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Philips 22inch CRT TV 25 Feb
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bristol / media and culture Thursday May 24, 2012 15:48 by anon
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Gig on 31st!

Anonymous Promotions, Bristol Defendant Solidarity & Bristol ABC present:
Disco//Oslo, the Autonomads & Cosmo.  
Thurs 31st May at 8pm @ Red Lion Square, St. George.  Entry £4.

Original article; here

bristol / protests Wednesday May 16, 2012 14:57 by Radio K
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Radio action!

Interview with Special guests- Ken and Boris discussing May day Action week, Bristol votes for mayor (snore), and ANARCHY (now you’re talkin’)

Interview with Emma from Rockin Bee Hive Collective in the US. She chats about the Bees and the rad art work they get up to.

Students from Montreal give their take on the student uprising in the Maple Spring


TO LISTEN- click the link below | Full Article.

bristol / miscellaneous Friday May 11, 2012 10:31 by Anthony
When Stokes Croft erupted into riots last year, national attention was focused on a fascinating and diverse area of Bristol. This event brings locally made films on Stokes Croft to the big screen; from the anti-Tesco Riots to the graffiti scene, to some strange technological goings on you might never have heard of! We have a number of filmmakers bringing their own filmic contributions and individual perpectives to the much debated subject of Stokes Croft. We want your contribution too. So join us for a night of films, discussion and debate.

Films include:

"Whose Croft" (Mim van der Waal)

"Invisible Airs" video link to vimeo (Alistair Oldham)

"Why did the Sokes Croft riot Happen" video link to youtube (Ben Edwards)

"One year on..." video link to vimeo (Louis Emanuel)

Monday 14th May, 8pm at the Cube Cinema (directions) - Entry £3/4 but nobody turned away for lack of funds.

| Event info | The Battle of Stokes Croft on Bristol Indymedia & Bristol AF |

bristol / protests Wednesday May 09, 2012 17:56 by South West Against Nulear (SWAN)

Centrica are having their AGM this week on Fri 11th and local activists are planning to be heard...

On Fri 11th May we want to tell Hinkley investor, Centrica loud & clear No to new nuclear.

We believe that centrica’s pressure on the UK government to take more taxpayers money to pay for a project that they themselves believe will fail in order that their shareholders can profit out of us twice (once when they build the plant then again when they bill us for energy) is immoral and unethical.

The electricity market reform act already promised to these greedy utilities is a public subsidy by the back door. Nuclear power plants never have been and never will be profitable endeavours which is why in 2006 when the government tried to create the nuclear renaissance they knew it wouldn’t go down well with the public. Now after a six year campaign of lobbying and expensive PR campaigns to get the public to swallow nuclear as a ‘necessary evil’ they want to dump responsibility for financing back on the already skint public.

To this end we have a bit of armchair activism that everyone can join in with no matter what your time/energy/money commitments are...Full Article

Open Newswire

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textAnarchist sabotages on Bristol trainlines 23 May by FAI - May 22nd Group 28 comments

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708731_photo_1.jpg imageBDS Benefit: Disco//Olso/Autonomads/Cosmo @ The Plough 19 May by Anonymous Promotions 1 comments

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