
The Archons - Alien Invaders From Space
The Archons - Alien Invaders From Space
Were ancient, Bronze Age civilizations taken over by sophisticated, parasitic extra-dimensional entities who manipulate the human mind to this day for their own evil purposes? Gnostic texts from the time of Christ may hold the key to the greatest conspiracy in ALL human history!

Archon - NES Gameplay
Archon - NES Gameplay
Game info/discussion at nesgui.de | "Archon" (NES), published by Activision, 1989 | Basic demonstration of natural gameplay; no commentary, no cheats/tool-assistance, not a speed-run. Captured from classic front-loading NES "toaster" console. The NESguide project began in January 2007 and has successfully produced one gameplay video for each of the 749 unique titles produced for the original 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in the North American market. What's next? For more information, NES related news, discussion and/or to follow the project, stay connected via your social network of choice... facebook.com twitter.com Join us in keeping the spirit of classic gaming alive! nesguide.com

DOS Game: Archon Ultra (finished in 7 minutes)
DOS Game: Archon Ultra (finished in 7 minutes)
Finishing classic DOS game "Archon Ultra" in 7 minutes!

John Lash - The Archons
John Lash - The Archons
John Lash - The Archons October 2, 2011 Comparative mythologist, author and teacher John Lash returns to the program to discuss the Archons, from the Nag Hammadi perspective. He'll discuss the alien intrusion of the mind parasite and the predatory species. John tells us the origins of the Archons and how they existed before the Earth. According to the Nag Hammadi, the Archons envy us and wanted to breed with us. This idea is quite different than Sitchin's work. John says the Archons did not succeed and moved to plan B: "we'll get them to become like us." This takes us into the transhumanist agenda, an agenda that the Archons desire. We'll talk about why as well as their tactics using the false show of magic and virtual reality. Also, how the Archon predatory species intrudes though other means such as religion and belief systems. Then, John talks about Sophia's gift to us to protect ourselves from the Archontic forces. Lash brings up the new age religion of ET as manipulation by Archons. We'll talk about knowing the enemy, knowing the mission and the defense. Later, we discuss the transhumanist's fear of death, denial of humanity and insanity.

50 Archons vs 33 Ultralisks!
50 Archons vs 33 Ultralisks!
In StarCraft 1 Archons vs Ultralisks was usually a pretty close fight. What about in SC2? ***SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER*** It was pretty difficult to find a spot on the map that would allow all the units to attack eachother at the same time. However, I dont think the choke played a huge role in this battle as it was still pretty 1 sided. No upgrades of any sort for both.

Archon Defender
Archon Defender
Get the DVD and Digital Download for your mobile at www.filmbaby.com or super ultra high quality 1080p HD digital download version at www.blackpixelrecords.com Archon Defender follows the path of a young woman, Colette, as she seeks her way through adversity to redemption, as the world she once knew is torn apart by war and tyranny. This is the full version of my feature length animated film. Aside from the help of my voice actors, I created this film entirely by myself over 3 years. Visit archondefender.com for more info and my production blog.

Archon iPhone Gameplay video
Archon iPhone Gameplay video
React Games presents the 1983 classic "ARCHON" for the iPhone. www.archonclassic.com *** It is now on the APP Store! *** Buy it Here: www.itunes.com/app/archon You can see more of the game at www.archonclassic.com. Register on our forums for prizes and giveaways such as T-shirts, Free Promo codes and an iTouch!

Atari 800 - Archon
Atari 800 - Archon
This is probably the fastest possible completion (in moves) of Archon. Atari 400/800 version, played on an Atari 130XE.

StarCraft 2 - Archon Quotes
StarCraft 2 - Archon Quotes
All of the quotations from the Archon in StarCraft 2. Voice actor: ? READY: "The merging is complete." SELECTED: "We... burn!" "We need focus." "Power overwhelming." "What guidance?" PISSED: "You all look so different on this side." "Break on through." "It's beautiful!" "They should have sent a poet." "Energy never dies." "I'm... having... a flare up!" "One plus one equals... one!" "People say I lack substance." "I'm... lit!" "Burning... doing... the neutron... dance!" MOVE: "Destroy!" "Annihilate!" "Obliterate!" "Eradicate!" "It will be." "(Khalani language)" ATTACK: "Dominate!" "Decimate!" "Vaporize!" HELP: "Dispersing."

Flight of the "Archon SF1" Aircraft.
Flight of the "Archon SF1" Aircraft.
Video with the original sound of the 2 stroke 2 cylinder 46 HP aircooled Engine.

Eluveitie - Gray Sublime Archon
Eluveitie - Gray Sublime Archon
One-Picture Video of Eluveitie's "Gray Sublime Archon". Enjoy. Encyclopaedia Metallum: www.metal-archives.com Main Website: www.eluveitie.ch Myspace: www.myspace.com Record Label - Nuclear Blast Records www.nuclearblast.de YouTube: www.youtube.com I raise my hand against you, thief! For we're accustomed to receive, Not to give hostages Hear these words! Deeds are overt! As chaos evolves In worthless lies. A crucial congress At saônes banks. Gray Sublime Archon I've been called, Through all these years I bore up. Now may we all stay the course This day. I raise my hand against it all I question now, did I fail? Or retain our dignity And shelter of this defilement? As chaos evolves In worthless lies. A crucial congress At saônes banks. Gray Sublime Archon I've been called, Through all these years I bore up. Now may we all stay the course This day. A crucial congress At saônes banks. As chaos evolves In worthless lies. Gray Sublime Archon I've been called, Through all these years I bore up. Now may we all stay the course This day. Album: Slania Year: 2008

Archons - The Enigma Of Torments
Archons - The Enigma Of Torments
Album: The Consequences Of Silence Genre: Technical / Melodic Death Metal Year: 2008 Country: Canada

Archon: The Light and the Dark for the Apple II [Part 01 \ 02]
Archon: The Light and the Dark for the Apple II [Part 01 \ 02]
Archon: The Light and the Dark is a strategic board game with some similarities to chess. Two sides, a light one and a dark one, consisting of 18 pieces each compete on a board divided into (9 by 9) squares. You win the game by having one of your units on each of the five powerpoint squares or by removing all opposing pieces from the board. However, you can't just remove a piece from the board by landing on it. When two pieces clash, the outcome is decided in the battle arena during one-on-one real-time combat (just like in Star Control, also by Paul Reiche III). If the real-time combat takes place on a dark square, the dark monster gets a health bonus (longer life bar). On a light square the light side gains an advantage. There are also some squares whose color changes over time (from afternoon, to dusk, to night, to dawn etc.), which adds an extra layer of strategy to the game. Unlike chess the two sides are not identical. Both sides consist of mythological creatures. For example the light side has among others unicorns, valkyries and a djinni while the dark side features basilisks, banshees and manticores. The differences are not just cosmetic. Two special pieces are the light wizard & the dark sorceress, they can both cast magical spells like: imprison a unit on the board, shift the flow of time (change day/night cycle to your advantage), bring one unit back from the dead etc. The different pieces have their own movement restrictions regarding the number of squares <b>...</b>

Thermalright Archon 140mm Extreme Performance CPU Heatsink Unboxing & First Look Linus Tech Tips
Thermalright Archon 140mm Extreme Performance CPU Heatsink Unboxing & First Look Linus Tech Tips
This thing looks awesome actually. It's all performance with no flash, and personally I find that very appealing.

The Archon Toilet
The Archon Toilet
Well, here it is... the nasty Archon Toilet as found at Teamliquid For all German viewers: www.shoutcraft.de

The Extraterrestrial Archons
The Extraterrestrial Archons
stargods.org Early Christianity had a clear understanding of alien life forms and referred to them as the Archons. The Archons are seen as an error in the Matrix programming and are a major threat to humans. They brainwash us into believing that they are all powerful when in fact humans are far far more powerful, The problem is that human kind need to wake up from this illusion, pull the curtain back, and then see the weak and afraid little man standing at the controls. Related links: Pickering brothers interview: projectcamelot.org Manipulative Extraterrestrials: exopoliticsnews.wordpress.com Star Trek Return of the Archons: www.youtube.com

Archon Classic 2010 - PC Gameplay in 1080P (this is as old school as they come guys)
Archon Classic 2010 - PC Gameplay in 1080P (this is as old school as they come guys)
Archon Classic 2010 - PC Gameplay in 1080P (this is as old school as they come guys) This video will mean nothing to those less than 30yo. I remember playing this game on a friend's Amstrad PC 1512. We are talking dinosaur old hardware here guys. Yet the fun was there 110%!

Triumph of the Archons
Triumph of the Archons
For all things "The Stench of Truth" please visit my website at: www.thestenchoftruth.com You will find original material, links to my blogs, and to my radio show on Inception Radio Network, as well as access to some of my archived shows that you can listen to right there. The Stench of Truth (535).mp4 The massive capitulation of human reason to the Archonic influence astounds me. I don't know how to stop it but I do know you shouldn't be doing anything to promote or assist it.

Archon Genomics X PRIZE
Archon Genomics X PRIZE
The Archon X PRIZE for Genomics challenges scientists and engineers to create better, cheaper and faster ways to sequence genomes. The knowledge gained by compiling and comparing a library of human genomes will create a new era of preventive and personalized medicine — and transform medical care from reactive to proactive.