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ASX 200 4067.035 -53.969 -1.31%
AUD/USD 0.9749 -0.0046 -0.47%
ASX 200 4067.0 -54.0 -1.3%
Dow Jones 12502.8 -1.7 -0.0%
Nasdaq 2839.1 0.0 0.0%
Hang Seng 18786.2 -253.0 -1.3%
NZ 50 3510.2 -19.7 -0.6%

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Dollar tumbles on Greek euro exit fears

dollar Picture by Greg Newington.  Generic.  Elderly.  Pensioner, GST, Tax, Savings etc.   Old woman's hands holding a purse, taking out a one-dollar coin 5:24pm | The Australian dollar tumbles more than 1.5 US cents to its lowest level since November as fears grow that Greece will leave the euro zone.

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Insider - Ian McIlwraith dinkus.

Ignominy looms for ASX IPO shift

Insider ASX proposals to free up capital raising rules for small and mid-size companies could be headed for a humiliating defeat.



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'V' for volatility is stock market hallmark

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Apple's million-dollar-a day man

Apple chief executive Tim Cook's stock options for 2011 cashed in at $US376m.


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