
How to Get Your Tax-Exempt Status Back
How to Get Your Tax-Exempt Status Back
Find out how to get your tax-exempt status reinstated.

Removing IRS & Federal Tax Liens
Removing IRS & Federal Tax Liens
At www.irslienthumper.com is information on remove lien suits, tax lien property, and federal tax lien(s) that is excellent. IRS tax relief is available to those who apply the provisions in the Code and Regs for obtaining abatement of IRS tax liens.

IRS Violating Rights
IRS Violating Rights
The Internal Revenue Service unlawfully seizes a hard-working native american family's vehicle. The IRS thrives on intimidation to enforce its code that is unconstitutional (Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution).

Former IRS Agent Joe Banister and Ron Paul On CNBC
Former IRS Agent Joe Banister and Ron Paul On CNBC
Former IRS CID Agent Joseph R Banister and presidential candidate Ron Paul discuss the illegality of the income tax on a 2004 edition of CNBC's Special Report with Maria Bartiromo. Watch Aaron Russo's AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism for free on Google Video to learn more about the illegality of the income tax.

W-2 Health Insurance Reporting
W-2 Health Insurance Reporting
The IRS is deferring the requirement for employers to report the value of your health insurance coverage on your W-2. Find out how and when it will be implemented.

Small Business Health Care Tax Credit
Small Business Health Care Tax Credit
Small employers who provide health insurance coverage to their employees may qualify for a special tax credit.

IRS Self Employed Tax Deductions & Write Offs 2011, 2012
IRS Self Employed Tax Deductions & Write Offs 2011, 2012
Learn about IRS Self Employed Tax Deductions & Write Offs 2011, 2012 www.harborfinancialonline.com

IRS Tax Is Illegal - No Tax Law Exists!!
IRS Tax Is Illegal - No Tax Law Exists!!
Federal Reserve and IRS are both private corporations! Check in your phone book, they are listed in white pages!

IRS Commissioner Evades THE Question
IRS Commissioner Evades THE Question
www.GiveMeLiberty.org -- What US law requires Americans to pay income taxes? Watch IRS Commissioner Everson evade a direct question from the New York Times tax reporter. Why won't he answer ??? === www.GiveMeLiberty.org ===

Kerry Martin, IRS Crook
Kerry Martin, IRS Crook
The thieves at the IRS have the power to harass, threaten and steal. I have the power to tell the truth. So I will.

Federal Reserve and IRS = private corporations!
Federal Reserve and IRS = private corporations!
They are both private corporations owned by the zionist fashist european world bankers! Wake up sheeple, and stop paying taxes which goes to war!!!!

New Rules: You and the IRS this January
New Rules: You and the IRS this January
New tax rules from the 2008 Housing Bill and ObamaCare usher in more income tax (up to $345 billion a year) and a cashless economy. Link for the full article "New Rules: You and the IRS this January": www.activistpost.com Link for the Senate Committee document: finance.senate.gov Link for the ObamaCare nullification legislation from the 10th Amendment Center: www.tenthamendmentcenter.com

Lena Katina-IRS Milwaukee PrideFest
Lena Katina-IRS Milwaukee PrideFest
Lena Katina-IRS Milwaukee PrideFest 06.12.10

James Traficant on the IRS
James Traficant on the IRS
On the floor of the House just before they voted to expel him, Rep. James Traficant took time out from his defense to express his views on the IRS. He was railroaded out of the government because he was to out spoken, especially about the Chinese money donated to the Democratic Party and how Janet Reno would not investigate it. Beam me up! This video is from July 2002

Guns 'n Roses - IRS (Live HQ)
Guns 'n Roses - IRS (Live HQ)
Guns N' Roses - IRS (Live) - Chinese Democracy www.Volumen11.com - ONE LOUDER! -

IRS Protectionism: New Licensing Scheme Challenged in Major Federal Lawsuit
IRS Protectionism: New Licensing Scheme Challenged in Major Federal Lawsuit
For more visit www.ij.org Congress never gave the IRS the authority to license tax preparers, and the IRS can't give itself that power. But last year the IRS imposed a sweeping new licensing scheme that forces tax preparers to get IRS permission before they can work. This is an unlawful power grab that exceeds the authority granted to the IRS by Congress. The burden of compliance will fall most heavily on independent tax return preparers and small businesses. Unsurprisingly, big firms such as H&R Block and Jackson Hewitt support the licensing scheme. As The Wall Street Journal explained: "Cheering the new regulations are big tax preparers like H&R Block, who are only too happy to see the feds swoop in to put their mom-and-pop seasonal competitors out of business." These regulations are typical government protectionism. They benefit powerful industry insiders and at the expense of entrepreneurs and consumers, who will likely have fewer options and face higher prices. But tax preparers have a right to earn an honest living without getting permission from the IRS. And taxpayers—not the IRS—should be the ones who decide who prepares their taxes. That is why on March 13, 2012, three independent tax preparers joined the Institute for Justice in filing suit against the IRS in the US District Court for the District of Columbia. This lawsuit challenges the IRS's statutory authority to impose this licensing scheme, and seeks to overturn regulations that would affect an estimated <b>...</b>

Guns N' Roses - IRS (2000 Intensions)
Guns N' Roses - IRS (2000 Intensions)
This is the IRS version from the 2000 Intentions album, from 1999. Essa é a versão de IRS do álbum 2000 Intentions, de 1999.

IRS Commissioner Dodges Income Tax Question - No Law!
IRS Commissioner Dodges Income Tax Question - No Law!
New York Times reporter David Cay Johnston asked IRS Commissioner Mark Everson, "What law requires Americans to file or pay income taxes?" His answer: Blah blah blah blah blah; dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge. The IRS Assistant Commissioner's answer: Blah blah blah blah blah; dodge dodge...

IRS- Voluntary Compliance
IRS- Voluntary Compliance
During a recent IRS budget meeting, Rep. Becerra comments on the income tax as being voluntary. Carefully listen for what he states after he indicates this tax is voluntary.

The Onerous Compliance Cost of the Internal Revenue Code
The Onerous Compliance Cost of the Internal Revenue Code
The tax system is a complicated nightmare that forces taxpayers to devote ever-larger amounts of time, money, energy, and other resources in hopes of complying with the internal revenue code and avoiding IRS persecution. This CF&P Foundation video shows that this corrupt mess is the result of 97 years of social engineering and industrial policy that began almost immediately after that dark day in 1913 that the income tax was created. www.freedomandprosperity.org