
The Dead Sea in Jordan
The Dead Sea in Jordan
I had a blast floating in the Dead Sea and getting a beach mud mask!

Dead Sea
Dead Sea
In between Israel and Jordan lies the lowest place on earth, otherwise known as the Dead Sea. This body of water has its own unique and spectacular atmosphere. Although its extremely salty waters do not allow for aquatic life to survive, the Dead Sea has been a natural health mecca for thousands of years.

The Secrets Of The Dead Sea
The Secrets Of The Dead Sea
To reach the top of the world one would need to be an expert mountaineer, be willing to risk one's life and be able muster almost superhuman strength. To reach the lowest place on earth, however, one only needs to be ready to enjoy sunshine, good weather and floating in the salty waters of the Dead Sea.08/25/08

Sinkholes Discovered in the Dead Sea
Sinkholes Discovered in the Dead Sea
For more news visit ☛ english.ntdtv.com or Follow us on Twitter ☛ http The Dead Sea is famous for its healing remedies and unique minerals. But in recent years a new phenomena has appeared - gigantic sinkholes are appearing along the sea's west coast. Our Israeli team spoke with a researcher who fell into one of those holes. The Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth. It attracts tourists from all over the world, who enjoy its healing waters. Industries also utilize its minerals. But in recent years, deep holes began forming along its west coast. In Israeli terminology, they are named "Sinkholes," and they can swallow up roads, vehicles and even humans. We went out to examine this phenomenon, and met a geologist who fell into a sinkhole while he was examining it. ]Eli Raz, Geologist, Ein-Gedi]: "I was informed that new sinkholes were spotted somewhere. I went to document it and discovered a small sinkhole... while documenting it, it grew larger and drew me in." So what does it feel like to be swallowed by the earth? ]Eli Raz, Geologist, Ein-Gedi]: "I fell into a massive landslide, which kept me on one side, but the other side was burying me. The first thing I recall was striving to get out. It was pitch dark and I couldn't see anything. I felt as though there was a heavy rock on my head. It was a struggle which lasted for hours, trying to dig my way out; and at one point I managed to climb out of the fall, and from that moment onwards, the anxiety began." Raz sat in the <b>...</b>

Land sinking as Dead Sea shrinks
Land sinking as Dead Sea shrinks
The Dead Sea in Jordan is shrinking at an alarming rate - a development that has led to the creation of some 3000 sinkholes along the sea's coasts. The sea has shrunk by a third since the 1960s when its major water source - the River Jordan - was diverted for upstream projects in Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. But for many people, the projects have backfired and the farmers who work near the sea say the once verdant and fertile land has become increasingly barren. Al Jazeera's Nisreen el Shamayleh reports from the village of Ghor Al Haditha. [February 3, 2010]

Good Morning America - Dead Sea, DeluviaUSA.com
Good Morning America - Dead Sea, DeluviaUSA.com
ABC News / Good Morning America Excerpt from feature program about The Dead Sea and its mystical beauty benefits. Posted by Deluvia brand skin care and cosmetics. www.DeluviaUSA.com

Dead Sea for 7 Wonders
Dead Sea for 7 Wonders
Vote for the Dead Sea as one of the New Seven Wonders of Nature: www.new7wonders.com The Dead Sea is unique not only because it is the lowest point on Earth, but also because it is filled with natural treasures, with zoological and botanic riches and because the region has witnessed remarkable historical events.

Killing The Dead Sea - Jordan
Killing The Dead Sea - Jordan
Nov 1996 In the last 40 years the sea level of the dead sea has sunk 16 metres, leaving behind white, salty residues on the sandy shore. Ecologist Gidon Bromberg believes industry and over- development may have robbed the Sea of its chance to rejuvenate. For years, the shimmering waves and oases of palm trees have provided a natural spa tourists. Lured by the therapeutic benefits of low humidity and oxygen rich air, they can float in the water and read books or cover themselves in black mud to soak up the medicinal effects. But as new international hotels spring up, Bromberg laments the lack of co-operative strategy between Jordan / Israel. He says, "there is no holistic plan" and worries that industrial mineral plants on both sides of the Sea continue to drain the basin. Israeli children, on a school trip to explore the smooth, underground caves, are unanimous that "we shouldn't ruin the Dead Sea". If there is still hope of hydrating the patchy ground and sandy shelves surrounding the Sea, then development of this historical and geographical treasure must be properly controlled. Produced by ABC Australia Distributed by Journeyman Pictures

First Scientific Diving Expedition at the Dead Sea
First Scientific Diving Expedition at the Dead Sea
BGU researchers have today that they have discovered deep springs on the floor of the Dead Sea, which provide fresh water to the rapidly dwindling lake. Meanwhile, a parallel study by German researchers has found new forms of life growing around the fissures in the sea floor. The Dead Sea is shrinking as the water level drops at an alarming rate -- about a meter a year. Israeli and German scientists have been researching groundwater springs which discharge from the sea floor to understand the impact of this process on this unique ecosystem. While the existence of springs has been known for decades as people observed ripples on the surface, the scientists have discovered deep springs not visible from shore.

Psoriasis Dead Sea Treatment
Psoriasis Dead Sea Treatment
For more information, visit: www.HealthRightUSA.org: Psoriasis patients can apply for scholarship or patrons may donate so psoriasis patients receive FREE care at the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea Scrolls Online
The Dead Sea Scrolls Online
The Dead Sea Scrolls are now online; a project of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, powered by Google technology. Explore them at dss.collections.imj.org.il.

euronews science - Life in the Dead Sea
euronews science - Life in the Dead Sea
www.euronews.net The deepest point on the surface of Earth is the Dead Sea in Israel. Now a joint Israeli-German team of scientists has found several freshwater spring systems on the floor of the Dead Sea. Their presence has been suspected for decades as concentric ripples on the surface of the water are visible near the shore, but it is only now been confirmed by divers. 30 metres under the surface, equipped with underwater cameras, the divers collected water samples from cracks in the sea floor and discovered cunknown micro-organisms.

Chrono Cross OST - Dead Sea
Chrono Cross OST - Dead Sea
If youtube somehow ruins the music, I apologize in advance.

The Dead Sea For New 7 Wonders
The Dead Sea For New 7 Wonders
The Dead Sea is unique not only because it is the lowest point on Earth, but also because it is filled with natural treasures, with zoological and botanic riches and because the region has witnessed remarkable historical events.

The Lumineers - The Dead Sea
The Lumineers - The Dead Sea
The Lumineers play their newest song in the lovely hills of Echo Park, in Los Angeles California. thelumineers.com thesightsofsounds.com Camera/sound: Ben Fee XO

Qumran - The Story Of The Dead Sea Scrolls
Qumran - The Story Of The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Shrine of the Book, at the Israel Museum, hosts one of the most valued treasures of the Jewish People: the Dead Sea Scrolls. These texts, the most ancient Hebrew scripts ever found, include books of the Bible and writings that shed light on Jewish life back to the times of the destruction of the Second Temple and the Great Jewish Revolt against the Romans. Two thousand years after they were written by members of the sect of the Essenes, the Dead Sea Scrolls were found here in Qumran, located in the Judean Desert, north of the Dead Sea. Infolive.tv visited Qumran and brings you the story.12/16/08

Judaism, Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Judaism, Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has revolutionized our picture of the early history of Judaism and of the Jewish background of early Christianity. With the completion of the publication of the entire scrolls collection, it is now possible to draw significant conclusions from this treasure trove of ancient documents. This illustrated lecture by Professor Lawrence Schiffman will discuss the discovery of the scrolls, the archaeology of Qumran where the scrolls were unearthed, the nature of the library, and its significance for the study of Judaism, Christianity and their common destiny. Series: Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Endowed Symposia in Jewish Studies [1/2003] [Humanities] [Show ID: 7032]

The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The greatest manuscript discovery of modern times...Economic collapse crisis depression 2009 bull bear market shares tank tanking have been tanked gold silver bonds treasury notes (End of the World is coming December 21, 2021 prophecy. The Maya's "Long Count" calendar marks the end of every 5126-year era. A previous cycle ended 13363 years ago--during the age of Leo, at the same time when the Earth was struck by comets and asteroids. The next cycle ends on 2012. Does this mean the world end on 2012? No. It means the calendar ends. Yet, there is also a warning, so let those with eyes, see.) (Planet X Inbound 2012 Mayan Calendar). (alien) (ufo) (solar system) (video biblical prophecy) (Sumerian) (Egyptian) (ancient) (atlantis) (sinking continent) (earth changes) (climate) (sun solar flare) American Militia, American Resistance Movement, American Revolution, Revolution, Revolt, American Militia Movement, ARM, Alex Jones, New World Order, Illuminati, NWO, Skull and Bones, Bush, 911 Conspiracy, The Civilians Military, Militia, American Resistance Movement, Revolt, Bilderberg, CFR, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Loose Change, End Game, Terrorstorm, Patriot Act, HR 1955, 911 was an inside job, truth, iraq war, black water, free masons, Ron Paul, New World Order carbon tax CO2 Global Warming is a fearmongering scam. The sun is getting hotter. Alex Jones is just one source. Police State is just making some X-military clones. MK Ultra mind control. Income. John F. Kennedy or JFK CIA <b>...</b>

Drilling the Dead Sea for history
Drilling the Dead Sea for history
An international team of scientists has begun drilling deep below the Dead Sea. Seven countries are working together to discover what the region looked like 500000 years ago, in a bid to reveal a unique insight into human migration and evolution in the region. The project will also examine sediment in the hope of predicting future natural disasters. Al Jazeera's Tony Birtley reports from the Dead Sea.

Dead Sea Turtles Washing Up Along Gulf Coast
Dead Sea Turtles Washing Up Along Gulf Coast
Dead turtles are starting to wash up along the Gulf Coast. Experts say it is unclear if these turtles died because of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but they are performing necropsies on them to determine a cause of death. (May 3)