cole's diary that between 1864 and 1879 Jim, who was a cairn terrier, was often to be seen in public at his master's side. In 1864 they were together inspecting the new memorial to the Great Exhibition of 1851 just behind the Albert Hall - a statue of Prince Albert by Joseph Durham on a lofty plinth covered in statistics about the income, expenditure and visitor numbers to the Great Exhibition: 6,039,195 to be exact. Cole had been a tireless champion of Prince Albert and according to the Princess Royal (later Empress of Prussia) there was a family saying in Buckingham Palace at the time, invented by Albert himself, that when things needed doing 'when we want steam we must get Cole'. We may therefore assume that when looking at the memorial, Cole was interested in the inscription, the statistics and the likeness of Prince Albert, while Jim was more interested in the possibilities of the plinth. In early 1866 - these are five studies of Jim, an etching by Henry Cole himself of 1864. In early 1866, first thing in the morning, soon after the workmen's bell had rung, Henry and Jim would set forth together from Cole's newly constructed official residence in the Museum (where he moved in July 1863) to tour the building sites of South Kensington - a name which was first invented by Cole when he re-named the museum The South Kensington Museum to describe the new developments happening around Brompton Church. According to 'The Builder' magazine, these two well-known figures would 'be seen clambering over bricks, mortar and girders up ladders and about scaffolding'. Several buildings in the South Kensington Renaissance Revival style were springing up all around them: The Natural History Museum, The College of Science, the extension to this Museum. And on the morning the Bethnal Green Museum opened - 24 June 1872 - Jim showed a healthy distaste for his master's well-known predilection for pomp and

published: 01 Mar 2012
author: Siskel/Jacobs Productions

atelier sedap vidéo luminaire 1871...
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: Atelier SEDAP
atelier sedap vidéo luminaire 1871

1st Place USC Visions and Voices Film Festival ($1000 Scholarship)
A short documentary a...
published: 06 Jul 2012
author: Zac Geoffray
1st Place USC Visions and Voices Film Festival ($1000 Scholarship)
A short documentary about the Chinese Massacre of 1871
Youtube results:

5) Die Brandenburger - Gründer, Glücksritter und Generäle (1871 - 1918)
3Sat -- Film von Jochen Trauptmann (1998) - Die große ORB-Dokumentatiosreihe Die Brandenbu...
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: Julia Xharo
5) Die Brandenburger - Gründer, Glücksritter und Generäle (1871 - 1918)
3Sat -- Film von Jochen Trauptmann (1998) - Die große ORB-Dokumentatiosreihe Die Brandenburger" beschreibt die mehr als 1000 jährige Geschichte der Region in sieben Teilen - von der Eroberung der slawischen Festung "Brennabor" durch den deutschen König Heinrich I. bis zur Gründung des Landes Brandenburg im Zuge der deutschen Einheit 1990. Dazwischen: große Geschichte und kleine Geschichten, Kriege und Katastrophen, Reformen und Revolution, die Politik der Mächtigen und die Ohnmacht der Untertanen, die einschneidenden Ereignisse und der mühsame Alltag der Menschen. Ein historischer Streifzug durch das Land, das Spötter einst "Streusandbüchse" nannten, und das als Keimzelle Preußens zum Machtzentrum des deutschen Reiches wuchs. "Die Brandenburger" eine Chronik, die neugierig machen soll auf die Geschichte.
- published: 21 Oct 2012
- views: 122
- author: Julia Xharo

Nikriz - Longa - Tamburi Cemil Bey (1871- 1916)
Beste Aydın & Erkan Aydın - Türk Sanat Müziği Konseri Tarih: Cuma, 12 Aralık 2008 Saat: 19...
published: 22 Feb 2010
author: Serdar Gökkus
Nikriz - Longa - Tamburi Cemil Bey (1871- 1916)
Beste Aydın & Erkan Aydın - Türk Sanat Müziği Konseri Tarih: Cuma, 12 Aralık 2008 Saat: 19:30 Yer: Friedrichstr. 19, Großer Saal, Erlangen Münevver BesteAYDIN: 1994 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Devlet Türk Mûsikîsi Konservatuvarı Temel Bilimler Bölümü'nü birincilikle kazandi. 2001 yılında Konservatuvara ögretim görevlisi olarak atandı. TC Cumhurbaşkanlığı, TC Dış İşleri Bakanlığı, TC Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının görevlendirmeleri ile yurt içinde ve yurt dışında bir çok konserde kanun sanatçısı olarak görev yapmıştır. 2007 yılında " Yeni Başlayanlar İçin KANUN METODU" adlı kitabını yayınladı. Bu metod, konservatuvarda ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır. Halen, E.Ü. DTM Konservatuvarında; Türk Mûsikîsi Tarihi ve Çalgı Eğitimi (kanun) derslerini yürütmektedir. Erkan AYDIN: 1990 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Devlet Türk Mûsikîsi Konservatuvarı Temel Bilimler Bölümü'nü ikincilikle kazandı. 1992'de TRT İzmir Radyosu'nda akitli ud sanatçısı olarak çalısmaya basladı. 1997 yılında E.Ü. DTM Konservatuvarına öğretim görevlisi olarak atandı. Konservatuvardaki ve TRT'deki çalışmalarının dışında; TC Cumhurbaşkanlığı, TC Dış İşleri Bakanlığı, TC Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının görevlendirmeleri ile yurt içinde ve yurt dışında bir çok konserde ud sanatçısı olarak katılmıstır. Halen, E.Ü. DTM Konservatuvarında; Türk Müziği'nde Türler ve Biçimler ve Çalgı Eğitimi (ud) derslerini yürütmektedir.
- published: 22 Feb 2010
- views: 1144
- author: Serdar Gökkus

4) Die Brandenburger - Reformer, Revolutionäre und Schnappsbrenner (1786 - 1871)
3Sat -- Film von Hans-Dieter Rutsch (1998) - Die große ORB-Dokumentatiosreihe Die Brandenb...
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: Julia Xharo
4) Die Brandenburger - Reformer, Revolutionäre und Schnappsbrenner (1786 - 1871)
3Sat -- Film von Hans-Dieter Rutsch (1998) - Die große ORB-Dokumentatiosreihe Die Brandenburger" beschreibt die mehr als 1000 jährige Geschichte der Region in sieben Teilen - von der Eroberung der slawischen Festung "Brennabor" durch den deutschen König Heinrich I. bis zur Gründung des Landes Brandenburg im Zuge der deutschen Einheit 1990. Dazwischen: große Geschichte und kleine Geschichten, Kriege und Katastrophen, Reformen und Revolution, die Politik der Mächtigen und die Ohnmacht der Untertanen, die einschneidenden Ereignisse und der mühsame Alltag der Menschen. Ein historischer Streifzug durch das Land, das Spötter einst "Streusandbüchse" nannten, und das als Keimzelle Preußens zum Machtzentrum des deutschen Reiches wuchs. "Die Brandenburger" eine Chronik, die neugierig machen soll auf die Geschichte.
- published: 21 Oct 2012
- views: 103
- author: Julia Xharo

歴史年号覚え歌 その2
塾の生徒のための、二曲目。プリントの裏です。 1871 何も言わない廃藩置県 1873 いやな3パー地租改正 1889 いち早く大日本帝国憲法 1894 一番串刺し日清戦争 190...
published: 26 Aug 2011
author: yukikun0319
歴史年号覚え歌 その2
塾の生徒のための、二曲目。プリントの裏です。 1871 何も言わない廃藩置県 1873 いやな3パー地租改正 1889 いち早く大日本帝国憲法 1894 一番串刺し日清戦争 1902 日暮れに決めた日英同盟 1910 特等席で朝鮮併合 1916 インク良い色関税自主権回復 1917 得意なロシア革命 1918 ひと食いはぐれた米騒動 1924 行くぞ西へ第二次護憲運動 1925 行く25歳 普通選挙制 1929 特に苦しいよ 世界恐慌 1931 人臭い満州事変 1932 戦に行こう 5・15 1933 一休散々 国際連盟脱退 1936 一休寒いぞ 2・26事件 1937 いくさ長引く 日中戦争 1941 行くよいいぞ 太平洋戦争 1945 一休死後 ポツダム宣言 1946 インク白いよ 日本国憲法 1950 遠く号令 朝鮮戦争 1951 ひどく強引 サンフランシスコ・日米安全保障条約 1973 行く波くる波 オイルショック 1990 一つにくくれ 東西ドイツ
- published: 26 Aug 2011
- views: 21618
- author: yukikun0319