Religious Right

One nutter to another: you ain’t nutty enough

by Karen on February 18, 2009

This is almost too good. A right wing Christian group has issued a report card on other right wing Christian groups and found them lacking in the nut department:



Continue reading for the answer and a video comparing it to the Dunkirk Evacuation of Allied Troops in WWII.

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Shall we call them fuckwits instead?

by Karen on February 13, 2009

The Religious Right is upset (again). They’ve decided that it hurts their feefees when we refer to them as the religious right and they’re not going to take it anymore (via: Pam Spalding):

The term “Religious Right” pops up every election cycle, but leaders often identified with the political movement say that while their constituencies remain strong, the catchphrase deserves a proper burial.

However, several politically conservative evangelicals said in interviews that they do not want to be identified with the “Religious Right,” “Christian Right,” “Moral Majority,” or other phrases still thrown around in journalism and academia.

As you can probably guess from the title I’m somewhat partial to calling them fuckwits.  How about you? What do you think we should call ‘em instead?

ETA: Check out this thread on Shakesville for some excellant ideas such as “Cooter Inspectors” by Shaker JJohnson.

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Obama chooses Warren to represent him

December 17, 2008

I take one measly nap and look what happens. Obama has chosen Rick Warren to give the invocation at his inauguration. President-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration ceremony will feature musical performances by Aretha Franklin, Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman, according to the congressional committee orchestrating the inaugural program. Rick Warren, the evangelical pastor of Saddleback Church, [...]

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Vatican supports executions of gay people

December 7, 2008

It has, afterall, decided it will oppose a UN resolution calling for the decriminalisation of homosexuality which is punishable by death in several countries. Gay rights groups and newspaper editorials on Tuesday condemned the Vatican for its decision to oppose a proposed U.N. resolution calling on governments worldwide to de-criminalise homosexuality. The row erupted after [...]

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The [sane] Catholics strike back

November 20, 2008

Want evidence that not all Christians are bat shit crazy nutballs who want to establish a theocracy here in the United States?  Well, then you need to check out what the Catholics for Choice have to say about Bill Donohue(PDF) and the Catholic League. It is not pretty nor nice, but it’s most definitely a [...]

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The best thing about Obama winning?

November 11, 2008

Watching the hate machine devour itself.  It’s fucking hilarious. Here’s another article over at Alternet about what’s been going on since McCain lost.  Fox “news” is trying to disown the lynch mob it created and the Freepers are planning to boycott Fox over the disowning. McCain’s inner circle is trying to blame everything on Sarah [...]

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Shouldn’t they throw a party?

September 29, 2008

Danny Funderburk, mayor of Fort MIll, SC, recently forwarded an email claiming that Obama was the other Christian boogeyman, The Antichrist.  Some folks are utterly shocked that such a thing could happen in this day and age. Heh. Christians have a long established tradition of calling people antichrists.  Even Martin Luther couldn’t resist the tug [...]

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Screaming to commence in 3…2…1…

September 25, 2008

The religious right and other assorted religious bigots love to scream about how they’re being persecuted here in America.  Some are so damned bad they’ve declared telling them to leave you alone is an act of persecution. The fact of the matter is that Christians are in fact persecuted in the United States.  One such [...]

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Pat Robertson: Islam is not a religion

April 9, 2008

After an interview with Bernard Lewis about the “clash of civilizations” (aka: my god vs. your god) on the 700 Club, Pat Robertson went on to espouse that “Islam is not a religion”, but a “political system bent on world domination” that disguises itself as religion. Methinks ole Pat is getting soft with age as [...]

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Mississippi swears it will protect women from themselves unless they’re raped

February 4, 2008

Mississippi is still doing it’s part in destroying the rights of women, but this time they’ve decided to amuse the rest of us by contradicting themselves without realizing it because HB 220 (PDF) contains this gem: A pregnant mother possesses certain inherent rights that are natural intrinsic rights which enjoy affirmative protection under the Constitution [...]

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