Green Monster Pantry Raid
Chris Pirillo

Green Monster Pantry Raid

May 25, 2012 | No Comments

Vanilla scone! Vanilla scone! Friendly neighborhood vanilla scone! In the bag, for my wife, I promised I’d feed you for life! Look out! And I don’t even know what a scone is… But that’s okay. Diana doesn’t know what her favorite monster is beyond “the green one,” so we’re even. Hiding in the pantry isn’t [...]

What’s Not to Like About Windows 8?
Chris Pirillo

What’s Not to Like About Windows 8?

May 25, 2012 | No Comments

Sure, people like to talk about all of the things that they don’t like about Windows 8. But has anyone bothered to chalk up the things about Windows 8 that actually seem like some pretty strong steps in the right direction? On another front, can you be truly happy with a cheap Android tablet? A [...]

Does This Mustache Make Me Look Fat?
Chris Pirillo

Does This Mustache Make Me Look Fat?

May 24, 2012 | One Comment

I’ve written about the history of shaving before, but with Diana’s encouragement, I’ve decided to go a different way. Because she agreed with YouTube viewer h4lk7, who said that I should grow a mustache, I’ve decided to give it a whirl. While I realize that this could be a not-so-elaborate hoax at my expense and [...]

Text and Punishment
Chris Pirillo

Text and Punishment

May 24, 2012 | One Comment

Should the punishment for texting and driving be more severe in places where it’s illegal? Should people who knowingly text people who are driving be held at least partially responsible for resulting accidents, or is this an overstretch of justice? Do you know how to get the most out of Google Chrome? If you produce [...]

Lord of the Yogurt
Chris Pirillo

Lord of the Yogurt

May 23, 2012 | No Comments

Some people don’t like rain, but I don’t see much of a downside. Aside from the occasional thunderstorm or tornado that might accompany it like an unwelcome guest, rain is good. It’s water that falls from the sky and makes everything clean! What’s not to like? At least in Seattle, people know how to drive [...]

Night of the Living Vlogumentaries
Chris Pirillo

Night of the Living Vlogumentaries

May 22, 2012 | No Comments

Vlogs are kind of like documentaries. Vlogumentaries? Is that a thing? Ah, yes — for the Google tells me so! In this edition of the Pirillo Vlog, Diana and I vlogument (see what I did there?) a discussion about capital punishment and involuntary organ donation, among other things. If you’ve got a morbid curiosity about [...]

Hot Cholula in the City
Chris Pirillo

Hot Cholula in the City

May 22, 2012 | No Comments

Come listen to a story ’bout a man named Chris Diana was his wife and they lived in wedded bliss One day they were shootin’; the next thing you know They uploaded to YouTube and had their own show… Should Cholula hot sauce be available in emergency packets? What do you hate about Windows 8? [...]

Is Chris Pirillo the Anti-Oprah?
Chris Pirillo

Is Chris Pirillo the Anti-Oprah?

May 21, 2012 | No Comments

Diana’s a ketchup hoarder. Or is she a catsup hoarder? I guess it depends on whatever side of the Mississippi or Atlantic or Pacific or Nile you call home. Anyway, I caught her considering putting stray ketchup packets in her purse “in case of emergency.” While I thought it was an idea fraught with danger [...]

The Myopic Frontier
Chris Pirillo

The Myopic Frontier

May 20, 2012 | No Comments

Dude, what if, like, your eye contains a whole universe full of galaxies with stars and planets populated by little people who also have eyes that contain whole universes full of galaxies with stars and planets populated by little people who also have eyes that contain whole universes full of galaxies with stars and planets [...]

Like Spinach for Chocolate
Chris Pirillo

Like Spinach for Chocolate

May 19, 2012 | One Comment

What makes some relationships work and others fail miserably? It’s all a delicate balancing act, and there are no easy answers beyond respecting the passions of the other person — even if you don’t necessarily share them — and understanding that your emotions aren’t always going to be in sync. If you’re together in the [...]