
Ramsgate Publicity Video 2008
Ramsgate Publicity Video 2008
This video uses audio from an original 1971 Ramsgate publicity video, but footage from recent times. PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE: RAMSGATE-PLEASURAMA.WEEBLY.COM

Ramsgate Portas Pilot Town Bid
Ramsgate Portas Pilot Town Bid
Ramsgate Arts have made this video on behalf of the Ramsgate Town Team bid to become a Portas Pilot Town. Ramsgate is a coastal town on the Isle of Thanet in Kent. Like many coastal towns, including the two other major towns in Thanet - Margate and Broadstairs - it has suffered the blight of vacant shops and a sickly high street over the past few years. Ramsgate is hoping to revitalise its town centre offering by creatively improving the link between its attractive Royal Harbour (the only Royal Harbour in the country) and stunning marina, along with the popular bars, cafes and restaurants on the seafront, to the high street. This is just one of the many imaginative initiatives we are proposing for the town. We have a strong Town Team in place, and full backing from our town centre retailers, town council, district council and other key stakeholders. Ramsgate Arts is a non-profit organisation made up of creative people who live in, and care about, our beautiful seaside town.

The Thanet Anthem - Margate, Ramsgate & Broadstairs
The Thanet Anthem - Margate, Ramsgate & Broadstairs
Thanet Anthem - The original version Lyrics; Welcome to a place where the best nightclub is escape, but its always shut. An art gallery that no one really even wants, opened by a slut. The pikey bumper cars replacing all the rides that got burnt down. The fact that woolworths probably owe there closure to this ugly town. So chill out on the beach and watch the asbo's break shit in Margate, Wasteman shithole, where dreams are trampled and robbed by the council, in Margate. high iq is under 32, get on the thanet loop, now your in Broadstairs..... Go down the dolphin if a broken nose is your idea of fun. feeling of de ja vu, the same band as last week, its EK1. All the emo kids that wanna slit there wrists cause they thinks it rocks. 3 schools in a row, but the kids cant go cause there in the docks. not sure i like what i see in the 2nd out of 3 im in Broadstairs Wasteman shithole, where dreams are trampled and robbed by the council, im still in Broadstairs, please get me out of here quickly cortina from Smiley, now im in Ramsgate Get out of the cab cant believe its just as bad, im just so bored. All these swanky bars and fancy drinks, that no one can afford. meant to be the best place to go out now, but its just a joke. cause everyone today has spent all there JSA on a ticket of coke. So Thanets all it seems, just a place of broken dreams this is Thanet. Wasteman shithole, where dreams are trampled and robbed by the council. Fuck living in Thanet, just wanna get away but <b>...</b>

Little Town Ramsgate.mov
Little Town Ramsgate.mov
This is Ramsgate. Different look, different scale - still same streets and harbour. Enjoy.

Two week old calves leaving Ramsgate Port Feb 16th 2012
Two week old calves leaving Ramsgate Port Feb 16th 2012
The vile trade continues at Ramsgate,Help us to get this stopped,sign the petitions. epetitions.direct.gov.uk www.8hours.eu

The Song for Ramsgate
The Song for Ramsgate
I'm heading home again to Ramsgate Our women have exquisite gams, mate Our students pass all their exams. Rate Ramsgate right at the table's top There's nowhere else around the planet As pretty as the Isle of Thanet I first drew breath there I'll die my death there There's nowhere else that can compare The people there are England's kindest Our sightless all of Europe's blindest The sea air's fragrant. We treat a vagrant As kindly as the Prince of Wales We've got the UK's finest beaches The poetess who visits reaches For words to praise our brilliance Our courage and resilience No words exist, though, that suffice We've got a picturesque marina And every local, be he cleaner Or banker loves to be here For there is no debris here The council sees to all of that I've been to Hong Kong and Geneva My travels made me a believer In Ramsgate's being the best Yes, I feel truly blessed To call this magic place my home

Richborough/ Ramsgate cooling tower demolition 11/03/12
Richborough/ Ramsgate cooling tower demolition 11/03/12
skip to 2:14 excuse the shutter noise pictures:

Ramsgate to Broadstairs - 29th April 2012
Ramsgate to Broadstairs - 29th April 2012
Ramsgate to Broadstairs - 29th April 2012 - Birds include Wheatear, Linnet, Purple Sandpiper, Turnstone, Gannet and Whinchat.

Ramsgate Beach Cross 2011
Ramsgate Beach Cross 2011
Getting Dirty Media at Ramsgate Beach Cross 2011. Music by The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition. Buy the track here: itunes.apple.com

Catamaran towed in by lifeboat Ramsgate.
Catamaran towed in by lifeboat Ramsgate.
Catamaran towed in by lifeboat Ramsgate.

Remains of Ramsgate Hoverport 2011
Remains of Ramsgate Hoverport 2011
A short video, taken on Saturday 13th August 2011 showing the remains of Ramsgate Hoverport / Hovercraft Terminal. The Hoverport was the home of four SRN4 Mk II Hovercraft which were owned by Hoverlloyd between 1968 and 1987 prior to its closure resulting from the merger of Seaspeed with Hoverlloyd to form HoverSpeed. The Hoverport had terminal buildings and an access road coming from just north of Cliff's End on the A256 Sandwich Road. The access road still exists today but is blocked off to traffic by a barrier. The site is accessible on foot from the road or from the nearby beaches and shows the Hovercraft landing pad, the approach markings, car park outlines, etc.

Ramsgate/Richborough Cooling Towers Demolition - 11th March 2012
Ramsgate/Richborough Cooling Towers Demolition - 11th March 2012
Richborough Power Station, near Sandwich/Ramsgate - Cooling Towers are demolished on Sunday 11th March 2012. Apologies for the shakes! Large numbers of crowds turned out to watch the moment where the landscape will now be changed forever. Sunday morning in Ramsgate is normally quiet however today we saw traffic jams, lack of parking, hundreds of people and this lovely sunny Sunday morning turned into a community affair. Over in a flash but worth making the effort to watch.

Richborough Power Station Demolition - Ramsgate Westcliff
Richborough Power Station Demolition - Ramsgate Westcliff
Richborough Power Station Demolition - 11th March 2012 The day the Thanet Landscape changed forever. By 9am thousands of people had gathered on Ramsgate Westcliff to witness the spectacle. Apparently a warning rocket was fired but we neither saw nor heard it from our vantage point. I just hope the Peregrine Falcons that could often be seen hunting from there stay on. Its a bit concerning to discover that the site is to be used for a so called "Green" waste incinerator. see ukwin.org.uk You can follow me on Twitter @ramsgatebirds

In Memory of Jill Phipps - Ramsgate PORT OF SHAME - 04.2.12
In Memory of Jill Phipps - Ramsgate PORT OF SHAME - 04.2.12
A walk from Ramsgate town centre to the port of shame to mark the 17th anniversary of Jill Phipps' tragic death. Please read more about Jill here: en.wikipedia.org

Trains at Ramsgate 25.02.12
Trains at Ramsgate 25.02.12
Trains at Ramgate with services from Dover, Faversham and HS services also with the Trainmad77

Ramsgate Webisode. 1
Ramsgate Webisode. 1
filmed over a week, just a bit of fun really. best parts at the end. twitter.com captunawsum.tumblr.com

Peregrine Falcon - Ramsgate, Thanet - Jan 2012
Peregrine Falcon - Ramsgate, Thanet - Jan 2012
Peregrine Falcon on Ramsgate Eastcliff, Thanet hunting Fulmars and Pigeons.