
Naked Beekeeper.dv
Naked Beekeeper.dv
A Brooklyn Beekeeper demonstrates, and practices 'safe' beekeeping! Check out the mite on the bee!

Mini DV Spy Camera AEE MD80 Review
Mini DV Spy Camera AEE MD80 Review

Capturing mini DV video tutorial
Capturing mini DV video tutorial
This video shows you how to capture video from a mini DV camcorder. My particular camcorder is a Sony DCR-HC62 but the process is pretty similar between different mini DV camcorders. First you need a firewire cable (IEEE 1394 or i.LINK). My camera didnt come with one, it comes with a USB cable which is just for photos. You can get them from Best Buy, etc, but I recommend getting one online. Best Buy charges around $30, but on Amazon you can get them for as cheap as $0.65 plus shipping. You need a 4-pin to 6-pin male to male firewire cable (4 pin side for cam, 6 for PC). You plug the cable into the computers firewire port. If you dont have a firewire port in your computer, you can buy a firewire card and install it. You can get them for anywhere from $5 to $35 or so. Next, turn the camera on and set it to playback mode. You need some kind of video editing software to capture your video. I use Sony Vegas 6.0 but theres also Pinnacle, Nero, Adobe Premier, Ulead, and some others. Youtube recommends using H.264 or MPG2 encoding for uploads to youtube. Vegas 6.0 is a bit old and doesnt compress in H.264 and you need an extra license to use MPG2 which I dont have. So I use WMV 3MBPS and it looks pretty good. Render your video and upload it to youtube.

Mini DV D005 Spy Camera Review
Mini DV D005 Spy Camera Review
Review of the Mini DV D005 Spy Camera

Let The Madness Begin!!.dv
Let The Madness Begin!!.dv
Let The Madness Begin music video shot in the UK and US on the Chasing The Grail Tour 2010.

Crailtap's Mini DV Drawer. Fully Flared Tapes #16-17
Crailtap's Mini DV Drawer. Fully Flared Tapes #16-17
The Mini DV Drawer. Again, back to the early days of Fully Flared. Probably '05. Carroll downtown. MJ, Brad, BA, and Biebel up in Sac. Olson and Howard in the schoolyard. Guy on the quarter. Shit, even got a Brezinski clip in here. Additional filming by Cory Weincheque.

高嶋政伸 DV テープ 韓国女の自作自演?!
高嶋政伸 DV テープ 韓国女の自作自演?!
フリージャーナリストtomocciブログameblo.jp 中田宏(鄭宏)を横浜から叩き出した横浜市役所内港記者室神奈川新報掲示板9321.teacup.com 台湾国籍名乗って結婚した韓国女が、某大物俳優の貯金数千万を使い果たす↓ その後も、月々100万程度生活費を要求し続け、旦那は実家から借金↓ 離婚裁判後、精神安定剤と睡眠薬、酒を飲んで寝ようとする旦那を挑発↓ 冒頭の部分へと続き、その後寝室に行こうとする旦那を殴る※旦那を殴りつける前後ガサゴソという音と無音が続く↓ 旦那が反撃したところで悲劇のヒロインを演じ、裁判の証拠としてコレを提出↓ 嫁が管理し、裁判所に届け出た音声がなぜか流出したという事件

Mini DV MD80 2/9 - Setting Time & Date - Method 1/2
Mini DV MD80 2/9 - Setting Time & Date - Method 1/2
frankstechhelp.blogspot.com Visit my blog for drivers, specs and more information on this product. Watch method #2 here: www.youtube.com Additional Methods ------------------------ Loofah65 has another way to set up the time/date stamp for the newer models. "After some trouble-shooting, I discovered that for the particular model I have, the date and time format is as follows: yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm:ss EX: (2010.05.17 22:55:07) Type it into a file named time.txt and placed onto the root of the camera storage, then turn it on the same as you described in your videos." ------------------------ 1973eazyme How To Update Time Automatically 1) Connect the camera to computer via USB cable 2) Download GetSysTime at h ttp :// diganet.net / downloads. htm l 3) Click GetSysTime . exe to update the date and time, after this, the time of the camera will synchronize with the time of computer when you restart it again. -------------- Another solution from Busa0069! GOT IT!!! First problem was file. Just name the text file TAG no .txt, then posted date as follows with an = at end of seconds. [date] 2010/06/06 14:00:06= ----------------------- BONG2011: For my MD80 it works with "time.txt" (year.month.day.time.minute.se c) or 2010. no space ---------------------------- bikermad1962 - Hi Frank. I've used just the TAG and had to play around with the date and time settings. It is now working like this. Create TAG file Type: [date] hit spacebar then enter key 2010/08/13 hit spacebar <b>...</b>

Canopus ADVC-110 Analog to DV Converter - PC/MAC - Input/Out
Canopus ADVC-110 Analog to DV Converter - PC/MAC - Input/Out
Features Use ADVC110 to connect all analog and digital video cameras, decks and editing systems. ADVC110 is a portable and easy-to-use digital video converter compatible with Windows and Mac OS computers. ADVC110 is the ideal device for capturing and outputting analog video from any FireWire-equipped notebook and desktop computer. There are no drivers to install and ADVC110 does not require a power supply when used with a 6-pin FireWire cable. ADVC110: Key Features * Connects to all widely used DV and analog video equipment * Compatible with Windows and Mac OS DV editing systems * Compatible with leading editing and DVD authoring applications including Grass Valley EDIUS, Canopus Lets EDIT, Final Cut Pro®, Adobe® Premiere® Pro, Vegas®, iLife®, Ulead MediaStudio® Pro, and Windows® Movie Maker * Audio-only conversion support * No need to install drivers or any software applications * Powered by IEEE 1394 FireWire connector* * NTSC and PAL compatible * Color bar reference signal generator *The ADVC-PSU5V AC Adaptor Kit (sold separately) is required when connecting ADVC110 to a 4-pin IEEE 1394 FireWire port. Intelligent Input/Output ADVC110's intelligent usability allows for easy setup and connection in any video environment. Front and rear connectors provide analog and DV signal pass-through and ensure that connecting cables is neat and simple. ADVC110 Front ADVC110 Rear ADVC110 Front and Back ADVC110 also features a color bar reference signal generator to further enhance <b>...</b>

Musikmesse '11 - DV Mark Amplifiers Little 40 L34, Galileo 15, and Triple 6 Demos
Musikmesse '11 - DV Mark Amplifiers Little 40 L34, Galileo 15, and Triple 6 Demos
www.premierguitar.comPG's Shawn Hammond is On Location in Frankfurt, Germany, for the 2011 Musikmesse show where he visits the DV Mark Amplifiers booth. In this segment, we get to see and hear three demos of their newest guitar amplifiers -- Little 40 L34, Galileo 15, and Triple 6. For more Musikmesse '11 video demos or to view Premier Guitar's COMPLETELY FREE digital edition magazine, be sure to visit http

Combat Coffee 101.dv
Combat Coffee 101.dv
A how to instructional video on how canadian troops make coffee in afghanistan under combat conditions.

General DV - Stone Cold General
General DV - Stone Cold General
Check out www.gorillaleak.com for all of our exclusive videos. Music Video by General DV performing Stone Cold General. Directed by Daniel Czernilofsky - BLKDMNDS - Follow BLKDMNDS on Twitter: www.twitter.com Like BLKDMNDS on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow BLKDMNDS on Tumblr: BLKDMNDS.tumblr.com Follow BLKDMNDS on Instagram @BLKDMNDS - GENERAL DV - Follow General DV on Twitter: twitter.com

Connecting Your DV Camera To Your Computer
Connecting Your DV Camera To Your Computer
Josh demonstrates how to connect your digital video camera to your computer. He shows the connections and the cables you will need to do the job. Estimated time to complete this lesson is 5 minutes.

Lundy Bancroft pt1 on DV in Popular Culture video
Lundy Bancroft pt1 on DV in Popular Culture video
Lundy Bancroft at EADV event speaks on Domestic Violence in Popular Culture. Department of Revenue, Boston, MA December 15, 2010

Oppo DV-981HD DVD Player Review
Oppo DV-981HD DVD Player Review
The Oppo DV-981HD DVD Player up-converts your standard DVDs up to 1080p resolution.

Don Moen - He Never Sleeps
Don Moen - He Never Sleeps
He Never Sleeps with lyrics = Do you want to know God? Do you want God to forgive you of your sins? visit at: www.harvest.org

Sunday OOTD~CK Maxi DV Archer
Sunday OOTD~CK Maxi DV Archer
Thanks for watching and all of your support--xoxo Lisa www.lisalisad1.com Today I am Wearing: Rachel K CC Cream Neutral, LM Nat/Classic loose Minerals, G Armani MCorrector 1, Jane Iredale Concealer 2, Dior Nude Powder Mocha, Stila Bronze & Set Eyes: LM Linen, Mac Copperplate, Bisque, Typographic, Trish McEvoy Black Liner, L'Oreal Telescopic Carbon Black/YSL Shocking/UD SuperCurl, Dior Blonde Brow Gel Lips: Maybelline Rose Lip Liner, Revlon Peach Petal Nails: Ciate Cream Tea Tanner: Clarins Delicious