Barack Obama

O’Donnell Aide: Obama “still” a Muslim

by Karen on September 20, 2010

Obama laughing

An aide to Christine O’Donnell seems to be a bit convinced that Obama has spent the last 20 or so years fabricating being a Christian and is, in fact, “still” a Muslim:

Moseley asserted that because Obama had recited to a reporter the Muslim call to prayer (which he apparently learned as a child in Indonesia) he must be a Muslim: “According to Islamic scholars, reciting this Muslim declaration of faith makes one a Muslim.” … Maintaining that Obama attended school in Indonesia as a Muslim, Mosely noted, “Once a Muslim, always a Muslim.”

Why does he think Obama would do such a thing? Taqiyya!:

Islamic teaching encourages strategic deception, when necessary, to advance Islam throughout the world. It is possible that a Muslim could intentionally pose as a convert, in a church that talked about Jesus as only a moral teacher, as Muslims already believe.

You can read the whole thing over at Mother Jones. It’s worth the click. Trust me.

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Much ado was made about President Obama’s mentioning of non-believers in his inaugural speech, but now that the rubber has hit the road, Obama has decided to accept the title of Honorary President of the Boy Scouts:

Obama was meeting with a delegation of the Boy Scouts in the Oval Office on Tuesday afternoon, at which time he was to accept the group’s 2008 Report to the Nation.

A Boy Scouts spokesman said Obama has indicated he will accept the title of honorary president.

“We believe one of our greatest strengths as a nation is that we can disagree on a number of issues while agreeing to support the common good,” Deron Smith, a spokesman for BSA, told

“We’re a voluntary, private organization for families that share our values,” he added. “While many may disagree with our policies, there’s no question that we’re part of the common good and have been for 100 years.”

And one of those values is continued discrimination against non-believers and gay people.  I’m not surprised, but I am sick of the hypocrisy when it comes to dealing with bigotry against atheists and gay people.

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Obama: Anti-Christ or Hitler?

March 1, 2009

The Daily Show ‘interviews’ people who think Obama is the Christian’s anti-christ and others who think he’s the next Hitler.

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Obama on the Faith Based Office

February 5, 2009
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The New Prez Has a Backbone

January 24, 2009

One of the things that disturbed me about Obama when he was running for president was that he seemed to go out of his way to dismiss the idea that there were real issues between liberals (aka: blue) and conservatives (aka: red). Though he talked a great game, I was somewhat convinced that the first [...]

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The Cleanup Begins

January 21, 2009

According to CNN, Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel sent a memo out yesterday halting all pending regulations until Obama’s administration reviews them: White House officials tell CNN Obama Chief Staff of Staff Rahm Emanuel sent a memo Tuesday to all agencies and departments of the federal government. The memo halts further consideration of pending [...]

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Rick Warren scrubs site of anti-gay rules

December 23, 2008

The above used to be on Rick Warren’s website for his church until Obama chose to give his bigoted ass a place of honour at his inauguration. I guess we now know what he meant when he said he loved gay people – he meant only the ones that “repent of their homosexual lifestyle”, eh?

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A bridge too far

December 22, 2008

Much has been written about the insult that is Rick Warren giving the invocation at the inauguration of a Democratic president and de facto leader of a political party that is supposed to honour the civil and human rights of all, not just the civil and human rights of straight, preferably white, men. No one, [...]

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What will Warren say?

December 22, 2008

Someone has an idea or two on what Warren might say: O Lord, as we come together on this historic and solemn occasion to inaugurate a president and vice president. We pray, O Lord, for President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joseph Biden, to whom You have entrusted leadership of this nation at this moment [...]

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Fierce advocate?!?

December 18, 2008

Obama’s not only defended his choice of Rick Warren, but is also claiming to be a fierce advocate of equality for the LGBT community. Obama told reporters in Chicago that America needs to “come together,” even when there’s disagreement on social issues. He also said it’s “no secret” that he’s a “fierce advocate for equality” [...]

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