
The Great Temple of Amun at Karnak
The Great Temple of Amun at Karnak
Egypt 2007 - Overview of the Great Temple of Amun at Karnak, the Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak . One Day in Karnak (11 December 2007). I visit the temple each time if I am in Luxor. In winter there are very much tourists here! The Temple of Karnak is actually three main temples, smaller enclosed temples, and several outer temples located about three kilometers north of Luxor, Egypt situated on 100 ha (247 acres) of land. Karnak is actually the sites modern name. Its ancient name was Ipet-isut, meaning The Most Select (or Sacred) of Places. Karnak in Thebes (Modern Luxor) www.touregypt.net An Overview of the Great Temple of Amun at Karnak www.touregypt.net Vacation: Hotel Gezira Garden, Luxor West Bank (Thebes-West), 6 to 20 December 2007. Music by Allan Alansari, a Islamic Band from Denmark. The band start in 2004 in the memory of Prophet Mohammed's birthday (pray of God on him). Creative Common Licenses Attribution 3.0 www.soundclick.com

HoN Hero Spotlight: Amun Ra
HoN Hero Spotlight: Amun Ra
Intro music by Thomas-Adam Habuda www.facebook.com Play Heroes of Newerth for FREE: www.heroesofnewerth.com Amun-Ra should start off with some health regeneration and an Iron Buckler to fend off early harassment. Because health increases his survivability, fuels his spells, and increases his damage, Helm of the Black Legion is a core pickup. Steam Boots set to strength is your best mobility option, as Path of Destruction's short cooldown will provide enough mobility to not warrant Ghost Marchers. Further damage mitigation and anti-magic protection in the form of a Shrunken Head or Shaman's Headdress may be desirable against caster-heavy lineups, but Amun-Ra can generally start dishing out damage with relative impunity as soon as he obtains his Helm of the Black Legion. Behemoth's Heart is the ultimate luxury item, greatly increasing his health and health regeneration and thus increasing his damage output in turn. Prioritize leveling Ashes to Ashes as your primary skill, as it provides a great regeneration bonus and high AoE damage when the buff is sustained. Grab at least one level of Path of Destruction for the mobility early on, as it is your sole stun and escape. Whether you want to max out Path of Destruction or Ignite first is entirely up to your playstyle, though Path of Destruction tends to deal more damage at earlier levels. Obtain Pyroclasmic Rebirth as soon and often as possible, since it effectively provides you with a free extra life so as long as your <b>...</b>

Egyptian gods (Ammit, Amun, Anat)
Egyptian gods (Ammit, Amun, Anat)
A video of the three Egyptian gods Ammit, Amun and Anat. Music: Therion - Helheim

Amun Ra
Amun Ra
An ode to a very old religion; a kind of social study, if you will. For me understanding the mythos of old world religions that have fallen out of popular favor and practice can help us know more about our religions today. There were many names for Ra. "Amun was a member of the Ogdoad, representing creation energies with Amaunet, and was a very early patron of Thebes. He was believed to create via breath, and thus was identified with the wind rather than the sun. As the cults of Amun and Ra became increasingly popular in Upper and Lower Egypt respectively, they were combined to create Amun-Ra, a solar creator god. It is hard to distinguish exactly when this combination happened, with references being made in pyramid texts to Amun-Ra as early as the V Dynasty. The most common belief is that Amun-Ra was invented as the new state deity by the (Theban) rulers of the New Kingdom to unite worshipers of Amun with the older cult of Ra, beginning around the XVIII Dynasty. Ironically, the cult of Amun-Ra was effectively just as monotheistic as Akhenaten's worship of Aten, and the cult became so powerful that it rivalled the monarchy." - Wikipedia.

Listening to this piece can conjure up so many images; from the CD, 'Amun Ra'.

UFBRT: Amun-Re (Episode 9)
UFBRT: Amun-Re (Episode 9)
This is where I usually put some kind of description text. I'm all out this morning, though. Deal!

Aman Amun - Scapegoating
Aman Amun - Scapegoating
Download Scapegoating and others songs from Waxing for free: amanamun.bandcamp.mu This is documentation for an interactive-art piece I call the munome which I am using as the backbone of the Aman Amun performance. It is meant to be a conceptual exploration of taking something that is open source (the monome) and making it even more flexible and open. The monome itself is only a grid of buttons, but this very simplicity also opens up room for almost endless functionality. For this piece I have virtualized this instrument in Max-Msp and added ways to dynamically control it both functionally and visually. Note that this is only a small fraction of what the Aman Amun performance entails, but it illustrates some of the other ideas I am actively experimenting with. The performance seeks to explore the gradiated region that sits between "live performance," "djing" and "vjing." The monome is clearly an instrument, but the use of pre-recorded samples is very reminiscent of the practice of Djing rather than live performance. The active control of the visual display enters the realm of Vjing, but the visual information (as you will see more clearly in future documentation) is largely controlled by the music itself. Technical Details The Munome is running MLR and tr256 alongside Reason for the drums sounds. I am using Johnney Lee's Wii Whiteboard to take the performance from behind the computer screen and place it out in front of the viewer. I apologize for the video, audio, and <b>...</b>

Amun - Discovering Your Smile
Amun - Discovering Your Smile
Nice track from VA - Lemongrass Garden vol.1. Pls support all chillout artists. Enjoy.

Beam - Amun (Cosmic Gate Remix) HD
Beam - Amun (Cosmic Gate Remix) HD
::SUBSCRIBE:: A very soothing, yet, progressively hardcore. A great track. Slowly builds up, and then an explosion of trance. sick tune.

Grace|Asyanut, Strength|Amun, Hope|Agogong
Grace|Asyanut, Strength|Amun, Hope|Agogong
International Midwife Assistance (IMA) is a charitable, nonprofit, humanitarian organization. IMA is secular and non political. Our mission is to raise the standard of maternal/infant care in developing nations and areas experiencing crises in maternal/infant care. We place midwives and other healthcare professionals in hospitals, clinics and homes to provide care. IMA trains midwives and other healthcare workers and delivers medical supplies, medications, and teaching aids. IMA gives slideshows and educational presentations to increase awareness about maternal/infant care.

Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P1 of 4
Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P1 of 4
Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P1 of 4. There are 4 parts to this Amun Ra Karnak (Thebes) Temple. Thankyou goes out to Ptah (aka Metatron/Tesla) for whom without his mind and vast knowledge of the true workings of the Universe I would never have been able to do what I do. Thankyou from the centre of my heart. When viewing the walls of Egypt, look at what the Pharoah's are actually doing rather than what is written about them, as this is where you will find the true answers to the secrets. The writings DO NOT tell mythological stories, they are mathematical codes. Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P1 of 4 www.youtube.com Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P2 of 4. www.youtube.com Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P3 of 4 www.youtube.com Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P4 of 4 www.youtube.com Egypt Balloon Ride - Valley of the Queens www.youtube.com Hatshepsut Temple Egypt www.youtube.com Philae Temple of Isis / Magic (Alchemy) Egypt www.youtube.com Edfu Temple of Horus in Egypt www.youtube.com Abu Simbel Temples Egypt www.youtube.com Hathor temple Egypt part 1 of 2 www.youtube.com Hathor Temple Part 2 of 2 www.youtube.com Luxor Temple Egypt Night View www.youtube.com

Heroes of Newerth (HoN) - Amun-Ra Guide
Heroes of Newerth (HoN) - Amun-Ra Guide
Want to play Heroes of Newerth, Sign up Using this LINK, It's FREE. heroesofnewerth.com Music Used: Heroes of Newerth Dreamhack Trailer Music: www.youtube.com All Music, Icons, Footage and Sounds are In-Game Assets or Website Assets owned by S2 Games and their respective companies. This is a Heroes of Newerth Guide on Amun-Ra, as this is my first guide on a character I chose to pick a particularly easier hero to explain, and also a lot of the assets of the guide might change, including music, visuals, and style, depending on what I consider to be a better way of expressing what needs to be expressed. Got a hero you want done? Leave it in the comments below. EDIT: I know these are similar to spotlights, but i try to take it one step further, explaining item builds, counter-picks, and general ability use, if you have any recommendations on how to approve upon the series, be sure to leave comments below. ------------------------------------------ Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com ------------------------------------------ Edited By: SpaceHamster ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Other Video Series!: Dead Island: www.youtube.com Baldur's Gate Trilogy: www.youtube.com Terraria: www.youtube.com ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------

Dr.Sebi Cured Truelight (Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re)
Dr.Sebi Cured Truelight (Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re)
This clip is brought to you by www.ourlineofalkaline.com http Michael has written about his diabetic experience. The Future / Master Student, Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re gives impressive and entertaining testimony about his experience when he had diabetes. For more clips go to www.1parabola.com and www.2012res.com.

Amun By Ahmed Mughal Album.Zindagi
Amun By Ahmed Mughal Album.Zindagi
Watch full Ahmed Mughal - Albums zindagi - Chahtan ja Gulab - Dard - Dosti - Masoom chahat - Naseeb www.sweetsindh.co.cc

Luxor Amun Rising Stage 4 (Part 2)
Luxor Amun Rising Stage 4 (Part 2)
Hey Everyone! We're almost done with Stage 4, and in the end, I come up with a new ending. It is part of the level we have just done. Next time, we might see the next level.

LOW SELF ESTEEM CURE (Vedic Astrology Remedies) Amun Ra & Horus
LOW SELF ESTEEM CURE (Vedic Astrology Remedies) Amun Ra & Horus
CLICK HERE- www.astrologykrs.com

ROYALIMMORTAL.COM presents "THE ROYAL IMMORTALS"- AMUN-RA & The GHETTO SHAMAN Track produced by: R. Will Video directed & produced by: AMUN-RA & THE GHETTO SHAMAN amun-ra.bandcamp.com , www.reverbnation.com/amunramusic www.facebook.com/amunra7 www.royalimmortal.com

Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P2 of 4.
Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P2 of 4.
Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P2 of 4. There are 4 parts to this Amun Ra Karnak (Thebes) Temple video. Thankyou goes out to Ptah (aka Metatron/Tesla) for whom without his mind and vast knowledge of the true workings of the Universe I would never have been able to do what I do. Thankyou from the centre of my heart. When viewing the walls of Egypt, look at what the Pharoah's are actually doing rather than what is written about them, as this is where you will find the true answers to the secrets. The writings DO NOT tell mythological stories, they are mathematical codes. Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P1 of 4 www.youtube.com Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P2 of 4. www.youtube.com Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P3 of 4 www.youtube.com Karnak Amun Ra Egypt Temple P4 of 4 www.youtube.com Egypt Balloon Ride - Valley of the Queens www.youtube.com Hatshepsut Temple Egypt www.youtube.com Philae Temple of Isis / Magic (Alchemy) Egypt www.youtube.com Edfu Temple of Horus in Egypt www.youtube.com Abu Simbel Temples Egypt www.youtube.com Hathor temple Egypt part 1 of 2 www.youtube.com Hathor Temple Part 2 of 2 www.youtube.com Luxor Temple Egypt Night View www.youtube.com