11. Low Fertility in Developed Countries (Guest Lecture by Michael Teitelbaum)
11. Low Fertility in Developed Countries (Guest Lecture by Michael Teitelbaum)
Global Problems of Population Growth (MCDB 150) Concerns about low fertility have been present in many countries for at least 100 years. A large population was considered essential to national power. But the issue is never simply a shortage of warm bodies: overall the world population has increased dramatically over this period and untold numbers would immigrate, if allowed. The issue is the number of the 'right sort' of people, defined as those having preferred national, religious, racial, ethnic, or language characteristics. Fertility levels are below replacement in many economically advanced countries. As a result, these countries are aging; medical and retirement costs are increasing. Countries must either raise fertility, accept immigrants, or adapt to a smaller, older population. Policies to raise fertility have not been very effective, except in severe dictatorships. To keep the ratio of working age people to dependents constant, hundreds of millions of immigrants would be required such that 70-80% of the population of receiving countries would be immigrants and their children. Adaptation is probably best, but the required changes (raise retirement age, tax the pension benefits of the wealthy, etc) are politically difficult. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction 06:34 - Chapter 2. Low Fertility 14:43 - Chapter 3. Demographers and Low Fertility 24:05 - Chapter 4. Errors in Demographic Interpretation 32:56 - Chapter 5. Policy Responses to Low Fertility 41:40 - Chapter 6 <b>...</b>
Prop 8 Trial Re-enactment, Day 2 Chapter 3
Prop 8 Trial Re-enactment, Day 2 Chapter 3
Day 2 Chapter 3 of the Proposition 8 Trial Re-enactment presented by MarriageTrial.com. Produced by John Ainsworth & John Ireland. Edited by Michael Legge. THE JUDGE Vaughn Walker, Chief Judge, US District Court portrayed by Ted Heyck THE PLAINTIFFS Paul Katami portrayed by Woody Schultz Jeffrey Zarrillo portrayed by Bryan Cuprill Kristin Perry portrayed by Kitty Swink Sandy Stier portrayed by Tess Harper THE PLAINTIFF ATTORNEYS David Boies portrayed by Jack Laufer Theodore Olson portrayed by Clyde FT Small Theodore Boutrous portrayed by Peter Cassone Christopher Dusseault portrayed by Jon Keel Matthew McGill portrayed by Mark Doerr Ethan Dettmer portrayed by Shawn Ryan THE PLAINTIFF-INTERVENOR ATTORNEYS Dennis Herrera, SF City Attorney portrayed by Matt Pittenger Therese Stewart, SF Deputy City Attorney portrayed by Sarah Gaboury Christine Van Aken, SF City Attorney Portayed by Kate McNeil Danny Chou, SF City Attorney portrayed by Peter James Smith SF City Attorney Ronald Flynn portrayed by Todd Waring THE DEFENDANTS Arnold Schwarzenegger, California Governor Does not appear at trial. Edmund G. Brown, California Attorney General Does not appear at trial. Linette Scott, Deputy Director of Health & Strategic Planning for the California Department of Public Health Does not appear at trial. Patrick OConnell, Clerk-Recorder County of Alameda Does not appear at trial. Dean Logan, Clerk-Recorder County of Los Angeles Does not appear at trial. THE DEFENDANT ATTORNEY Tamar <b>...</b>
13. Fertility Attitudes and Practices
13. Fertility Attitudes and Practices
Global Problems of Population Growth (MCDB 150) Surveys show that most women are having more children than they would prefer to have. Further, studies show that the vast majority of women know about various forms of contraception. One World Bank study has shown that family planning programs have little impact unless they are attended by improved living standards and increasing status of women. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Desired Number of Children in Bolivia 10:40 - Chapter 2. Ideal Number of Children Across Countries 19:34 - Chapter 3. Anecdotes on Contraception in Kenya Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: open.yale.edu This course was recorded in Spring 2009.