Currently viewing the category: "Coach Betty Live"

Christin Myrick is a certified Slow Sex Coach with international clientele. She facilitates virtual and live training for good guys who want to be better men, and helps them to create deeper and more meaningful connections with women.

Men are beautiful creatures of great power, giving and strength and Christin has gained significant insight into what men desire and hold dear. It is her passion to share this wisdom with both men and women so we can live in a world of harmony and true compassion.

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Internationally recognized artist and designer, Pablo Solomon, is known for his drawings and sculptures of dancers as well as for soothing and environmentally friendly designs. He is one of the pioneers in the environmental movement, and National Geographic featured him in its retrospective of the first Earth Day. He is a passionate disciple for ecology and is well known in environmental circles for his concepts of Green Freedom and Vertical Greening.


Amy Ahlers, author of “Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves,” has a crucial message for how women can stop beating up on themselves. This book examines 50 common esteem-busting lies, and what to do about them. When you wake up your Inner Superstar, you are dropping into your inner sexuality and beauty.


Jaiya, world-renown sexologist and author of “Red Hot Touch,” talks about how she helps women and men overcome sexual issues and experience sex as part of being human. She has her own personal story of the healing of inner sexuality, moving from pain to pleasure, and now is dedicated to “real” sex education.

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Bobby Jo Valentine’s creative tone, eclectic styles, and thought-provoking lyrics have a way of warming even the coldest of musical hearts. He is an award winning singer/songwriter having won Song of the Year at West Coast Songwriter’s Association in 2011. He believes that relationships should last forever and his uplifting messages about hope and life’s struggles are bound to inspire you.

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With times being so uncertain, people are wondering what the future holds for them, and how to handle the changes that are on the horizon in every area of their lives. Dr. Richard London, physician, author and consultant has many of the answers and the tools we will need to survive the changes that are forthcoming. “Regardless of the economic circumstances, and our ‘star’ qualities, we can all live like rock stars provided we know the tools to use in these uncertain times,” says Dr. London.


As a truckers daughter, Leta Greene learned the ins and outs of the beauty industry from the outside in! How does the shy tomboy become a confident beauty expert? Her approach to beauty goes past makeup, clothes and body stance. It goes to the heart of the matter.

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Debra Reble, PhD is an author, therapeutic intuitive, psychologist, and leader in personal transformation and self-realization. Her book “Soul-Hearted Partnerships” presents a new model of relationships that begins with a soul connection to self. Coach Betty Louise presents some WHOA Baby information  and exploration of the soul pleasure organ in a woman.


Amanda Elo’esh is a Mayan Shamanic Initiate, Ordained 13 Moon Priestess, Integrative Medicine Specialist in guided imagery and the arts. Her unique mix of sacred practices have compelled her to found the Goddess Emerging Program. Amanda and Coach Betty Louise explore the pathway to the organic orgasmic goddess place within every woman.

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Dr. Susan Allison, author of “The Empowered Healer,”  has helped numerous people achieve what modern medicine might term spontaneous recoveries from physical and emotional illnesses, including overnight disappearance of a diagnosed cancer nodule in the larynx, shrinking lesions in the brain, and the disappearance of excruciating pain virtually instantly. Are these miracles? Susan has a 4 step process where she has mystified doctors at Stanford University Hospital.