President Shimon Peres Welcomes Greek President Karolos Papoulias to Jerusalem - 11 July 2011.mov
President Shimon Peres Welcomes Greek President Karolos Papoulias to Jerusalem - 11 July 2011.mov
(c) 2011 Israel Government Press Office. Camerman: Roi Avraham, Soundman: Leon Hershko.
Papoulias: 'Who is Schauble? Who are the Dutch? Who are the Finns?'
Papoulias: 'Who is Schauble? Who are the Dutch? Who are the Finns?'
Greece's president, Karolos Papoulias, has a pop at the Germans, Dutch and Finns over their increasing austerity demands on Greece: 'I can't accept Mr Schauble taunting my country. I can't accept this -- as a Greek. Who is Mr Schauble... to taunt Greece? Who are the Dutch? Who are the Finns? We always had the pride to defend not only our freedom, not only our country, but the freedom of Europe.' See also: hellenicantidote.blogspot.com
Greece and Germany: Blind Fury | European Journal
Greece and Germany: Blind Fury | European Journal
The ongoing controversy about aid to debt-ridden Greece has left nerves frazzled, and the relationship between Athens and Berlin at a nadir. Greek President Karolos Papoulias accused Wolfgang Schäuble of insulting his country after the German finance minister likened Greece to a bottomless pit. Other countries, including Finland and the Netherlands, have also expressed reservations about Greece's efforts toward reform. But in Greece, it's Germany that has roused most of the ire. Greek newspapers have depicted Chancellor Angela Merkel wearing a Nazi uniform, and demonstrators have burned German flags in the streets of Athens. The Greek political and economic crisis has fueled prejudices and stereotypes everyone thought had been overcome. For more go to www.dw.de
Wer ist Schäuble, dass er Griechenland kränkt?
Wer ist Schäuble, dass er Griechenland kränkt?
Ich akzeptiere nicht dass mein Land von Herrn Schäuble so verspottet wird. Nach Kritik am Finanzminister: "Ohne Schäuble wären Griechen zahlungsunfähig" Welt Online - vor 28 Minuten Dass Griechenlands Präsident Papoulias Finanzminister Schäuble angreift, nennt CDU-Politiker von Stetten "eine Unverschämtheit" -- und warnt die Griechen. Welt Online: Freiherr von Stetten, der griechische Staatspräsident Karolos Papoulias hat den ... Ähnlich Karolos Papoulias » Papoulias: "Wer ist Schäuble, dass er Griechenland kränkt?"Hamburger Abendblatt „Herr Schäuble beleidigt mein Land"FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Als Grieche akzeptiere Ich es einfach nicht! Wer ist Herr Schäuble der meint Griechenland lächerlich machen zu können? Was sind die Finnen? Wir haben immer mit Stolz verteidigt, nicht nur unsere eigene Freiheit, , nicht nur in unserem eigener Vaterland, sondern die Freiheit Europas ". Griechischer Staatspräsident verzichtet auf Gehalt In Griechenland wird nun auch "ganz oben" gespart. Präsident Karolos Papoulias verzichtet angesichts der desaströsen wirtschaftlichen Situation seiner Heimat vorübergehend auf sein Gehalt. Παπούλιας: «Δεν ανέχομαι κανένα κ.Σόϊμπλε να λοιδορεί τη χώρα μου»
Staatspräsident Karolos Papoulias
Staatspräsident Karolos Papoulias
Staatspräsident Karolos Papoulias Das ist die Antwort ,auf die Beleidigungen an Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und Wolfgang Schäuble
Heads of state
Heads of state
President Shimon Peres welcomes Greek President Karolos Papoulias to Jerusalem. Courtesy Israel Government Press Office. (C) 2011 Camerman: Roi Avraham, Soundman: Leon Hershko. or more JNTV, please visit www.jewishnews.net.au/jntv Connect on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com
Greek Military Parade in Solun (Thessaloniki) 28 october 2011
Greek Military Parade in Solun (Thessaloniki) 28 october 2011
Greek military unit clashes with protesters during parade Greece has become a German colony Greek protesters force cancellation of WWII commemorative military parade in Thessaloniki Protesters force cancellation of Thessaloniki Military Parade Unprecedented! The military parade on the anniversary of OXI-Day in Thessaloniki has been cancelled after protesters insulted the President of the Republic, Karolos Papoulias. Papoulias was 'weclomed' with boos by crowds of protesters. They raised banners and chanted the usual slogans "Thieves!" and "Traitors!". The President of the Greek Republic felt deeply insulted and decided to leave the parade as protesters were hindering the official parade start. The annual military parade commemorating Greece's entry into World War II has been cancelled in Thessaloniki on October 28, 2011 after thousands of people blocked the parade route. "The demonstrators heckled President Karolos Papoulias and other attending officials, calling him a traitor, and some anarchists spat at retired military officers" Mr Papoulias, the minister of National Defence Mr Beglitis, the head of church Anthimos and the chiefs of different political parties were attending the event. The protestors took the road burning German and EU flags under the consulate of Germany on the coast line road of Thessaloniki. Greek Hellas Military Parade Stopped Cancelled Clashes Riot Protest Anarchist 28th October Europe Euro European Union Eu German Germany Turkey Nato France Italy <b>...</b>
Robert Kocharyan & Karolos Papoulias
Robert Kocharyan & Karolos Papoulias
Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի և Կարոլոս Պապուլիասի հանդիպումը Հայաստանում Встреча Роберта Кочаряна и Каролоса Папульяса в Армении
Greece National parade blocked ΠΑΡΕΛΑΣΗ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 2011 www.publiceyestudios.gr
Greece National parade blocked ΠΑΡΕΛΑΣΗ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 2011 www.publiceyestudios.gr
Greeks protesting against austerity measures blocked a major national parade to commemorate the country's resistance to Italy in second World War today forcing president Karolos Papoulias and other officials to leave. The protest in Thessaloniki, echoed across Greece including in Athens where marchers held black ribbons, showed the depth of anger at the higher taxes and cuts to pay and pensions demanded by international lenders to help avert a debt default. The annual military parade in the northern city commemorates Greece's rejection of Italy's ultimatum to surrender in 1940. It was the first time it had been cancelled.The national holiday known as Ohi Day, or "No Day" in Greek, is one of the most important in Greece's national calendar. ΑΝ ΑΥΤΟ ΠΟΥ ΒΛΕΠΕΙΣ ΜΠΟΥΤΑΡΗ, ΠΑΠΟΥΛΙΑ, ΤΖΙΤΖΙΚΩΣΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΛΟΙΠΑ "ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΑ" ΚΑΤΑΛΟΙΠΑ, ΕΙΝΑΙ "ΜΙΑ ΟΜΑΔΑ ΠΟΥ ΘΕΛΟΥΝ ΝΑ ΝΤΡΟΠΙΑΣΟΥΝ ΤΟΥΣ ΘΕΣΜΟΥΣ...", ΤΟΤΕ ΧΡΕΙΑΖΕΣΤΕ ΕΚΤΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΨΥΧΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΒΛΕΨΗ ΚΑΙ ΥΠΟΣΤΗΡΙΞΗ, ΚΙ ΕΝΑΝ ΚΑΛΟ ΟΦΘΑΛΜΙΑΤΡΟ...!!
Firing mah labor!
Firing mah labor!
Greek President Karolos Papoulias is forced to deliver pink slips to those pesky, overpaid government workers.
Grecia / Alemania: ira ciega | Europa semanal
Grecia / Alemania: ira ciega | Europa semanal
La continua disputa por las ayudas de la endeudadísima Grecia, ha dejado los nervios crispados. La relación entre Atenas y Berlín está en el punto más bajo. El presidente Karolos Papoulias no tolera las ofensas del Ministro federal de Hacienda , Wolfgang Schäuble, a su país. Éste advirtió que Grecia podría convertirse en un pozo sin fondo.
Papandreou spricht mit Oppositionsführer Samaras
Papandreou spricht mit Oppositionsführer Samaras
de.euronews.net In Athen hat das entscheidende Treffen des griechischen Ministerpräsidenten Giorgios Papandreou und dem Chef der stärksten Oppositionspartei Nea Dimokratia ND Antonis Samaras begonnen. Staatspräsident Karolos Papoulias hatte die beiden zu sich gebeten. Papoulias will die beiden Spitzenpolitiker dazu bewegen, eine Übergangsregierung zu bilden, die das Land vor dem Bankrott retten soll. Vom Ausgang der Unterredungen dürfte auch abhängen, ob - wie in weiten Kreisen angenommen - Papandreou zurücktritt.
Eurozone throws Greece €109bn lifeline
Eurozone throws Greece €109bn lifeline
whats your thoughts on this lifeline that has been given to Greece?
Opening of Cyprus exhibition room at National Archaeological Museum in Athens
Opening of Cyprus exhibition room at National Archaeological Museum in Athens
Here is a clip, with English subtitles, from Cyprus news (18/03/09) regarding the inauguration of a new exhibition room containing Cypriot antiquities at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. Present at the inauguration are Cyprus' president, Dimitris Christofias; Greece's president, Karolos Papoulias and Greece's minister of culture, Antonis Samaras. Eminent Cypriot archaeologist, Vassos Karageorghis, is also present. See also: hellenicantidote.blogspot.com
Aumenta la presión para que Yorgos Papandreu dimita
Aumenta la presión para que Yorgos Papandreu dimita
fr.euronews.net Las dudas se ciernen sobre el futuro del Primer Ministro griego, que ha convocado una reunión de urgencia con su gabinete y se reunirá con el Presidente, Karolos Papoulias, abriendo la posibilidad de que renuncie a su cargo hoz mismo. La oposición se ha mostrado dispuesta a entrar en un gobierno de unidad nacional sin él. Algo que también se pide desde su partido, el PASOK.
Papandreou will Koalitionsgespräche
Papandreou will Koalitionsgespräche
Der griechische Premierminister Papandreou will Koalitionsgespräche führen. Bei den Unterredungen mit sämtlichen Parteien soll über die Gründung einer Koalitionsregierung diskutiert werden.
Grecia: il nuovo governo di Papademos ha giurato
Grecia: il nuovo governo di Papademos ha giurato
it.euronews.net Lucas Papademos è il nuovo primo ministro greco. L'ex vicedirettore della Banca Centrale europea ha giurato nelle mani dell'Arcivescovo di Atene e di tutta la Grecia Yeronimos II, alla presenza del presidente della Repubblica Karolos Papoulias. Il suo sarà un governo di coalizione, formato dal partito socialista del premier uscente Papandreou,
Avanzan los contactos sobre la coalición de Gobierno en Grecia según Papandreu
Avanzan los contactos sobre la coalición de Gobierno en Grecia según Papandreu
fr.euronews.net El primer ministro griego Yorgos Papandreu ha declarado que las reuniones sobre la posible coalición de Gobierno están avanzando. Papandreu hacía estas declaraciones tras reunirse con el presidente de la República Karolos Papoulias. El encuentro ha tenido lugar unas horas después de que Papandreu superase una ajustada moción de confianza en el Parlamento.
Armenian President Visits Athens, Discusses Economy, Culture, Turkey, Karabakh
Armenian President Visits Athens, Discusses Economy, Culture, Turkey, Karabakh
Presidents Karolos Papoulias of Greece and Serzh Sarkisian of Armenia strongly criticized Turkey as they met in Athens on Tuesday. Papoulias told Sarkisian that the two nations were "butchered" by their common arch-foe in their past. "We were butchered by the same barbarian," he said, according to the AFP news agency.
Griechische Opposition in den Startlöchern
Griechische Opposition in den Startlöchern
de.euronews.net In der griechischen Hauptstadt Athen haben sich Staatspräsident Karolos Papoulias und der Chef der größten Oppositionspartei Nea Dimokratia (ND), Antonis Samaras, zu einem entscheidenden Gespräch getroffen. Papoulias versucht, die Kluft zwischen der konservativen ND und den regierenden Sozialisten mit Ministerpräsident Giorgos Papandreou zu überbrücken.