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Translation review and quality assurance

English is the default language of CiviCRM, but many translations are available. For example, Russian, Chinese, French, Dutch and Japanese are 100% completion (or almost). Italian, Danish, Spanish, Swedish, German and Portuguese are also very advanced. There are 64 languages and variants on Transifex at the moment of this writing.

Translating CiviCRM a very difficult and long task: there are many very specific terms and there are more than 15,000 strings to translate.

CiviCRM Blog Categories: 

New York City's first CiviCRM Co-Working day a hit despite the weather

Despite torrential rains yesterday, New York City's first CiviCRM Co-Working day was a hit. A diverse group of people representing workers unions, religious organizations, Occupy Wall Street, The Drupal Association and more gathered to work together. The morning started out withOUT coffee and donuts (we can blame the rain) yet everyone buckled down to work with Dave and Lobo standing by on IRC to answer any questions. After breaking for lunch and a case study presentation midday,  the true collaboration began with many questions asked and answered.

CiviCRM Blog Categories: 

Help us kick off CiviCRM co-working in NYC Monday May 21, 2012

rayogram is hosting CiviCRM co-working  Monday, May 21st, 2012 from 10-5pm.

We hope this will be a great opportunity for new and experienced developers, consultants and organizations to work side-by-side and mentor one another. We will  include a case study presentation over lunch.

CiviCRM Blog Categories: 

CiviSync Mobile for Android Released & Updated

While we were working hard on a number of applications for free and open source market one of the application which was released by us was the CiviSync Mobile app for Android. You can download it from Google Play on your phone or here.

CiviCRM Blog Categories: 

CiviSync Outlook 2.0 Beta Released - Outlook Synchronization with CiviCRM

Hey All, Thanks for your patience and putting up with the delays in the release of CiviSync Outlook. CiviSync Outlook is the much awaited Outlook integration plugin for CiviCRM. It allows information sync between CiviCRM and Microsoft Outlook. CiviSync Outlook uses CiviCRM API. Due to some restrictions with API; at one stage we decided to use our own version of the API but it's not something we would like to run with in long term and hence dropped it fairly quickly.

CiviCRM Blog Categories: 

Supporting tax rules worldwide

I am starting a project that will allow CiviCRM to support the needs of an Australian non-profit. This non-profit is subject to the Australian Goods & Services Tax rules (GST) for some but not all transactions.
The GST requirements apply whenever the non-profit provides a tangible good or service in exchange for a payment. This is most common with their dinners, selling DVDs, and items from their gift shop. 
 I have written up the requirements and possible approaches on the CiviCRM wiki at:

London Meet-up Summary - 9 May 2012

Fellow Civilians: Wednesday, 9 May, was another CiviCRM meet-up spectacular in London, hosted by Third Sector Design at TechHub.

Topics covered:

  • CiviMobile: The browser-based mobile phone app.
  • Screencasting: How to create Civi video tutorials for the web.
  • UK Direct Debits: Integrating paperless direct debit payments in the UK.

So without further ado...

CiviCRM Blog Categories: 

Improving CiviCRM’s soft credit functionality

At the April sprint, several of us discussed improvements to CiviCRM’s soft credit functionality. For those of us who use CiviCRM for fundraising, soft credits are vital component of managing donor relationships, and there are several ways CiviCRM could be improved to make soft credits more robust and easier to use.

Thanks to Kellie Brownell and Jane Hanley for their contributions to this blog post.

Some background:


A Fully Integrated CRM Solution

Advocacy Campaigns

CiviCRM enables you to build advocacy campaigns by tying together and tracking the progress of a camapign’s events, mailings, activities, and contributions - measuring the effectiveness of your outreach and mobilization efforts.


Case Management

CiviCRM allows you to track and manage interactions with constituents via customized case management.



CiviCRM offers a complete suite of communications tools allowing you to build subscriber lists and create effective mass mailings.



CiviCRM allows you to create and manage contacts while building a holistic record for each constituent - tying it to all their interactions with your organization including contributions, memberships, events registrations, subscriptions and other activities.



CiviCRM makes it easy for you to create contribution forms for multiple fundraising appeals - recording pledges, one-tme donations, recurring donations, tribute donations and more.



CiviCRM helps you create and manage event registration - recording constituent attendance directly in their activity record.



CiviCRM provides flexible membership management for organizations including convenient online sign-up and renewal.



CiviCRM provides flexible membership management for organizations including convenient online sign-up and renewal.


Peer-to-Peer Fundraisers

CiviCRM empowers donors themselves to raise funds on behalf of your organization via peer-to-peer fundraising.


Peer-to-Peer Fundraisers

CiviCRM empowers donors themselves to raise funds on behalf of your organization via peer-to-peer fundraising.



CiviCRM’s robust reporting allows you to continually evaluate the success of your CRM usage and your organizational impact.


In Good Company

Get Started

CiviCRM helps organizations grow and sustain strong relationships over time.

This open source, Web-based platform helps organizations realize their missions through fundraising, events management, mass-mail marketing, peer-to-peer campaigns and more via one unified solution.

CiviCRM’s community is committed to the public good and has created a reliable network of international resources for hosting, developing and supporting this effective solution.