
Apollo Program
Apollo Program
This is a photo slideshow that I made about NASA's historic Apollo Program. The music is the opening theme from the movie "Apollo 13".

Tribute to the Apollo program
Tribute to the Apollo program
The launch and first stage of the journey to the Moon, created with 'Orbiter' flight simulator

Apollo program. On board film 16mm.
Apollo program. On board film 16mm.
Taken from Internet Archive (www.archive.org) an amazing testimony of something that happened more than 40 years ago, nowadays an impossible achievement to our ultra-sophisticated society. Are we still in the space age?

Refused - The Apollo Programme Was A Hoax
Refused - The Apollo Programme Was A Hoax
Refused song from the album The Shape Of Punk to Come: Petrol bombs & barricades Anything to have our say Consequence of no choice at all Empires rise & empires fall Now it's time to flip some coins And it's time to turn some tables (Cause if we have the vision I know that we are able) Suck on my words for a while, choke in the truth of a million dead There is no prestige in your title, we are after your head The destruction of everything is the beginning of something new Your new wold is on fire and soon you'll be (too) Sabotage will set us free Throw a rock in the machine Sabotage will set us free Throw a rock in the machine Throw a rock in the machine Throw a rock in the machine And btw, sorry for the random picture xD.

Apollo Program Part3: Eagle Landed
Apollo Program Part3: Eagle Landed
Apollo Program Part3: Eagle Landed

【PV】sgt. - Apollo Program
【PV】sgt. - Apollo Program
sgt. official site sgt-web.net 2nd mini album 『capital of gravity』 01. Kalliope | 2 02. Apollo Program | 7:01 03. Tears of na-ga | 8:25 04. Ant's planet | 4:55 05. Epsilon | 10:20 06. 銀河の車窓から -reprise- [Tyme. Remix] -remixed by Tyme.(MAS) | 8:20 INCLUDED 6 TRACKS / TIME 41:24 価格:\1980(税込) / \1886(税抜) 品番:PEMY-005(penguin:14) 特殊ブックレット:短編小説封入 PV Director : mitchel (visual and echo japan / nego)

NASA: Apollo Program Overview (1989)
NASA: Apollo Program Overview (1989)
APOLLO PRESENTATION FOR THE ASTRODOME JSC1116 - (1989) - 7 Minutes This program features a condensed look at Apollo mission milestones. It was created for presentation at the Houston Astrodome during Apollo 11 20th Anniversary celebrations. NASA footage from the Apollo missions. JFK Speech.

NASA's Anomalies above the Moon - UFOs captured on film during the Apollo Program
NASA's Anomalies above the Moon - UFOs captured on film during the Apollo Program
This presentation is a simple compilation of some more anomalous photographs and 16mm DAC film footage that I have archived during my years of research and investigation looking into the activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The images and footage shown here were taken during the Apollo program, filmed by the astronaut flight crews during their journeys to and from the Moon. Most of what I show here involves "lunar transients" - unidentified objects in space that were captured on film as they transited in front of (or passed near) a celestrial body such as the Moon or Earth. I believe many of these objects are not on the lunar surface, but rather were above the lunar surface when captured on film. I also include several examples of NASA image obfuscation as well, just to help highlight the fact that the space agency also removes anomalous objects from frame in order to "sanitize" scenes prior to official archive release so as to ensure they do not reveal too much of the truth about what is really up there. Hope you enjoy! Cheers, LC Here are a few links to the last set of images I show, dealing with the detection of cropping obfuscation being employed to sanitize the scenes. NASA "Gateway" archive link to frame#AS11-36-5319 - shows object off the Earth's limb. eol.jsc.nasa.gov NASA "LPI" archive version of #AS11-36-5319 that does not show the object (residue of the cropping is detectable under enhancement) www.lpi.usra.edu Cropping proof <b>...</b>

The Apollo-Program : An Orbiter Film with original footage
The Apollo-Program : An Orbiter Film with original footage
this is my new orbiter film its about the apollo program enjoy ;)

NASA Apollo Program - Prime Crew Potraits | Apollo 1 - Apollo 17
NASA Apollo Program - Prime Crew Potraits | Apollo 1 - Apollo 17
Video Image of the Prime Crew Astronaut's of the United State's Apollo Program manned spaceflight mission's undertook by NASA In the late 1960's & early 1970's which landed the first humans on Earth's moon. ● Apollo 1 (Pad Test) - 0:18 Commander : Gus Grissom Senior Pilot : Ed White Pilot : Roger Chaffee ● Apollo 7 : (Earth Orbital) - 0:42 Commander : Wall Schirra Command Module Pilot : Donn Eisele Lunar Module Pilot : Walter Cunningham ● Apollo 8 : (Lunar Orbital) - 1:09 Commander : Frank Borman Command Module Pilot : Jim Lovell Lunar Module Pilot : William Anders ● Apollo 9 : (Earth Orbital) - 1:36 Commander : Jim McDivitt Command Module Pilot : Dave Scott Lunar Module Pilot : Rusty Schweickart ● Apollo 10 : (Lunar Orbital) - 2:02 Commander : Tomas Stafford Command Module Pilot : John Young Lunar Module Pilot : Gene Cernan ● Apollo 11 : (1st Lunar Landing) - 2:30 Commander : Neil Armstrong Command Module Pilot : Michael Collins Lunar Module Pilot : Buzz Aldrin ● Apollo 12 : (Lunar Landing) - 2:56 Commander : Pete Conrad Command Module Pilot : Richard Gordon Lunar Module Pilot : Alan Bean ● Apollo 13 : (Failed Lunar Landing) - 3:24 Commander : Jim Lovell Command Module Pilot : Jack Swigert Lunar Module Pilot : Fred Haise ● Apollo 14 : (Lunar Landing) - 3:49 Commander : Alan Shepard Command Module Pilot : Stuart Rossa Lunar Module Pilot : Edgar Mitchell ● Apollo 15 : (Lunar Landing) - 4:16 Commander : Dave Scott Command Module Pilot : Al Worden Lunar Module <b>...</b>

JFK and the Apollo Program
JFK and the Apollo Program
A slide show including an audio track of JFK's two major speeches related to the Apollo Program, the Apollo 11 liftoff and the first Moon landing

Apollo Program and Schenectady Engineer Harold Chestnut
Apollo Program and Schenectady Engineer Harold Chestnut
Hal Chestnut at GE helps with Apollo mission planning by using his expertise in systems engineering and automation. After Apollo 11 successfully lands in 1969 he is congratulated by Alexander Letov of the Russian Space Program. General Electric has contributed in many ways to the space program, often without any recognition. See more engineering videos on our YouTube channel

Leadership lessons from Mission Control
Leadership lessons from Mission Control
Through the exploration of critical Apollo Missions, The Conference Board Leadership Experiences Apollo Program offers insights to help executives maintain excellence in execution, improve workforce readiness, and develop strategies for implementing change. The program takes place on site at Johnson Space Center and Kennedy Space Center. For more info and to register: www.conferenceboard.org/apollo Or contact: Jeff Jackson The Conference Board (+1) 212 339 0380 jeff.jackson@conferenceboard.org To learn more about becoming a member of The Conference Board, visit www.conferenceboard.org/membership or contact membership services at: Americas Tel: +1 212 339 0230 | Email: Asd_web@conference-board.org China Tel: +86-10-8532-4688 | Email: david.hoffman@conference-board.org Europe/Africa/Middle East Tel: +32 2 675 54 05 | E-mail: brussels@conference-board.org Hong Kong Tel: +852 2804 1000 | Email: service.ap@conference-board.org India Tel: +91 9987548045 | Email: julian.dsouza@conference-board.org Singapore Tel: +65 6325 3121 | Email: service.ap@conference-board.org

The Apollo Program Was a Hoax?
The Apollo Program Was a Hoax?
This is a Video Response to "Apollo 17: the moving magic mound" where johanbjorkmandotcom raise questions about the veracity of the Apollo program as a whole. The link to "Apollo 17: the moving magic mound": www.youtube.com -.-. .... . . .-. ... / -- .- - .

Aliens on the moon. UFOs. the secret dossier of the Apollo program. Apollo 18, 19, 20 (Part 1 of 2)
Aliens on the moon. UFOs. the secret dossier of the Apollo program. Apollo 18, 19, 20 (Part 1 of 2)
Old TV show. Censored by the Spanish government in the 70's. incredible!!! Buildings on the moon. alien´s UFO encounters

Projects Mercury, Gemini & Apollo Overview - NASA Educational Documentary
Projects Mercury, Gemini & Apollo Overview - NASA Educational Documentary
This film features historical film clips from NASA Mercury, Gemini & Apollo projects. Scenes include launches, on-orbit activities, and splash downs. Another version of this film with different audio track is available at www.youtube.com The film made available courtesy NASA / NASAimages.org

Aliens on the moon. UFOs. the secret dossier of the Apollo program. Apollo 18, 19, 20 (Part 2 of 2)
Aliens on the moon. UFOs. the secret dossier of the Apollo program. Apollo 18, 19, 20 (Part 2 of 2)
Part 2 of 2!!!attention! Old TV show. Censored by the Spanish government in the 70's. incredible!!! Buildings on the moon. alien´s UFO encounters

Apollo 17 - On The Shoulders Of Giants (1973) HD
Apollo 17 - On The Shoulders Of Giants (1973) HD
Credit: NASA/JSC Launch date: December 6,1972 Astronauts: Eugene A. Cernan, Ronald E. Evans, and Harrison H. Schmitt A documentary view of the Apollo 17 journey to Taurus Littrow, the final lunar landing mission in the Apollo Program. The film depicts the highlights of the mission and then relates the Apollo Program to Skylab, the Apollo/Soyuz linkup and Space Shuttle. AWARDS: Chris Bronze Plaque Award, 21st Annual Columbus Film Festival, 1973 • Trophy of the Italian Department of Defense • 1st Inter- national Review of Cinema and TVFilms on Flight, Milan, Italy, 1974 • Special Prize, 11th International Review of Technical, Scientific and Educational Films, Pardubice, Czechoslovakia, 1973 HQ-227 — JSC-603 — (1973) — 28 Minutes

Kennedy Space Center NASA - The Apollo 8 Program - part 1
Kennedy Space Center NASA - The Apollo 8 Program - part 1
NASA and the Apollo Program brought back many memories from times gone by. As a kid in the late 60's watching the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite and seeing all the news about the astronauts and the space program. It seemed so surreal, so distant and today I was in the same room where these missions were controlled from.