
Road Rage in Bath - I am going to call the Police!! - Sarah Duncan from SDKBath.com
Road Rage in Bath - I am going to call the Police!! - Sarah Duncan from SDKBath.com
Sarah Duncan from SD Knitwear, Bath - www.sdkbath.com and her husband need to learn that they cannot interact with people in the way that they did in this video. I/we sincerely hope that Sarah Duncan and her husband are taught a lesson in Court for assault and perjury in stating that she will lie to the Police and claim assault against her! This story has attracted massive media coverage Press/Media Links: www.thisisbath.co.uk www.thisisbath.co.uk www.thesun.co.uk www.telegraph.co.uk www.guardian.co.uk www.ibtimes.co.uk

FunnyFuse Faves: "In the Bath?"
FunnyFuse Faves: "In the Bath?"
Tot girl really wants a bath, keeps repeating it to mom.

Baths - Lovely Bloodflow
Baths - Lovely Bloodflow
Directed by Alex Takacs and Joe Nankin — youngreplicant.com DP: Adam Kauper AC: Andrew Taylor Wardobe: Lina Lund Mortensen — cargocollective.com/linalund Make-up: Maria Lee — marialeemakeup.com/ VFX, Edit, Post: Alex Takacs Featuring: Takumi Akin, Jane Kilcullen, Molly Garber, Genevieve Ward PAs: Ben Krueger, Katherine Carlsburg, Andrew Scott Levy, Marcus Inglizian, Will Wiesenfeld, Mario Luna Very special thanks: Mike Prior, Jason Wolchuk, Gina Dell'Amico, Jasmin Avila, Mackenzie McNabb Baths is Will Wiesenfeld, song 'Lovely Bloodflow' is from the debut album 'Cerulean' out now on anticon. anticon.com

Dick Figures - Bath Rhymes (Official Music Video)
Dick Figures - Bath Rhymes (Official Music Video)
Dick Figures Season Finale is here! Click or die. - bit.ly Dick Figures Season 3 Soundtrack out now - bit.ly Alright partyrockers, keep your pants on... the Official Music Video for "Bath Rhymes" is finally here! Like it, love it, marry it, grow old and die with it. Made by the fans, for the fans. Several hundred animation submissions were combined into an uber-video for the two greatest colors on the planet: Red and Blue. Sit back, relax, and turn up that bass! Facebook tinyurl.com Twitter twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com

How To Take a Bath
How To Take a Bath
Expand the description and view the text of the steps for this how-to video. Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from Dynamic and more videos in the Bathing category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide at www.howcast.com or produce your own Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmakers Program at www.howcast.com Take tub time to new heights of relaxation with these tips. To complete this How-To you will need: Natural-bristle body brush Thermometer Two washcloths Moisturizer Bath salts Essential oil Herbs, dried or fresh Powdered milk Beer A loofah Warning: Pregnant women should not take hot baths, and people with high blood pressure, heart disease, or kidney problems should not add Epsom salt to their bathwater. Step 1: Pick your time Plan your bath. To promote sleep, take your bath 90 minutes before bedtime, and because the hot water can dry your skin, don't soak for more than 20 minutes. Step 2: Add salts at the start If you plan to use bath salts, add them as you start to run your bath so that they dissolve completely. Use one cup for every 60 pounds you weigh. Step 3: Regulate temperature As the tub fills, keep track of the temperature with a thermometer. You want the water to be about 100° Fahrenheit, which is ideal for relaxing muscles. Step 4: Exfoliate your skin While your tub is filling, take a natural-bristle body brush and gently rub your skin from your feet to your neck with upward strokes. This loosens dead skin and helps your body <b>...</b>

Chuck Gets a Champagne Bath!
Chuck Gets a Champagne Bath!
Inside the NBA's Charles Barkley gets the championship treatment from Kenny Smith.

NEW MOOSH SHIRTS - olgakay.spreadshirt.com MOOSHVille is here - http www.youtube.com People in the video Olga Kay www.imdb.com MOOSH ARMY GEAR SHIRTS - olgakay.spreadshirt.com Posters http MOOSHooS - www.tweakfootwear.com VLOGGZEYS season 1-5 www.youtube.com MY OTHER CHANNELS OlgaKay's show- youtube.com Iphone Channel- youtube.com Mushka's channel - youtube.com Gaming - www.youtube.com CONNECT with me www.OlgaKay.com http www.facebook.com imdb.com www.olgakay.tumblr.com MY IPHONE APP http OlgaKay POBOX 17782 Van Nuys, CA 91416 Intros by www.youtube.com www.youtube.com show some love :D See you guys next time!!! Hugs Olga aka MOOSH mommy

BATH with NERDS - Behind the Scenes!
BATH with NERDS - Behind the Scenes!
This is the behind the scenes of our Wiz Khalifa parody. No nerds were harmed in the making of this video :) Subscribe: bit.ly Facebook: facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Now available on iTunes! bit.ly

DIY Skin & Hair Lotion Bars/Bath Melts (Gift Ideas)
DIY Skin & Hair Lotion Bars/Bath Melts (Gift Ideas)
*EXPAND & READ RECIPES* DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, & SHARE! Would you like to have the best soft and supple skin for the winter with a sweet scent that lingers all day? I stopped using liquid body lotion! Let's make lotion bars and bath melts filled with pure vegetable butters for our body, face, and hair. Be inspired by these basic recipes to decorate these bars into an inspired Starbucks' signature drink, rose cupcake, and arrange these into a bouquet filled with face serum bars to bath melts. Chat on Twitter with me: twitter.com Music Credit: Bridges by Cake Shop soundcloud.com at www.faceboo.com/cakeshopmusic and Let It Go by Binary Heart at www.facebook.com Where to find this lotion bar and bath melt ingredients? Here's a few places and my online store will have bath bomb, massage bar, and bath melt kits for easy one stop shopping on 2/28/12 but there are many online sites that sells raw cocoa butter and more: Soap making supplies at Hobby Lobby www.hobbylobby.com www.coastalscents.com livesuperfoods.com www.soapgoods.com http www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com ebay.com Where to find frosting and gift supplies? Grocery baking section Craft Store http www.hobbylobby.com www.michaels.com Recipe #1 Basic Lotion Bar and Bath Melts For Hair, Body, and for Recent Scars: -Direction For Lotion Bars: Apply directly to the body and marks one to twice a day on clean skin. It's best to use these after a shower or a bath. -Direction For Bath Melts: Drop 1 to 2 bath melts in hot <b>...</b>


Bath Time for Baby Sloths | Too Cute
Bath Time for Baby Sloths | Too Cute
The only thing cuter than a dry baby sloth is a wet one! Too Cute's MOST ADORABLE CLIPS! animal.discovery.com

www.myspace.com love, this is a dark world and i've lost focus please tell me you need me boy, you are every color how am i visible please tell me you need me you can taste your future but i've lost focus please tell me you need me love, you know i've given up cause we're still not valid please tell me you need me I made comments by approval only.

In The Bath - Lemon Jelly
In The Bath - Lemon Jelly
What do you do in the bath? Download: rapidshare.com

debika - bath bomb making kit (scent of champagne)
debika - bath bomb making kit (scent of champagne)
(1) It cost me 880 yen. (2) It is not edible. According to kit description, you can use the glass/spoon after washing. (3) The strawberry syrup is edible.

Bath Time for Minnie the Pug
Bath Time for Minnie the Pug
Minnie the Pug needs a bath and Max is already in the tub. Watch as she tries to avoid the inevitable. The chase is on!

The Cutest Ever Baby Gorilla takes a Bath
The Cutest Ever Baby Gorilla takes a Bath
The Cutest Ever Baby Gorilla takes a Bath. Baby Joe and a chimpanzee from Twycross Zoo in Leicestershire, UK take a bath. Lovely shots of Joe splashing around in ecstasy. Filmed in 1967. Subscribe to British Pathe: www.youtube.com Follow us on Twitter: @britishpathe (www.twitter.com Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com All 90000 British Pathe reels can be viewed on: www.britishpathe.com

SkinME - Oatmeal Moisturizing Winter Body Bath Bombs For Dry & Itchy (Gift Idea)
SkinME - Oatmeal Moisturizing Winter Body Bath Bombs For Dry & Itchy (Gift Idea)
Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, & SHARE! SkinME Every Tuesday! Another DIY (GIft Idea) Oversized Envelope Clutch Video: www.youtube.com Chat on Twitter with me: twitter.com Updates on Facebook: facebook.com I'm glad to share my recipe on how to make these sweet orange scented moisturizing bath bombs with everyone. They are perfect to soothe aches, muscle pain, relieve itch, and moisturize our skin. Plus, you can enjoy the bath bombs fizzing action in the tub with mood enhancing fragrances. You can make these as a gift for any occasion or for yourself to achieve silky smooth skin. This recipe contains oatmeal to relieve irritation and redness from dry and itchy skin conditions like my eczema, hives, and psoriasis. I use these once a week during the harsh cold winter to keep my skin moisturized. Moisturizing Bath Bomb Recipe for Winter Body Care or Dry and Itchy Skin: - 1 Cup of Baking Soda - ½ Cup of Citric Acid (Citric acid is used in canning food and preserving beverages. I suggest to visit the pharmacy, farm supply store that sells canning supplies, wine shop that sells wine making supplies, craft store that sells soap making ingredients, or online www.google.com www.google.com If you have a hard time getting it locally then you can substitute citric acid with 1/2 cup of cream of tartar that will make the bath bombs fizz in water. I prefer using citric acid for more fizz action and longer self life of a year if you are not planning to use them right away. - ½ Cup of <b>...</b>

Haul- Benefit Cosmetics, Target, Forever 21, and Bath & Body Works
Haul- Benefit Cosmetics, Target, Forever 21, and Bath & Body Works
-Join me on all my social media sites- Vlog Channel- www.youtube.com Blog- www.JaaackJack.com Twitter- http Facebook- www.facebook.com Pinterest- www.pinterest.com Instagram- 'JaaackJack' Subscribe here- www.youtube.com For Business Inquires- JackiePerdue@ymail.com UPS Mailing Address- 9450 Mira Mesa Blvd. Suite C #510 San Diego, CA 92126 xoxo Jackie Tags- JaaackJack, Jackie Perdue, JackJack, Jaaack Jaaaack, Haul, Beauty, Makeup, Fashion, Benefit Cosmetics, Target, Forever21, Forever 21, Bath & Body Works, Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow Foundation, They're Real Mascara, Hervana Blush, Makeup Travel Bag, Maybelline Eye Studio, 24 Hour Tattoo, Cream Eyeshadow, Maybelline Master Precise, Liquid Eyeliner, Revlon Photo Ready, Concealer, Chanel inspired purse, 3 wick candles, Verbena waters, Peach Bellini, Scents, Bloopers, Vlogger, Beauty Guru

Strange weird noise in the sky Bath England 12th April 2012 Typhoon Jets
Strange weird noise in the sky Bath England 12th April 2012 Typhoon Jets
Just heard a very weird noise so tried to capture it out of our window! Around 6pm-ish 12/04/2012. Was going on for a good 10mins or so, kept cutting in and out like that. Lots of storm clouds in the distance so we wondered if it was a strange phenomenon where a noise from a plane or thunder could bounce/echo around the clouds or something? First thing I've ever uploaded to youtube as I've never heard anything like it in my life! Sorry my hand's a bit shaky! EDIT... Just read this on the news: www.bbc.co.uk the noises were caused by a 'Sonic Boom' from two Typhoon Jets. Here's a video of the exact same noises being recorded in the Netherlands 12 hours earlier youtu.be Local news coverage including photograph of the Typhoon and helicopter www.thisisbath.co.uk