Sarah Palin

Ashley Judd has her eye on Sarah Palin

by Karen on February 6, 2009

In September of last year I wrote a piece on why I hate Sarah Palin. Number one on that list was her support of a unnecessary program of hunting wolves by air.  Now that she’s back in Alaska she apparently wants to broaden the program:

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Palin open to run in 2012

by Karen on November 11, 2008

Godwilling, Palin is open to running for president in 2012.

In a wide-ranging interview with Fox News, the 44-year-old said: “I’m like, OK, God, if there is an open door for me somewhere, this is what I always pray, I’m like, don’t let me miss the open door. Show me where the open door is.”

The mother-of-five added: “And if there is an open door in [20]12 or four years later, and if it is something that is going to be good for my family, for my state, for my nation, an opportunity for me, then I’ll plough through that door.”

Love or hate her, Palin is from the base of the Republican party which, IMHO, explains all the attacks on her from the upper ranks of the party.  It must scare the shit out of them that they could end up having to cowtow to the hateful and intentionally ignorant mob they’ve brought into existence over the last 40 years.

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The best thing about Obama winning?

November 11, 2008

Watching the hate machine devour itself.  It’s fucking hilarious. Here’s another article over at Alternet about what’s been going on since McCain lost.  Fox “news” is trying to disown the lynch mob it created and the Freepers are planning to boycott Fox over the disowning. McCain’s inner circle is trying to blame everything on Sarah [...]

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Don’t blame us, blame Palin

November 6, 2008

The meltdown on the right continues and some of those on the right seem quite intent on drowning Palin in the runoff. They’ve quit pulling their punches since McCain conceded and there seems to be no end to the pile on. First we heard that the guy who recommended Palin refused to let her speak [...]

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So, about Sarah Palin…

November 5, 2008

Think we’ve seen the last of her with Obama & Biden’s resounding defeat of Team Hate? I’d like to say yes as the GOP got it’s ass handed to it last night.  It didn’t just fail to retain the White House last night.  It got the door’s slammed in it’s face.   I can’t see it [...]

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What this woman is going to remember

October 28, 2008

Some Republican strategist has decided to share with us seven reasons McCain and Palin will be coming out the winners come November 4th. Reason number four is none other than women ‘who feel Senator Clinton was treated unfairly’ by the party, the media and Obama. We’re allegedly going to remember this and vote against Obama. [...]

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It’s only terrorism if ‘innocent’ Americans are terrorized

October 26, 2008

Just when I think I couldn’t possibly dislike Sarah Palin more than I already dislike her, she gives an interview where she gets a bit huffy when asked if she considers those who blow up reproductive health clinics to be domestic terrorists. For those who can’t or don’t want to watch the video, here’s the [...]

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Did God tell Palin "No"?

October 22, 2008

According to this report on CBS Palin recently told James Dobson that she needed people to intercede with God on her behalf. In an interview posted online Wednesday, Sarah Palin told Dr. James Dobson, one of the nation’s most prominent evangelical Christian leaders, that she feels the power of prayer wherever she goes on the [...]

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Why John chose Sarah

October 19, 2008

Have you ever wondered what crawled up McCain’s ass and led him to choose Sarah Palin?  Well, wonder no more. Here’s the man himself on why he chose a woman who has claimed that women who do not support her are going to hell to be one half of he Republican ticket: If you’re a [...]

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Another reason I’m going to Hell

October 6, 2008

I’m going to hell for a variety of reasons according to the good book.  Chief amongst them is that I have committed the unpardonable sin. I also do not support Sarah Palin who misquoted Margaret Thatcher (video of Palin’s remark) by saying there’s a place in hell reserved for women who do not support other [...]

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