Welcome to the New ZBooks Top Page... Enjoy and Participate!

Welcome to the Z Books Facility.

Though we are still working on our books facility - and it will get better and more attractive over the next week or two - you can certainly begin using it now.

Click on book titles to go to book pages. If you are a Sustainer, enter comments, or, if you have more time, enter a review. You can comment on reviews and prior comments, as well as on books.

You can also enter new titles into the database, from your account page, using the console on the top page of ZNet to the left of the left menu, or using the link here, or perhaps most easily using the link you see at the top of the left menu, above...this one: Add A Book

Another good option for Sustainers is to create reading groups for specific books. You can do that for a book while viewing its page. When you create a reading group for a book, be sure to write a blog and invite people to join. Then, together, you can read the book and discuss it.

Finally members and sustainers who are logged in can suggest books, from the database, to be a book of the month!

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