
The Vice Guide to Travel - Mecca Diaries
The Vice Guide to Travel - Mecca Diaries
Watch more travel adventures on vice.com Hajj is the worlds largest annual pilgrimage that takes place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Last year VICE Founder Suroosh Alvi went with his family and shot footage with an old Handicam. His intention was never to make a VBS doc out of it, but lo and behold here it isshaky camerawork and all. November 27, 2009 is the Eid celebration for the Muslim world and also marks the end of this years Hajj. VBS is no longer active. Subscribe to VICE on YouTube to stay updated on our daily releases: youtube.com Videos, daily editorial and more: vice.com Like VICE on Facebook fb.com Follow Noisey on Twitter: twitter.com Read our tumblr: vicemag.tumblr.com

Mecca undergoes expansion project - 24 Nov 09
Mecca undergoes expansion project - 24 Nov 09
Every year, millions of Muslims gather to perform the Hajj in the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca, where the city's Grand Mosque overflows with pilgrims as many more clamor for space outside the mosque's walls. It's a reality that Saudi authorities are hoping to change with an ambitious expansion and renovation project that is underway across the city. But expanding and renovating the Grand Mosque and the citys infrastructure will be a challenge to do without disrupting what Muslims believe to be the holiest of spiritual journeys. Ayman Mohyeldin takes a look at some of the plans.

Tom Tancredo advocates bombing of Mecca and Medina
Tom Tancredo advocates bombing of Mecca and Medina
Presidential Candidate Tom Tancredo advocates bombing of Mecca and Medina to fight against Islamic Terrorism

Athan (Call to Prayer) from Mecca!
Athan (Call to Prayer) from Mecca!
www.whyislam.org Part of the call to prayer during Hajj at the Kabah, in Mecca. "God is great, I bear witness there is only One God, I bear wittiness Muhammad is the final Messenger of God, Come to Prayer, Come to Success, God is Great, there is no God but God"

Journey To Mecca Trailer (English)
Journey To Mecca Trailer (English)
www.journeytomeccagiantscreen.com Journey to Mecca is an IMAX® dramatic and documentary feature that tells the amazing story of Ibn Battuta, the greatest explorer of the Old World, following his first pilgrimage between 1325 and 1326 from Tangier to Mecca. His perilous journey resonates with adventure while presenting an unforgettable picture of Islamic civilization during the 14th century, culminating with Battuta's first Hajj. The story is book-ended by a close-up look at the contemporary Hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca that draws three million Muslims from around the world.

Muslim Scientist: Neil Armstrong Proved Mecca - World Center
Muslim Scientist: Neil Armstrong Proved Mecca - World Center
For the official MEMRI page on YouTube: www.youtube.com #545 - Islamic Science: Neil Armstrong Proved Mecca is the Center of the World Al-Majd (Saudi Arabia/UAE) - 1/16/2005 - 00:03:01 A MEMRI.org VIDEO

Golden Ratio Point Of The World * Mecca
Golden Ratio Point Of The World * Mecca
Presenting the clear scientific facts that the 'holy' city of Islam is in the Golden Ratio point of the world. It is up to you to decide what it really means. For your questions,please visit... www.holymysteries.com

Mecca - Makkah Province - Saudi Arabia
Mecca - Makkah Province - Saudi Arabia
Mecca is a city in Saudi Arabia, and the holiest meeting site in Islam, closely followed by Medina. The city is modern, cosmopolitan and while being closed to non-Muslims, is nonetheless ethnically diverse. Muslim tradition attributes the beginning of Mecca to Ismael's descendants. In the 7th century, the Islamic prophet Muhammad proclaimed Islam in the city which was by then an important trading center. After 966, Mecca was led by local sharifs until 1924 when the Ottoman Empire collapsed and it came under the rule of the Saudis, with the exception of the 19161925 period, when it was part of the Hashimite Kingdom of Hejaz. In its modern period, Mecca has seen tremendous expansion in size and infrastructure. The modern day city is the capital of Saudi Arabia's Makkah Province, in the historic Hejaz region. With a population of 1.7 million (2008), the city is located 73 km (45 mi) inland from Jeddah in a narrow valley at a height of 277 m (909 ft) above sea level. ( source Wikipedia )

Gene Pitney - Mecca..w/ LYRICS
Gene Pitney - Mecca..w/ LYRICS
Mecca - Gene Pitney - Peak Position;#4 in 1963 - Lyrics (opening instrumental--chiefly Indian fakir's flute) I live on the West side, she lives on the East side of the stree-ee-eet. And though they say that East is East, and West is West And never the twain shall meet. Each morning I face her window, and pray that our love can be. 'cause that brownstone house where my baby lives. Is Mecca (Mecca, Mecca, Mecca) Mecca (Mecca, Mecca) to me-eeeee. Oh she's my dream goddess, and her ruby lips are so div-i-ine. And though her folks say we're too young, to know of love. I worship at her shrine. (Mecca, Mecca) Each morning I face her window, and pray that our love can be. 'cause that brownstone house where my baby lives. Is Mecca (Mecca, Mecca, Mecca) Mecca (Mecca, Mecca) to me-eeeee. ---(Musical Interlude)--- Each morning I face her window, and pray that our love can be. 'cause that brownstone house where my baby lives. Is Mecca (Mecca, Mecca, Mecca) Mecca (Mecca, Mecca) to me-eeeee...

Malcolm X after Mecca (1 of 2)
Malcolm X after Mecca (1 of 2)
The Malcolm X Collection on DVD: malcolmxfiles.blogspot.com The Malcolm X Collection on DVD: malcolmxfiles.blogspot.com The Malcolm X Collection on DVD: malcolmxfiles.blogspot.com "When I was on the pilgrimage, I had close contact with Muslims whose skin would in America be classified as white and with Muslims who would themselves be classified as white in America, but these particular Muslims didn't call themselves white. They looked upon themselves as human beings, as part of the human family and therefore they looked upon all other segments of the human family as part of that same family. Now, they had a different look or a different air or a different attitude than that which is reflected in the attitude of the man in America who calls himself white. So I said that if Islam had done this-- done that for them, perhaps if the white men in America would study Islam, perhaps it could do the same thing for him." malcolmxfiles.blogspot.com

Malcolm X - Letter from Mecca
Malcolm X - Letter from Mecca
Never have I witnessed such sincere hospitality and overwhelming spirit of true brotherhood as is practiced by people of all colors and races here in this Ancient Holy Land, the home of Abraham, Muhammad and all the other Prophets of the Holy Scriptures. For the past week, I have been utterly speechless and spellbound by the graciousness I see displayed all around me by people of all colors. I have been blessed to visit the Holy City of Mecca. I have made my seven circuits around the Ka'ba, led by a young Mutawaf named Muhammad. I drank water from the well of the Zam Zam. I ran seven times back and forth between the hills of Mt. Al-Safa and Al-Marwah. I have prayed in the ancient city of Mina, and I have prayed on Mt. Arafat. There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. They were of all colors, from blue-eyed blonds to black-skinned Africans. But we were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe never could exist between the white and non-white. America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem. Throughout my travels in the Muslim world, I have met, talked to, and even eaten with people who in America would have been considered 'white'--but the 'white' attitude was removed from their minds by the religion of Islam. I have never before seen sincere and true brotherhood practiced by all colors <b>...</b>

It points to Mecca
It points to Mecca
The Flight 93 memorial is a terrorist memorial mosque, Part 1: It points to Mecca. Video begins with Tom Burnett Senior's appeal to the American people to please help stop the Park Service from planting a giant Islamic shaped crescent atop his son's grave. The half-mile wide crescent, originally named the Crescent of Embrace, points almost exactly to Mecca. That makes it a mihrab, the Mecca-direction indicator around which every mosque is built. (Some mihrabs are pointed arch shape, but the archetypical mihrab is crescent shaped.) A second typical mosque feature is the 93 foot tall Tower of Voices, which as Mr. Burnett notes: Looks like a minaret, and has a crescent on top. These and a host of other Islamic and terrorist memorializing features all remain completely intact in the so-called redesign. The design is called the Circle of Embrace now, but according to the Park Service's own website the circle is still broken, and in the exact same places as before. The unbroken part of the circle, what symbolically remains standing in the wake of 9/11, is still a giant Islamic shaped crescent, still pointing to Mecca.

Journey to Mecca - New 2012 Official Trailer (English) [HD]
Journey to Mecca - New 2012 Official Trailer (English) [HD]
www.journeytomecca.co.uk www.facebook.com Journey to Mecca is an award winning IMAX dramatic and documentary feature that tells the story of Ibn Battuta, the greatest explorer of the old world who traveled three times further than Marco Polo, following his first pilgrimage from Tangier to Mecca in the year 1325. Ibn Battuta's perilous journey resonates with danger and adventure while presenting a unique picture of Islamic civilization during the 14th century. Journey to Mecca is book-ended by a spectacular close up look at the contemporary Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage that draws over three million pilgrims each year to Mecca and is one of history's longest running and most spectacular rites.

Inside Mecca 7/7
Inside Mecca 7/7
Discover the city of Mecca and everything associated with it. Follow 3 people from different parts of the world in their Hajj pilgrimage with views from academics and scholars.

Malcolm X after Mecca (2 of 2)
Malcolm X after Mecca (2 of 2)
The Malcolm X Collection on DVD: malcolmxfiles.blogspot.com The Malcolm X Collection on DVD: malcolmxfiles.blogspot.com The Malcolm X Collection on DVD: malcolmxfiles.blogspot.com "African nations and Asian nations and Latin American nations look very hypocritical when they stand up in the United Nations, condemning the racist practices of South Africa and that which is practiced by Portugal and Angola, and saying nothing in the UN about the racist practices that are manifest every day against Negroes in this society." malcolmxfiles.blogspot.com

Pete Rock & CL Smooth - Mecca And The Soul Brother
Pete Rock & CL Smooth - Mecca And The Soul Brother
Track 2 from All Souled Out.

Mystical Spirit 2 - Pilgrimages, Mecca, Khumb Mella and Beyond
Mystical Spirit 2 - Pilgrimages, Mecca, Khumb Mella and Beyond
Follow in the footsteps of tens of millions of devotees in this exploration of the world's greatest pilgrimages. Since remote antiquity pilgrimages have been integral to the world's religions. Seen as the great levelers, pilgrimages bring rich and poor together in a physical voyage which is often symbolic of the soul's transformative journey. From the Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca to the Hindu Kumb Mella, the largest spiritual gathering on the planet. Discover how different religions including Christianity, Hebrew, Shinto, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhists undertake this timeless act. This program is part of a 4-Part Series called "Return of the Gods - NOW on DVD - Full Version 240 mins. Cat# K462 - Go to www.UFOTV.com. Return of the Gods - The 4-Part Series In spectacular cinematic style this series of programs will sweep you to the four corners of the spiritual world. Along this journey you will visit the most dramatic sacred sites, explore the world's major faiths, and the global future of religion and of spirituality itself. An enriching cinematic experience.

Whistler - The mountain bike mecca
Whistler - The mountain bike mecca
Whistler Mountain, Canada, is home of the most exciting bike sport events in the world. Whistler is a shredding Mecca for pro and amateur riders because of the 250+ downhill tracks accessible through the chairlift. See why Whistler is such a magnet for riders the world over. Ride down to RedBull.com for more of the coolest place to ride.

Journey To Mecca - In The Footsteps of Ibn Battuta
Journey To Mecca - In The Footsteps of Ibn Battuta
Journey to Mecca tells the story of Ibn Battuta, (played by Chems Eddine Zinoun) a young scholar, who leaves Tangier in 1325 on an epic and perilous journey, travelling alone from his home in Morocco to reach Mecca, some 3000 miles to the east. Ibn Battuta is besieged by countless obstacles as he makes his way across the North African desert to Mecca. Along the route he meets an unlikely stranger, the Highwayman (played by Hassam Ghancy) who becomes his paid protector and eventual friend. During his travels he is attacked by bandits, dehydrated by thirst, rescued by Bedouins, and forced to retrace his route by a war-locked Red Sea. Ibn Battuta finally joins the legendary Damascus Caravan with thousands of pilgrims bound for Mecca for the final leg of what would become his 5000 mile, 18 month long journey to Mecca. When he arrives in Mecca, he is a man transformed. We then experience the Hajj as he did over 700 years ago, and, in recognition of its timelessness, we dissolve to the Hajj as it is still performed today, by millions of pilgrims, in some of the most extraordinary and moving IMAX® footage ever presented. Ibn Battuta would not return home for almost 30 years, reaching over 40 countries and revisiting Mecca five more times to perform the Hajj. He would travel three times farther then Marco Polo. His legacy is one of the greatest travel journals ever recorded. A crater on the moon is named in his honour.

McDonald's In Mecca!
McDonald's In Mecca!
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