
gu gu Ganmo 1
gu gu Ganmo 1
ayumi farts from ep 11, if u want watch this episode here a link www.megavideo.com

Gutur Gu - Episode 1 - Full Episode
Gutur Gu - Episode 1 - Full Episode
Each member of of Jays family puts their respective name-plates at the door of their house. Cheeku obliquely enters and indulges in some gritty actions all round in the house. Colonel Jay Kumar brings in a military statue, which is mounted on a piece of furniture. The statue creates much nuance in the house. Gutur Gu is based on a character named Balu a simple, innocent and super enthusiastic person who stays with his family consisting of his wife, parents and his grandmother. Each member of the family has an interesting role to play, right from being a television addict grandmother to a manipulative and demanding wife. The characters have been chosen from the best of all and possess an incredible gift for pantomime.The episodes feature a series of incidents and confusions that follow in everything that Balu does, as he invariably manages to get into misadventures. He also has a body builder neighbor who troubles and beats him up. However, Balu somehow succeeds to turn even mundane situations into indigenous adventures.

War/No More Trouble | Playing for Change | Song Around The World
War/No More Trouble | Playing for Change | Song Around The World
playingforchange.com - As we made our way around the world we encountered love, hate, rich and poor, black and white, and many different religious groups and ideologies. It became very clear that as a human race we need to transcend from the darkness to the light and music is our weapon of the future. This song around the world features musicians who have seen and overcome conflict and hatred with love and perseverance. We dont need more trouble, what we need is love. The spirit of Bob Marley always lives on. This is the fourth Song Around The World video released from the CDPlaying For Change: Songs Around The World and the follow up to the classics "Stand By Me," "One Love" and "Don't Worry." This unforgetable track was performed by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it traveled the globe. Order the CD/DVD Playing For Change Songs Around The World" now at amazon.com! tinyurl.com The Playing For Change "Songs Around The World" CD/DVD is also available at your neighborhood Starbucks and everywhere music is sold. Order the "War/No More Trouble," "Stand By Me," "Don't Worry," and "One Love" videos and the new Songs Around The World album now at itunes! tinyurl.com Sign up at playingforchange.com for updates and exclusive content. You can also buy cool stuff in our new online store! Join the Playing for Change Online Street Team at ufanz.com Join the movement to help inspire people from around the world to come together through music.

Samurai Pizza Cats intro
Samurai Pizza Cats intro
Since I often see replies regarding who sings the song, it is NOT Fred Schneider of the B-52s. The singer is Pizza Cats writer Michael Airington who did an imitation of comedian Paul Lynde while drunk. If you like the English dub, why not check out the original Japanese version of the intro. Just check below here under related videos for the intro uploaded by twilight13.

Mi-Gu - Spider
Mi-Gu - Spider
PUNKCAST1715-01 Mi-Gu, from Tokyo Japan, performing live at Union Pool, Brooklyn, on Feb 19 2010, w/ guests Sean Lennon and Yuka Honda. www.myspace.com

The Most Astounding Fact (Neil deGrasse Tyson, HD)
The Most Astounding Fact (Neil deGrasse Tyson, HD)
Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, "What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?" This is his answer. Please subscribe above! Watch the definitive version on Vimeo: vimeo.com Now in 15 languages! All Subs Updated (Click CC)! Watch in HD! Special thanks to: Reid Gower saganseries.com Carl Sagan www.hulu.com Neil deGrasse Tyson www.facebook.com NASA www.nasa.gov ...for their inspiration. CREDITS Narration: TIME Magazine's "10 Questions for Neil Degrasse Tyson" www.youtube.com Music: "To Build a Home" by the Cinematic Orchestra feat. Patrick Watson www.cinematicorchestra.com Video (in order of appearance): IMAX: Hubble 3D (Orion) www.imax.com Yellowstone: Battle for Life (Tree & Waterfall) www.bbc.co.uk Supernova to Crab Nebula www.spacetelescope.org BBC: Wonders of the Solar System (formation of the solar system) www.bbc.co.uk Accretion and First Eukaryotes from the 2011 film "Tree of Life" directed by Terrence Malick en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org www.wired.com www.twowaysthroughlife.com BBC: Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life www.wellcometreeoflife.org "Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia" by Ayrton Orio (Model: Xharon Kendelker) vimeo.com "Afghanistan - touch down in flight" by Augustin Pictures vimeo.com lukasugustin.de "mongolia!" by wiissa http wiissa.com Excerpt from "Outside In", Copyright Stephen van Vuuren Studios (Saturn's moon Mimas) www.outsideinthemovie.com IMAX Hubble 3D <b>...</b>

Gu Zheng Solo: Bei Bei Lantern Festival Performances
Gu Zheng Solo: Bei Bei Lantern Festival Performances
www.beibeizheng.com Gu Zheng Performance 1,Spring of Snowy Mountain 2,Young Sprout 荷蓓蓓古筝独奏The two songs can be downloaded from iTunes: itunes.apple.com

Gutur Gu - Episode 2 - Full Episode
Gutur Gu - Episode 2 - Full Episode
Balu goes to a shoe shop and end at buying high-heeled black and white paired shoes, which leads to a series of tomfoolery at house. Cheeku stealthily enters the house and makes a hell of Balus room. Smita in anger throws out one piece of shoes which hits Harpreet Singh who casts havoc at Balus house. Gutur Gu is based on a character named Balu a simple, innocent and super enthusiastic person who stays with his family consisting of his wife, parents and his grandmother. Each member of the family has an interesting role to play, right from being a television addict grandmother to a manipulative and demanding wife. The characters have been chosen from the best of all and possess an incredible gift for pantomime.The episodes feature a series of incidents and confusions that follow in everything that Balu does, as he invariably manages to get into misadventures. He also has a body builder neighbor who troubles and beats him up. However, Balu somehow succeeds to turn even mundane situations into indigenous adventures.

Gutur Gu - Episode 3 - Full Episode
Gutur Gu - Episode 3 - Full Episode
Smitha wishes her husband their anniversary day in morning and both get blessings from the entire family. The couple goes for an outing which leads to a series of antics. Family celebrates the anniversary by throwing party at evening, where a friend of Balu catches all attention and becomes the Jack of all trade. At the party a bulgy woman swoons over Balu and keeps chasing him all round the house. What will Balu do to get rid of both the troubles? Gutur Gu is based on a character named Balu a simple, innocent and super enthusiastic person who stays with his family consisting of his wife, parents and his grandmother. Each member of the family has an interesting role to play, right from being a television addict grandmother to a manipulative and demanding wife. The characters have been chosen from the best of all and possess an incredible gift for pantomime.The episodes feature a series of incidents and confusions that follow in everything that Balu does, as he invariably manages to get into misadventures. He also has a body builder neighbor who troubles and beats him up. However, Balu somehow succeeds to turn even mundane situations into indigenous adventures.

Glenn Underground - I Need GU (Cajual)
Glenn Underground - I Need GU (Cajual)
Taken From This EP : www.discogs.com

Gutur Gu - Episode 4
Gutur Gu - Episode 4
An elaborate advertisement of discounted gold jewellery on a magazine catches Smitha's attention. She makes every effort to draw Balu's attention on the advertisement. Later while on way, Balu purchases the same jewellery set which his wife wanted so as to please her. But, the jewelry set is taken by Babita who thinks it a gift from Balu. Will Balu succeed in getting the set back and give it to Smitha? Gutur Gu is based on a character named Balu a simple, innocent and super enthusiastic person who stays with his family consisting of his wife, parents and his grandmother. Each member of the family has an interesting role to play, right from being a television addict grandmother to a manipulative and demanding wife. The characters have been chosen from the best of all and possess an incredible gift for pantomime.The episodes feature a series of incidents and confusions that follow in everything that Balu does, as he invariably manages to get into misadventures. He also has a body builder neighbor who troubles and beats him up. However, Balu somehow succeeds to turn even mundane situations into indigenous adventures.

Gutur Gu - Episode 5 - Full Episode
Gutur Gu - Episode 5 - Full Episode
Harpreet and Balu, both come out of their respective homes and try to make a naive of each other. In order to outflank Harpreet, Balu purchases a new bike and gets it transported to his home. Arrival of a new bike brings in cheers in Balus family and also creates a series of antics. Gutur Gu is based on a character named Balu a simple, innocent and super enthusiastic person who stays with his family consisting of his wife, parents and his grandmother. Each member of the family has an interesting role to play, right from being a television addict grandmother to a manipulative and demanding wife. The characters have been chosen from the best of all and possess an incredible gift for pantomime.The episodes feature a series of incidents and confusions that follow in everything that Balu does, as he invariably manages to get into misadventures. He also has a body builder neighbor who troubles and beats him up. However, Balu somehow succeeds to turn even mundane situations into indigenous adventures.

Gutur Gu - Episode 6 - Full Episode
Gutur Gu - Episode 6 - Full Episode
Everyone is indulged peacefully in their daily routines. All of a sudden, Babita gets caught in an electric current while roasting breads. Pappu also comes in contact with the current. They are freed by Smita who later takes on the role of their hair dresser. This strikes an idea to Smita of opening a parlor at home. Will the idea get them in business or attract some troubles? Gutur Gu is based on a character named Balu a simple, innocent and super enthusiastic person who stays with his family consisting of his wife, parents and his grandmother. Each member of the family has an interesting role to play, right from being a television addict grandmother to a manipulative and demanding wife. The characters have been chosen from the best of all and possess an incredible gift for pantomime.The episodes feature a series of incidents and confusions that follow in everything that Balu does, as he invariably manages to get into misadventures. He also has a body builder neighbor who troubles and beats him up. However, Balu somehow succeeds to turn even mundane situations into indigenous adventures.

PS3 YLOD Fix Part 1 of 3
PS3 YLOD Fix Part 1 of 3
Please leave the annotations on while watching this entire video. I've added a few important points that I forgot to mention while I was recording the video. Also, please watch all of my PS3 related videos BEFORE starting this process (including my "PS3 Re-assembly Announcement, Update And Tips" video) so that you are familiar with what you're doing in advance. First and foremost. I take no responsibility for any damage done if you attempt this process. This is a simple "how to" for anyone who wants to attempt to fix their PS3 their self instead of paying Sony $150. Having said that, I've had a lot of people ask for a video of doing a reflow on a PS3 after getting the YLOD (Yellow Light of Death) so I decided to make a video of the process. If you are not sure of your own ability's then do not attempt this. Just pay someone to do it for you or spend the money and send it into Sony. I've had a few different people ask about donations. Donations are not necessary and they're not even expected, but they are appreciated. If I've helped you fix your PS3 and you would like to donate you can do so here. www.paypal.com Thank you in advance if you do decide to donate. Even if it's a dollar it's very appreciated.

Gutur Gu - Episode 7 - Full Episode
Gutur Gu - Episode 7 - Full Episode
Babita dreams of her elaborate birthday celebration. To remind her family of her birthday, she marks the date on calendars kept in everybodys room. But, this name is replaced by Pappus name by naughty Cheeku. Entire family except Babita gets involved in preparing for Pappus birthday which crashes down the cheery expectations of Babita. Surprised by this celebration, Papu shows them his birth certificate which clears the air. Now, how will the family persuade Babita who has locked herself up in her room? Gutur Gu is based on a character named Balu a simple, innocent and super enthusiastic person who stays with his family consisting of his wife, parents and his grandmother. Each member of the family has an interesting role to play, right from being a television addict grandmother to a manipulative and demanding wife. The characters have been chosen from the best of all and possess an incredible gift for pantomime.The episodes feature a series of incidents and confusions that follow in everything that Balu does, as he invariably manages to get into misadventures. He also has a body builder neighbor who troubles and beats him up. However, Balu somehow succeeds to turn even mundane situations into indigenous adventures.

Gutur Gu - Episode 8 - Full Episode
Gutur Gu - Episode 8 - Full Episode
Smitha while jogging on a treadmill amusingly views a womens magazine, which Balu tries hard to peep into. Pappu comes to give her juice glass, and a mens magazine gets dropped there from his pocket. That magazine is picked up by Balu who misunderstands that her wife was viewing it. Harpreet in disguised form tries to enter Balus home. Babita and Smita on seeing him, get fainted. On recollecting themselves, they devise varied ways to trap the disguised stranger. Will their adopted traps work? Gutur Gu is based on a character named Balu a simple, innocent and super enthusiastic person who stays with his family consisting of his wife, parents and his grandmother. Each member of the family has an interesting role to play, right from being a television addict grandmother to a manipulative and demanding wife. The characters have been chosen from the best of all and possess an incredible gift for pantomime.The episodes feature a series of incidents and confusions that follow in everything that Balu does, as he invariably manages to get into misadventures. He also has a body builder neighbor who troubles and beats him up. However, Balu somehow succeeds to turn even mundane situations into indigenous adventures.