- published: 18 Mar 2014
- views: 182
Sir Anthonis Mor, also known as Anthonis Mor van Dashorst and Antonio Moro (c. 1517 – 1577) was a Netherlandish portrait painter, much in demand by the courts of Europe. He has also been referred to as Antoon, Anthonius, Anthonis or Mor van Dashorst, and as Antonio Moro, Anthony More, etc., but signed most of his portraits as Anthonis Mor.
Mor was born in Utrecht, Netherlands, by some estimation between 1516 and 1520. Little is known about his early life, except that his artistic education commenced under Jan van Scorel. His earliest known work is a portrait which is currently in a collection in Stockholm, dated 1538.
A group of Knights of St. John at Utrecht, supposed to have been painted about 1541; and a picture of two pilgrims at the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin, dated 1544; and the portrait of an unknown woman, in the Lille gallery, were probably among his earliest works, although their authenticity has not been proven.
In 1547, Anthonis Mor was received as a member of the Venerable Guild of St. Luke at Antwerp, and shortly afterwards (about 1548) he attracted the attention of Cardinal Granvelle, Bishop of Arras, who became his steady patron. Of the portraits executed during the early period of his career as Granvelle's protege, two are especially notable: one of the bishop himself (in the imperial gallery in Vienna), and one of the Duke of Alba, which now belongs to the Hispanic Society of New York. Between 1549 and 1550 Prince Philip II of Spain (1527–1598) traveled around the Netherlands to present himself as the future ruler. Anthonis Mor painted his portrait in Brussels in 1549. He probably visited Italy (when exactly is not known), where he copied some works by Titian, notably the Danaë.
The name Anthony is derived from the Latin name Antonius. A variant of the given name is Antony.
See Anthony (given name) and Anthony or Anthoney (surname)
Anthony More may refer to:
The Netherlands (i/ˈnɛðərləndz/; Dutch: Nederland [ˈneːdərˌlɑnt]) is the main "constituent country" (Dutch: land) of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is a small, densely populated country located in Western Europe with three island territories in the Caribbean. The European part of the Netherlands borders Germany to the east, Belgium to the south, and the North Sea to the northwest, sharing maritime borders with Belgium, the United Kingdom and Germany. The largest and most important cities in the Netherlands are Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. Amsterdam is the country's capital, while The Hague holds the Dutch seat of government and parliament. The port of Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe – as large as the next three largest combined – and was the world's largest port between 1962 and 2004. The name Holland is also frequently used to informally refer to the whole of the country of the Netherlands.
"Netherlands" literally means "lower countries", influenced by its low land and flat geography, with only about 50% of its land exceeding one metre above sea level. Most of the areas below sea level are man-made. Since the late 16th century, large areas (polders) have been reclaimed from the sea and lakes, amounting to nearly 17% of the country's current land mass.
Moor may refer to:
Experience Anthonis Mor's "Portrait of a Married Woman / Portrait of Metgen, the artist's wife" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Portrait of a Married Woman / Portrait of Metgen, the artist's wife Painting date: 1554 (Prado: 1560-65) Painting artist: Anthonis Mor Music: Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 - Aria da Capo Performer: Shelley Katz Music source: Musopen Music license: Public Domain You can download the classical music piece for free, at www.hdclassicalmusic.com . Audio ID: PA1 Video ID: CH61 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com . Also, if you have any ...
Experience Antonis Mor's "Portrait of Queen Mary of England" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Portrait of Queen Mary of England Painting date: 1554 Painting artist: Antonis Mor Music: Mozart, String Quartet No. 15 in D Minor, K 421-I. Allegro Moderato Performer: Musopen String Quartet Music source: Musopen Music license: Public Domain You can download the classical music piece for free, at www.hdclassicalmusic.com. Audio ID: PA3 Video ID: CH1593 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding what paintings to publish next, ...
Marc Anthony Y Romeo Santos Sus Mejores Éxitos 1. Yo Tambien (0:00) 2. Odio (5:45) 3. Vivir Mi Vida (10:00) 4. Necio (14:45) 5. Volver A Comenzar (19:50) 6. Eres Mía (25:00) 7. La Copa Rota (29:45) 8. Hilito (33:45) 9. Cambio De Piel (38:10) 10. Propuesta Indecente (43:25) 11. Espera (47:55) 12. Llevame Contigo (52:30) 13. Dime Si No Es Verdad (56:45) 14. Inocente (1:01:20) 15. Hipocresia (1:05:50) 16. Amigo (1:10:00) 17. Cautivo De Este Amor (1:15:20) 18. Cancioncitas De Amor (1:19:30) 19. Celos y envidia (1:24:00) 20. Tragedia (1:29:25) 21. Fui A Jamaica (1:33:45) 22. Contra la corrriente (1:38:10) 23. No Tiene La Culpa (1:43:55) 24. ValiÛ la pena (1:49:00) 25. Animales (1:55:10) 26. Me haces falta (1:58:30) Marc Anthony Y Romeo Santos Sus Mejores Éxitos
Niederländisch-Portugiesischer Krieg Der Niederländisch-Portugiesische Krieg war ein Kolonialkrieg zwischen dem Königreich Portugal und der Republik der Vereinigten Niederlande, der in den Jahren von 1624 bis 1661 ausgetragen wurde.Die Hauptkampfhandlungen fanden in Südamerika und in Afrika statt.Der Konflikt endete ohne klaren Sieger. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Anthonis Mor (1519–1575) Alternative Namen Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Beschreibung nordniederländischer Maler und Zeichner Geburts-/Todesdatum 1519 1575 Geburts-/Todesort Utrecht Antwerpen Wirkungsstätte Utrecht (1544), Antwerpen (1547-1550), Rom...
1516 год 1516 год — високосный год, начинающийся в субботу по григорианскому календарю.Это 1516 год нашей эры, 516 год 2 тысячелетия, 16 год XVI века, 6 год 2-го десятилетия XVI века, 7 год 1510-х годов. ---------Информация об изображении авторских прав---------- Профиль автора: Антонис Мор (1519–1575) Альтернативные имена Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Описание Североголландский художник и рисовальщик Дата рождения/смерти 1519 1575 Место рождения/смерти Утрехт Антверпен Место творчества Утрехт (1544), Антверпен (1547-1550), Рим (1550), Португалия (1552-1553), Утрехт (1554), England (1554-1555), Northern Netherlands (1555-1559), Испания (1559-15...
Maria I. (England) Maria I.Tudor (englisch Mary Tudor), auch Maria die Katholische oder Maria die Blutige (* 18.Februar 1516 in Greenwich; † 17.November 1558 im St James’s Palace), war von 1553 bis 1558 Königin von England und Irland und der vierte Monarch des Hauses Tudor. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Anthonis Mor (1519–1575) Alternative Namen Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Beschreibung nordniederländischer Maler und Zeichner Geburts-/Todesdatum 1519 1575 Geburts-/Todesort Utrecht Antwerpen Wirkungsstätte Utrecht (1544), Antwerpen (1547-1550), Rom (1550), Portugal (1552-1553), Utrecht (1554), England (1554-15...
Mary I of England =======Image-Copyright-Info======= Image is in public domain Artist-Info: Antonis Mor (1519–1575) Alternative names Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Description Dutch painter and draughtsman Date of birth/death 1519 1575 Location of birth/death Utrecht (city) Antwerp Work location Utrecht (city) (1544), Antwerp (1547-1550), Rome (1550), Portugal (1552-1553), Utrecht (city) (1554), England (1554-1555), Northern Netherlands (1555-1559), Spain (1559-1560), Utrecht (city) (1560-1567), Antwerp (1567-1575) Authority control VIAF: 59880206 LCCN: nr92040473 GND: 118784749 ULAN: 500027909 ISNI: 0000 0000 9649 9918 WorldCat Image So...
Stadtholder =======Image-Copyright-Info======= Image is in public domain Artist-Info: Antonis Mor (1519–1575) Alternative names Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Description Dutch painter and draughtsman Date of birth/death 1519 1575 Location of birth/death Utrecht (city) Antwerp Work location Utrecht (city) (1544), Antwerp (1547-1550), Rome (1550), Portugal (1552-1553), Utrecht (city) (1554), England (1554-1555), Northern Netherlands (1555-1559), Spain (1559-1560), Utrecht (city) (1560-1567), Antwerp (1567-1575) Authority control VIAF: 59880206 LCCN: nr92040473 GND: 118784749 ULAN: 500027909 ISNI: 0000 0000 9649 9918 WorldCat Image Source: ...
Restaurationskrieg Der Restaurationskrieg (portugiesisch Guerra da Restauração) war eine militärische Auseinandersetzung in den Jahren von 1640 bis 1668.Das Königreich Portugal, welches seit 1580 in Personalunion mit dem Königreich Spanien verbunden war, erkämpfte in diesem Konflikt erfolgreich seine Unabhängigkeit.Er endete am 13.Februar 1668 mit dem Abschluss des Friedens von Lissabon. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Anthonis Mor (1519–1575) Alternative Namen Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Beschreibung nordniederländischer Maler und Zeichner Geburts-/Todesdatum 1519 1575 Geburts-/Todesort Utrecht Antwerpen Wirk...
Appears on the new album: "This Unruly Mess I've Made" out now! http://www.macklemore.com/shows iTunes: http://smarturl.it/79ihph Amazon: http://smarturl.it/6yc430 Google Play: http://bit.ly/1UjqPfa DANCE OFF (Feat. Idris Elba) DIRECTED BY Jason Koenig & Ryan Lewis WRITTEN BY Ryan Lewis & Ben Haggerty FEATURING Macklemore Idris Elba EXECUTIVE PRODUCER - M&RL; FILMS Honna Kimmerer 1st ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Paul Dahlke PRODUCERS Jason Koenig Alan Lee Baker Miranda Roach ART DIRECTOR John Lavin CHOREOGRAPHER Anna Matuszewski ASSISTANT CHOREOGRAPHER Hannah Wintrode COSTUME DESIGNER / LEAD STYLIST Logan Neitzel EDITED BY Ryan Lewis & Jason Koenig CAMERA DEPARTMENT Jason Koenig - Director of Photography Johnny Valencia - 2nd Camera Ryan Brown -1st AC Mitchell Overton - 2nd AC Ryan...
"Leonardo Da Vinci" (2004) "The Man Who Wanted to Know Everything" From about 7:00 till the end: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp5435BYE3M From the beginning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcCHmXhhA0s Images appearing in order: Michalangelo, Sistine Chapel detail: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/08/Sibyl_of_Delphi_-_Sistine_Chapel_-_closeup.JPG Raphael portrait:http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/detail/Detail_raphael.html?noframe Castagno Frsco:http://northernelectric.ca/medieval/hats/hatpix/castagno7.jpg Pisanello, Tempera: http://www.artexpertswebsite.com/pages/artists/artists_l-z/pisanello/Pisanello_TheVirginAndChildWithSaints.jpg Mantagna,Tempura: http://www.join2day.com/abc/M/mantegna/mantegna13.JPG Giorgione, Oil: http://www.wga.hu/art/g/giorgion/portra...
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Vídeo oficial de Romeo Santos de su tema 'Vale La Pena El Placer'. Haz clic aquí para escuchar a Romeo Santos en Spotify: http://smarturl.it/ROSSpot?IQid=RSVL Incluido en Formula, Vol. 1. Haz clic aquí para comprar el track o el álbum en iTunes: http://smarturl.it/RSFV1iTunes?IQid=RSVL Google Play: http://smarturl.it/RSVLPlay?IQid=RSVL Amazon: http://smarturl.it/RSFV1Am?IQid=RSVL Más de Romeo Santos Propuesta Indecente:https://youtu.be/QFs3PIZb3js Eres Mía: https://youtu.be/8iPcqtHoR3U Cancioncitas de Amor: https://youtu.be/jk4HYngf65w Pincha aquí http://smarturl.it/TLPlaylist?IQid=RSVL para escuchar más vídeos de buen Top Latino Sigue a Romeo Santos Página web: http://www.romeosantosonline.com/home/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RomeoSantosOfficial/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/r...
"Vivir Mi Vida Published on Dec 24, 2013Music video by Marc Anthony performing Vivir Mi Vida. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLCBuy Marc Anthony's ""3.0"" now on iTunes: http://www.smarturl.it/3.0Also visit:http://www.marcanthonyonline.comhttp://www.facebook.com/officialmarca...http://twitter.com/MarcAnthony"
A dozen BBVA Compass clients and journalists got a sneak peek at several Prado museum masterpieces of Spanish art that the bank helped bring to the U.S. for the first time. "It was a unique opportunity to see the gallery come alive with these amazing pieces of art, which are beautiful and awe-inspiring expressions of life," Manolo Sánchez, BBVA Compass president and CEO, said of the event at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. "Portrait of Spain: Masterpieces from the Prado" won't open to the public until Dec. 16, but the visitors were able to watch Monday as the museum's art handlers carefully hung paintings by Anthonis Mor, Jusepe de Ribera and Mariano Fortuny. More than 100 works will be on display at the museum through March 31. The Prado has never lent so many pieces from its collec...
SOS Børnebyerne samlede i dag ind til fordel for udsatte og forældreløse børn. Blandt indsamlerne var Remee. Læs historien her: http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/video-mors-dag-remee-samlede-ind-til-dem-der-ikke-har-en-mor --------------- Her på vores YouTube-kanal får du udvalgte nyhedsklip fra DR Nyheder. Det kan f.eks. være fra TV AVISEN, Deadline eller DR2. Du er velkommen til at indlejre/embedde klippene på din hjemmeside. Du kan altid finde programmer fra DR Nyheder i sin fulde længde på http://www.dr.dk/tv/find-program/genre/nyheder%20og%20aktualitet og læse flere nyheder på http://dr.dk/nyheder. Tag DR Nyheder med dig: Nyheds-app: Send sms med "APP" til 1212 eller hent den i App Store eller Google Play. Nyhedsbreve: http://nyhedsbreve.dr.dk/ Facebook: http://facebook.com/drn...
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19. Juli Der 19.Juli ist der 200.Tag des gregorianischen Kalenders (der 201.in Schaltjahren), somit bleiben noch 165 Tage bis zum Jahresende. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Anthonis Mor (1519–1575) Alternative Namen Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Beschreibung nordniederländischer Maler und Zeichner Geburts-/Todesdatum 1519 1575 Geburts-/Todesort Utrecht Antwerpen Wirkungsstätte Utrecht (1544), Antwerpen (1547-1550), Rom (1550), Portugal (1552-1553), Utrecht (1554), England (1554-1555), Northern Netherlands (1555-1559), Spanien (1559-1560), Utrecht (1560-1567), Antwerpen (1567-1575) Normdaten VIAF: 59880206 LCCN:...
Cristiano Ronaldo - Euro 2016 - Nike - The Switch - ft. Cristiano Ronaldo, Harry Kane, Anthony Martial & More Nike - Cristiano Ronaldo - The Switch - Euro 2016 - ft. Cristiano Ronaldo, Harry Kane, Anthony Martial & More Cristiano Ronaldo stars in AMAZING new Nike film - they've done it again Nike Football Presents: The Switch ft. Cristiano Ronaldo, Harry Kane, Anthony Martial & Mor
Football Stars Presents The Switch ft Cristiano Ronaldo,Harry Kane. Потрясающий клип со звездами
Margarethe von Parma Margarethe von Parma war eine uneheliche Tochter Kaiser Karls V.Sie wurde mit zwei italienischen Hochadligen vermählt, zuerst 1536 mit dem Herzog von Florenz, Alessandro de’ Medici.Nach dessen baldiger Ermordung heiratete sie 1538 in zweiter Ehe Ottavio Farnese.Ihr Halbbruder, der spanische König Philipp II., setzte sie 1559 als Statthalterin der habsburgischen Niederlande ein. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Anthonis Mor (1519–1575) Alternative Namen Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Beschreibung nordniederländischer Maler und Zeichner Geburts-/Todesdatum 1519 1575 Geburts-/Todesort Utrecht Antwe...
Erbprinz Der Titel Erbprinz oder Erbprinzessin bezeichnet in regierenden Fürstenfamilien dasjenige Kind, das für die Erb- und Rechtsnachfolge des oder der Regierenden vorgesehen ist , während mögliche Geschwister unberücksichtigt bleiben.Bei der Heirat eines Erbprinzen erhält seine Ehefrau den Titel Erbprinzessin.In kaiser- und königlichen Herrscherfamilien wird der vorgesehene Thronfolger als Kronprinz bezeichnet, die Thronfolgerin als Kronprinzessin. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Anthonis Mor (1519–1575) Alternative Namen Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Beschreibung nordniederländischer Maler und Zeichner Geburt...
Niederländisch-Portugiesischer Krieg Der Niederländisch-Portugiesische Krieg war ein Kolonialkrieg zwischen dem Königreich Portugal und der Republik der Vereinigten Niederlande, der in den Jahren von 1624 bis 1661 ausgetragen wurde.Die Hauptkampfhandlungen fanden in Südamerika und in Afrika statt.Der Konflikt endete ohne klaren Sieger. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Anthonis Mor (1519–1575) Alternative Namen Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Beschreibung nordniederländischer Maler und Zeichner Geburts-/Todesdatum 1519 1575 Geburts-/Todesort Utrecht Antwerpen Wirkungsstätte Utrecht (1544), Antwerpen (1547-1550), Rom...
Maria I. (England) Maria I.Tudor (englisch Mary Tudor), auch Maria die Katholische oder Maria die Blutige (* 18.Februar 1516 in Greenwich; † 17.November 1558 im St James’s Palace), war von 1553 bis 1558 Königin von England und Irland und der vierte Monarch des Hauses Tudor. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Anthonis Mor (1519–1575) Alternative Namen Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Beschreibung nordniederländischer Maler und Zeichner Geburts-/Todesdatum 1519 1575 Geburts-/Todesort Utrecht Antwerpen Wirkungsstätte Utrecht (1544), Antwerpen (1547-1550), Rom (1550), Portugal (1552-1553), Utrecht (1554), England (1554-15...
Restaurationskrieg Der Restaurationskrieg (portugiesisch Guerra da Restauração) war eine militärische Auseinandersetzung in den Jahren von 1640 bis 1668.Das Königreich Portugal, welches seit 1580 in Personalunion mit dem Königreich Spanien verbunden war, erkämpfte in diesem Konflikt erfolgreich seine Unabhängigkeit.Er endete am 13.Februar 1668 mit dem Abschluss des Friedens von Lissabon. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Anthonis Mor (1519–1575) Alternative Namen Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Beschreibung nordniederländischer Maler und Zeichner Geburts-/Todesdatum 1519 1575 Geburts-/Todesort Utrecht Antwerpen Wirk...
1516 год 1516 год — високосный год, начинающийся в субботу по григорианскому календарю.Это 1516 год нашей эры, 516 год 2 тысячелетия, 16 год XVI века, 6 год 2-го десятилетия XVI века, 7 год 1510-х годов. ---------Информация об изображении авторских прав---------- Профиль автора: Антонис Мор (1519–1575) Альтернативные имена Anthonis Moor, Anthony Moor, Anthonis Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Moor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor, Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Anthony Mor van Dashorst, Anthony More, Antonio Moro Описание Североголландский художник и рисовальщик Дата рождения/смерти 1519 1575 Место рождения/смерти Утрехт Антверпен Место творчества Утрехт (1544), Антверпен (1547-1550), Рим (1550), Португалия (1552-1553), Утрехт (1554), England (1554-1555), Northern Netherlands (1555-1559), Испания (1559-15...
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Recordiwyd yr addoliad yn fyw yng Nghaersalem, Caernarfon ar 12 Mawrth 2016. http://www.prsformusic.com http://wwwcaersalem.com https://www.facebook.com/caersalem/ Anhygoel ras yw hwn gan Jeremy Riddle, Josh Farro, Phil Wickham cyf. Robin & Alwena Luff © 2012 Bethel Music Publishing (Adm Song Solutions www.songsolutions.org); Phil Wickham Music/Seems Like Music/Sing My Songs (Adm Small Stone Media BV/Song Solutions www.songsolutions.org); Warner Chappell Music. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI Song #6333821 Dyfodol / Gorffennol gan John Mark Mcmillan cyf. Robin & Fi Luff © 2014 Song Solutions CopyCare; John Mark McMillan CCLI Song #7016287 Dad mor dda gan Anthony Brown & Pat Barrett cyf. Arwel E Jones, Alwena Luff © 2014 sixsteps Music/Vamos Publishing/worshiptogether...
December 2, 2016 - Iba't ibang media groups at personalities ang ginawaran sa Mabini media Awards 2016 sa Bulwagang Balagtas, PUP Manila. LIST OF WINNERS: Television Station of the Year: ABS-CBN Best Daytime Drama Series: Be My Lady (ABS-CBN) Best Primetime Drama Series: Ang Probinsyano (ABS-CBN) Best Comedy Series: Pepito Manaloto (GMA) Best Variety Show: Showtime (ABS-CBN) Best Talk Show: Gandang Gabi Vice (ABS-CBN) Best Sports Program: Sports U (ABS-CBN) Best Game/Reality Show: The Voice Kids (ABS-CBN) Best News Program: 24 Oras (GMA) Best Magazine Program: KMJS (GMA) Best Educational Program: Matanglawin (ABS-CBN) Best Public Affairs Program: Failon Ngayon (ABS-CBN) Best Documentary Series: I-Witness (GMA) Best Morning Program: UKG (ABS-CBN) Best Male News Anchor: Mike Enriquez Best Fe...
Chor Pe Mor is a 1990 film. The story is of two orphans friends, Raja (Karan Shah) and Anthony (Ashok Saraf). There is a robbery in the bank by a notorious gang. The gang leader (Kiran Kumar) hides the money in deserted well. Raja who is a struggling musician falls in love with Ritu (Neelam Khothari). This is not liked by Ritu's rich father. who hire goons to beat Raja who is beated and later thrown into the same deserted well where Raja finds the hidden loots. The bank robbery investigation appoints inspector Chanakya (Naseruddin Shah) on the mission to find the money and the thieves. SUBSCRIBE "Saregama Movies" channel for unlimited entertainment http://www.youtube.com/saregamamovies For more updates Follow us on Facebook :: http://www.facebook.com/Saregama Follow us on Twitter :: h...
08 06 2016 MIX 01. Sia ft Sean Paul - Cheap Thrills 02. Tom Enzy ft Knowkontrol - Take Me 03. Spazyboi - Bahn 04. Bart Gori - Walking To The Beat 05. Npackum - Takt 06. Didier Sinclair ft Lidy V - Feel The Wave 07. Zak Abel - Everybody Needs Love 08. DaSmokin Frogz ft Dirtylover - Stronger 09. DVRZT - We Could Fly 10. Alex Kosoglaz ft John Joshua & SKYLR - Out Of Time 11. Vicetone ft Cosmos & Creature - Bright Side 12. Khrebto - New York 13. DASCO ft Crystal Monee - Strike Me Down 14. Boehm - Somebody's Watching Me 15. Toby Green - Everytime 16. G-Eazy vs Bebe Rexha - Me, Myself & I 17. Generik - Late At Night 18. Sugarmaster ft Ito-G & Bikro Digg - Wonderful Life 19. Anthony El Mejor vs DJ Denis Rublev - Mackocear Mor 20. Diskodude - Le Freak 21. Kitebeak - Coke 22. Semih Erkol ft Vedat ...
All tracks selected and mixed by Dread Mike Tracklist: Sizzla - Must Have Fi Make Erup - Girlz Dem Love Me Elephant man - Show Mi Di Wine Cush Hunta - Tenament Yard Richie Stephens - Gun A Nuh Fun Chico - Gallivant Mr. Vegas - Nobody Mad Cobra - Mek Mi See Di Gal Dem Crissy D - Here Comes The Rain General Degree - My Kind A Gal Harry Toddler - Fool Dem Bwoy Mr. Vegas - Stop Man Food Ninja Ford - Confront The Ninja Elephant Man - We Don't Give A F--K Cali Bud Productions - Sugar And Wate Frankie Paul - Alesha Half Pint - Greetings Super Cat - Under Pressure Peter Metro - No Problem Perfect - Light This Joint Luton Fyah - Bad Traffic Tanya Stephens - I'm Not Proud Glen Washington - I Could Not Do That Sizzla - Shoe Mor Love To The Youth Anthony B - Whats Going On Richie Spice - Wha The World...
*******IF YOU LIKE THIS ALBUM, PLEASE BUY IT!******* **SUPPORT THE BANDS AND THE MUSIC YOU LOVE!** Technical deathcore from Melbourne, Australia. Line-up on this album: Anthony Melbourne - vocals Armarin Saengsri - guitars Tyrone Burke - guitars Anthony Mar - bass Josh Reynolds - drums HIROSHIMA WILL BURN: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hiroshima-Will-Burn/108345212857 http://www.myspace.com/hiroshimawillburn 1. Methodical Disfigurement (00:00 - 04:37) 2. In Voluptate Mors (04:37 - 09:02) 3. Enigmatic Consumption (09:02 - 12:36) 4. Laberinto (12:36 - 16:25) 5. Martyrium (16:25 - 20:59) 6. Defilement (20:59 - 24:28) 7. Ad Pondus Omnium (24:28 - 29:09) 8. The Black Death (29:09 - 31:37) Buy the album here: http://www.jbhifionline.com.au/music/hard-rock-heavy-metal/to-the-weight-of-all-t...
~play list~ ✿. Set fire to the rain - Adele ✿. Bhalobasha tarpor - ArnoB ✿. Borosha - Shironamhin ✿. Carnival of rust - Poets of the fall ✿. Brishty tomake dilam - Shrikanka ✿. Tears & rain - James blunt ✿. Uru uru mon - Aurthohin ✿. Shraboner megh gulo - Different touch ✿. Rain - Breaking benjamin ✿. Akash meghe dhaka - Dj Rahat ✿. Jokhoni nibir kore - Elita ✿. Ai brishty veja raate - Lincoln d'costa ✿. Hothat brishty - Nachiketa ✿. Rain over me - Pitbull ft Marc anthony ✿. Badolo diner prothomo kodom ful - Lili Islam & Chanchal khan ✿. Ami brishty dekhechi - Anjan dutta & Somlata ✿. Kadche akash - Bappa ✿. Ek boroshay - Shawon. ✿. Aghate aghate - Ayub bachchu ✿. Borosha - Kona ✿. Mor vabonare - Shahana ✿. Aji akash - Adit ✿. Brishty - Obscure ✿. Anando dhara - Shrikanta
Click 4 Free Download - https://soundcloud.com/corey_biggs_aka_rockstar/music-is-the-drug-102-breath/download Description Living within the 'Breath of Dance' is the attempt to coerce the Universal, the finite in conflict with the infinite within 2 hour of Dance Music. Our permanent Well-being will be best conserved by your Conscious "Rockstar" Cooperation with the Continuos forward movement of the Great Whole. In Love, Wholeness & Oneness Corey Biggs Corey Biggs Tracklist 1. Music sounds better with you (Alessio Collina Re-edit) - Stardust 2. She's An Animal Extended Mix - Easton Gunn 3. Hoochie - Tom Flynn 4. Conjure Balearia - Maceo Plex 5. The Living (Affkt & Darlyn Vlys Remix) - Vanilla Ace 6. Longo Longo - German Brigante 7. Pistol Whip (Juan K Paul Remix) - Marks & OZ 8. With Just ...