Section 8 Prejudice PS3: V. Strabo Gameplay
Section 8 Prejudice PS3: V. Strabo Gameplay
Simple gameplay of my sniper loadout "V. Strabo" just for fun. Folks of the Section 8 community will most likely catch the joke behind this loadout because of the name and weapons of choice, as well as the tactics I'm using. A Strabo is a CPU bot player that uses a sniper rifle and either a pistol or shotgun, and are normally very proficient with them. The Chuck Norris of Section 8 is a bot that is very rare and elusive, called X. Strabo, and he can do things that should not be possible, like using a tank to shoot players that are jetpacking in the air out of the sky with 100% accuracy, shooting straight up with a bike, one shot killing with the shotgun, and sniping enemies that are burning in. I try to play like a Strabo as much as possible, even making a few attempts at sniping bots that are burning in. lol
Viral movie for a (fictional) new kind of search-engine. It is developed as part of a school (graphic design) assignment, which means this clip was developed solely for educational purposes. Concept & Design: Roel van de Ven (rmven.blogspot.com) Song Spoon - The Infinite Pet
Paladin's Quest Walkthrough - Strabo the Dragon
Paladin's Quest Walkthrough - Strabo the Dragon
This is a very unique event. The party goes INSIDE the dragon, Strabo. They fight some monsters in the dragon's cave and then you get the sword of Kormu.
The Whole Ten Yards .. Frank Collison as Strabo .. The job is a piece of Cake
The Whole Ten Yards .. Frank Collison as Strabo .. The job is a piece of Cake
The Whole Ten Yards .. Frank Collison as Strabo .. The job is a piece of Cake
ISREAL MIDNITE LIVE.(diodorus siculus,strabo,pliny,plato etc.)
ISREAL MIDNITE LIVE.(diodorus siculus,strabo,pliny,plato etc.)
Strabo - The Avengers
Strabo - The Avengers
Hey, just trying out Camtasia Studio 7. The Avengers - 3v3 - Thunderhorn Strabo - Thunderhorn
Taif And Strabo Go To War
Taif And Strabo Go To War
Two lowbies try a match of Alderran Civil War. No music this time, instead you get the live vent discussion between Strabo and Taif.
game play by strabo
game play by strabo
hi my name is strabo and this is me playing CTF on rureal estate
Cartogramas, Strabo y Biblioteca Digital
Cartogramas, Strabo y Biblioteca Digital
Participación del CentroGeo durante la Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo en Indicadores Ambientales (GTIA) de la Iniciativa Latinoamericana y Caribeña para el Desarrollo Sostenible (ILAC) Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) Centro de Investigación en Geografía y Geomática (CentroGeo) Taller realizado los días 11 y 12 de octubre de 2011 Distrito Federal, México.
Barrio underground - chis Ft. strabo
Barrio underground - chis Ft. strabo
este tema es inspirado por los sucesos de mi barrio , injusticias y demas temas delincuenciales q nos da a entender la realidad de las cosas