
Woman warrior in ancient Gaul
Woman warrior in ancient Gaul
Scene from the movie Vercingétorix (2001)

Ancient Rome VII - Invasion by the Gauls
Ancient Rome VII - Invasion by the Gauls
This is the seventh ofmany chapters in History with a Twist of Lime's look on "The Historical History of Ancient Rome." This chapter looks at the defeat and sacking of Rome in 387 BC at the hands of the invading Gallic Senone peoples from modern-day France, and the exorbitant ransom that the Gallic chief Brennus made Roman dictator Camillus and the city pay in return for their departure. We also see how Rome rebounded from the loss to the Gauls, tightening their military tactics and constructing the Servian Wall around the city, allowing Rome to become an even stronger presence in the Italian peninsula. As this is one of many chapters being produced over this project, I would invite you to watch the other chapters dealing with the history of Ancient Rome. They can be viewed seamlessly under this playlist on YouTube: www.youtube.com References: Cavazzi, Franco. "The Early Roman Republic." Illustrated History of the Roman Empire. 19 June 2008. www.roman-empire.net Kidney, Frank L., et al. "Making Europe: People, Politics, and Culture." Vol. 1. Houghton Mifflin, 2009. Livius, Titus. "Ab Urbe Condita" (literally translated as "From the City Having Been Founded," but commonly known as "The History of Rome"). Composed: 1st century BC Mackey, Christopher S. "Ancient Rome: A Military and Political History." Cambridge University Press, 2004.

The Gauls.wmv
The Gauls.wmv
Gaul is a historical name used in the context of Ancient Rome in references to the region of Western Europe approximating present day Netherlands and Germany on the left bank of the Rhine. . Gauls under Brennus defeated Roman forces in a battle circa 390 BC. The peak of Gaulish expansion was reached in the 3rd century BC, in the wake of the Gallic invasion of the Balkans of 281-279 BC. During the 2nd and 1st century BC, Gaul fell under Roman rule. Gallia Cisalpina was conquered in 203 BC, Gallia Narbonensis in 123 BC. Gaul was invaded by the Cimbri and the Teutons after 120 BC, who were in turn defeated by the Romans by 101 BC. Julius Caesar finally subdued the remaining parts of Gaul in his campaigns of 58 to 51 BC. Roman control of Gaul lasted for five centuries, until the last Roman rump state, the Domain of Soissons, fell to the Franks in AD 486. During this time, The Celtic culture had become amalgamated into a Gallo-Roman culture and the Gaulish language was likely extinct by the 6th century. There have been attempts to trace Keltoi and Galatai to a single origin. It is most likely that the terms originated as names of minor tribes * Kel-to and/or Gal(a)-to- which were the earliest to come into contact with the Roman world, but which have disappeared without leaving a historical record. The name is sometimes linked to the name Gael,[by whom?] which is, however, derived from Old Irish Goidel (derived, in turn, from Old Welsh Guoidel "Irishman", now spelled Gwyddel <b>...</b>

The Dying Gaul (2005) - Movie Trailer
The Dying Gaul (2005) - Movie Trailer
"The Dying Gaul" feels like an updated "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" set in Hollywood instead of academia. But it gradually veers towards "Fatal Attraction" as the opening jabs at commercial film-making, with lots of name and title dropping that seem to be writer Craig Lucas's revenge on compromises he made for his successful "Prelude to a Kiss," give way to catastrophic psychological manipulation. The initial Hollywood commentary is emphasized through the settings, as the movie producer, Campbell Scott, and his ex-writer/liberal activist/household and children manager wife, Patricia Clarkson, live in an extraordinary house with a rippling pool and ocean view. Their financial success is wielded like a weapon as the camera restlessly swoops around all their possessions, household help and scenic property. The emotional price he's paid for this is clear as Scott's "Jeffrey" could be in "Glengarry Glen Ross" (to drop film titles like he does) as he'll clearly do anything to seal a deal. Peter Sarsgaard drives on to the studio lot and into their lives with a completely different character from his four other released films this year, with inflections and body language that only occasionally get a bit too flamboyant as affectations of an out gay writer discussing issues of sexuality in the movies and his late lover. His grief and need for human warmth is so palpable that it is even believable that after failing with psychological counseling and Buddhism to deal with it, he <b>...</b>

Spyro vs Gaul
Spyro vs Gaul
I went on this Spyro website and its really cool! I watched a few videos on it and found this one. I find it funny so i thought i'd download it and put it on Youtube. Well, enjoy! ;)

Dying Gaul, c. 220 BCE
Dying Gaul, c. 220 BCE
Dying Gaul, ancient Roman marble copy of a lost bronze Greek sculpture, c. 220 BCE www.smarthistory.org

Rome Total War Online Battle #1063: Gaul vs Rome
Rome Total War Online Battle #1063: Gaul vs Rome
Please watch in "High Quality." I command the Gauls. Kalle2345 commands the Julii Romans. Map: Thracian Foothills Comment: For some reason, there's 30 seconds of footage cut out of the video, but the only thing you miss is me saying "This was fought on the Thracian Foothills with lots of hill, blah, blah, blah," etc. lol

Avaricum oppidum in Gaul
Avaricum oppidum in Gaul
Scene from the movie Vercingétorix (2001) Avaricum was an oppidum in ancient Gaul, near what is now the city of Bourges. Avaricum, situated in the lands of the Biturges, was the largest and best-fortified town within their territory, situated on very fertile lands. The terrain favored the oppidum, as it was flanked by a river and marshland, with only a single narrow entrance. Julius Caesar, after a series of victories at Vellaunodunum, Genabum, and Noviodunum, had arrived at Avaricum in the winter of 52 BC, intent on denying its grain and steel to the rebellious Gauls. Vercingetorix, aware that he had been already been bested three times, decided to change tactics. Calling together a council of the tribes in rebellion against Rome, he convinced them to adopt Fabian strategy, never offering combat with Caesar's forces, and denying them supplies. All the towns within range of Caesar's foraging parties were destroyed, the land stripped bare, and all grain removed or burned. However, Avaricum was spared this fate since the Biturges argued the town was impossible to take, and Vercingetorix agreed to make the town an exception. However, upon Caesar's appearance at the gates of Avaricum, Vercingetorix moved his army to a distance fifteen miles outside town, perfectly situated so Caesar could not leave without a battle, nor could he forage at will. To add to his woes, Caesar's allies, the Aedui and the Boii, were unable to supply him, the former because they had quietly joined <b>...</b>

Rome Total War Online Battle #1846: Gaul vs Macedon (siege without walls)
Rome Total War Online Battle #1846: Gaul vs Macedon (siege without walls)
Siege battle (no walls). I command the Gauls (defender). My opponent, Krytta, commands Macedon (attacker). Denarii: 15000 ARMIES: GAUL (Prince_of_Macedon) - 6 Chosen Swordsmen (g/g) - 6 Swordsmen (g/g) - 2 Naked Fanatics (g/g + 1 Exp) - 1 Naked Fanatic (g/g) - 14982 denarii MACEDON (Krytta) - 6 Royal Pikemen (g/g) - 1 Macedonian Cavalry (g/) - 6 Archers (g/g) - 4 Cretans (g/g) - 14980 denarii

How to Play Travian Online : Travian Tribes: Gauls Tutorial
How to Play Travian Online : Travian Tribes: Gauls Tutorial
The Gauls are a defensive tribe in Travian Online. Learn how to play Travian Online in this free video tutorial series with Travian experts. Expert: Justin Hoyland & John Cengel Bio: Justin Hoyland and John Cengel (currently ranked #9) are in the top 1% of the more than 25000 players in the speed server of the online game Travian. Filmmaker: Antonia Hoyland

Rest & Gaul - Flowtci (Prod. DJ Fatte)
Rest & Gaul - Flowtci (Prod. DJ Fatte)
Novoroční dárek v podobě singlu Flowtci od dvojice Rest a Gaul aka Paulie Garand. Beat a scratche obstaral DJ Fatte. Ty Nikdy ani v roce 2012 nehodlá polevit. Těšit se můžeš na nové desky, klipy a další překvapení. Stahuj zdarma zde: soundcloud.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tynikdy.cz twitter.com/tynikdylabel soundcloud.com/tynikdy facebook.com/tynikdylabel tynikdy.bandcamp.com

Rome Total War Online Battle #1330: Gaul vs Rome
Rome Total War Online Battle #1330: Gaul vs Rome
Please watch in "High Quality." I command the army of Gaul. ThisLandIsRoman, my opponent, uses the Romans.

Black Devil Disco Club The Devil In Us
Black Devil Disco Club The Devil In Us
French 70's Disco ahead of it time.......

Mount & Gladius - Romae vs Gaul [Jan 22nd event]
Mount & Gladius - Romae vs Gaul [Jan 22nd event]
This is the event hosted by dmonkey on the taleworlds forums. Its for a mod for Mount&Blade:Warband, the mod is called Mount and Gladius. You can read about it and download it here: forums.taleworlds.com Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com Follow me on Justin.tv: www.twitch.tv Got any questions? Email me at: GamerDudesterMail@gmail.com Also be sure to join the GD Fan page on Steam for easier communication and if you want to play some game together: steamcommunity.com If you're a Shogun 2 player you can also join the Matsuda Family which is now public: steamcommunity.com

Travian T4 Gaul NLX Record
Travian T4 Gaul NLX Record
Please view in 720P and fullscreen for the best results. The songs in the video are: - Cult of personality by Living Colour - I Came To Play by Downstait Youtube policy allows the fair use of these songs under certain circumstances. We reflect our right to fair use by only playing a part of the full songs. Also, this video will not be viewed by a lot of people, thus not harming the rightful owners of the content in this video. Thank you for understanding.

Rome : Total Realism VII HD Gaul vs Rome
Rome : Total Realism VII HD Gaul vs Rome
This is a custom battle I fought against the AI on the hard setting. Though they weren't hard even on that setting. It does show that the armies of Gaul would have had a much better chance against the Romans than they do on RTW. Well enjoy the video.

The Last Stand Of The Gauls 1.2
The Last Stand Of The Gauls 1.2
This is an alternate version of the original "Last Stand Of The Gauls" Hopefully it does the original justice ^^ Rome marches to Alesia (Gauls Capital) in the hope to expand their empire, but the Gauls rode out and met them head on.