
A Quick Guide For Those Attempting To SOLO KBD, Groups Can Also Use The Guide But Will Be Able To Kill More Dragons...

KBD Sep 2002 - When They Were Released! - King Black Dragon - Runescape
KBD Sep 2002 - When They Were Released! - King Black Dragon - Runescape
Hey guys, I am really loving this new small series! and I hope you guys are as well. In this video we are taking on the KBD King Black Dragon with gear that was available upon it's release in September of 2002. This was a hard and frightful boss at the time, and it is interesting to take it on with maxed stats, and the original gear. Next boss will be the Kalphite Queen :) Thanks RuneShark

Sosolid2k KBD Challenge - 378 Damage!
Sosolid2k KBD Challenge - 378 Damage!
Sosolid2k Kbd Challenge. I did 378 damage. I've also tried to use a vls but I only managed to do 306 damage with it. Song: Downfall for us all by A day to remember Credit for the song goes to the right owners. Enjoy! ############## Disclaimer: I make videos for entertainment purposes only and not for the sake of profiting. RuneScape is a registered trademark of JaGeX Limited. I do not claim, or have any, affiliation with JaGeX Limited. You can play runescape at: www.runescape.com Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

James Vs Simon - Ep4 - Part 2 - The KBD Free For All Fighting!
James Vs Simon - Ep4 - Part 2 - The KBD Free For All Fighting!
Please view part 1 here: www.youtube.com Hey guys, this episode was split into 2 parts because it was all about the element of not knowing, and large file sizes often crash :( Anyway onto the challenge, Simon came up with this idea! It was to use 100k to buy gear and supplies to kill the king black dragon, the free for all 5 kills and see who gets the most kills :) Hope you enjoy!

Soloing KBD in 5 seconds. Fastest solo ever so far...
Soloing KBD in 5 seconds. Fastest solo ever so far...
Owning King Black Dragon in 5 seconds. Enjoy! Song: DJ Splash - U Like This Credit for the song goes to the right owners. FAQ: Q: Why didnt you use black mask/slayer helmet? A: I feel that there's a glitch so special attacks and the effect from slayer helmet doesn't stack.

KBD With Daffyduck 10
KBD With Daffyduck 10
felt like doing kbd for a bit with daffy hope you enjoy daffduck's channel www.youtube.com

King Black Dragon Guide (KBD)-Team or Solo
King Black Dragon Guide (KBD)-Team or Solo
Hit the Subscribe button above ^------^. I had limited show-up for my 100 subs party :( try to come next time guys hehehe. I made this quick vid after last night as I had quite some fun at KBD. Basically, bring 4 anti-fire pots, 2 or 3 boosts, spec wep, an extra familiar and food :P

NightmareRH's 99 Fishing 250+ At KBD
NightmareRH's 99 Fishing 250+ At KBD
NightmareRH's Production Presents - Me getting 99 fishing ;p. Thank you for everyone who came and who supported me during my 99 or while I was fishing lol. Also the after party was fun so thank you for everyone who came to KBD. Songs Used: Ozzy - Crazy Train Metallica - Enter SandmanRuneScape is a registered trademark of JaGeX Limited. I do not claim, or have any, affiliation with JaGeX Ltd. This video was not intended for any personal gain, only for entertainment purposes. All comments by others are their own and I do not take responsibility for their actions. Consider this, free advertising www.runescape.com

[King Black Dragon (KBD) Solo] ~Commentary~ Cannon Blade's Runescape Guide
[King Black Dragon (KBD) Solo] ~Commentary~ Cannon Blade's Runescape Guide
This is my guide on how to solo the KBD(King Black Dragon) using range. Not much to say except look at my channel! :D Subscribe if you want to get more guides from me, or other helpful... help. :P Check out my channel for more vids, most of them have commentary and show stuff about...

Concept Art + Pernix Pike Torva Turtle Vs KBD - King Black Dragon 2002 Style
Concept Art + Pernix Pike Torva Turtle Vs KBD - King Black Dragon 2002 Style
The ending of this video is pretty epic, so stay put :P Hey guys, big thanks for helping us out getting the special concept art, next time we will make it earlier and hopefully get it pre release. Also, due to the feedback, we are now using our lower level accounts to kill the some of the Runescape bosses when they were first released. This gives a better representation of what it was like on release day :)

Runescape - Attempting The Giant Mole and The KBD - With Funny Commentary!
Runescape - Attempting The Giant Mole and The KBD - With Funny Commentary!
Episode 1 In our new "Ben, Henry and Merrick attempt to take on the Runescape Bosses" series. This week I combined the two bosses into one video, the giant mole and the King Black Dragon, as they were relatively easy....or were they? :PI hope you enjoyed this video, especially that awesome MS paint picture I spent AGES drawing :D Thanks for watching! SUBSCRIBE -Ben-

Sosolid2k KBD Challenge - 431 Damage!
Sosolid2k KBD Challenge - 431 Damage!
Recorded and edited in 1 hour so don't expect it to be super good. :PI just did it to win the challenge (hopefully I wasn't too late Oo) Edit: I was too late :( Congratulations to Sh4unalex who won. Blue pots = Recover pots NOTE: My overload potion ran out at the black screen part that's how I got 50 hp. Proff: Read the chat box. Song: Numb by Linkin Park Credit for the song goes to the right owners. ########## DISCLAIMER I make videos for entertainment purposes only and not for the sake of profiting. RuneScape is a registered trademark of JaGeX Limited. I do not claim, or have any, affiliation with JaGeX Limited. You can play runescape at: www.runescape.com Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

KBD Tutorial by Rain 110510
KBD Tutorial by Rain 110510
Visit youtube.com for more videos, GosuTekken.com for info and media archives, http and facebook.com for social networking.

KBD(クリバニ) 2011.10.28 ♪ Magic 日本橋UPs (1/3)
KBD(クリバニ) 2011.10.28 ♪ Magic 日本橋UPs (1/3)

Runescape Guide - How to Range Solo Kbd [King Black Dragon]
Runescape Guide - How to Range Solo Kbd [King Black Dragon]
Doyahave1def guide to soloing kbd king black dragon arrow to the doyahave1def kbd kbd king black dragon solo guide range void rube bolts (e) diamond bolts (e) kbd ranger range ranged full void Songs by Anberlin, Story of the year

Raping KBD with dragonbane bolts 646 max so far
Raping KBD with dragonbane bolts 646 max so far
NOTE: These bolts are only effective on dragons! Otherwise they only give + 83 ranged str. They are very accurate and deal a lot of damage. How to make the bolts: *Mine bane ore *Use lunar spell (level 87) on dragon bone in your inventory while also having *bane ore. *Smelt the bars *Smith dragonbane bars at anvil which is near the wall that you used Bob's collar on. *add feathers RuneScape and all its properties are (c) Jagex Ltd. You can play RuneScape at runescape.com

KBD Challenge Results - Runescape Challenge
KBD Challenge Results - Runescape Challenge
Runescape KBD Challenge My Games Portal - www.epicninja.com Join The Forums - http The winner of the KBD challenge, please watch their entries ^_^ Winning Video by Shaunalex - www.youtube.com Most Damage by Woox16 - www.youtube.com Woox16 didn't win first place because his entry was uploaded after the deadline, I have to stick with the deadline, otherwise there's no point in having one. It could have been avoided if the entries were submitted earlier, but they were entering very late in the contest and a line has to be drawn somewhere so that the challenge is fair. Both entries still got mentioned and got the prize :) If I accepted Woox16's entry, then Shaun could of uploaded another entry 2 hours later, then Woox again, Shaun again and so on, just because Woox16 has the most damage uploaded doesn't necessarily mean he would have won had both of them continued to attempt more damage, so please keep that in mind before complaining about who won. They both did amazingly well and deserve to be congratulated on their videos. Remember the attempts are not cheap or easy and aren't necessarily their best possible. ;) As far as the 'eating glitch' is concerned, it was fine for people to use it to their advantage. It has been affecting the KBD throughout the length of the challenge and without it most people would literally die after a few seconds. The rules were made with this in mind (preventing stuff like ranging while eating purple sweets to stay alive forever - which is why <b>...</b>

Ji3moon Ace Wavedash and KBD 100108
Ji3moon Ace Wavedash and KBD 100108
Ji3moon Ace Wavedash and KBD 100108

KBD with Wind Rush - Subscriber event - HD
KBD with Wind Rush - Subscriber event - HD
Thank you all for coming! Sorry it was on such short notice that more people couldnt come, but I'll be doing more of these subscriber events in the future whenever i get time! Sorry for some parts of the video just being a black screen. It happened after render and I dont really know what it is :( Music: Dj Smack - Mindless DJ Pulp - Sunset Act DJ Smack: ------------------------------------------- Dj Smack's Youtube: www.youtube.com Dj Smack's Soundcloud: soundcloud.com Dj Smack's Facebook: www.facebook.com Distributed for free use by Activity Music: Youtube: www.youtube.com Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com ------------------------------------------- DJ Pulp: ------------------------------------------- Music produced by DJ Pulp: www.youtube.com www.facebook.com Activity Music - Promoting Free Music Youtube: youtube.com Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: facebook.com ------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own this game. Runescape is owned by Jagex Ltd. All music is used with permission. This was made for entertainment purposes only.