- published: 23 Dec 2014
- views: 19298
The Egyptian cobra (Naja haje) is a species of cobra found in Africa. It is one of the largest cobra species native to Africa, second to the forest cobra (Naja melanoleuca).
Naja haje was first described by Swedish zoologist Carolus Linnaeus in 1758. The generic name naja is a Latinisation of the Sanskrit word nāgá (नाग) meaning "cobra". The specific epithet haje is derived from the Arabic word hayya (حية) which literally means "snake".
The Egyptian cobra is one of the largest cobras of the African continent. The head is large and depressed and slightly distinct from the neck. The neck of this species has long cervical ribs capable of expanding to form a hood, like all other cobras. The snout of the Egyptian cobra is moderately broad and rounded. The eyes are quite big with round pupils. The body of the Egyptian cobra is cylindrical and stout with a long tail. The length of the Egyptian cobra is largely dependent on subspecies, geographical locale, and population. The average length of this species is between 1 and 2 metres (3.3 and 6.6 ft) in length, with a maximum length of just under 3 metres (9.8 ft). The most recognizable characteristics of this species are its head and hood. The colour is highly variable, but most specimens are some shade of brown, often with lighter or darker mottling, and often a "tear-drop" mark below the eye. Some are more copper-red or grey-brown in colour. Specimens from northwestern Africa (Morocco, western Sahara) are almost entirely black. The ventral side is mostly a creamy white, yellow brown, grayish, blue grey, dark brown or black in colouration, often with dark spots.
Egyptian describes something of, from, or related to Egypt.
Egyptian or Egyptians may refer to:
Cobra (/ˈkōbrə/ pronunciation ) is the Portuguese word for "snake". In English and in some other languages, it has been adopted as the name for any of various species of venomous snakes. Most of those species are in the family Elapidae, all of which are venomous. Most of them can spread their neck ribs to form a flattened, widened hood.
Not all snakes commonly referred to as cobras are of the same genus, or even in the family Elapidae. The name "cobra" is short for cobra de capelo or cobra-de-capelo, which is Portuguese for "snake with hood", or "hood-snake". In some modern languages, such as Afrikaans, the other part of the Portuguese name was adopted, and the predominant name for a cobra in Afrikaans is kapel. When disturbed, most of these snakes rear up and spread their necks (or hoods) in a characteristic threat display, making them a favorite of snake charmers because of the dramatic effect. Long ago, snake charming was a religious ritual, though now it has become entertainment. Cobras, which may live up to 20 years, are found from southern Africa, through southern Asia, to some of the islands of Southeast Asia.
The Egyptian (Sinuhe egyptiläinen, Sinuhe the Egyptian) is a historical novel by Mika Waltari. It was first published in Finnish in 1945, and in an abridged English translation by Naomi Walford in 1949, apparently from Swedish rather than Finnish. So far, it is the only Finnish novel to be adapted into a Hollywood film, which it was, in 1954.
The Egyptian is the first and the most successful, of Waltari's great historical novels. It is set in Ancient Egypt, mostly during the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaten of the 18th Dynasty, whom some have claimed to be the first monotheistic ruler in the world.
The protagonist of the novel is the fictional character Sinuhe, the royal physician, who tells the story in exile after Akhenaten's fall and death. Apart from incidents in Egypt, the novel charts Sinuhe's travels in then Egyptian-dominated Syria (Levant), in Mitanni, Babylon, Minoan Crete, and among the Hittites.
The main character of the novel is named after a character in an ancient Egyptian text commonly known as The Story of Sinuhe. The original story dates to a time long before that of Akhenaten: texts are known from as early as the 12th dynasty.
A photo shoot is generally used in the fashion or glamour industry, whereby a model poses for a photographer at a studio or an outdoor location where multiple photos are taken to find the best ones for the required brief. The "model" is not always a person, however; for instance, advertising in print often requires photographic depiction of advertised goods, and food can be the subject of magazine articles (often in very elaborate presentations).
Egyptian cobra (Naja haje), Morocco
Fun with Egyptian cobras & Mrs. Brown
Austin Stevens - The Snake That Killed Cleopatra
Egyptian Cobra Enjoying His Afternoon Tea
Africa's Deadliest Snakes (Part 1)
Meet Staten Island Zoo's Egyptian cobra
New reptile unboxing Egyptian cobra!!!
Egyptian Cobras Hatching 01 - Dangerous Animals
Egyptian Cobra, Naja Haje الكوبرا المصرية
Killer Venomous Snakes! EP. 420 : SnakeBytesTV
Deadly Egyptian Cobra Up Close! Ready to strike! | Reptile, Educational
Egyptian Cobra.MOV
الكوبرا المصرية فيلم قصير Egyptian cobra
Egyptian Cobra Photo Shoot
Ryan Stock Gets Bitten By An Egyptian Cobra
Egyptian cobra showing his cap
Egyptian cobra attack
Gods of Egypt - Snakes HD
Egyptian Cobra Snake Vs Human
egyptian cobra(naja haje)
Egyptian Cobra
Egyptian cobra
Egyptian cobra
Egyptian Cobra
Snake Knowledge Egyptian cobra
งูเห่าอียิปต์ Egyptian cobra
Egyptian Cobra Photo Shoot
force feeding a egyptian cobra
Rhagheris moilensis (false egyptian cobra)
Egyptian Cobra shedding
Juvenile of Egyptian cobra (Naja haje) displaying the defensive enlarged hood. Field mission to Morocco and Mauritania - 2014 Film by JC Brito BIODESERTS–Biodiversity of Deserts and Arid Regions http://cibio.up.pt/cibio.php?content=groups&menu;=groups&group;=biodesert http://cibio.up.pt/crocodilos http://www.facebook.com/Biodeserts BIODESERTS is a research group hosted by CIBIO/University of Porto. It is focused on assessing biodiversity patterns in deserts and arid regions. The objectives are to: i) advance scientific knowledge on these environments; ii) produce outputs of high scientific standard and guidelines for conservation policies; iii) train human resources in desert evolution and conservation biology; and iv) communicate scientific activities and improve public appreciation on de...
https://www.facebook.com/MateuszMatthewZ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Atheris/732632226787096?ref=hl https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dendrobatidae/741316032563259?ref=hl
Feeding time for the Egyptian Cobra. Although I do feel sorry for the little chicken, it is a fact of life that snakes eat chickens!!!! This was filmed at Meserani Snake Park in Arusha, East Africa. It's a wonderful place to visit and learn about all types of African Snakes, especially when you live in a country where there are no snakes. The likely hood of seeing a snake in Africa is not likely, my children where not at all upset by viewing this, if anything they found it educational. http://africanartonline.com
Matt Lanier of the Staten Island Zoo's herpetology department talks about their Egyptian Python as he tidies up her living space during Serpent Day at the Zoo. (Video by Bill Lyons)
This is an unboxing video of my new Egyptian cobra naja haje. While unloading her we noticed that she had eye caps so in this video we also removed them. This is one of the most toxic venomous snakes in the world so please do not try this at home.
http://Ojatro.com http://Ojatroblog.blogspot.com The Egyptian cobra (Naja haje) is a species in the genus Naja found in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It is one of the largest Naja species in Africa. The Egyptian Cobra occurs in a wide variety of habitats like, steppes, dry to moist savannas, arid semi-desert regions with some water and vegetation. It ranges across most of North Africa north of the Sahara, across the savannas of West Africa to the south of the Sahara, south to the Congo basin and east to Kenya and Tanzania, and in southern parts of the Arabian Peninsula. The Egyptian cobra is terrestrial and nocturnal species. It can however, be seen basking in the sun at times in the early morning. This species shows a preference for a permanent home base in abandoned animal burrows,...
تابعني على الروابط التالية: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ahmdarwish/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ahmaddarwish Instagram: adarwish26 Snapchat: adarwish26
Subscribe to AnimalBytesTV for more awesome SnakeBytesTV videos and more! http://www.YouTube.com/AnimalBytesTV Killer Venomous Snakes! EP. 420 : SnakeBytesTV Watch as Brian Barczyk from SnakeBytesTV handles some amazingly killer venomous snakes at Black Magic Reptiles like Egyptian Banded Cobra, Monocled Cobra, Red Spitting Cobra, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake and Javan Spitting Cobra. Learn about different types of killer venom that is being collected for medical purposes like anti-venom like neurotoxic venom, cytotoxic venom, myotoxic venom, cardiotoxic venom and hemotoxic venom. Also, check out how there is different ways of handling venomous snakes. Have more questions about handling venomous snakes?? Let us know in the comments below and we will be happy to answer your questions. ...
Super cool to watch! During our filming, this Egyptian Cobra noticed movement while I backed away from the camera. The Cobra stayed in this hooded condition for nearly 10 minutes and then stared at the camera for 20 minutes more. I simply stood still in hopes to relax him, but he was just too interested in me. Ultimately, he won, as we felt it best to remove the camera, so we moved to a place out of his sight. During filming, we were under the constant supervision of Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens reptile keepers.
hozan abdo
I saw this egyptian cobra in a terrarium,when i come closer it raise up and showing his wide neck,i love this snakes and share it with you.
Gods of Egypt (2016) "Warm yourself.I command you" All rights to Lionsgate
snake cobra cobras cobra man cobra snake man throwing cobras man selecting cobras for snake show snake man man with cobras snake show cobra snakes snake videos cobra guy guy throws cobras snake cobra man throws cobras guy with cobras guy throwing cobras snake vs man crazy cobra guy snake guy snakes pet cobra man selecting cobras crazy man with cobras man cobra man and cobra snake video snake shows crazy snake man guy in cobra pit crazy snakes snakes cobra cobra show guy handling cobras manhandling cobras guy with snakes snakes videos man picking up cobras snake movies guy throwing cobras around man cleaning cobra pit man choosing cobras for show man in cobra pit man playing with cobras man with cobra pet cobra snake cobra pit crazy snake crazy guy with cobras JOIN QUIZGROUP PARTNER PROGRA...
Force feeding a Egyptian Cobra in a restraining tube.
Shedding snake
https://www.facebook.com/MateuszMatthewZ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Atheris/732632226787096?ref=hl https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dendrobatidae/741316032563259?ref=hl
Subscribe to AnimalBytesTV for more awesome SnakeBytesTV videos and more! http://www.YouTube.com/AnimalBytesTV Killer Venomous Snakes! EP. 420 : SnakeBytesTV Watch as Brian Barczyk from SnakeBytesTV handles some amazingly killer venomous snakes at Black Magic Reptiles like Egyptian Banded Cobra, Monocled Cobra, Red Spitting Cobra, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake and Javan Spitting Cobra. Learn about different types of killer venom that is being collected for medical purposes like anti-venom like neurotoxic venom, cytotoxic venom, myotoxic venom, cardiotoxic venom and hemotoxic venom. Also, check out how there is different ways of handling venomous snakes. Have more questions about handling venomous snakes?? Let us know in the comments below and we will be happy to answer your questions. ...
The King Cobra, whose venom is sufficient to wipe out a hundred people with one bite, yet who feasts solely on other snakes. This is an exclusive footage of the king cobra journeying the rain forest in search of a mate, plus the dance of the male cobras as they stake out their territory.
Feeding and handling 3 cobras. Restrain tubing and force feeding an egyptian cobra. Watching a monocled cobra eat and feeding a large suphan cobra.
Visit Viperkeeper on Facebook for news & exclusive content: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Viperkeeper/156984027682678 NEW!! Visit the official Viperkeeper merchandise site. http://www.cafepress.com/Viperkeeper Bring your "rain coat" there will be some sprinkles in today's forecast at the Lair. Help me welcome a few new critters to the Lair.
Cobra cleaning and feeding day. Suphan Cobra, Egyptian Cobra, Monocled Cobra, Spitting Cobra
Two species and 3 specimens shown.
Visit Viperkeeper on Facebook for news & exclusive content: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Viperkeeper/156984027682678 Sometimes the Cobras are a bit fiesty, sometimes not. The "Black Beast" it a generally calm snake unless it's hungry. Also appearing Mr. Brown and his drinking problem.
The Most Dangerous Snake King Cobra Discovery Channel Documentary cobra starship cobra cobra starship you make me feel cobra starship good girl's gonna go bad lyrics cobrak cobrastyle cobra starship snakes on a plane cobra gypsies in this video. Cobra (/ˈkōbrə/ About this sound pronunciation (help·info)) is the Portuguese word for "snake". In English and in some other languages, it has been adopted as the name for any of various species of venomous snakes. Most of those species are in the family Elapidae, all of which are venomous. Most of them can spread their neck ribs to form a flattened, widened hood. Not all snakes commonly referred to as cobras are of the same genus, or even in the family Elapidae. The name "cobra" is short for cobra de capelo or cobra-de-capelo, which is Portugue...
Thanks for watching, Please suscribe for more videos. Hello Everyone! Greeting from Nat Geo Wild 2016! This is video I want to show you about Amazing Nat Geo Wild in the world. If you enjoy this video and want to get more videos with me, Please kindly help subscribe my Channel here . Thank you so much for watching my videos!!! national geographic,wildlife,documentary,national geographic wild, predators documentary, dangerous animals, extreme predators, grizzly bear, wolf, hunters, wolves documentary, wolf attack bear, animals, documentary, nat geo wild, wild animals,Lion vs Tiger, Crocodile, Buffalo Fight To Death, Lion Vs Tiger, Giraffe fight to death, lion vs tiger, tiger vs lion, lion vs hyena, lion vs crocodile, Lion vs Rhino, Wild Animal Attacks,national, park, Animals, animal, Wil...
An adventure with the indian gypsies, the new movie of Raphael Treza - Support my next movie: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=NZWERUFYCAAJU - Follow me: https://facebook.com/raphaeltrezafilm - Buy the soundtrack: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cobra-gypsies-original-motion/id1055489399 - Listen to the soundtrack: https://soundcloud.com/treza/sets/cobra-gypsies-soundtrack - watch my first movie "Hallucinogen Honey Hunters ": http://youtu.be/Y_b2i_FvYPw - and "Night" Ghat", the prequel of Cobra Gypsies: http://youtu.be/0A9PV2f-hhI
Tracklist and other info : Buy our music here : iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/desert-sands/id955931385 Bandcamp : https://dbfiechter.bandcamp.com/album/desert-sands Amazon mp3 : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00REXYZMA Listen to our music on Spotify: Spotify (Derek) : https://play.spotify.com/artist/01Er12nK5rrnHx8usFPJAs Spotify (Brandon) : https://play.spotify.com/artist/2XDOBQOobSTxtmFhWKdm6x *** Tracklist : Arabian Music: 0:00 – Arabian Nights 3:47 – Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves 8:12 – Sultan’s Palace 12:04 – Magic Palace 15:24 – Sands of Arabia 19:24 – Cobra Desert 22:45 – Scorpion Desert 26:09 – Desert Prince 29:49 – Bazaar Merchants Egyptian Music: 33:56 – Pharaoh Ramses II 38:13 – Cleopatra 41:49 – Joseph 45:29 – Pyramids of Egypt 48:32 – Tomb Raiders...
I obtained a cobra that is a bit of a mystery to me...What species is it?
Cobra snakes in my friend's restroom, kitchen, bed! Snakes are always causing trouble in Thailand! Dangerous, venomous, spunky, and deadly snakes video. I was called to a friend's house to catch some black snakes he had discovered. It turns out he had more snakes than a snake farm! Fifty Six Snakes in all! And, he had one of the most dangerous species in Thailand he could have had - C O B R A S. They were monocled cobras, Thailand's second most venomous (poisonous) snake. These snakes have venom that is stronger than king cobras, even as baby snakes they are still highly venomous and can be very dangerous. This snake movie video was setup to make it appear as if we had a lot more cobras than we did. If you see a snake in Thailand and you don't know what it is - do not mess with it. The...
Press🔔Button and never Miss The Video Нажмите Кнопку🔔 и никогда не пропустите видео (Edited) 👍Played By 13 year old Joseph👦🏼 Download@https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.virtualanimalsworld.dangerouscobraanimalsim&rdid;=com.virtualanimalsworld.dangerouscobraanimalsim Live the life of the most famous poisonous snake in the world! Hunt small rodents and birds, lay eggs and raise up your little progeny with Poisonous Cobra Snake Survival Simulator! Be an Indian cobra (sometimes called “asp”)! Slither through Asian forests and hills, chase your prey – little rodents like mice, rats, gophers or small lizards and large rhino bugs – but beware of aggressive predators like eagles, wild cats (like swamp cat or wildcat himself) and foxes! Even the scorpion ...
➥ Support Timon Music ► SounCloud : http://bit.ly/TimonMusic-SC ► Instagram : http://bit.ly/TimonMusic-Insta ► I'm Closed My Page On Facebook ► I Will Create New Page Soon ► Tracklist 1- Brandberg - Anubis 2- Ephixa & Holder - Cobra (Ninety9Lives release) 3- VVSV - Habibi 4 VVSV - TRTRE 5- Dag Deg - Tower Khalifa 6 - NextRO - Savagez Enjoy and Please Subscribe for more music! ⚠️ All our songs are copyright free, please credit us if you use any of our songs :) 🔐 If you need a song removed on my channel, please e-mail me. - TimonMusic.Egypt@gmail.com Thanks for watching. Have a nice day :) BackGround : https://wall.alphacoders.com ( Trap & Bass Car Music & Gaming Mix ) ( Turkish Trap Beat 2017 / Türkçe Müzik ) عليك حرام يا من تدعي القتل باسم الله トラップ Arabic trap arabic music for...