Act For Freedom Now!

May 3, 2012
by actforfreedom

Black Bloc Hit in Mayday (turkey)

Act for freedom now! receives

May day to fight againts capitalism and goverment also has historical advance since 1886 up to day has possed with loudly and colourfull protests of antiauthoritarian and the others. Beside festive celebrations ,nervy attack against goverment and capitalism has broken out from Istanbul, Amed, Dersim (Turkey – Kurdisyan) to Seattle, Oakland, Montreal and Berlin.


Video:   İstanbul  1 May


In İstanbul the preparetions of the celebration started at 7:30 am when many groups including anarchists,parties.and other formations reached to the way to Taksim Square . Three distinct cortege departed on şişli location were including anarhist block,Collective Earth and Freedom, Black and Red Cortege, Revalutionary Anarchist Action.

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May 3, 2012
by actforfreedom

Bristol May-hem: 2 Highstreets attacked in 1 night (UK)

On the night of May 1st (2am Wednesday morning) a number of targets in 2 different locations were attacked. In Downend, the windows and ATMs of Lloyds and HSBC banks were smashed, with a Besley Hill and St Andrews estate agents both smashed up as well. On Wells Road in Knowle, the windows and ATMs of a Natwest were destroyed, as well as a Money Shop; Besley Hill and Mathews estate agents were also attacked.

Whilst Mayday once commemorated the lives of anarchists murdered by Chicago State Police, it has now been recuperated by the reformist left into a celebration of the working class. We wish to destroy work – its logic and content – and no state sanctioned bank holiday, party or celebration even begins to touch on our hatred of it.
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May 3, 2012
by actforfreedom

Dark Nights #18 – Wrath knows no borders – Solidarity with the Hungerstrikers in Greece – May 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

12 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

!Stop the Press! The RO-CCF won their central demand for the transfer of their comrades from Domokos prison – Victory! Their hungerstrike is over!

Freshly released for May 1st, this issue publicizes the hungerstrike in the prisons of Greece by Theofilos Mavropoulos, Spyros Dravilas and 8 out the 9 comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Imprisoned Members Cell. You can find the declarations of intent inside the Dark Nights and a list of revolutionary solidarity actions. Also featured is two communiques with lists of over two dozen attacks in Barcelona from the last couple of months by a new generation of anarchist nihilists, plus an article about Eat & Billy, imprisoned anarchist comrades of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesian Section. This publication is put together from news-info via the international network for translation and counter-information, an informal project of radical media and self-organisation.

Anti-Copyright Network 2012

May 2, 2012
by actforfreedom

usa Seattle – May Day Anti-Capitalist March Attacks

May Day

May Day happened. We are not currently trying to keep up with all the mainstream coverage but check back here soon for anarchist reportbacks and highlights from the mainstream.

May 2, 2012
by actforfreedom

Trieste, Italy: On the devastation of the Rosandra valley

This is a poster pasted on the walls of the city and seaport of Trieste, after the intervention of the civil protection department (Protezione Civile) in the Rosandra valley, located in the Karst Plateau —or Carso, a limestone borderline plateau region extending in southwestern Slovenia and northeastern Italy.
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May 1, 2012
by actforfreedom


Translated by boubourAs/Act for freedom now!                




                    “A battle has been won but the war does not end here…”

After 23 days of hunger strike, we come out as winners against the corruption, defeatism and captivity that dominate in the world of prisoners.

We wrote: “We made a decision… we fight till the end…” We stood consistent to this choice of ours even when we saw our brothers Gerasimos and Panagiotis leave and be hospitalized in a bad condition at Tzanio hospital. Because from all that is written, we love what is written with blood and sealed with actions.All the rest is hollow babbles and a waste of time.

These 23 days we did not regret the hunger strike even for a moment. We knew the risk. We know everyone dies… but there are deaths that weigh differently, because we ourselves decide the way we will die, just as we choose the way we live. And we decided to come out of this battle as winners.

Gerasimos and Panagiotis won their final transfer from Domokos prisons. Gerasimos got transferred to Koridallos prisons and Panagiotis because he is considered a long term convict (he is sentenced to 37 years) and could not come to a prison such as Koridallos (a prison mainly for people who are waiting to be judged), won a transfer to a prison of his “choice” and will be transferred to Trikala prisons where three other members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire are also being held.

This victory puts in its own way another pledge in our aim for political coexistence of the members of the CCF within the walls and abolishes the isolation they try to impose on us.In this confrontation opposite the system, time and fatigue, we put our bodies as a barricade and as a pawn of our decency. That’s why we did not plead, neither did we beg for solidarity in the places we avoided to hang out during our course as anarchists of praxis.

We stayed clear of leftist parties, from press conferences with a humane background, from reformist circles. Choosing thus a conscious loneliness we counted friends and enemies, comrades and indifferent, actions and silences… We do not have spare words for the small time politicians and the meaningless.

On the contrary the word “thankyou” is very poor for the comrades from the whole of greece who ran, gave out flyers, put up posters, set up PA systems, organized gatherings, occupied a tv station, they came with a demo by the prisons, carried out counter-information actions from radio stations…

Finally we send our warmest hug to all those vandals, the hooded ones, the provocateurs, the night time arsonists and bombers in Greece, the anarchist nihilists in Spain, our brothers in Bolivia, England and to all the cells of the Informal Anarchist Federation and of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire…

Nothing would be the same, without all of you…

May we meet soon comrades. Although we won, we have nothing more to do than start the next battle.


And anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos              

May 1, 2012
by actforfreedom

Athens: May Day 2012 – Banner drop for the Revolutionary Struggle case


the banner reads:

The only response to the crisis is social revolution
Solidarity with those prosecuted for the Revolutionary Struggle case

photos from the demo here

May 1, 2012
by actforfreedom

5 arrested in alleged plot to blow up Cleveland-area bridge -usa

Five self-described anarchists have been arrested in a plot to blow up a bridge in Cleveland, Ohio, but the public was never in any danger, the FBI said Tuesday.

The anarchists spent months planning several different attacks but did not realize that they were being closely monitored and had purchased inoperable explosives from an undercover FBI agent.

“The individuals charged in this plot were intent on using violence to express their ideological views,” Stephen Anthony, special agent in charge of the Cleveland division of the FBI, said in a statement.

“The Joint Terrorism Task Force will continue to be vigilant in its efforts to detect and disrupt any terrorism threat, domestic or international.”

The FBI began to infiltrate the group at a protest in October after a confidential informant sent there noticed they were complaining that the rest of the people did not want to “act violently,” the criminal complaint stated.

In later meetings, the group of young men said they wanted to attack “corporate America and the financial system” and discussed how they could make sure people didn’t think their actions were “random acts” of violence, the charging paper said.

They initially plotted to distract the police with smoke grenades while knocking signs off bank buildings, but decided there weren’t enough people in Cleveland willing to participate in a riot.

They eventually settled on the plot to blow up a bridge that spans the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

Douglas Wright, 26, Brandon Baxter, 20, and Anthony Hayne, 35, were arrested Monday evening on charges of conspiracy and attempted use of explosive materials to damage physical property affecting interstate commerce. Also arrested were Connor Stevens, 20, and Joshua Stafford, 23.

April 30, 2012
by actforfreedom

Bolivia: Claim for arson of a National Bank ATM

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety,


We claim responsibility for the burning of an National Bank of Bolivia ATM, again in the Miraflores area, in the early hours of Thursday the 26th.

This bank is one of the many institutions that finance the destruction of the earth, of which we are a constituent part.
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April 30, 2012
by actforfreedom

Close Supervision Centres – Torture Units in the UK. New Pamphlet from Bristol ABC. April 2012

Here to download – a collaboratively produced pamphlet from inside and outside the prison walls, for printing and distribution about Close Supervision Centres in the UK prison network.

With an introduction by Mark Barnsley of LeedsABC; many articles and texts from John Bowden, our comrade currently residing in HMP Shotts, Scotland; first hand accounts from inside these maximum security segregation units from prisoners such as Kevan Thakrar and Kyle Major; and many articles, testimonies and denunciations from families, supporters, and other people fighting against these degrading and despicable institutions; this text is a call-out for renewed pressure on the prison system and the web of screws, bureaucrats, health care professionals, managers etc. that enact overt and covert abuses on inmates of the CSC system every day.

The text will be available in paper format soon from Kebele Infoshop, 56a Infoshop, and further afield we hope. Please right click and click save as below to download in electronic format:

CSCs Torture Units in the UK SCREEN (for reading on computer)

CSCs Torture Units in the UK IMPOSED (large file – for printing as booklet)

CSCs Torture Units in the UK A4 (single A4 pages)

April 29, 2012
by actforfreedom

- Letter by Olga Economidou imprisoned Member of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire

Act for freedom now!

Letter by Olga Economidou


A year and a month of prison for me. You never forget the date of your arrest. It is a turning point of a forced change. It was the point that seemed as if you were leaving a house, plans, equipment, ideas for action, your strategy.

That moment we were transformed into hostages of the state and the distance between me and my comrades is now kilometres, sometimes a few, sometimes many. In this little time of prison our vengeful continuous transfers, seem to make communication difficult and time cooperates with authority, so they can make us feel isolated.

But in reality it’s not like that. What we left at that house was only the disposable materials, what you can replace easy. The rest, the plans, the ideas, the strategy, the feelings, the moments, we carry them constantly inside our minds and hearts, more advanced, even more ready for battle.

The distance and time has no significance. They are relative meanings. For me it’s like it was just yesterday I was at the same table as my comrades conspiring about our next target. When we shared the same desire to attack the values and ideals of this authoritarian rotten world, we agreed we will take it to the end. That we never abandon one another, and we do not retreat.

The need of the one becomes the decision for the rest. On 8/4/12 the Conspiracy Cells of Fire decided to begin a hunger strike, demanding the final transfer of Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou from Domokos prisons, as well as the ending of vengeful transfers of the other members of the organization.

The first three comrades of mine are in their 4th week of hunger strike, since the first serious health consequences have already appeared. And time goes by… in the frames of our predetermined strategy of each one us beginning a hunger strike, on Monday 30/4/12, I also begin a hunger strike and with a decision I fight to the end.


Olga Economidou,

Member of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire

Prisons of Eleona


April 28, 2012
by actforfreedom

Greek prisons: More updates on comrades’ hunger strikes (ongoing)

FREEDOM TO THE REVOLUTIONARY ANARCHIST THEOFILOS MAVROPOULOS (solidarity banner in Eleftherias Square, before the solidarity demonstration to Koridallos prisons, 27/4)

Nine comrades conduct hunger strike to date, namely the prisoner Spyros Dravilas (since 4/4) and the CCF imprisoned members, anarchists Gerasimos Tsakalos, Panagiotis Argirou, Christos Tsakalos (since 8/4), Damiano Bolano, Haris Hadjimihelakis, Giorgos Polidoros (since 17/4) and Giorgos Nikolopoulos (since 26/4), as well as Theofilos Mavropoulos as of today.

you may read previous updates here and there

Theofilos Mavropoulos announces beginning of hunger strike:

Because, when you attach yourself completely to a goal achievement, it’s certain that you will succeed.

Because, when you throw yourself into the battle to the bitter end, then you’ve already won.

Because comradely anarchist relationships are what we set forth and what we’re fighting for.

And finally,

because dignity knows no compromise

on Saturday 28/4 I begin HUNGER STRIKE as a token of solidarity with the comrades Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou, with the goal of achieving their definite transfer from Domokos prisons.


Theophilos Mavropoulos
Koridallos prisons, April 28th, 2012

April 28, 2012
by actforfreedom

Athens – Some info from the Solidarity demonstration to Koridallos prisons 27/4/12



video from the demo in Athens to koridallos prison 27/4

From the gathered people (about 400) there were many aged 45-60.

From the PA system set up, the text of the organizers was read as well as the text of the hunger strikers.

The residents passing by asked about the reason of the gathering and workers from the nearby cafes expressed their support to the demands of the hunger strikers.

During the whole demo but also during the stay outside the prison, dynamic slogans were chanted and the atmosphere was very vibrant. 4 riot cop units had closed off the access to the prisons from the traffic lights of Lambraki Av. and from every alley way up to the park. For over an hour the traffic of the cars on Lambraki Av. was cut off on both sides. There were 3 banners and thousands of leaflets were thrown in the streets… The demo returned to Eleutherias square (freedom square!) through Taxiarhon street -after doing a circle of around 2km- and all during this slogans were chanted in solidarity to the imprisoned anarchists.

The shops were open and the pedestrian traffic on the roads was dense, the demo made quite an impression for the local standards. Finally the decreased participation –compared to what was expected- was not only because of the ending of the hunger strike of the 3 fighters (Karagiannidis, Mitrousias, Sakkas) but also because of the heavy load of events this week.



April 28, 2012
by actforfreedom

Announcement from Koridallos prisons on their end of hunger strike, the imprisoned anarchists Alexandros Mitroussias, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Kostas Sakkas

Act for freedom now!



We announce that we are stopping the hunger strike we started on 6/4 demanding the lifting of the imprisonments imposed on us for previous incendiary and explosive attacks by the Anarchist Organization CCF as well as the immediate release of comrade Stella Antoniou.

The first demand was denied as well as Stellas release application put in at 6/3.

Objectively we were defeated since no demand was satisfied. In this action we wanted to show as a spearhead of the demands –because of our case- the pilot application of the terrorlaw where the state attributes us with participation in 2 organizations and 4 trial briefs for the same time period, imprisons us and sends us to court with no legal cover.

We tried also for the comrade to be released immediately for health reasons. To those who stood in solidarity in this attempt of ours, to those who acted at night, we tell them solidarity does not get a thank you but a raised clenched fist.

Alexandros Mitrousias, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Kostas Sakkas.

April 28, 2012
by actforfreedom

Northeast Portland, Oregon -Molotov Tossed at Wells Fargo



A large rock and subsequent molotov cocktail were tossed at a Wells Fargo window late last night in Northeast Portland, Oregon.

Wells Fargo displays a blatant disregard for any sort of social or environmental concerns, so may the flames from the molotov


burn long and do their work! Hopefully next time (and with a larger rock) the whole building will go down with it, and maybe a newspaper box will be pushed into the street for good measure ;P..

Solidarity to the recent Mars Hill Church smashing here in Portland, done in memory of Mark Aguhar, an artist and trans/queer femme of color who recently killed herself, and other trans women and queers tormented within today’s cissexist, femmephobic, racist, and transmisogynistic society and in the name of an intangible god.

Solidarity to all those queers, people of color, and other folks who are marginalized, imprisoned and policed in the interest of vile financial institutions such as Wells Fargo.

WE QUEERS MAKE TOTAL DESTROY! Fuck all of the institutions which systematically subjugate us, churches and banks alike!

Heating it up for MAYDAY!!


April 28, 2012
by actforfreedom

Peru: Claim of responsibility for explosive attack on an ATM

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety,


Solidarity for anarchists is not only a written word.

In the wake of what has been happening (hunger strikes, raids on liberated spaces, persecutions, imprisonments, judicial processes) with the comrades of the whole world, this action goes out to them, as well as all of our rejection of this established order.

The early hours of Wednesday an explosive package was left at an ATM that caused a fire there, and a writing in solidarity with the compañero Luciano.




Severino. Di. Giovanni Nihilist Cell / FAI-FRI

- Video from the press (sp).

April 27, 2012
by actforfreedom

Greek prisons: A few updates on comrades’ hunger strikes (ongoing)


Eight comrades are on hunger strike to date. You may read previous short notes here

Update, April 27th
Kostas Sakkas (26/4) and Giorgos Karagiannidis (27/4) were transferred from the hospitals back in Koridallos prisons. After their joint motion as well as the requests of Stella Antoniou were rejected, Mitroussias, Sakkas and Karagiannidis decided to suspend the hunger strike. They have begun their recovery and remain strong.


Note that the prisoner Spyros Dravilas conducts hunger strike since 4/4, while the CCF imprisoned members, anarchists Gerasimos Tsakalos, Panagiotis Argirou, Christos Tsakalos (since 8/4), Damiano Bolano, Haris Hadjimihelakis, Giorgos Polidoros (since 17/4) and Giorgos Nikolopoulos (since 26/4) are still on hunger strike, too. Until the demand of Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou for their definite transfer in Koridallos prisons is granted, the rest of the CCF members are expected to join gradually the hunger strike, along with the anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos.


April 26, 2012
by actforfreedom

Some news from Italy


Translated from by act for freedom now/B.pd


Good alms 

Lecce, April 22. A golden ostensory and the money of the collection plate are stolen from a seventeenth century church in the centre of the town, after the thieves break off the safes. In the fury of the action the tabernacle of the church also gets destroyed .

“Berlusconi hangman”

Genoa, April 23. “Berlusconi hangman” is a writing left inside the premises of the local PDL party, whose interiors are devasted by anonymous nightly visitors.

Another choice more

Sarno (Salerno), April 23. A few days after being sacked, a builder worker tracks down the building surveyor, the alleged responsible for the worker’s dismissal. First he hits him with a baton, then throws a petrol tank on him and tries to set him on fire until he’s stopped by a carabiniere.


Naples, April 20. Demonstrators block the entrances of a rubbish dump. As they don’t want any sort of rubbish in their area, they have the brilliant idead of pelting with stones a Digos car patrolling the area.

April 26, 2012
by actforfreedom

Bomb in a private car of an officer of Alikarnassos prison Heraklion, Crete 26/4/12

Bomb in a private car of an officer of Alikarnassos prison.

Heraklion, Crete 26/4/12 The explosive mechanism was found on Wednesday (25th)afternoon by a neighbour of the prison officer, who at the time was not at home.

The bomb unfortunately failed to go off. Police say that the substance used was 600-650 grams of dynamite. The police also mentioned that the wick had partly burnt down, but the explosive mechanism did explode.