mariam’s cake puppetry video

Gosh – it is done – glass of fizzy pop all round. I hope you like it.

A music video featuring the talents of legendary puppeteer Ronnie Le Drew on marionette ( and young blood Arran Glass on plants.

Director and Editor – Luck Pawlak (
Cinematography – Michael Rabinovitz and Lucy Pawlak

Violin – Basia Bartz
Accordion – Caitlin Roberts

Banjo – Iain Macleod
Drums – Joe Allen
Bass – Amy Bowles
Backing vocals – Jane South
Guitar and voice – Robin Grey

With thanks to Yoav Segal, Candida Alderson, Lesley Scott, and Damian Chrobak.

folklore at the boogaloo

Next Sunday 13th May I am playing at The Boogaloo in Highgate with a brilliant guest musician visiting from out of town. The venue is lovely and quite a celeb hangout by all accounts, possibly due to that fact that Shane MacGowan from The Pogues lived above it for years!

The promoter is Folklore who have a reputation for putting on a great show so I am sure the other acts will be a treat.

I am on at 5.30pm and there is music all afternoon from 3.30pm. Do come down if you are in the area. The Boogaloo, 312 Archway Road, Highgate, N6 5AT

stuck on you demo with iain

i am a very happy chap to have my old musical mate Iain back from his year training to be a teacher… we had a go at demoing an old new track today about old love… here it is…

The soundcloud player seems to be having some ‘in beta’ issues with firefox at the moment. Hopefully one of the above players will work for you.

skateboarding in egypt documentary

A lovely guy called Brett has been in contact about using some of my music in a documentary he has made on the emerging skateboarding scene in Egypt.

He currently has a kickstarter campaign going to raise money for this – have a peek at the trailer below and do head over here to see more –

Slipping: Skate’s Impact on Egypt (Official Trailer) from Brett Saunders on Vimeo.

songs from the shed

Whilst down in Somerset, Basia, Candy, Caitlin and I popped by to visit Jon, AKA Songs From The Shed (
He has had all manner of brilliant musicians come and perform for him over the years – do check out his site or youtube channel to see more.

Here is our performance of ‘The Finchley Waltz’ – enjoy…

’till dawn’ video from somerset

Whilst down in Somerset on an evening off from gigging we had a lovely night in at Caitlin’s folks place, messing about with a camera and a bottle of red wine. Here is a recording of Till Dawn from that session.

Recorded at The Old Chapel, Kilmersdon in Somerset, on 3rd March 2012 – watch on youtube
Featuring Candy Parfitt on backing vocals, Caitlin Roberts on accordion and Basia Bartz on violin

european tour confirmed for july/august

I am utterly delighted to announce that I will be touring Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany with Songs and Whispers in July and August.

Just putting the gigs on this site took me ages and knackered me out so heaven knows what doing somewhere near thirty shows in just shy of four weeks is going to do to me.

I have put most of them up on my gigs page – some details may change but if you live anywhere west Germany be reassured I will be playing somewhere near you! Below is the fruit of my geeky friday night in with google maps :-)